586 research outputs found


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    The proposed research work focuses on building a keyboard through designing an algorithm for eye movement detection using the partner-assisted scanning technique. The study covers all stages of gesture recognition, from data acquisition to eye detection and tracking, and finally classification. With the presence of many techniques to implement the gesture recognition stages, the main objective of this research work is implementing the simple and less expensive technique that produces the best possible results with a high level of accuracy. The results, finally, are compared with similar works done recently to prove the efficiency in implementation of the proposed algorithm. The system starts with the calibration phase, where a face detection algorithm is designed to detect the user‟s face by a trained support vector machine. Then, features are extracted, after which tracking of the eyes is possible by skin-colour segmentation. A couple of other operations were performed. The overall system is a keyboard that works by eye movement, through the partner-assisted scanning technique. A good level of accuracy was achieved, and a couple of alternative methods were implemented and compared. This keyboard adds to the research field, with a new and novel combination of techniques for eye detection and tracking. Also, the developed keyboard helps bridge the gap between physical paralysis and leading a normal life. This system can be used as comparison with other proposed algorithms for eye detection, and might be used as a proof for the efficiency of combining a number of different techniques into one algorithm. Also, it strongly supports the effectiveness of machine learning and appearance-based algorithms

    The impact of Dubai’s architectural wonders on the daily indigenous performance in light of cultural modernity: A comparative case study between Burj Khalifa and Burj Al-Arab

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    In order to decrease the reliance on oil and create more economic opportunities, the UAE has witnessed a development boom over the last few decades in an effort to promote tourism. Dubai specifically has purposefully undergone dramatic architectural evolutions with the aim of transforming the city into a tourist hub and a global attraction. Over the last few years, iconic buildings including Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa have been built at different times to become prominent landmarks that promote the city’s global image and combine traditional/local elements in such a way as to form completely new unrecognizable forms i.e. a new genre of design. Those architectural spectacles attract not only visitors from outside but also Emirati citizens/residents as well. However, one is bound to ask: How does the indigenous Emirati population ‘receive’ and ‘perceive’ these major architectural developments and what kind of identity implications do they pose on the Emirati on a daily basis? This research is a qualitative ethnographic comparative case study that explores the Emirati voices and feedback on Burj Al Arab. Based on the findings of Bleibleh’s and Al-Saber’s (2014) previous research on Burj Khalifa titled Cultural Modernity in Urban Space: Indigenous Performance of the Everyday in Dubai’s Architectural Wonders, this research borrows the methodology, theoretical framework and explores the same research question in an attempt to compare the perception of the indigenous Emiratis of the two sites of Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa in the light of cultural modernity. Relying on the Driving Forces of Everyday Life as a base for comparison, the study explores the similarities, differences and patterns between the two sites. The study also examines whether the research outcome could be extended and generalized to other iconic buildings in Dubai or elsewhere

    Experimental analysis of camera calibration techniques used for eye tracking

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    This paper discusses the calibration phase required prior to working of any gesture recognition or eye tracking devices. The calibration phase is an starting phase of eye tracking system. Prior to tracking phase, calibration (for eye detection) is required.Four methods have been tried in this paper, namely: using a box, multiple frames, laser and neural networks.The results of implementing each of these methods are compared to conclude the optimum solution to lead to eye detection and trackin

    Intellectual characteristics of Muslim personality and job characteristics as determinants for organizational citizenship behavior among Yemeni Secondary School Teachers

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    The main finding of this study is that Islamic piety motivates schoolteachers to exceed the demands of their formal job description in the practice of their profession. The study also yielded an instrument to measure the degree to which a Muslim schoolteacher fits the description of a God-conscious person in carrying out his professional responsibilities. The objectives of the study was first to determine antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) in the context of schools. Second the study aimed to construct-validate the multi-dimensionality of the organizational citizenship behavior. Drawing on earlier OCB studies, the proposed construct for School OCB has two dimensions, which are OCB towards individuals and OCB towards organization, and two groups of antecedents, which are job characteristics and personality characteristics. The job characteristics are grouped under two headings: Job Demand and Job Autonomy. For personality characteristics, the researcher chose to investigate what constitute indicators of the Moral Character of the Intellectual Muslim (MCIM) as given in the Qur’an, and found nine character traits that can be grouped under the rubrics of Interpersonal Characteristics, Self-Purification Characteristics and Endurance Characteristics. The results on data collected from 334 Yemeni secondary school teachers confirm the twofold dimensionality of School OCB. The measurement model for MCIM is also validated. The hypothesized construct for School OCB was tested through Structural Equation Modeling and the results show that Muslim personality characteristics do predict OCB, but job characteristics do not. There are several implications from the study that call for further research

    Laser ultrasound for the study of thin sheets

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    Laser ultrasound is now an accepted and mature technology. However it is still seeking its first fully commercial industrial application although there are several potential uses in prototype form. The major advantage of laser ultrasound is that it is a non contact technique and can therefore be used on hot or moving components. The pulsed laser source generates simultaneously longitudinal and shear bulk waves and Rayleigh surface waves. When the material is in the form of a thin sheet the latter propagate as Lamb or plate waves providing the ultrasonic wavelength is greater than the sheet thickness

    Milk Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Interleukin-1Beta Among Toxoplasma gondii-Free and Infected Women

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    تلعب السيتوكينات المحفزة للالتهاب دورًا مهمًا في التواصل بين الخلايا. ففي العقدين الأخيرين ، تم تحديد العديد من السيتوكينات في حليب الإنسان حيث تم العثور على السيتوكينات المثيرة للالتهابات في حليب الإنسان. تتنوع السيتوكينات تبعًا لظروف مختلفة مثل الالتهابات المسببة للأمراض التي تحفز بشدة الاستجابة المناعية. تهدف الدراسة  الحالية إلى تحديد تراكيز IL1β و TNF-α في النساء المصابات وغير المصابات بالمقوسات الجوندية في محاولة لتوضيح آثار العدوى على السيتوكينات وخاصة في حليب الأم. تم في الدراسة الحالية جمع عينات من مصل اللبن والحليب من 96 عينة (48 مصل موجب  و 48 مصل سالب). لتأكيد الاصابة بطفيلي  التوكسوبلازما تم استخدام تقنية الفلورة المناعية لهذا الغرض . تم قياس تركيز TNF-α و IL1β بواسطة تقنية ELISA. فيما يتعلق بالحليب TNF-alpha ، اظهرت نتائج الدراسة الحاليةهناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في النساء  المصابات بالتوكسوبلازما وغير المصابات بها ، في حين لم يتم العثور على اختلافات إحصائية في TNF-α بين مجموعات الدراسة. أظهر نتائج IL1β اختلافًا معنويا فقط بين الحليب والمصل في الأشخاص المصابين وغير المصابين ، بينما لم يتم تسجيل أي اختلافات معنوية في مجموعات أخرى.  الخلاصة وبناءً على التحليل الإحصائي ، أظهرت الدراسة الحالية دليلاً جيداً على أن داء المقوسات هو أحد عوامل الخطر لزيادة السيتوكينات في  الحليب. اضافة لذلك  قد تشير الزيادة الكبيرة في TNF-α و IL1β في حليب الأم إلى دور رئيسي في إحداث أو تطور الالتهابات في الرضاعة. وبالتالي ، هناك حاجة إلى مزيد من الدراسات لهذا الغرض.Pro-inflammatory cytokines play an important role in intercellular communications. In the last two decades, many cytokines have been identified in human milk. These cytokines are variable according to different conditions such as pathogenic infections which strongly stimulated the immune response. The present study aims to determine of IL1β and TNF-α in Toxoplasma gondii-free and infected women in an attempt to clarify the impacts of the infections on cytokines especially in mother's milk. The serum and milk sample were collected from 96 samples (48 for seropositive and 48 for seronegative). To confirm the Toxoplasma gondii infection; enzyme linked immunofluorescence assay (ELIFA) was used to detect anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies. TNF-α and IL1β levels were measured by ELISA technique. Regarding milk TNF-alpha, there were statistical differences in Toxoplasma-infected from Toxoplasma-free subjects, whereas no statistical variations in TNF-α were found between other studied groups. IL1β showed significant variation just between milk and serum in infected and non-infected subjects, whereas no variations were recorded in other groups. In conclusion, based on statistical analysis, present study showed good evidence that toxoplasmosis is one of the risk factors for increasing milk cytokine. Also, a significant increase in TNF-α and IL1β in mother's breast milk may indicate a key role for inducing or developing of inflammations in suckling. Thus, further investigations are needed to cover this area of study.  

    Mechanical Strength of Silicon Carbide Bonded with Iraqi Clays

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    Two types of Iraqi clays (Kaolin and Bentonite) were used in bonding process with different weight percentage (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%) and with different particle size from clays and silicon carbide. The specimens were formed by using low biaxial pressing and two types of internal lubricants (sodium silicate and the carbon paste) to increase the specimen's cohesion. These specimens were sintered at various temperatures of (1100°C, 1200°C, 1300°C, and 1400°C). Increasing of clay percentage leads to decreasing the porosity. But it leads to increase mechanical properties (compressive strength, diametrical strength and bending strength ). Also, the effect of particle size on all properties is studied together with sintering temperature. All mechanical properties (when bonded SiC with bentonite) are higher than kaolin bonded SiC