33 research outputs found

    Controllable Josephson junction for photon Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Josephson junctions are the basis for the most sensitive magnetic flux detectors, the definition of the unit volt by the Josephson voltage standard, and superconducting digital and quantum computing. They result from the coupling of two coherent quantum states, as they occur in superconductors, superfluids, atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, and exciton-polariton condensates. In their ground state, Josephson junctions are characterised by an intrinsic phase jump. Controlling this phase jump is fundamental for applications in computing. Here, we experimentally demonstrate controllable phase relations between photon Bose-Einstein condensates resulting from particle exchange in a thermo-optically tunable potential landscape. Our experiment realises an optical analogue of a controllable 0,Ï€\pi-Josephson junction. By connecting several junctions, we can study a reconfigurable 4-condensate system demonstrating the potential of our approach for analog spin glass simulation. More generally, the combination of static and dynamic nanostructuring techniques introduced in our work offers a powerful platform for the implementation of adaptive optical systems for paraxial light in and outside of thermal equilibrium.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of open scattering channels

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    The existence of fully transmissive eigenchannels ("open channels") in a random scattering medium is a counterintuitive and unresolved prediction of random matrix theory. The smoking gun of such open channels, namely a bimodal distribution of the transmission efficiencies of the scattering channels, has so far eluded experimental observation. We observe an experimental distribution of transmission efficiencies that obeys the predicted bimodal Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar distribution. Thereby we show the existence of open channels in a linear optical scattering system. The characterization of the scattering system is carried out by a quantum-optical readout method. We find that missing a single channel in the measurement already prevents detection of the open channels, illustrating why their observation has proven so elusive until now. Our work confirms a long-standing prediction of random matrix theory underlying wave transport through disordered systems.Comment: 9 pages including methods and supplementary materials. 3 figure

    Quantum photo-thermodynamics on a programmable photonic quantum processor

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    One of the core questions of quantum physics is how to reconcile the unitary evolution of quantum states, which is information-preserving and time-reversible, with the second law of thermodynamics, which is neither. The resolution to this paradox is to recognize that global unitary evolution of a multi-partite quantum state causes the state of local subsystems to evolve towards maximum-entropy states. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate this effect in linear quantum optics by simultaneously showing the convergence of local quantum states to a generalized Gibbs ensemble constituting a maximum-entropy state under precisely controlled conditions, while using a new, efficient certification method to demonstrate that the state retains global purity. Our quantum states are manipulated by a programmable integrated photonic quantum processor, which simulates arbitrary non-interacting Hamiltonians, demonstrating the universality of this phenomenon. Our results show the potential of photonic devices for quantum simulations involving non-Gaussian states

    Thermo-responsive photonic Josephson junction

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    Josephson junctions are the basis for many important fields, such as ultrafast electronics with magnetic flux quanta and superconducting quantum computing. The physical predictions of Josephson junctions are highly universal and can be observed in systems as diverse as coupled superconductors, atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, and others. We experimentally demonstrate tunable tunneling between two photon Bose-Einstein condensates by a targeted shaping of the potential landscape acting on the photons during the tunneling process. The investigated device realizes an optical analogue of a 0,Ï€-Josephson junction, which can act as a building block for an ultrafast all-optical spin glass simulator. The potential landscape in our photon Bose-Einstein condensate Josephson junctions is realized by a combination of direct laser writing for permanent mirror nanostructuring, and heating a thermosensitive polymer for runtime fine tuning of couplings