323 research outputs found

    Fast computational scheme of image compression for 32-bit microprocessors

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    This paper presents a new computational scheme of image compression based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT), underlying JPEG and MPEG International Standards. The algorithm for the 2-d DCT computation uses integer operations (register shifts and additions / subtractions only); its computational complexity is about 8 additions per image pixel. As a meaningful example of an on-board image compression application we consider the software implementation of the algorithm for the Mars Rover (Marsokhod, in Russian) imaging system being developed as a part of Mars-96 International Space Project. It's shown that fast software solution for 32-bit microprocessors may compete with the DCT-based image compression hardware

    Validation of FEA results by results of aero-thermal testing. Aero-Thermodynamic Loads on Lightweight Advanced Structures - ATLLAS II. D3.1.9. Final Report.

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    The numerical FEA model of the “CANARD” designed from TMC material by TISICS for the aero-thermal tests using the L3K facility was considered within the frame of the ATLLAS II project. As a final specification for the CANARD model, the cooling cores with exit slit geometries providing the most efficient impingement cooling effect inside of the TMC CANARD were considered for manufacture and testing. The calculations of the temperature fields, strains and stresses in the TMC part were conducted for a 0.8 mm CANARD leading edge radius according to the heat flux density provided by DLR AS-HYP. EN3B steel was examined as a cooling core material. The results are presented, discussed and compared with the experimental data received by thermal tests using the L3K facility

    Properties of Elastomeric Compositions with Highly Dispersed Carbon Additives

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    The effect of highly dispersed carbon additives (HDCA) obtained in high-voltage discharge plasma on properties of elastomeric compositions is investigated. Some tests to determinate tensile strength, stretching strain, abrasion resistance, hardness and resistance to heat aging of highly filled rubbers based on raw rubber for general and special application are carried out. It is shown that HDCA addition permits to improve performance characteristics of elastomers based on butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber


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    Correlation between porosity and processing parameters in TiAl6V4 produced by selective laser melting

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    This study presents the correlation between process parameters and porosity formation in a TiAl6V4 alloy produced by selective laser melting. The porosity is investigated by 2D and 3D methods aiming to identify the mechanisms of void formation, their morphology as well as volume fraction as a function of the energy density. An evident minimumvolume fraction is observed between process parameters with significant overheating and insufficient fusion. It is shown that these two marginal regions define two mechanisms of void formation. Two dominant types of voids morphology are identified and examined regarding pore orientation versus their elongation, which together with the curvature distribution analysis allow revealing critical defects

    The Potential of Digitalisation and Social Dialogue in Ensuring Post-Pandemic Labour Market Sustainability: Priorities for Ukraine

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    The article substantiates promising areas of resource mobilisation to counter the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic оn the labour market, namely, through the involvement of the potential of digital, information and communication technologies and the introduction of innovative mechanisms into the system of social dialogue in the labour field at the national level. The conceptual basis of the research is the four-pillar policy framework for tackling the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis, developed by the International Labour Organization as a basic tool to address the risks and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic for global and national labour markets. This framework was used as a cross-cutting analytical scheme to analyse Ukrainian realities and further to structure the potential of digitalisation and social dialogue for overcoming the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Ukrainian labour market and for further post-pandemic recovery.Based on the modern platform approach, the authors propose a social innovation – a 3-element model of socially responsible partnership (SRP Platform), which allows significantly updating (or even rebooting) the system of communication and interaction between the social dialogue participants in Ukraine using the potential of modern network, information and communication technologies. Implementating such a model will contribute to the renewal of the social dialogue system in Ukraine and, thus, further effective counteraction against the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the Ukrainian labour market, and to the formation of an effective anti-pandemic state policy. Both the conceptual basis and general mechanism for implementing the SRP platform are (to a large extent) universal and can be adapted to renew social dialogue systems not only in Ukraine but also in other post-Soviet countries with a tripartite system

    Фискальные инструменты перехода от стабилизации к восстановлению экономики: использование мирового опыта

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    Розглянуто перспективи консервативної та радикальної концепцій реформування податкової системи України на 2016 рік. Надано оцінку впливу податкових змін на процес бюджетної децентралізації. Виявлено ризики та розроблено пропозиції вдосконалення бюджетно-податкової системи для забезпечення переходу від стабілізації до економічного відновлення України.The prospects of conservative and radical tax system reform concepts in Ukraine in 2016 are researched. The impact of tax changes on fiscal decentralization process is estimated. The risks are discovered and advices are proposed for improvement fiscal system to ensure the transition from stabilization to economic recovery in Ukraine.Рассмотрены перспективы консервативной и радикальной концепций реформирования налоговой системы Украины на 2016 год. Дана оценка влияния налоговых изменений на процесс бюджетной децентрализации. Выявлены риски и разработаны предложения совершенствования бюджетно-налоговой системы для обеспечения перехода от стабилизации к экономическому восстановлению Украины

    Self ion assisted modification of elastomer and its micro- and macroscopic properties.

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    The composition of Zr-based thin films on rubber was investigated by utilizing the Rutherford backscattering technique and RUMP code simulation. The level of adgesion between the coating fabricated on rubber by means of self-ion assisted deposition was measured using Pin Pull Test. The coating deposited on the rubber consists of Zn, O, C, H. The self ion assisted deposition process may successfully control the level of adhesion of the coating to the rubber and causes strong modification of the macroscopic properties of the rubber surface