36 research outputs found
Sprawność funkcjonalna polskich stulatków
The functional status of Polish centenarians
For elderly subjects their independence in activities of daily living is the most important. The aim of the study was to characterize the functional status of Polish centenarians based on their independence in the basic activities of daily living according to ADL scale and their cognitive functions estimated by MMSE. The study included centenarians of PolStu 2001 program. ADL was estimated in 340 subjects (292 females and 48 males) but MMSE only in 293 mainly due to severe hearing impairment (251 females and 42 males).
Only 4.8% of studied centenarians (14 subjects) had no dementia according to MMSE and was independent in ADL (ADL 0). Their was 9 females and 5 males (3.6% vs. 11,9%; p=0,016).The strong positive correlation was found between the results obtained in ADL and MMSE (p=0,000). It seems possible that cognitive impairment is a very important component of ADL. Further studied are necessary to prove this hypothesis
Regio- and stereoselective functionalization of aglycone of Spiramycin via cascade strategy
Wydział ChemiiW przedstawionej rozprawie doktorskiej opisano syntezę 23 nowych analogów spiramycyny. Opracowano i zoptymalizowano regio- i stereoselektywne kaskadowe reakcje: wewnątrzcząsteczkową transestryfikację oraz podwójną eliminację typu E1cB prowadzącą do otrzymania α,β,γ,δ – nienasyconego aglikonu spiramycyny, w wyniku których opracowano metody syntezy pochodnych SPR1, SPR2, SPR2b oraz SPR3. Na podstawie analizy produktu pośredniego SPR2b metodami NMR oraz obliczeń metodą DFT B88-LYP, zaproponowano mechanizm reakcji kaskadowej prowadzącej do powstania podwójnie nienasyconego aglikonu spiramycyny SPR3. Zoptymalizowano warunki reakcji prowadzącej do usunięcia ugrupowania acetalowego z pochodnej SPR3 i otrzymano pochodną SPR5. Opracowano i zoptymalizowano regio- i stereoselektywne kaskadowe reakcje: addycji typu 1,2 alkoholanu do grupy aldehydowej obecnej w cząsteczce SPR5, następnie sprzężonej addycji 1,6 typu Michael’a do α,β,γ,δ – nienasyconego laktonu prowadzące do uzyskania nowych bicyklicznych pochodnych z pierścieniem furanowym SPR6-SPR11. Na podstawie analizy NMR otrzymanych produktów oraz obliczeń metodą DFT, zaproponowano mechanizm kaskadowej, regio- i stereoselektywnej reakcji addycji. Zoptymalizowano warunki reakcji 1,3-dipolarnej cykloaddycji Huisgen’a azydków o zróżnicowanej strukturze do pochodnej SPR10 zawierającej w swojej strukturze wiązanie potrójne (uzyskanie pochodnych SPRH1-SPRH11). Przeprowadzono modelowanie molekularne metodą MOG-PM6 z algorytmem do modelowania dużych molekuł SPR, SPRH3 oraz SPRH6 w tunelu rybosomalnym H.marismortui z dużej podjednostki rybosomalnej 50S. Ustalono zależność między strukturą nowo otrzymanych modyfikacji a ich aktywnością przeciwbakteryjną oraz przeciwnowotworową. Ustalono parametry fizykochemicznych otrzymanych pochodnych i skorelowano je z wynikami testów biologicznych. Struktura i stereochemia otrzymanych nowych analogów spiramycyny SPR1-SPR11, SPRH1-SPRH11 została ustalona na podstawie analizy spektroskopowej, z wykorzystaniem technik: 1H, 13C, DEPT, 1H–1H COSY, 1H–13C HSQC, 1H–13C HMBC, 1H–1H NOESY, FT-IR.Functionalization of the 16-membered aglycone of spiramycin, using intramolecular cascade strategy has been developed. The new α,β,γ,δ–unsaturated aglycone of Spiramycin have been obtained via multistep reactions: at the first step aldehyde group of Spiramycin was protected by dimethyl acetal moiety, next OH group at the C2’ carbon atom was acetylated. Then upon treatment of NaH, the stereospecific product of three cascade reactions: intramolecular transesterification and double E1cB elimination of acetate and sugar moiety was isolated. In the next stage aldehyde group of the product was deprotected. Obtained a new diastereopure derivative SPR5 has opened a new path of 16-membered macrolides not avaible to date. A new series of bicyclic type derivatives of α,β,γ,δ–unsaturated aglycone of Spiramycin via intramolecular regio- and stereospecific Michael or Michael type addition were synthesized. Next eleven SPRH1-SPRH11 novel triazole derivatives via Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition have been synthesized. Structures, conformations and configuration of all products of cascade reactions and Husigen cycloadditions were determined by ESI, IR, B88LYP DFT method and NMR methods: 1H, 13C, HSQC, HMBC, COSY, NOESY. Biological tests and molecular docking at the ribosome tunnel of new derivatives have been performed to porpose model of ligand–tunnel interactions with the large 50S subunit
Biographical experience and knowledge production : women sociologists and gender issues in communist Poland
The chapter is part of a larger project concerning various contexts of the production of knowledge on the so-called women’s issues in post-1945 Poland. The authors analyze development of sociology of gender from the late 1950s until the early 1970s., when topics such as women’s paid work and time budget, changing patterns of family life, power relations within family and in the workplace gained popularity. Moreover, there was a significant presence of women scholars in these research areas. The chapter analyzes careers of four Polish female sociologists, identifying them as not only academics but also discourse producers. The authors argue that “generational” perspective may contribute to the analysis of the discussed phenomena. Common biographical experience like the professional trajectory from social activism (journalism, medical professions) to academic research, as well as socio-political context, with its focus on modernity, progress, and emancipation, may be seen as crucial factors for the rise and development of the intellectual identity of Polish women scholars in the second half of the twentieth century
Women in Poland 1945-1989 : modernity - equality - communism
Książka śledzi losy kobiet w Polsce lat 1945-1989 na szerokim tle komunizmu i historii powojennej Europy. Oparta o obszerną i najnowszą światową literaturę przedmiotu oraz kwerendy różnorodnych źródeł historycznych, zainteresuje czytelniczki i czytelników pragnących zapoznać się z historią kobiet w komunizmie i historią Polski, szeroko rozumianymi studiami nad problematyką genderową, historią feminizmu i historią społeczną. Przybliża najważniejsze badania i ukazuje znaczenia historii gender/kobiet dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Porusza zagadnienia aktywności kobiet w polityce, doświadczeń kobiet pracujących w mieście i na wsi, gospodarstwa domowego, ról kobiet w rodzinie, dorastania i awansu edukacyjnego, biopolityki oraz kultury urody. Zostały one zaprezentowane w kontekście tytułowych pojęć nowoczesności i równouprawnienia, aby ukazać komunistyczne projekty kierowane do kobiet na tle doświadczeń drugiej połowy XX wieku w innych krajach
Regio- and Stereoselective Functionalization of 16-Membered Lactone Aglycone of Spiramycin via Cascade Strategy
of 16-membered aglycone of spiramycin with the
use of intramolecular cascade strategy yielded access to novel types
of diastereopure bicyclic spiramycin derivatives containing tetrahydrofuran
ring. Experimental results shows that a specific sequence of regio-
and stereoselective transformations, based on the intramolecular transesterification,
E1cB tandem eliminations, 1,2-addition to carbonyl, and 1,6-conjugate
addition at the spiramycin aglycone, proceeds with the inversion of
absolute configuration at C(5) stereogenic center. Performed cascade
and multistep transformations have opened new possibilities in divergent
modifications, not only spiramycin but also the whole family of leucomycin
type antibiotics having a similar structure of 16-membered aglycone
lactone ring
Prevalence of chronic pain in the elderly Polish population – results of the PolSenior study
Introduction : Pain is the most common complaint of elderly people. In Poland, no large studies on the prevalence of chronic pain in the elderly were conducted until recently.
Material and methods : The study was a part of the PolSenior project, a cross-sectional multidisciplinary study on ageing of the Polish population, and included a randomly selected group of 716 people aged 55–59 years, and 4979 people over 65 years. The survey was conducted through a standardized questionnaire. An evaluation of pain occurrence, location, intensity and coexistence of pains in relation to gender, age and use of health care was performed.
Results : Chronic pain affected 42.0% of respondents aged 65 years and over (48.6% of women and 35.8% of men) as compared to 35.2% of the pre-elderly. The most common pain locations were the lumbar region (51.6%) and knees (41.0%). The average number of pain sites was 3.1 ±2.3. Average intensity of pain was 6.2 points on the VAS scale in people over 65 years and 6.0 points in the pre-elderly (NS). Average pain intensity increased significantly from 5.7 points in patients reporting pain in one place to 7.2 points in those reporting six pain sites. Elderly respondents with pain compared to those without pain more frequently reported physician visits performed at least once a month (54.6% vs. 48.4%, p < 0.001).
Conclusions : Polish elderly most frequently complained of low back and lower limb pain. In respondents reporting many sites of pain, an increase in the intensity of pain was observed. Elderly patients with chronic pain often use medical care