103 research outputs found

    Talking about Films. Interviews with Polish Film Scholars – review

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    Published by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, the book "Rozmowy przy filmie. Wywiady z polskimi filmoznawcami" (Żakieta et al., 2016) is the result of a the series of meetings conducted in 2013–2015 by the Film Studies Academic Society of the University of Lodz. The cycle, titled “Meet Your Film Specialist”, was initiated by Ewa Ciszewska, the Society’s supervisor. The list of invited guests included scholars from various institutions from the whole country, e.g. employees of the Chair for Media and Audiovisual Culture at the University of Lodz – the first academic institution in Poland, educating future film specialists. As the editors declare, the “interviews reveal inspiring portraits of authors eager to share their specialist knowledge and love for cinema” [my emphasis] (Żakieta et al., 2016, p. 8). For all readers who have previously read the interviewees’ books, Rozmowy przy filmie. Wywiady z polskimi filmoznawcami will offer a chance to broaden their knowledge. Others, in turn, will surely feel compelled to read them.This article is a review of the book titled Rozmowy przy filmie. Wywiady z polskimi filmoznawcami [Talking about Films. Interviews with Polish Film Scholars], edited by Żakieta, K., Góralik, M., Pospieszyńska, A. (Lodz, 2016). The reviewer pays attention to different topics brought up by interviewees in academic discussion. Both the series of meetings mentioned in the book’s title and the book itself were also meant to popularise film knowledge among people interested in audiovisual culture. The greatest advantage of the book is sharing with readers not only their extensive knowledge, but – what is at least equally important – their love for cinema

    In the shadow of the private Apocalypse. The subjectivisation of time and narration in The Third Part of the Night by Andrzej Żuławski

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    The article focuses on the construction of time and narration in The Third Part of the Night directed by Andrzej Żuławski. By reffering to Gilles Deleuze’s film theory and Mirosław Przylipiak’s typology of subjectivization techniques, the author attempts to indicate the variety of narrative techniques supplemented by the male protagonist’s point-of-view and mind images. This paper also contains neoformalist analysis of the two selected film scenes whose visual side may be considered as representative to The Third Part of the Night and — from the very first shots — consistently evokes the threat of impending Apocalypse

    Nie od razu Paryż zbudowano… Trójwymiarowe puzzle i klocki architektoniczne jako uniwersalne narzędzie wspierające proces wychowania estetycznego

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    This article proposes the use of knowledge of space studies in the school educational practice. It allows for implementation of obligatory content and skills indicated in the core curriculum for general education. Shaping the spatial imagination and aesthetic sensitivity is accompanied by the development of both social and manual skills, while the construction of miniature buildings by students is a convenient starting point for a discussion on social and cultural changes.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi propozycję wykorzystania w szkolnej praktyce edukacyjnej elementów wiedzy o przestrzeni, pozwalającej zrealizować liczne zapisy ujęte w podstawie programowej kształcenia ogólnego. Kształtowaniu wyobraźni przestrzennej oraz wrażliwości estetycznej towarzyszy rozwijanie umiejętności społecznych i manualnych, a konstruowanie przez uczniów miniaturowych budowli stanowi dogodny punkt wyjścia do dyskusji na temat przemian społecznych i kulturowych

    Ocena powikłań radioterapii onkologicznej — pozycja echokardiografii

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    Radiotherapy is an important anti-cancer treatment technique, which utilises ionising radiation to destroy cancer cells. Several clinical studies have identified adverse clinical consequences of radiation in the form of radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD). Cardiovascular diseases represent the most common cause of death other than malignancy, thus recommendations for early identification and monitoring of cardiovascular consequences of radiotherapy have been long awaited. The echocardiography plays a critical role in early diagnosis and prognostic stratification of RIHD

    O pewnej tendencji (współczesnego) kina francuskiego… "Kino przedmieść" i jego wizualne parateksty na przykładzie "Nienawiści" Mathieu Kassovitza i "Nieustraszonej" Danielle Arbid

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    In this paper we elaborate on the educational use of film posters understood as film paratexts in Gérard Genette’s theory as well as in later media research. The subject of our research is cinéma de banlieue – a French film movement that situates the protagonists not only spatially, but also socially (such as La Haine, dir. M. Kassovitz, 1995, Entre les murs, dir. L. Cantet, 2008, Peur de rien, dir. D. Arbid, 2015, and Dheepan, dir. J. Audiard, 2015). By analyzing film paratexts, we include these materials in the context of cultural representations of the Parisian suburbs. Our research is established in educational and academic practice whose essential part is the in-depth work with the paratexts conducted by students and facilitated by the lecturer

    On the potential for a bottom active layer below coastal permafrost: the impact of seawater on permafrost degradation imaged by electrical resistivity tomography (Hornsund, SW Spitsbergen)

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    This paper presents the results of two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) of permafrost developed in coastal zone of Hornsund, SW Spitsbergen. The measurements were made using the Wenner-Schlumberger electrode array with an electrode spacing 5 m for overview and 1.5 or 1 m spacing for detailed imaging. Using the ERT inversion results, we studied the ‘sea influence’ on deeper parts of the frozen ground. During the investigations we tested hypotheses that the operation of seawater on shoreface may cause changes in the shape of the coastal permafrost base, and that the impact of seawater on more inland permafrost depends on the shape of the shoreline (differently in the embayment, and differently in a headland exposed to the open sea). Our study was inspired by previous ground temperature measurements conducted in several boreholes located in study area which captured the propagation of ground heat waves from the base of permafrost. Our resistivity models indicate a major differentiation in terms of resistivity of permafrost in the coastal zone. The resistivity measures obtained in deeper layers of ground were so low (< 100 Ω·m) that in the ‘warm permafrost’ conditions they exclude a possibility of freezing the coastal sediments and bedrock from the side of the sea. Low values continue further inland, going down under the surface layer of permafrost with higher resistivity. We interpret this situation as an influence of seawater's temperature and salinity on deeper parts of permafrost. Based on the measurements conducted within two years, we stated a change in the distribution of resistivity, both in the active layer, and in coastal front of permafrost in deeper parts of the ground. As observed in the inverse models, the geometric arrangement between the fields of extreme resistivity indicates the existence of a bottom active layer by the permafrost base, depending on thermal and chemical characteristics of seawater. The measurements conducted in the embayment, as well as on the headland exposed to the operation of storm waves, proved strong differences in the scale of the impact of seawater on permafrost

    Operacjonalizacja modelu biznesu w przemysłach kreatywnych – wstępne wyniki badań

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    The paper presents the preliminary results of research on the specifics of the operationalization of the business model in creative industries. The issue of business models in creative industries is an emerging research area. The authors argue that the potential associated with adopting business model optics to creative industries is very large. Obtained results of preliminary studies indicate elements of the business model relevant in creative industries and confirm the validity of the assumptions made and research activities carried out.Rozdział prezentuje wstępne wyniki badań dotyczących specyfiki operacjonalizacji modelu biznesu w przemysłach kreatywnych. Problematyka modeli biznesu w przemysłach kreatywnych jest obszarem stosunkowo niewielu badań. Autorzy przekonują, iż potencjał związany z przyjęciem optyki modelu biznesu do przemysłów kreatywnych jest bardzo duży. Uzyskane wyniki wstępnych badań wskazują elementy modelu biznesu istotne w przemysłach kreatywnych oraz potwierdzają słuszność przyjętych założeń i prowadzonych działań badawczych

    Tabu search for the RNA partial degradation problem

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    ABSTRACT: In recent years, a growing interest has been observed in research on RNA (ribonucleic acid), primarily due to the discovery of the role of RNA molecules in biological systems. They not only serve as templates in protein synthesis or as adapters in the translation process, but also influence and are involved in the regulation of gene expression. The RNA degradation process is now heavily studied as a potential source of such riboregulators. In this paper, we consider the so-called RNA partial degradation problem (RNA PDP). By solving this combinatorial problem, one can reconstruct a given RNA molecule, having as input the results of the biochemical analysis of its degradation, which possibly contain errors (false negatives or false positives). From the computational point of view the RNA PDP is strongly NP-hard. Hence, there is a need for developing algorithms that construct good suboptimal solutions. We propose a heuristic approach, in which two tabu search algorithms cooperate, in order to reconstruct an RNA molecule. Computational tests clearly demonstrate that the proposed approach fits well the biological problem and allows to achieve near-optimal results. The algorithm is freely available at http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/arybarczyk/tabusearch.php

    Anxiety disorders pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of therapy

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    Introduction and purpose: Anxiety disorders are a heterogeneous cluster of common mental health disorders typically characterized by hyperarousal, excessive fear and worry. Unfortunately, a large portion of the world's population does not have access to traditional mental health care, this is influenced by the paucity of available psychiatric services, particularly in many low- and middle-income countries. This article will discuss how patients suffering from depression or anxiety disorders turn to non-pharmacological and unconventional interventions such as exercise, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy or music therapy. The aim of study: The purpose of this literature review was to assemble and analyse the available data about anxiety disorders. Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in Pubmed database was carried out using following keywords: Anxiety disorders; depression; mental illness; alternative treatment methods. Description of the State of Knowledge: Pathologically increased anxiety is found not only in anxiety disorders per se, but also in most other types of mental illness. The first-line methods are pharmacotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Of particular interest is the use of physical activity and exercise in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This treatment is inexpensive and has few undesired effects. Exercises such as yoga, meditation, tai chi or qi gong are becoming more and more popular. Summary: Anxiety disorders can now be treated effectively. Current research focuses on individualized forms. We hope that even more effective methods of therapy will be developed than those currently available. Keywords: Anxiety disorders; depression; mental illness; alternative treatment methods

    Sequential algorithms for DNA sequencing

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    Abstract Reconstruction of the original DNA sequence in sequencing by hybridization approach (SBH) due to a large number of possible combinations requires a computational support. In the paper, a new method of sequencing has been proposed. Two algorithms based on its idea have been implemented and tested: for the case of an ideal hybridization experiment (complete data) and for more general case, when some data are missing, like in the real experiment. Authentic DNA sequences have been used for testing. A parallel version of the second algorithm has been also implemented and tested. The quality of the reconstruction is satisfactory for the library of oligunucleotides of length 9, and 100, 200 and 300-bp long sequences. A way to a further decrease of the computation time is also suggested