17 research outputs found

    A case of cyst hydatid rupture presented with rashes to the emergency department

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    Kist hidatik Echinococcus granulosus’un neden olduğu bir hastalıktır. Echinococcus granulosus’un neden olduğu hidatik kist çoğunlukla karaciğer (%60) yerleşimlidir. Kist hidatik rüptürü basit bir ürtikeryal döküntüden anaflaktik şoka kadar ilerleyen alerjik reaksiyonlara yol açabilir. Bazı durumlarda kist hidatik rüptürlerinin tek bulgusu kızarıklık, kaşıntı, kabarıklık gibi alerjik reaksiyonlar olabilir. Biz bu olgu sunumunda, cilt döküntüleri ile acil servise başvurup kist hidatik rüptürü tanısı alan 22 yaşında bir erkek olguyu bildirmeyi ve literatür eşliğinde kist hidatik rüptürlerini incelemeyi amaçladık.Hydatid cyst is a disease caused by Echinococcus Granulosus. The cystic form of Echinoccocus granulosus (Cyst Hydatid) is usually seen in the liver (60%). Hydatid cyst rupture may cause with a wide range of allergic reactions, from urticaria to anaphylactic shock. Erythema, puffiness and pruritus may be the only findings of cyst hydatid rupture in some cases. In the present study, we report a case of 22 year old man presented with skin rashes and diagnosed as cyst hydatid rupture. And we also discussed the cyst hydatid rupture in the light of the medical literature

    Carbon monoxide poisoning

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    Karbonmonoksit (CO) renksiz, kokusuz, tatsız ve irritan olmayan bir gazdır. Karbon kaynaklı yakıtların iyi yanmaması sonucu ortaya çıkar. Kaza veya intihar amacı ile zehirlenmeye neden olabilir. CO iyi havalandırılan kapalı ortamlarda bile hızlı bir şekilde birikebilir. Akut ve kronik zehirlenmelere neden olabilir. Erken tanı ve erken tedavi mortalite ve morbidite yi azaltmaktadır.Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and nonirritant gas. It is produced by noncomplete consumption of carbon fuels. It can cause poisoning accidentally or as a result of suicidal efforts. Carbon monoxide can even accumulate rapidly in closed places with good air circulation. It can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. Early diagnosis and treatment decrease morbidity and mortalit

    Carbon monoxide poisoning

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    Karbonmonoksit (CO) renksiz, kokusuz, tatsız ve irritan olmayan bir gazdır. Karbon kaynaklı yakıtların iyi yanmaması sonucu ortaya çıkar. Kaza veya intihar amacı ile zehirlenmeye neden olabilir. CO iyi havalandırılan kapalı ortamlarda bile hızlı bir şekilde birikebilir. Akut ve kronik zehirlenmelere neden olabilir. Erken tanı ve erken tedavi mortalite ve morbidite yi azaltmaktadır.Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and nonirritant gas. It is produced by noncomplete consumption of carbon fuels. It can cause poisoning accidentally or as a result of suicidal efforts. Carbon monoxide can even accumulate rapidly in closed places with good air circulation. It can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. Early diagnosis and treatment decrease morbidity and mortalit

    Neuropsychiatric disorders and risk factors in carbon monoxide intoxication

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    Kandis, Hayati/0000-0001-9151-6050WOS: 000291038300002PubMed: 21088053Neuropsychiatric sequelae may be observed in the late phases of carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication. Establishing a link between CO-related neuropsychiatric disorders and associated risk factors may decrease morbidity and mortality by means of appropriate treatment and counseling. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between neuropsychiatric outcomes of CO intoxication and demographic and clinical variables. Thirty patients who presented with CO intoxication and had no known neuropsychiatric disease, and 30 healthy controls were included. Physical examinations and laboratory tests were performed. Following the 1st therapy, they underwent mental and psychiatric tests 5 times (the time of discharge, during the 1st week, and during the 1st, 3rd, and 6th months). They underwent cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the end of the 1st month. They were evaluated by cognitive function tests at the 6th month. Lesions relevant to CO intoxication were detected in 46.7% of the patients via cranial computed tomography and in 13.3% via MRI. Evaluation of psychiatric tests revealed a clear decrease in cognitive functions, such as immediate memory, learning, reaching the criterion, spontaneous recall, attention, visual memory, and logical memory. It was found that the patients had anxiety within the 1st month, and the frequency of anxiety reached to the value of the control group by the end of the 6th month. In conclusion, we suggested that CO intoxication might lead to neuropsychiatric disorders. Our results emphasized that in addition to standard treatment, neuropsychiatric evaluation should also be performed in patients with CO intoxication

    Demographic features of chest trauma patients

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    G i r i ş : Bu çalışmanın amacı göğüs travması ile başvuran hastaların demografik özelliklerini tanımlamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: 01.01.2007-01.01.2008 tarihleri arasında Kırıkkale Yüksek ‹htisas Hastanesi Acil Servisine intihar girişimi nedeniyle başvuran olgular geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Sosyodemografik özellikleri, intihar girişim nedenleri ve şekli, daha öncesinde intihar girişimlerinin olup olmadığına dair bilgiler doldurulan acil servis formlardan ve psikiyatrik kayıtlardan elde edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların 248’i (%65) erkek, 134’ü (%35) kadın olup yaş aralığı 1-85 arasında, yaş ortalaması 39,2014 idi. Yaralanma mekanizması yönünden 215 olguda (%56) penetran toraks travması, 167 olgu- da (%44) künt toraks travması saptandı. Olguların %43’ünde konservatif tedavi ve %37’sinde tüp torakostomi yeter- li olurken, %20 olguda torakotomi uygulanmıştır. Mortalite 24 olgu ile %6,2 olarak saptanmıştır. S o n u ç: Toraks travmaları genellikle birden fazla sistemi ilgilendiren yaralanmalarla oluşabileceğinden, travma konusunda deneyimli ve multidisipliner bir ekip tarafından hastaların değerlendirilmesi ve tedaviye en kısa sürede başlanması uygun olan yaklaşım şeklidir.Objectives: The aim of this study was to define the demographic features of patients presented with chest trau- ma. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in the emergency department of K›r›kkale Yüksek ‹htisas Hospital between 01.01.2003 and 31.12.2007. In the present study, patients were evaluated according to their age, gender, cause of trauma, thoracic injuries and accompanied system pathologies, time of accomplishing a therapy, the therapy modality and mortality. Results: A total of 382 patients were included into the study, 248 (65%) were male and 134 (35%) patients were female. The mean age of the study patients was 39.20±14 years (min-max: 1-85). Two hundred fifteen patients (56%) were presented with penetrating thoracic trauma and 167 patients (44%) with blunt thoracic trauma. Whereas implementation of conservative treatment ratio was 43%, and tube thoracostomy 37% and thoracotomy were implemented in 20% of the patients. Mortality rate was 6.2% (n24). Conclusion: The thoracic trauma patients have usually multisystem injuries requires an experienced and multi- disciplinary team with immediate therapeutic interventions

    Gerıatrıc populatıon and forensıc traumas

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    Giriş: Yaşlanma ile vücut fonksiyonlarında oluşan azalma travmatik yaralanma riskini artırmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi Acil servisine Ocak 2007 – Haziran 2009 tarihleri arasında başvuran 65 yaş ve üstü adli travma olguları; cinsiyet, yaş, aylık kümülâtif dağılım, travma nedeni, hastaneye getiriliş şekli, travma sonucu oluşan patolojiler, Glaskow koma skoru, gözlem süresi, hastaneye yatış oranları ve mortalite açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: 224 olgunun 155'i (%69.2) erkek ve 69'u (%30.8) kadındı. Olguların yaşları 65 ile 98 arasındaydı. Olguların çoğunluğu 5-8. aylar arasında görülmüştür. Travma nedeni olarak en sık trafik kazası tespit edildi. Olguların 178'i (%79.5) özel araçla hastaneye getirilmişti. Oluşan patolojiler içinde en sık yumuşak doku travması gözlendi. Glaskow koma skoru ortalaması 14.5 1.6 idi. Olguların ortalama gözlem süreleri 4.8 2.2 saatti. 38 (%17) olgu hastaneye yatırıldı ve ortalama 5.4 3.5 gün takip edildi. Takipte 8 (%3.6) olgu kaybedildi. Sonuç: Yaşlı travma olgularında daha kapsamlı yapılacak fizik muayene sonrası gerekli görülen tetkikler tamamlanmalı ve bu olguların gözlem süreleri daha uzun tutulmalıdır. Ayrıca takip ve erken dönemde kontrol edilmesi gereken olguların hastaneye yatırılmalarından kaçınmamak gerekmektedir.Introduction: The lessening in the functions of body by aging increases traumatic injury risk. Materials and Method: The cases of the age 65 and over, who referred to Kırıkkale High Specialization Hospital Emergency Service, between January 2007-June 2009, and had undergone forensic trauma were evaluated from the points of sex, age, monthly cumulative distribution, cause of trauma, way of transferring, pathologies, Glasgow coma scale, follow up duration, rates of hospitalization and mortality. Results: Of the 224 cases, 155 (69.2%) were male and 69 (30.8%) were female. The range of age was 65-98. Most of the cases occurred between 5th-8th months. Motor-vehicle accident was the most frequent cause. 178 (79.5%) cases were taken to hospital by private automobiles. Soft tissue injury was the most frequent pathology. The mean score of Glasgow coma was 14.5 ± 1.6. The follow up duration time was 4.8 ± 2.2 hours. 38 (17%) cases were hospitalized and followed 5.4 ± 3.5 days. 8 cases (3.6%) were died. Conclusion: After comprehensive physical examination, the necessary tests of geriatric trauma patients should be done and the follow up should be prolonged. Also, it is necessary not to avoid hospitalization that should be kept under control during the follow up and early period


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    karakus, ali/0000-0003-1358-3201; KARA, ISMAIL HAMDI/0000-0003-2022-1882; KARA, ISMAIL HAMDI/0000-0003-2022-1882; Kandis, Hayati/0000-0001-9151-6050WOS: 000296697200003Introduction: The lessening in the functions of body by aging increases traumatic injury risk. Materials and Method: The cases of the age 65 and over, who referred to Kirikkale High Specialization Hospital Emergency Service, between January 2007-June 2009, and had undergone forensic trauma were evaluated from the points of sex, age, monthly cumulative distribution, cause of trauma, way of transferring, pathologies, Glasgow coma scale, follow up duration, rates of hospitalization and mortality. Results: Of the 224 cases, 155 (69.2%) were male and 69 (30.8%) were female. The range of age was 65-98. Most of the cases occurred between 5th-8th months. Motor-vehicle accident was the most frequent cause. 178 (79.5%) cases were taken to hospital by private automobiles. Soft tissue injury was the most frequent pathology. The mean score of Glasgow coma was 14.5 +/- 1.6. The follow up duration time was 4.8 +/- 2.2 hours. 38 (17%) cases were hospitalized and followed 5.4 +/- 3.5 days. 8 cases (3.6%) were died. Conclusion: After comprehensive physical examination, the necessary tests of geriatric trauma patients should be done and the follow up should be prolonged. Also, it is necessary not to avoid hospitalization that should be kept under control during the follow up and early period