898 research outputs found

    Place des faiseurs de secret au Centre des Brûlés du CHUV

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    The National Burn Center in Lausanne, Switzerland, is treating many patients using a folk medicine called the secret. The popular belief is that the secret maker can remotely ease the pain and accelerate the healing process of a burn. This study is interested in the opinion of the caregivers and patients treated in the same center about these secret makers. 46 persons were interviewed. The study tries to explain this phenomenon scientifically; so far it hasn't been much researched. The results show that the Swiss caregivers are well informed (84%) of this folk medicine, and think for the majority (90%) that it can help reduce the pain of burns victims. The patients are demanding of such an approach and wish for recommendations from the caregivers, however they are reserved regarding the results they hope. The stress reduction on the burn victim, who has called a secret maker, and afterwards the biochemical and hormonal markers could be a scientific explanation of the positive effect of these healers on the patients. Le centre romand des grands brûlés (CRGB) du CHUV à Lausanne traite de nombreux patients en Suisse romande qui ont recours à une médecine populaire nommée le secret. La croyance populaire veut que les faiseurs de secret puissent soulager les douleurs et accélérer la guérison des brûlures, grâce à une intervention à distance. Cette étude s'intéresse à l'opinion des soignants et des patients traités dans ce même centre concernant ces faiseurs de secret ; 46 personnes ont été interrogées. L'étude tente, tant que possible, de trouver une explication scientifique à ce phénomène peu étudié jusqu'à présent. Les résultats montrent que les soignants suisses sont bien informés (84%) et pensent en majorité (90%) que cette pratique aide à réduire les douleurs des patients victimes de brûlures. Ces mêmes patients sont demandeurs d'une telle approche, aimeraient une recommandation de la part des soignants tout en étant réservés quant au résultat qu'ils espèrent. La réduction du niveau du stress chez les patients brûlés qui ont fait recourt aux faiseurs de secrets, et par la suite de ses médiateurs chimiques et hormonaux pourrait être une piste scientifique expliquant le rôle positif que peut jouer le secret chez les patients brûlés

    When is identity congruent with the self? A self-determination theory perspective

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    Within the identity literature, self and identity are often used as interchangeable terms. By contrast, in Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2003) both terms have a differentiated meaning and it is maintained that identities may vary in the extent to which they are congruent with the basic growth tendencies of the self that are fueled by the basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Specifically, the level of congruence between identities and the self is said to depend on (a) the motives underlying one’s identity commitments (i.e., pressure versus volition) and (b) the content of the goals defining one’s identity (i.e., extrinsic versus intrinsic). It is argued in SDT that both the motives and the goals behind one’s identity are important for optimal functioning because of their linkage with basic need satisfaction. This chapter (a) compares the SDT view on identity development with prevailing models of identity formation, and with constructivist models of identity in particular, and (b) reviews research relevant to the idea that identities need to be congruent with the self in order to foster well-being and adjustment

    The Cinderella moment:Exploring consumers’ motivations to engage with renting as collaborative luxury consumption mode

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    Past literature argued that the purchase of luxury goods is driven by people’s motivation to conform or fit into our economic and social system. In this study, the authors focus on a new aspect of consumption, i.e. renting instead of purchasing luxury goods, backed by the emerging opportunities of sharing economy platforms. Drawing upon the analysis of spontaneous consumers’ online communications (in the form of tweets), this research aims to investigate the motivations to engage with luxury garment renting within a collaborative consumption context. To this end, a series of automatic content analyses, via two studies, were conducted using the tweets posted with respect to the Run the Runway collaborative consumption platform. Results demonstrate consumers’ increased willingness to show their social status through renting rather than owning luxurious apparel based on five main motivators (need to wear new clothes for a special event, inspirations created by the products/brands, possibility to explore a new way of consuming luxury goods, need to make more sustainable choices, and to increase the life cycle of each luxury product). The implications of these findings are discussed, while they pave the way for future research in collaborative consumption of luxury retailing

    Prospects for radical emissions reduction through behaviour and lifestyle change

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    Over the past two decades, scholars and practitioners across the social sciences, in policy and beyond have proposed, trialled and developed a wide range of theoretical and practical approaches designed to bring about changes in behaviours and lifestyles that contribute to climate change. With the exception of the establishment of a small number of iconic behaviours such as recycling, it has however proved extremely difficult to bring about meaningful transformations in personal greenhouse gas emissions at either the individual or societal level, with multiple reviews now pointing to the limited efficacy of current approaches. We argue that the majority of approaches designed to achieve mitigation have been constrained by the need to operate within prevailing social scientific, economic and political orthodoxies which have precluded the possibility of non-marginal change. In this paper we ask what a truly radical approach to reducing personal emissions would look like from social science perspectives which challenge the unstated assumptions severely limiting action to date, and which explore new alternatives for change. We emphasise the difficulties likely to impede the instituting of genuinely radical societal change regarding climate change mitigation, whilst proposing ways that the ground could be prepared for such a transformation to take place

    Examining exercise dependence symptomatology from a self-determination perspective

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    Background: Based on the theoretical propositions of Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985) this study examined whether individuals classified as “nondependent-symptomatic” and “nondependent-asymptomatic” for exercise dependence differed in terms of the level of exercise-related psychological need satisfaction and self-determined versus controlling motivation they reported. Further, we examined if the type of motivational regulations predicting exercise behaviour differed among these groups. Methods: Participants (N = 339), recruited from fitness, community, and retail settings, completed measures of exercise-specific psychological need satisfaction, motivational regulations, exercise behaviour and exercise dependence. Results: Individuals who were nondependent-symptomatic for exercise dependence reported higher levels of competence need satisfaction and all forms of motivational regulation, compared to nondependent-asymptomatic individuals. Introjected regulation approached significance as a positive predictor of strenuous exercise behaviour for symptomatic individuals. Identified regulation was a positive predictor of strenuous exercise for asymptomatic individuals. Conclusions: The findings reinforce the applicability of SDT to understanding engagement in exercise

    Unconditional positive self-regard, intrinsic aspirations and authenticity: pathways to psychological well-being

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    Unconditional positive self-regard (UPSR) is regarded by humanistic psychologists as an important determinant of well-being. However, until recently it has received little empirical attention. The current study aims to examine the association between unconditional positive self-regard and several key constructs consistent with the ideas of well-being within contemporary positive psychology. Study 1 is a confirmatory factor analysis of the UPSR scale. The statistically significant best fit for the data was a related two-factor model. Study 2 used the two-factors of the UPSR scale to explore the association with intrinsic aspirations. The study showed positive self-regard was statistically significantly positively correlated with the intrinsic aspirations total scale and with each of the separate scores for IA-importance and IA-chance. Unconditionality of regard was statistically significantly negatively correlated with IA-importance but was not statistically significantly correlated to either the IA-total or IA-chance scores. Study 3 considers the association between UPSR, intrinsic aspirations and authenticity. Unconditionality of regard was statistically significantly positively correlated with the authenticity scale score. Only IA-chance scores showed a statistically significant and positive correlation with authenticity. The remaining correlations between intrinsic aspirations and authenticity were not statistically significant. Results call for further empirical attention to UPSR within positive psychology research

    Managerial Work in a Practice-Embodying Institution - The role of calling, the virtue of constancy

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    What can be learned from a small scale study of managerial work in a highly marginal and under-researched working community? This paper uses the ‘goods-virtues-practices-institutions’ framework to examine the managerial work of owner-directors of traditional circuses. Inspired by MacIntyre’s arguments for the necessity of a narrative understanding of the virtues, interviews explored how British and Irish circus directors accounted for their working lives. A purposive sample was used to select subjects who had owned and managed traditional touring circuses for at least 15 years, a period in which the economic and reputational fortunes of traditional circuses have suffered badly. This sample enabled the research to examine the self-understanding of people who had, at least on the face of it, exhibited the virtue of constancy. The research contributes to our understanding of the role of the virtues in organizations by presenting evidence of an intimate relationship between the virtue of constancy and a ‘calling’ work orientation. This enhances our understanding of the virtues that are required if management is exercised as a domain-related practice

    People with higher interoceptive sensitivity are more altruistic, but improving interoception does not increase altruism

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    People consistently show preferences and behaviors that benefit others at a cost to themselves, a phenomenon termed altruism. We investigated if perception of one’s body signals – interoception - may be underlying such behaviors. We tested if participants’ sensitivity to their own heartbeat predicted their decision on a choice between self-interest and altruism, and if improving this sensitivity through training would make participants more altruistic. Across these two experiments, interoceptive sensitivity predicted altruism measured through monetary generosity. Improving interoceptive sensitivity did, however, not lead to more altruistic behaviour. We conclude that there is a unique link between interoception and altruistic behaviour, likely established over an individual’s history of altruistic acts, and the body responses they elicit. The findings suggest that humans might literally ‘listen to their heart’ to guide their altruistic behavior