15 research outputs found

    Multiple Benefits of Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance Determinants in Klebsiella pneumoniae ST11 High-Risk Clone and Recently Emerging ST307 Clone

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    International high-risk clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae are among the most common nosocomial pathogens. Increased diversity of plasmid-encoded antimicrobial resistance genes facilitates spread of these clones causing significant therapeutic difficulties. The purpose of our study was to investigate fluoroquinolone resistance in extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strains, including four K. pneumoniae and a single K. oxytoca, isolated from blood cultures in Hungary. Whole-genome sequencing and molecular typing including multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were performed in selected strains. Gene expression of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants (PMQR) was investigated by quantitative-PCR. MLST revealed that three K. pneumoniae strains belonged to ST11 and one to ST307 whereas K. oxytoca belonged to ST52. The isolates harbored different β-lactamase genes, however, all K. pneumoniae uniformly carried blaCTX-M-15. The K. pneumoniae isolates exhibited resistance to fluoroquinolones and carried various PMQR genes namely, two ST11 strains harbored qnrB4, the ST307 strain harbored qnrB1 and all K. pneumoniae harbored oqxAB efflux pump. Levofloxacin and moxifloxacin MIC values of K. pneumoniae ST11 and ST307 clones correlated with qnr and oqxAB expression levels. The qnrA1 carrying K. oxytoca ST52 exhibited reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones. The maintained expression of qnr genes in parallel with chromosomal mutations indicate an additional protective role of Qnr proteins that can support dissemination of high-risk clones. During development of high-level fluoroquinolone resistance, high-risk clones retain fitness thus, enabling them for dissemination in hospital environment. Based on our knowledge this is the first report of ST307 clone in Hungary, that is emerging as a potential high-risk clone worldwide. High-level fluoroquinolone resistance in parallel with upregulated PMQR gene expression are linked to high-risk K. pneumoniae clones

    Functional dynamics of a single tryptophan residue in a BLUF protein revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Blue Light Using Flavin (BLUF) domains are increasingly being adopted for use in optogenetic constructs. Despite this, much remains to be resolved on the mechanism of their activation. The advent of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis opens up a new toolbox for the study of protein structural dynamics. The tryptophan analogue, 7-aza-Trp (7AW) was incorporated in the BLUF domain of the Activation of Photopigment and pucA (AppA) photoreceptor in order to investigate the functional dynamics of the crucial W104 residue during photoactivation of the protein. The 7-aza modification to Trp makes selective excitation possible using 310 nm excitation and 380 nm emission, separating the signals of interest from other Trp and Tyr residues. We used Förster energy transfer (FRET) between 7AW and the flavin to estimate the distance between Trp and flavin in both the light- and dark-adapted states in solution. Nanosecond fluorescence anisotropy decay and picosecond fluorescence lifetime measurements for the flavin revealed a rather dynamic picture for the tryptophan residue. In the dark-adapted state, the major population of W104 is pointing away from the flavin and can move freely, in contrast to previous results reported in the literature. Upon blue-light excitation, the dominant tryptophan population is reorganized, moves closer to the flavin occupying a rigidly bound state participating in the hydrogen-bond network around the flavin molecule

    Anaemia requiring red blood cell transfusion is associated with unfavourable 90-day survival in surgical patients with sepsis

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    Objective: The mortality associated with sepsis remains unacceptably high, despite modern high-quality intensive care. Based on the results from previous studies, anaemia and its management in patients with sepsis appear to impact outcomes; however, the transfusion policy is still being debated, and the ideal approach may be extremely specific to the individual. This study aimed to investigate the long-term impact of anaemia requiring red blood cell (RBC) transfusion on mortality and disease severity in patients with sepsis. We studied a general surgical intensive care unit (ICU) population, excluding cardiac surgery patients. 435 patients were enrolled in this observational study between 2012 and 2016. Results: Patients who received RBC transfusion between 28 days before and 28 days after the development of sepsis (n = 302) exhibited a significantly higher 90-day mortality rate (34.1% vs 19.6%; P = 0.004, Kaplan–Meier analysis). This association remained significant after adjusting for confounders in the multivariate Cox regression analysis (hazard ratio 1.68; 95% confidence interval 1.03–2.73; P = 0.035). Patients who received transfusions also showed significantly higher morbidity scores, such as SOFA scores, and ICU lengths of stay compared to patients without transfusions (n = 133). Our results indicate that anaemia and RBC transfusion are associated with unfavourable outcomes in patients with sepsis

    Influence of the postoperative inflammatory response on cognitive decline in elderly patients undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery: a controlled, prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: The role of non-infective inflammatory response (IR) in the aetiology of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is still controversial. The aim of this controlled, prospective observational study was to assess the possible relationship between the grade of IR, defined by procalcitonin (PCT) changes, and development of POCD related to cardiac surgery. METHODS: Forty-two patients, who were >/= 60 years of age and scheduled for elective cardiac surgery, were separated into the low inflammatory (LIR) and high inflammatory (HIR) response groups based on their PCT levels measured on the first postoperative day. A matched normative control group of 32 subjects was recruited from primary care practice. The PCT and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were monitored daily during the first five postoperative days. The cognitive function and mood state were preoperatively tested with a set of five neurocognitive tests and two mood inventories and at the seventh postoperative day. The Reliable Change Index modified for practice (RCIp) using data from normative controls was applied to determine the significant decline in test performance. RESULTS: The LIR (n = 20) and HIR (n = 22) groups differed significantly in the PCT (p 0.05). Additionally, there was no difference in the mood states, anxiety levels and perioperative parameters known to influence the development of POCD. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the magnitude of the non-infective inflammatory response generated by on-pump cardiac surgery did not influence the development of POCD in the early postoperative period in elderly patients

    L'influence de Le Nôtre en Hongrie au XVIIIe siècle

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    Subparaneural injection in popliteal sciatic nerve blocks evaluated by MRI

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    Intraneural injection of a local anesthetic can damage the nerve, yet it occurs frequently during distal sciatic block with no neurological sequelae. This has led to a controversy about the optimal needle tip placement that results from the particular anatomy of the sciatic nerve with its paraneural sheath

    Modeval 2: Construcció d'un model europeu d'avaluació dels coneixements bàsics

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    Modeval 2: Construcció d'un model europeu d'avaluació dels coneixements bàsics. És un projecte de Transferència d'Innovació finançat per la Comissió Europea dins del programa Life Long Learning, subprograma Leonardo Da Vinci (LdV). La referència del projecte és LLP-LdV-TOI-2008-FR-117 044.El Projecte MODEVAL respon a la necessitat detectada en matèria d'avaluació de competències bàsiques de les persones, i tracta de definir quins són els nivells bàsics d'habilitats que garanteixen unes condicions individuals favorables per al desenvolupament de la persona, la ciutadania activa, i la integració social, cultural i professional dels individus. Mentre el projecte MODEVAL 1 tenia com a objectiu realitzar un marc de referència metodològic a nivell europeu per a dur a terme l'avaluació de competències; el projecte MODEVAL 2, és a dir, el present treball, té com a objectiu la creació de mòduls de formació per als diferents interessats (és a dir, formadors d'alfabetització i de formació bàsica, investigadors, coordinadors de centres de formació, els responsables polítics, estadístics, persones que realitzaran enquestes a gran escala sobre el coneixement de base, etc.) per tal d'aplicar les recomanacions del projecte i crear les seves pròpies eines d'avaluació.Programa sectorial Grundtvig; Programa d'Aprenentatge Permanent (PAP), Unió Europea