331 research outputs found

    Mutual information area laws for thermal free fermions

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    We provide a rigorous and asymptotically exact expression of the mutual information of translationally invariant free fermionic lattice systems in a Gibbs state. In order to arrive at this result, we introduce a novel frameworkfor computing determinants of Toeplitz operators with smooth symbols, and for treating Toeplitz matrices with system size dependent entries. The asymptotically exact mutual information for a partition of the one-dimensional lattice satisfies an area law, with a prefactor which we compute explicitly. As examples, we discuss the fermionic XX model in one dimension and free fermionic models on the torus in higher dimensions in detail. Special emphasis is put onto the discussion of the temperature dependence of the mutual information, scaling like the logarithm of the inverse temperature, hence confirming an expression suggested by conformal field theory. We also comment on the applicability of the formalism to treat open systems driven by quantum noise. In the appendix, we derive useful bounds to the mutual information in terms of purities. Finally, we provide a detailed error analysis for finite system sizes. This analysis is valuable in its own right for the abstract theory of Toeplitz determinants.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figures, replaced by final versio

    Dissipative preparation of entanglement in optical cavities

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    We propose a novel scheme for the preparation of a maximally entangled state of two atoms in an optical cavity. Starting from an arbitrary initial state, a singlet state is prepared as the unique fixed point of a dissipative quantum dynamical process. In our scheme, cavity decay is no longer undesirable, but plays an integral part in the dynamics. As a result, we get a qualitative improvement in the scaling of the fidelity with the cavity parameters. Our analysis indicates that dissipative state preparation is more than just a new conceptual approach, but can allow for significant improvement as compared to preparation protocols based on coherent unitary dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Locality of temperature

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    This work is concerned with thermal quantum states of Hamiltonians on spin and fermionic lattice systems with short range interactions. We provide results leading to a local definition of temperature, thereby extending the notion of "intensivity of temperature" to interacting quantum models. More precisely, we derive a perturbation formula for thermal states. The influence of the perturbation is exactly given in terms of a generalized covariance. For this covariance, we prove exponential clustering of correlations above a universal critical temperature that upper bounds physical critical temperatures such as the Curie temperature. As a corollary, we obtain that above the critical temperature, thermal states are stable against distant Hamiltonian perturbations. Moreover, our results imply that above the critical temperature, local expectation values can be approximated efficiently in the error and the system size.Comment: 11 pages + 6 pages appendix, 6 figures; proof of the clustering theorem corrected, improved presentatio

    Hilbert's projective metric in quantum information theory

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    We introduce and apply Hilbert's projective metric in the context of quantum information theory. The metric is induced by convex cones such as the sets of positive, separable or PPT operators. It provides bounds on measures for statistical distinguishability of quantum states and on the decrease of entanglement under LOCC protocols or other cone-preserving operations. The results are formulated in terms of general cones and base norms and lead to contractivity bounds for quantum channels, for instance improving Ruskai's trace-norm contraction inequality. A new duality between distinguishability measures and base norms is provided. For two given pairs of quantum states we show that the contraction of Hilbert's projective metric is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a probabilistic quantum operation that maps one pair onto the other. Inequalities between Hilbert's projective metric and the Chernoff bound, the fidelity and various norms are proven.Comment: 32 pages including 3 appendices and 3 figures; v2: minor changes, published versio

    Precisely timing dissipative quantum information processing

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    Dissipative engineering constitutes a framework within which quantum information processing protocols are powered by system-environment interaction rather than by unitary dynamics alone. This framework embraces noise as a resource, and consequently, offers a number of advantages compared to one based on unitary dynamics alone, e.g., that the protocols are typically independent of the initial state of the system. However, the time independent nature of this scheme makes it difficult to imagine precisely timed sequential operations, conditional measurements or error correction. In this work, we provide a path around these challenges, by introducing basic dissipative gadgets which allow us to precisely initiate, trigger and time dissipative operations, while keeping the system Liouvillian time-independent. These gadgets open up novel perspectives for thinking of timed dissipative quantum information processing. As an example, we sketch how measurement based computation can be simulated in the dissipative setting.Comment: 5+5 pages, material adde

    The χ2\chi^2 - divergence and Mixing times of quantum Markov processes

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    We introduce quantum versions of the χ2\chi^2-divergence, provide a detailed analysis of their properties, and apply them in the investigation of mixing times of quantum Markov processes. An approach similar to the one presented in [1-3] for classical Markov chains is taken to bound the trace-distance from the steady state of a quantum processes. A strict spectral bound to the convergence rate can be given for time-discrete as well as for time-continuous quantum Markov processes. Furthermore the contractive behavior of the χ2\chi^2-divergence under the action of a completely positive map is investigated and contrasted to the contraction of the trace norm. In this context we analyse different versions of quantum detailed balance and, finally, give a geometric conductance bound to the convergence rate for unital quantum Markov processes

    Cellular-automaton decoders for topological quantum memories

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    We introduce a new framework for constructing topological quantum memories, by recasting error recovery as a dynamical process on a field generating cellular automaton. We envisage quantum systems controlled by a classical hardware composed of small local memories, communicating with neighbours and repeatedly performing identical simple update rules. This approach does not require any global operations or complex decoding algorithms. Our cellular automata draw inspiration from classical field theories, with a Coulomb-like potential naturally emerging from the local dynamics. For a 3D automaton coupled to a 2D toric code, we present evidence of an error correction threshold above 6.1% for uncorrelated noise. A 2D automaton equipped with a more complex update rule yields a threshold above 8.2%. Our framework provides decisive new tools in the quest for realising a passive dissipative quantum memory

    A dissipative quantum Church-Turing theorem

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    We show that the time evolution of an open quantum system, described by a possibly time dependent Liouvillian, can be simulated by a unitary quantum circuit of a size scaling polynomially in the simulation time and the size of the system. An immediate consequence is that dissipative quantum computing is no more powerful than the unitary circuit model. Our result can be seen as a dissipative Church-Turing theorem, since it implies that under natural assumptions, such as weak coupling to an environment, the dynamics of an open quantum system can be simulated efficiently on a quantum computer. Formally, we introduce a Trotter decomposition for Liouvillian dynamics and give explicit error bounds. This constitutes a practical tool for numerical simulations, e.g., using matrix-product operators. We also demonstrate that most quantum states cannot be prepared efficiently.Comment: 4 pages + 5 pages appendix, Implication 3 correcte

    Driving two atoms in an optical cavity into an entangled steady state using engineered decay

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    We propose various schemes for the dissipative preparation of a maximally entangled steady state of two atoms in an optical cavity. Harnessing the natural decay processes of cavity photon loss and spontaneous emission, we use an effective operator formalism to identify and engineer effective decay processes, which reach an entangled steady state of two atoms as the unique fixed point of the dissipative time evolution. We investigate various aspects that are crucial for the experimental implementation of our schemes in present-day and future cavity quantum electrodynamics systems and analytically derive the optimal parameters, the error scaling and the speed of convergence of our protocols. Our study shows promising performance of our schemes for existing cavity experiments and favorable scaling of fidelity and speed with respect to the cavity parameters.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figure
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