13 research outputs found

    Giant recurrent perineal endometriosis in an episiotomy scar – a case report

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    The occurrence of perineal endometriotic lesions can be explained by mechanical dissemination and transplantation of endometrial cells. Viable decidual endometrial cells are likely to be transplanted into the episiotomy wounds or perineal tears during normal vaginal delivery and subsequent growth may occur. A case of a 33-year old woman with a medical history of recurrent perineal endometriosis was described. An endometriotic giant mass (8 centimeter in diameter) was wide-excised, together with the episiotomy scar. The recovery was uneventful. Three years after the surgery, the patient is symptom-free and with no signs of recurrence or discomfort. According to the literature and our own experience, a complete excision of endometriotic tissue is the treatment of choice. We can conclude that a wide excision is mandatory as it is the only way to prevent tumor recurrence

    Non-standard coupled extensional and bending bias tests for planar pantographic lattices. Part II: comparison with experimental evidence

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    In dell’Isola et al. (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Math und Physik 66(6):3473–3498, 2015, Proc R Soc Lond A Math Phys Eng Sci 472(2185):1–23, 2016) pantographic sheets are proposed as a basic constituent for a novel metamaterial. In Part I, see Turco et al. (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Math und Physik, doi:10.1007/s00033-016-0713-4, 2016), two different numerical models are applied in order to design an experimental setup aimed to prove the effectiveness of introduced concept. The aim of this paper is to prove that the Hencky-type model introduced for planar pantographic sheets allows for the correct prediction, in a large range of imposed displacements, of the experimental measurements concerning specimens undergoing coupled bending and extensional deformations. The four-parameter numerical model introduced is shown to have a large range of applicability: Indeed without changing the values of the material parameters previously attributed in simple extensional tests to a specific specimen by a best-fit procedure, it is possible to forecast its behavior in all the considered type of imposed deformations. The measurements performed include the determination of reactive forces exerted by used hard devices, and the numerical modeling is able to predict very carefully quantitatively and qualitatively also this complex aspect of phenomenology, where previously attempted models seem to have failed

    Non-standard coupled extensional and bending bias tests for planar pantographic lattices. Part II: comparison with experimental evidence

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    In dell’Isola et al. (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Math und Physik 66(6):3473–3498, 2015, Proc R Soc Lond A Math Phys Eng Sci 472(2185):1–23, 2016) pantographic sheets are proposed as a basic constituent for a novel metamaterial. In Part I, see Turco et al. (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Math und Physik, doi:10.1007/s00033-016-0713-4, 2016), two different numerical models are applied in order to design an experimental setup aimed to prove the effectiveness of introduced concept. The aim of this paper is to prove that the Hencky-type model introduced for planar pantographic sheets allows for the correct prediction, in a large range of imposed displacements, of the experimental measurements concerning specimens undergoing coupled bending and extensional deformations. The four-parameter numerical model introduced is shown to have a large range of applicability: Indeed without changing the values of the material parameters previously attributed in simple extensional tests to a specific specimen by a best-fit procedure, it is possible to forecast its behavior in all the considered type of imposed deformations. The measurements performed include the determination of reactive forces exerted by used hard devices, and the numerical modeling is able to predict very carefully quantitatively and qualitatively also this complex aspect of phenomenology, where previously attempted models seem to have failed

    Non-standard coupled extensional and bending bias tests for planar pantographic lattices. Part I: numerical simulations

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    In dell’Isola et al. (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Math und Physik 66(6):3473–3498, 2015, Proc R Soc Lond A Math Phys Eng Sci 472(2185), 2016), the concept of pantographic sheet is proposed. The aim is to design a metamaterial showing: (i) a large range of elastic response; (ii) an extreme toughness in extensional deformation; (iii) a convenient ratio between toughness and weight. However, these required properties must coexist with non-detrimental mechanical characteristics in the presence of other kinds of imposed displacements. The aim of this paper is to prove via numerical simulations that pantographic sheets may effectively resist to coupled bending and extensional deformations. The four-parameter model introduced shows its versatility as it is able to encompass all the considered types of (large) deformations. The numerical integration scheme which we use is based on the same concepts exploited in Turco et al. (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Math und Physik 67(4):1–28, 2016): They prove that the Hencky-type discretization is very efficient also in nonlinear large deformations and large displacements regimes. In Part II of this paper, we will show that the used models are very effective to describe experimental evidence

    Badania procesu wytwarzania wolframowych stopów ciężkich o wymaganych właściwościach mechanicznych

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    The subject of the work discussed herein and carried out as a part of the Polish National Centre of Research and Development project titled ”Development and implementation of critical technology demonstrators for the new generation of 120 mm tank artillery ammunition” are the results of a research into the influence of LPS (Liquid Phase Sintering) parameters and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of W91Ni6Co3 and W91Ni6Co2.25Fe0.75 alloys, designated PR200 and PR201, respectively. The alloys, as LPS-processed and heat treated, were tested on a strength testing machine to determine their tensile strength (Rm), proof stress (Rp0.2) and elongation (A5). The analysis of the test results resulted in a proposal of manufacturing process parameters to have the alloys tested develop specified mechanical properties. It was found the ternary alloy with chemical composition W91Ni6Co3 and designated PR200 was more promising in the feasibility of producing specified mechanical properties. The alloy, once sintered and heat treated in two stages, could facilitate production of a material with a tensile strength Rm>1400 MPa, a yield strength Rp0.2 > 1350 MPa, a minimum elongation of 11%, and an impact strength > 115 J/cm2.Przedmiotem niniejszego pracy, zrealizowanej w ramach projektu NCBiR i zatytułowanego "Opracowanie i wykonanie demonstratorów technologii krytycznych elementów do nowej generacji amunicji czołgowej 120mm" są wyniki badań wpływu parametrów spiekania z udziałem fazy ciekłej - LPS (ang. Liquid Phase Sintering) oraz obróbki cieplnej na właściwości mechaniczne stopów W91Ni6Co3 oraz W91Ni6Co2,25Fe0,75 oznaczonych odpowiednio symbolami PR200 oraz PR201. Wytypowane stopy, po spiekaniu oraz obróbce cieplnej, były badane na maszynie wytrzymałościowej celem wyznaczenia wytrzymałości na rozciąganie (Rm), umownej granicy plastyczności (Rp0,2) oraz wydłużenia (A5). Na podstawie analizy wyników badań zaproponowano parametry procesu wytwarzania umożliwiające uzyskanie przez badane stopy wymaganych właściwości mechanicznych. Stwierdzono, iż z punktu widzenia tych właściwości, bardziej perspektywiczny jest trójskładnikowy stop o składzie chemicznym W91Ni6Co3 oznaczony symbolem PR200. Stop ten, po spiekaniu i dwustopniowej obrce cieplnej umożliwia uzyskanie materiału o wytrzymałości na rozciąganie Rm>1400 MPa, umownej granicy plastyczności Rp0,2 powyżej 1350 MPa, wydłużeniu minimum 11% oraz udarności KC>115 J/cm

    Badanie procesu przygotowywania mieszanki o składzie chemicznym wolframowego stopu ciężkiego metodą granulacji

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    The subject of this paper are the results of testing the process of preparation of a granulate made of a mixture of powders with the chemical composition of a heavy tungsten alloy. Different methods of granulation are discussed which reveal how widely they vary in physical and chemical phenomena. It is a testament to how vast the research field of granulation of matter is. The importance and significance of granulation methods were proven with the distinguishing features of the granulated form of the stock materials and products compared to their powdered (dusty) form. Granulation is applied to produce convenient forms of products or intermediates which are acceptable to end users, and to facilitate or even enable the application of products and intermediates in appropriate technologies.Przedmiotem pracy są wyniki badań procesu przygotowania granulatu wykonanego z mieszaniny proszków o składzie chemicznym wolframowego stopu ciężkiego. Omówione różne sposoby granulacji pokazują wyraźnie jak bardzo odmienne są mechanizmy i zjawiska fizyko-chemiczne jakie występują w poszczególnych przypadkach. Świadczy to o obszerności pola badawczego ogólnie rozumianej granulacji. O jej znaczeniu i ważności świadczą cechy wyróżniające formę granulowaną surowców i produktów w porównaniu z formą proszkową (pylistą). Granulacja jest więc stosowana, aby uzyskać wygodną, akceptowalną przez użytkowników końcową formę produktu bądź półproduktu oraz aby ułatwić, bądź nawet umożliwić ich stosowanie w odpowiednich technologiach

    Endometriotic Peritoneal Fluid Stimulates Recruitment of CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ Treg Cells

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    Endometriosis is a common gynecological disorder characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. The disease is associated with disturbed local and systemic immunity. It has been reported that the proportion of CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ Treg cells may be significantly increased in the peritoneal fluid of patients with endometriosis. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate whether the proportions of Treg cells in the peritoneal cavity of patients with endometriosis are related to the chemotactic and stimulatory activity of the local peritoneal milieu. The peritoneal fluid was collected from 13 women with ovarian endometriosis and 12 control women without the disease. T cell populations were analyzed by flow cytometry, cytokines and chemokines were evaluated using the cytometric bead kit, and cell chemotaxis was studied by cell migration assay. We confirmed that the proportions of Treg cells are increased in the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis as compared to the control women. Endometriosis was also associated with elevated concentrations of IL-6, IL-10, and TGF-β1/2 as well as CCL20, CXCL8, CXCL9, and CXCL10. We did not reveal any changes in the proportion of peritoneal Th17 cells and concentrations of IL-17A. Peritoneal Treg cells positively correlated with concentrations of TGF-β, IL-10, and CCL20. Endometriotic peritoneal fluid stimulated chemotaxis of both CD4+ and Treg cells. This chemotactic activity positively correlated with concentrations of CCL20. CCL20 stimulated the migration of Treg cells, and the chemotactic activity of the endometriotic peritoneal fluid was inhibited by neutralizing anti-CCL20 antibodies. These results imply that increased proportions of the peritoneal Treg cells in women with endometriosis may result from attraction and activation by local chemokines and cytokines, especially CCL20 and TGF-β. Since Treg cells contribute to the immunopathogenesis of endometriosis, their chemotaxis and activation may be considered as a target for therapeutic intervention

    Od pamięci biodziedzicznej do postpamięci

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    Na tom niniejszy składają się teksty powstałe w oparciu o trojakie spotkania: pierwszy rodzaj stanowiły wykłady prowadzone przez zaproszonych gości, reprezentujących różne dziedziny czy pola badawcze, które w pewnym niezbędnym uproszczeniu podzielić można na historiografię (Ewa Domańska), filozofię (Agata Bielik-Robson), literaturoznawstwo i studia nad pamięcią (Michael Rothberg), filozofię literatury (Michał Paweł Markowski). Wykładom towarzyszyły warsztaty, których prowadzący przedstawiają swoje teksty w części drugiej, a na część trzecią składają się zapisy wystąpień panelowych. Tego typu sesje zajęciowe siłą rzeczy odznaczają się zarówno sporą intensywnością (różnego rodzaju spotkania od rana do wieczora), jak i nieuniknioną rozmaitością spojrzenia, co zresztą stanowi jeden z ogromnych plusów podobnych przedsięwzięć. Kolejnym jest nieco bardziej „personalistyczne” zetknięcie się nie tyle z tekstem, co z postacią autora, a zatem i z osobowością badacza. Klamrą spinającą wszystkie wydarzenia stała się pamięć, bardzo różnie pojmowana i traktowana, a owa różnorodność punktów wyjścia i spojrzeń na formy oraz miejsca funkcjonowania pamięci przerodziła się w bogactwo doświadczeń „nadawców” oraz obfitość doznań (także tych odciskających się w pamięci) „odbiorców”.This volume comprises texts created on the basis of three-fold meetings: the first kind were constituted by lectures led by invited guests, representing various fields and areas of research, which, in some necessary simplification, can be divided into historiography (Ewa Domańska), philosophy (Agata Bielik-Robson), literary and memory studies (Michael Rothberg), and philosophy of literature (Michał Paweł Markowski). The lectures were accompanied by workshops, whose leaders present their texts in the second part of the work, and the third part is made up of notes from panel talks. As per the nature of these types of sessions, they present themselves as highly intense (various meetings from morning until evening), as well as showing the unavoidable variety in outlooks, which is one of the major advantages of such events. Another advantage is a slightly more ‘personalist’ encounter, not so much with text, but with the figure of an author, and thus also with the personality of a researcher. What became the idea bringing all these activities together was memory, understood and treated in very different ways. The variety of starting points and views on the forms and places of the functioning of memory then transformed itself into an abundance of experiences of the ‘originators’ and the richness of feelings (also of those imprinting themselves in memory) of the ‘receivers’

    Pantographic metamaterials: an example of mathematically driven design and of its technological challenges

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    International audienceIn this paper, we account for the research efforts that have been started, for some among us, already since 2003, and aimed to the design of a class of exotic architectured, optimized (meta) materials. At the first stage of these efforts, as it often happens, the research was based on the results of mathematical investigations. The problem to be solved was stated as follows: determine the material (micro)structure governed by those equations that specify a desired behavior. Addressing this problem has led to the synthesis of second gradient materials. In the second stage, it has been necessary to develop numerical integration schemes and the corresponding codes for solving, in physically relevant cases, the chosen equations. Finally, it has been necessary to physically construct the theoretically synthesized microstructures. This has been possible by means of the recent developments in rapid prototyping technologies, which allow for the fabrication of some complex (micro)structures considered, up to now, to be simply some mathematical dreams. We show here a panorama of the results of our efforts (1) in designing pantographic metamaterials, (2) in exploiting the modern technology of rapid prototyping, and (3) in the mechanical testing of many real prototypes. Among the key findings that have been obtained, there are the following ones: pantographic metamaterials (1) undergo very large deformations while remaining in the elastic regime, (2) are very tough in resisting to damage phenomena, (3) exhibit robust macroscopic mechanical behavior with respect to minor changes in their microstructure and micromechanical properties, (4) have superior strength to weight ratio, (5) have predictable damage behavior, and (6) possess physical properties that are critically dictated by their geometry at the microlevel