11 research outputs found

    Land use change in three Carpathian communities (Niedźwiedź, Szczawnica and Trzciana) in the second part of the 20th century

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest określenie kierunków zmian użytkowania ziemi w ostatnim trzydziestoleciu XX wieku, w Karpatach, na przykładzie trzech gmin (Niedźwiedź, Szczawnica i Trzciana). Materiałem źródłowym dla przeprowadzanych badań były czarno-białe zdjęcia lotnicze (lata 70.) i ortofotomapy (rok 2003). Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały wzrost powierzchni leśnej, nieużytków z obszarami porzuconymi oraz obszarów zabudowanych i infrastruktury technicznej a także spadek powierzchni obszarów użytkowanych rolniczo. Największą dynamiką zmian charakteryzowały się obszary poniżej 600-700 m n.p.m. na stokach o nachyleniach poniżej 10C.The aim of this paper is to analyse the main trends in land use change in the last thirty years of the 20th century in the Carpathians, based on the assessment of change in three communities: Niedźwiedź, Szczawnica and Trzciana. The research focused on two points in time; the 1970s and the year 2003. The sources of information about land use in the periods analysed period were aerial photographs (1970s) and orthophotomaps (2003). The results show an increase in forest cover, the abandonment of land and built-up areas, and a decrease in agricultural land. The most dynamic changes occurred in the areas below 600-700 m a.s.l. and on slopes below 10C

    Predicting biodiversity richness in rapidly changing landscapes: climate, low human pressure or protection as salvation?

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    Rates of biodiversity loss in Southeast Asia are among the highest in the world, and the Indo-Burma and South-Central China Biodiversity Hotspots rank among the world’s most threatened. Developing robust multi-species conservation models is critical for stemming biodiversity loss both here and globally. We used a large and geographically extensive remote-camera survey and multi-scale, multivariate optimization species distribution modelling to investigate the factors driving biodiversity across these two adjoining biodiversity hotspots. Four major findings emerged from the work. (i) We identified clear spatial patterns of species richness, with two main biodiverse centres in the Thai-Malay Peninsula and in the mountainous region of Southwest China. (ii) Carnivores in particular, and large ungulates to a lesser degree, were the strongest indicators of species richness. (iii) Climate had the largest effect on biodiversity, followed by protected status and human footprint. (iv) Gap analysis between the biodiversity model and the current system of protected areas revealed that the majority of areas supporting the highest predicted biodiversity are not protected. Our results highlighted several key locations that should be prioritized for expanding the protected area network to maximize conservation effectiveness. We demonstrated the importance of switching from single-species to multi-species approaches to highlight areas of high priority for biodiversity conservation. In addition, since these areas mostly occur over multiple countries, we also advocate for a paradigmatic focus on transboundary conservation planning.The majority of the team, as well as the data, were part of the core WildCRU effort supported principally by a Robertson Foundation grant to DWM

    Pathwalker: A new individual-based movement model for conservation science and connectivity modelling

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    Understanding organism movement is at the heart of many ecological disciplines. The study of landscape connectivity—the extent to which a landscape facilitates organism movement—has grown to become a central focus of spatial ecology and conservation science. Several computational algorithms have been developed to model connectivity; however, the major models in use today are limited by their lack of flexibility and simplistic assumptions of movement behaviour. In this paper, we introduce a new spatially-explicit, individual- and process-based model called Pathwalker, which simulates organism movement and connectivity through heterogeneous landscapes as a function of landscape resistance, the energetic cost of movement, mortality risk, autocorrelation, and directional bias towards a destination, all at multiple spatial scales. We describe the model’s structure and parameters and present statistical evaluations to demonstrate the influence of these parameters on the resulting movement patterns. Written in Python 3, Pathwalker works for any version of Python 3 and is freely available to download online. Pathwalker models movement and connectivity with greater flexibility compared with the dominant connectivity algorithms currently available in conservation science, thereby, enabling more detailed predictions for conservation practice and management. Moreover, Pathwalker provides a highly capable simulation framework for exploring theoretical and methodological questions that cannot be addressed with empirical data alone

    Optimization of spatial scale, but not functional shape, affects the performance of habitat suitability models: a case study of tigers (Panthera tigris) in Thailand

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    Context Species habitat suitability models rarely incorporate multiple spatial scales or functional shapes of a species’ response to covariates. Optimizing models for these factors may produce more robust, reliable, and informative habitat suitability models, which can be beneficial for the conservation of rare and endangered species, such as tigers (Panthera tigris). Objectives We provide the first formal assessment of the relative impacts of scale-optimization and shape-optimization on model performance and habitat suitability predictions. We explored how optimization influences conclusions regarding habitat selection and mapped probability of occurrence. Methods We collated environmental variables expected to affect tiger occurrence, calculating focal statistics and landscape metrics at spatial scales ranging from 250 m to 16 km. We then constructed a set of presence–absence generalized linear models including: (1) single-scale optimized models (SSO); (2) a multi-scale optimized model (MSO); (3) single-scale shape-optimized models (SSSO) and (4) a multi-scale- and shape-optimized model (MSSO). We compared performance and resulting prediction maps for top performing models. Results The SSO (16 km), SSSO (16 km), MSO, and MSSO models performed equally well (AUC > 0.9). However, these differed substantially in prediction and mapped habitat suitability, leading to different ecological understanding and potentially divergent conservation recommendations. Habitat selection was highly scale-dependent and the strongest relationships with environmental variables were at the broadest scales analysed. Modelling approach had a substantial influence in variable importance among top models. Conclusions Our results suggest that optimization of the scale of resource selection is crucial in modelling tiger habitat selection. However, in this analysis, shape-optimization did not improve model performance

    Investigating Carnivore Guild Structure: Spatial and Temporal Relationships amongst Threatened Felids in Myanmar

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    The co-occurrence of felid species in Southeast Asia provides an unusual opportunity to investigate guild structure and the factors controlling it. Using camera-trap data, we quantified the space use, temporal activity, and multi-dimensional niche overlap of the tiger, clouded leopard, Asiatic golden cat, marbled cat, and leopard cat in the Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar. We hypothesised that the spatio-temporal behaviour of smaller cats would reflect the avoidance of the larger cats, and similar-sized guild members would partition their niches in space or time to reduce resource competition. Our approach involved modelling single-species occupancy, pairwise spatial overlap using Bayesian inference, activity overlap with kernel density estimation, and multivariate analyses. The felid assembly appeared to be partitioned mainly on a spatial rather than temporal dimension, and no significant evidence of mesopredator release was observed. Nonetheless, the temporal association between the three mesopredators was inversely related to the similarity in their body sizes. The largest niche differences in the use of space and time occurred between the three smallest species. This study offers new insight into carnivore guild assembly and adds substantially to knowledge of five of the least known felids of conservation concern

    Investigating Carnivore Guild Structure: Spatial and Temporal Relationships amongst Threatened Felids in Myanmar

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    The co-occurrence of felid species in Southeast Asia provides an unusual opportunity to investigate guild structure and the factors controlling it. Using camera-trap data, we quantified the space use, temporal activity, and multi-dimensional niche overlap of the tiger, clouded leopard, Asiatic golden cat, marbled cat, and leopard cat in the Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar. We hypothesised that the spatio-temporal behaviour of smaller cats would reflect the avoidance of the larger cats, and similar-sized guild members would partition their niches in space or time to reduce resource competition. Our approach involved modelling single-species occupancy, pairwise spatial overlap using Bayesian inference, activity overlap with kernel density estimation, and multivariate analyses. The felid assembly appeared to be partitioned mainly on a spatial rather than temporal dimension, and no significant evidence of mesopredator release was observed. Nonetheless, the temporal association between the three mesopredators was inversely related to the similarity in their body sizes. The largest niche differences in the use of space and time occurred between the three smallest species. This study offers new insight into carnivore guild assembly and adds substantially to knowledge of five of the least known felids of conservation concern