83 research outputs found


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    Inclusive education issues in the process of secondary vocational education in Russia

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    Образование детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья — одна из актуальных проблем современного образования. О проблемах внедрения инклюзивного образования для инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования.Education of children with disabilities is one of the most urgent problems of modern education. The article highlighted the problems of implementation of inclusive education of persons with disabilities in organizations of secondary vocational education

    Classification of Tools of tax Incentives of Innovations Классификация инструментов налогового стимулирования инноваций

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    In this article research of classification of tools of tax incentives of innovations is conducted. New criteria of classification are offered: depending on a stage of life cycle of innovative processes (fundamental research works, applied research works, research and design works, innovation introduction, innovation consumption); depending on subjects of innovative processes (the research organizations, the innovative enterprises, the enterprises of real sector which introduce innovations, the infrastructure enterprises and the enterprises which render assistance of innovative activity).В данной статье проведено исследование классификации инструментов налогового стимулирования инноваций. Предложены новые критерии классификации: в зависимости от этапа жизненного цикла инновационных процессов (фундаментальные научно-исследовательские работы, прикладные научно-исследовательские работы, исследовательско-конструкторские работы, внедрение инновации, потребление инновации); в зависимости от субъектов инновационных процессов (научно-исследовательские организации, инновационные предприятия, предприятия реального сектора, которые внедряют инновации, инфраструктурные предприятия и предприятия, которые оказывают содействие инновационной деятельности)

    Gender Approach in Professional Orientation of School Students

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    The Constitution of Russia states that women have the same right to education and professional employment and have the right to equal pay for equal work. However, similarly to most countries, gender asymmetry is observed in Russian labor market. In recent years, a growing number of studies have focused on the topic of gender socialization and its connection to professional self-determination. Our article is devoted to the gender-related aspects of school students’ career choice. We rely on the most recognized methodology in Russia developed by A.G. Shmelev’s group: computer-assisted test battery “Proforientator”.Our research has shown statistically significant differences in future career preferences of male and female students aged between 14 and 18 in all spheres, with the exception of “Communication”. Young men of early adolescence showed great interest in such professional spheres as “Technology”, “Science”, “Business”, “Sign”, and “Risk” while high school girls showed a strong inclination to “Art” and “Nature”. Thus, thisdistribution of preferences can be considered as a gender-dependent. Our study has also identified masculine characteristics in females and feminine characteristics in males in the formation of their professional interests. We believe that it is important to take into account the process of gender socialization when working to support the professional self-determination of young people. The revealed regularities require further research. Keywords: gender, gender socialization, professional self-determination, interests. professional spheres, professional orientation

    Professional Interests in the Early Youth: Peculiarities of Boys and Girls

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    We give the results of research interests in choosing a profession among high school students. The sample consisted of 859 people, 385 of them were boys and 474 were girls between the ages of 14 and 18. The purpose of the study is to study the differences in interests between young men and women that we identified earlier inthe professional fields of technology and art in relation to other professional spheres. For the study, the results of computer testing, using the ‘Proforientator’ method, were used. Studies have made it possible to identify the psychological construct as a community of interests in the professional fields of technology, science and sign.Another distinguished psychological construct is the combination of interests of art, communication, business and sign. It is shown that there are specific, reflecting gender identity in addition to the common interests in the professional socialization among boys and girls. The following specific features are revealed: interest in technology among young men is an additional combination with interests in the professions of business and art. So, girls have an additional combination of interests in the fields of nature and communication but young men have interest in art and it is combined with interests in the professions of science and nature. Keywords: interests, professional socialization, professional spheres, career guidance work with teenager

    Towards high-performance tubular-type protonic ceramic electrolysis cells with all-Ni-based functional electrodes

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    Protonic ceramic electrolysis cells (PCECs), which permit high-temperature electrolysis of water, exhibit various advantages over conventional solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), including cost-effectiveness and the potential to operate at low-/intermediate-temperature ranges with high performance and efficiency. Although many efforts have been made in recent years to improve the electrochemical characteristics of PCECs, certain challenges involved in scaling them up remain unresolved. In the present work, we present a twin approach of combining the tape-calendering method with all-Ni-based functional electrodes with the aim of fabricating a tubular-designed PCEC having an enlarged electrode area (4.6 cm2). This cell, based on a 25 µm-thick BaCe0.5Zr0.3Dy0.2O3–δ proton-conducting electrolyte, a nickel-based cermet and a Pr1.95Ba0.05NiO4+δ oxygen electrode, demonstrates a high hydrogen production rate (19 mL min–1 at 600 °C), which surpasses the majority of results reported for traditional button- or planar-type PCECs. These findings increase the scope for scaling up solid oxide electrochemical cells and maintaining their operability at reducing temperatures. © 2019 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of SciencesRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-38-20063Council on grants of the President of the Russian FederationThis work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant no. 18-38-20063 ). Dr. D. Medvedev is grateful to the Council of the President of the Russian Federation (scholarship no. СП−161.2018.1) for supporting the studies devoted to new MIEC materials. Other sections are performed within the framework of the budgetary plans of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry

    Ayurvedic medicinal plants of Bangladesh

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    лекарственные растения, аюрведа, аюрведические лекарственные растения, качество, безопасность, оценка, Бангладе

    The Optimization of the Sr Chromatographic Separation Using SR Resin

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    The aspects of the development and certification of the chromatographic strontium separation method in biogenic apatite samples for the subsequent 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio determination using multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass-spectroscopy are considered. The procedure for optimizing the Sr separation from matrix elements using standard chromatographic columns and SR Resin was described. The influence of matrix elements such as Na, Mg, P, Ca, Fe, Rb, Pb, Zn, In, K, Mn, Al, Ba on the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio measurement was studied and the limits of their contents at which the separation procedure should be performed twice were estimated.Рассмотрены аспекты разработки и аттестации методики хроматографического выделения Sr в образцах биогенного апатита для последующего определения изотопного отношения 87Sr/86Sr с использованием многоколлекторной ИСП-МС. Была описана процедура оптимизации разделения Sr от матричных элементов с использованием стандартных хроматографических колонок и смолы SR Resin. Изучено влияние матричных элементов, таких как Na, Mg, P, Ca, Fe, Rb, Pb, Zn, In, K, Mn, Al, Ba на измерение изотопного отношения 87Sr/86Sr и оценены пределы их содержаний, при которых процедуру разделения необходимо осуществлять дважды

    Nickel-Containing Perovskites, PrNi0.4Fe0.6O3–δ and PrNi0.4Co0.6O3–δ, as Potential Electrodes for Protonic Ceramic Electrochemical Cells

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    Protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) offer a convenient means of converting chemical energy into electricity with high performance and efficiency at low-and intermediate-temperature ranges. However, in order to ensure good life-time stability of PCFCs, it is necessary to ensure rational chemical design in functional materials. Within the present work, we propose new Ni-based perovskite phases of PrNi0.4M0.6O3–δ (where M = Co, Fe) for potential utilization in protonic ceramic electrochemical cells. Along with their successful synthesis, functional properties of the PrNi0.4M0.6O3–δ materials, such as chemical compatibility with a number of oxygen-ionic and proton-conducting electrolytes, thermal expansion behavior, electrical conductivity, and electrochemical behavior, were comprehensively studied. According to the obtained data, the Co-containing nickelate exhibits excellent conductivity and polarization behavior; on the other hand, it demonstrates a high reactivity with all studied electrolytes along with elevated thermal expansion coefficients. Conversely, while the iron-based nickelate had superior chemical and thermal compatibility, its transport characteristics were 2–5 times worse. Although, PrNi0.4Co0.6O3–δ and PrNi0.4Fe0.6O3–δ represent some disadvantages, this work provides a promising pathway for further improvement of Ni-based perovskite electrodes. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The characterization of powder and ceramic materials was carried out at the Shared Access Centre “Composition of Compounds” of Institute of High-Temperature Electrochem-istry (Ekaterinburg, Russia). We would like to give a special thanks to Natalia Popova and Thomas Beavitt for the performed proofreading [73]

    Production method of nanostructured wood-polymer composition with microwave application

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction. Currently, wood-polymer compositions (WPC) are widely used in the national economy and construction. The composition of WPC varies widely depending on the further purpose. Improving the binding quality in the wood-polymer system is one of the promising areas for enhancing operational characteristics. Organic and inorganic substrates nanostructured with individual substances, including metal particles, are used as binding components. In the petrochemical industry, most high-capacity productions use catalysts based on active carriers like heavy metals when developing targeted products for various purposes. After several stages of regeneration, recovering these heavy metals becomes impossible. Consequently, spent catalysts accumulate in sedimentation tanks and sludge collectors, lacking an efficient method for disposal and secondary use. One of the components included in the composition of spent catalysts is chromium (+6), which belongs to carcinogenic metals. Numerous disposal methods are currently inadequate for neutralizing this metal on an industrial scale, which is of interest for research. Methods and materials. The study is aimed at converting carcinogenic chromium (+6) into non-carcinogenic chromium (+3) by ultrahigh frequency exposure (microwave), which will open up opportunities for its use as a chromium-containing nanocomplex binding a tree-polymer. Results and discussions. The ultrahigh-frequency effect on the mixture of wood-polymer composition and spent chromium (+6) causes an increase in the penetration depth of high–frequency waves, characterized by a uniform distribution of energy over the entire area of the composite, which is explained by the reduction of chromium (VI) oxide into chromium (III) oxide, and there is also a change in the color of the nanostructured wood-polymer composition (WP – compositions) from yellow to malachite. Conclusion. This study, which consists in the application of microwave exposure to the wood-nanoparticle-polymer system, confirms the receipt of a durable construction product and its use in the construction of roofs, facade boards, sidewalks, piers, port facilities, et