300 research outputs found


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    The paper gives a historical account of the negative effects of poor interpreter-translator service providers to the development of the justice system in countries of Africa generally and Zambia in particular. It recommends various practical solutions to the challenge of access to interpreter-translator service providers generally and legal interpreter-translator services in particular. These include definition of target group; mobilization of funding; building a network of experts to serve as advisors, consultants and resource persons; establishment of a statutory body to guide government on language policy generally, including translation-interpretation services (e.g. Translation and Interpretation Commission); organization of thematic seminars and workshops; media panel discussions; moving a private motion in parliament; curriculum review for consideration by Ministry of Education; and submission of a draft bill for consideration by parliament and/or Ministry of Justice.Artykuł naświetla tło historyczne dla negatywnych rezultatów w rozwoju systemu sądownictwa a wynikłych w związku z niedostatkami umiejętności tłumaczy w Afryce, a w szczególności w Zambii. Wskazuje on różnorakie rozwiązania praktyczne w ogólności dla tłumaczy, trudniących się przekładem oraz dla usług tłumaczy sądowych w szczególności. Obejmuje to sprecyzowanie grupy docelowej; gromadzenie funduszy, stworzenie sieci ekspertów służących jako konsultanci i doradcy, powołanie do życia instytucji wspomagającej rząd w pracy nad polityką językową w ogólności, w tym nad usługami tłumaczeniowymi (np. Komisja Tłumaczeniowa); organizaowanie seminariów i warsztatów tematycznych; dyskusje panelowe; wzniecanie prywatnych inicjatyw w parlamencie, przegląd planów studiów do rozważenia przez Ministerstwo Edukacji; zgłoszenie wniosku pod głosowanie parlamentu i/lub Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości.L’article donne un récit historique des effets négatifs occasionnés au développement du système judiciaire par les fournisseurs des services de traducteur-interprètes incompétents dans les pays d’Afrique en générale et en Zambie en particulier. Il propose certaines solutions pratiques pour remédier le manque d’accès aux fournisseurs des services de traducteur-interprètes généralement et de traducteur-interprètes juridiques plus particulièrement. Parmi les défis, sont remarquables la définition d’un groupe cible ; la mobilisation de fonds ; la création d’un réseau d’experts pour servir comme conseillers, consultants et animateurs de projet ; la création d’un organisme d’état pour guider le gouvernement en matière de politique linguistique, y compris les services de traducteur-interprètes (ex. Commission Nationale de Traduction et d’Interprétation) ; l’organisation des séminaires et ateliers thématiques ; l’organisation des conference-débats ; l’introduction d’un projet de loi privé au parlement ; la révision du curriculum par le Ministère de l’Education Nationale ; et l’introduction d’un projet de loi au parlement par le Ministère de Justice

    Challenges of water management at local government municipal level in the Eastern Cape of South Africa

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    A research report submitted to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, Johannesburg, 2017Human beings depend on water not only for life itself but also for their economic wellbeing. Water resources play a cardinal role in the creation of everything that human beings produce. Post-apartheid South Africa is in the throes of incredible challenges. One of the more important challenges is access for all citizens to basic services. South Africa is doing this against a backdrop of strongly differential servicing that is its apartheid legacy, which has prompted many commentators to label South Africa a country of two worlds, more specifically, a developed world component and an impoverished developing world component. The challenge with respect to water is to ensure universal access in the context of the added hurdle of South Africa being a water-scarce country. The local municipalities of the Eastern Cape have been facing a number of challenges in the provision of clean, portable water to their communities. This has resulted in inadequate provision of water, meaning that not all communities have access to clean water 24 hours a day The overall objective for this study is to contribute to the body of knowledge available to the water sector about the management of sustainable water supply systems in municipalities, and determine the factors that have undermined the sustainability of water provision at a local government municipal level in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. In this research, the effectiveness of local governments, which act as water services authorities (WSA) and providers of water to the rural communities, is examined. To this end, a comprehensive literature review was conducted and data gathered to discover why there has been a failure in the provision of clean drinking water. The results of the research illustrate that institutional incapacity in rural municipalities and widespread poverty serve to undermine the sustainability of the local government sector and lead to breakdowns in services delivery. Measures are proposed that can be adopted to improve the current approaches of water supply in local municipalities.CK201

    Os desafios da política de salário mínimo : uma perspectiva zambiana

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    Orientador: Carlos Salas PaezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: De acordo com (CSO-LFS 2012), o governo da República da Zâmbia formula políticas empregatícias para melhorar as relações e condições de trabalho. Essas políticas também têm como objetivo reduzir a pobreza através da criação de empregos decentes para os cidadãos (CSO-LFS 2012). Para que as políticas sejam relevantes, o governo realiza avaliações econômicas através de diversos meios, como a condução de pesquisas sobre a força de trabalho (LFS), monitoramento das condições de vida (LCMS), monitoramento da performance econômica e outras iniciativas socioeconômicas relacionadas. Além disso, o governo também promove a educação para seus cidadãos uma vez que está consciente de que uma força de trabalho instruída e essencial para o desenvolvimento econômico (CSO-LFS, 2012). O fomento ao investimento local e estrangeiro em vários setores é também uma importante política que qualquer governo deveria implementar tendo em vista a criação de empregos decentes e redução da pobreza. Como argumenta Amartya Sem, o crescimento econômico se dá através do desenvolvimento das capacidades. De acordo com (Layard 2004; Offer 2006; Wilkinson and Picket 2010), o crescimento do PIB tem se mostrado uma referência inadequada do progresso social a parece exercer pouco ou nenhum impacto no bem-estar social. Essa visão é amparada pela noção de "desenvolvimento como liberdade" de Sem, que implica que as pessoas só desfrutam de liberdade genuína quando ela é baseada na segurança econômica e social. De acordo com o painel de especialistas na Comissão de Mensuração do Desempenho Econômico e Progresso social nomeado por Nicolas Sarkozy, ex-presidente da França, os termos de referência não aceitam que os cidadãos se adaptem às exigências da economia, mas sim que a economia seja remodelada para servir aos interesses dos cidadãos. De acordo com `Failure of a Model¿ de Ron Blackwell e David Coates, um estado democrático deve permanecer como um agente econômico indispensável, fornecendo serviços públicos de qualidade, desempenhando o papel de regulador, preparando o palco para os agentes econômicos e intervindo (através de políticas fiscais ou monetárias) de modo a acalmar os impulsos especulativos ou controlar uma recessão (ILO - IJLR, 2012). Também existe, como Tim Page coloca em seu trabalho, um forte argumento a favor da implementação e desenvolvimento por parte do governo de políticas industriais ativas, através da criação de marcos regulatórios claros, que forneçam capital que não venha diretamente do mercado aberto para o investimento. Por exemplo, US750milho~esforamcaptadosnomercadodecapitaisem2012paraarealizac\ca~odeprogramasgovernamentaisquevisavammelhoriasnasestradaspuˊblicasenainfraestruturaferroviaˊria,comoobjetivodealavancarodesenvolvimentosocialeecono^miconaZa^mbiaAbstract:Accordingto(CSO−LFS2012),theGovernmentoftheRepublicofZambiaformulatesemploymentandlabourpoliciestoimproveworkers¿andemployers¿labourrelationsandemploymentconditions.Thesepoliciesarealsoaimedatreducingpovertybythecreationofdecentjobsforthecitizens(CSO−LFS2012).Inordertomakerelevantpolicies,theGovernmentcarriesoutassessmentsontheeconomythroughvariousmeanssuchasconductingtheLabourForceSurveys(LFS),LivingConditionsMonitoringSurveys(LCMS),economicperformancemonitoringprogramsandotherrelatedsocioeconomicinitiatives.Inaddition,theGovernmentalsopromoteseducationforitscitizensasitrealizesthataneducatedlabourforceisessentialforeconomicdevelopment(CSO−LFS,2012).Thepromotionofbothlocalandforeigninvestmentinvarioussectorsisalsoanimportantpolicyanygovernmentshouldimplementwithaviewtocreatingdecentjobsandreducepoverty.AsAmartyaSenhasopined,economicgrowthhastobeforthepurposeandthemoststraightforwardwayofcharacterizingthatgoalistosaythatcitizensmustbeabletoacquirethecapabilitiesandthattheyneedtochooselivesthattheyhavereasonstovalue(Sen,1999).Accordingto(Layard2004;Offer2006;WilkinsonandPicket2010),measuredincreaseinDGPhasbeenseentobeinadequatebenchmarkofsocialprogressandappearstohavelittleornoimpactoneitherhappinessorlifesatisfaction.ThisviewissupportedbySen¿snotionof‘developmentasfreedom¿,whichentailsthatpeoplecanenjoygenuinelibertyonlyinsofarasitisbasedoneconomicandsocialsecurity.AccordingtothepanelofexpertsontheCommissionforMeasurementofEconomicPerformanceandSocialProgressappointedbyNicolasSarkozy,theformerpresidentofFrance,thetermsofreferencesforthecommitteeofexpertswasthattheobjectiveisnottoaccepttheworldasitisandadaptcitizenstothedemandsoftheeconomy,buttoreshapetheeconomytoensurethatitservestheinterestofthecitizens.Accordingtothe‘FailureofaModel¿byRonBlackwellandDavidCoates,aspartofpolicyactivism,ademocraticstatemustremainasanindispensableactorintheeconomy,playingaroleofprovidingqualitypublicservicesandasaregulator,settingthestageformarketactorsandintervening(eitherthroughfiscalormonetarypolicy)inordertocoolaspeculativeboomorhaltarecession(ILO−IJLR,2012).Thereisalso,asTimPagemakesinhispaper,astrongcaseforgovernmenttodevelopactiveindustrialpoliciesbysettingclearregulatoryframeworks,providingcapitalforinvestmentsthatwillnotbefundedontheopenmarket.Forinstance,the2012Zambia¿sUS 750 milhões foram captados no mercado de capitais em 2012 para a realização de programas governamentais que visavam melhorias nas estradas públicas e na infraestrutura ferroviária, com o objetivo de alavancar o desenvolvimento social e econômico na ZâmbiaAbstract: According to (CSO-LFS 2012), the Government of the Republic of Zambia formulates employment and labour policies to improve workers¿ and employers¿ labour relations and employment conditions. These policies are also aimed at reducing poverty by the creation of decent jobs for the citizens (CSO-LFS 2012). In order to make relevant policies, the Government carries out assessments on the economy through various means such as conducting the Labour Force Surveys (LFS), Living Conditions Monitoring Surveys (LCMS), economic performance monitoring programs and other related socioeconomic initiatives. In addition, the Government also promotes education for its citizens as it realizes that an educated labour force is essential for economic development (CSO-LFS, 2012). The promotion of both local and foreign investment in various sectors is also an important policy any government should implement with a view to creating decent jobs and reduce poverty. As Amartya Sen has opined, economic growth has to be for the purpose and the most straightforward way of characterizing that goal is to say that citizens must be able to acquire the capabilities and that they need to choose lives that they have reasons to value (Sen, 1999). According to (Layard 2004; Offer 2006; Wilkinson and Picket 2010), measured increase in DGP has been seen to be inadequate benchmark of social progress and appears to have little or no impact on either happiness or life satisfaction. This view is supported by Sen¿s notion of `development as freedom¿, which entails that people can enjoy genuine liberty only insofar as it is based on economic and social security. According to the panel of experts on the Commission for Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress appointed by Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president of France, the terms of references for the committee of experts was that the objective is not to accept the world as it is and adapt citizens to the demands of the economy, but to reshape the economy to ensure that it serves the interest of the citizens. According to the `Failure of a Model¿ by Ron Blackwell and David Coates, as part of policy activism, a democratic state must remain as an indispensable actor in the economy, playing a role of providing quality public services and as a regulator, setting the stage for market actors and intervening (either through fiscal or monetary policy) in order to cool a speculative boom or halt a recession (ILO - IJLR, 2012). There is also, as Tim Page makes in his paper, a strong case for government to develop active industrial policies by setting clear regulatory frameworks, providing capital for investments that will not be funded on the open market. For instance, the 2012 Zambia¿s US 750 million Euro Bond" which was sourced from `Wall Street¿ capital market for public works programmes (PWP), is meant to improve inter alia; public roads and railway infrastructure in order to help stimulate economic and social development in ZambiaMestradoEconomia Social e do TrabalhoMestre em Desenvolvimento Econômic

    A Pedagogical Study of Tone Neutralization in Cibemba Phonetics and Phonology

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    The paper discussed the concept of tone in African languages generally and in the Bantu linguistic group in particular from a pedagogical perspective. Using illustrative examples from Cibemba, the major language of Zambia, with an air of extension in DR Congo, in comparison with Germanic and Romance languages, the paper pointed out various theoretical issues surrounding tone. Amongst issues discussed was the need to put tone in context as opposed to approaching tone purely from the perspective of lexical semantics or content. This view of tone generally defined as syllable-based relative pitch contrast effectively and separates segmental units from suprasegmental units in order to satisfy pedagogical needs. For instance, the French text remains recognizable regardless of whether or not accents are omitted, thanks to context. Similarly, the French dictation exercise stands to benefit from using isolated vocabulary words in addition to narratives or passages that put text in context. The issue of tone context also raises the question of definition of phonetics and how it differs from phonology. Last but not least the paper argued that tone patterns represent dialect variations and their evolution to the extent that diachronic and synchronic tests can be administered

    Male circumcision and HIV in Zambia

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    Background: Over the last 10 years considerable interest has developed in male circumcision as a possible tool in reducing HIV transmission in high prevalence countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Statements from normative agencies, though cautious, have encouraged the introduction of safe hospital based circumcision practice where the demand for these services exists1. The anecdotal evidence has now been followed by one randomized control trial. The results of two further trials are awaited. In the interim , interest has grown in the question of how male circumcision can be operationalised in a real clinical setting should the two ongoing trials confirm the efficacy of male circumcision.Methods: The University Teaching Hospital Lusaka has been running an integrated dedicated male circumcision service for the last 2years. This site is, as far as we know, the only dedicated public service male circumcision service site in the region.Results: The site has performed 900 male circumcisions. The lessons learnt in relation to administration, cost, techniques, key operator and outcomes are reviewed. Comparison is drawn with the three research sites and public health strategies to reduce HIV transmission. Some conclusions are drawn about possible paths and pitfalls for future sites in the region

    Trends and Prospects of Instructional Material Development and Delivery at the University of Zambia

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    The major concern addressed in this study is why the University of Zambia UNZA despite being the first national University with so much vast experience in excellence and service as its motto is and being the first institution to offer distance education DE in Zambia has not commensurately grown to competitive and comparative massive enrollment numbers increased number of programmes and courses and development and delivery of instructional materials in Open and Distance Learning ODL The need to introduce DE at UNZA amongst many other compelling reasons could be attributed to the Lockwood Commission whose report in 1963 64 recommended that degree programmes at the Institution should be available by distance study to suitably qualified candidates who might not be in position to attend the University education on full - time basis This study is anchored on questions such as i How does UNZA run distance education ii How does UNZA develop instructional materials iii How does UNZA deliver instructional materials to its distance students iv What successes has UNZA scored in distance education mode of study v Why is distance education at UNZA not expanding as expected vi How best could UNZA deliver its learner support services to its distance students The study employed descriptive design and document analysis review It is largely qualitative in nature The major findings of the study show that UNZA being a dual mode institution depends on lecturers from various teaching schools to service distance education students Institute of Distance Education IDE the Unit of the University with sole responsibilities of administration organisation and coordination of DE programmes depends on lecturers employed under regular mode of study to develop instructional materials conduct face-to-face contact sessions during residential schools prepare assessment and examinations and mark them IDE experiences some degree of resistance from mainstream fac

    Trends and Prospects of Instructional Material Development and Delivery at the University of Zambia

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    The major concern addressed in this study is why the University of Zambia UNZA despite being the first national University with so much vast experience in excellence and service as its motto is and being the first institution to offer distance education DE in Zambia has not commensurately grown to competitive and comparative massive enrollment numbers increased number of programmes and courses and development and delivery of instructional materials in Open and Distance Learning ODL The need to introduce DE at UNZA amongst many other compelling reasons could be attributed to the Lockwood Commission whose report in 1963 64 recommended that degree programmes at the Institution should be available by distance study to suitably qualified candidates who might not be in position to attend the University education on full - time basis This study is anchored on questions such as i How does UNZA run distance education ii How does UNZA develop instructional materials iii How does UNZA deliver instructional materials to its distance students iv What successes has UNZA scored in distance education mode of study v Why is distance education at UNZA not expanding as expected vi How best could UNZA deliver its learner support services to its distance students The study employed descriptive design and document analysis review It is largely qualitative in nature The major findings of the study show that UNZA being a dual mode institution depends on lecturers from various teaching schools to service distance education students Institute of Distance Education IDE the Unit of the University with sole responsibilities of administration organisation and coordination of DE programmes depends on lecturers employed under regular mode of study to develop instructional materials conduct face-to-face contact sessions during residential schools prepare assessment and examinations and mark them IDE experiences some degree of resistance from mainstream fac


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    The academic performance of learners with hearing impairment has continued to decline far below their hearing counterparts. Comparison of academic performance in various subjects between pupils with hearing and non-hearing indicate that hearing impairment (HI), was lagging behind in schools. The study, therefore, explored perceptions held by teachers and pupils on factors affecting the academic performance of pupils with hearing HI in selected schools in Zambia. A qualitative approach supported by a case study research design was employed in the study. The sample size was 22 consisting of 10 pupils with HI, 10 teachers of pupils with HI and 2 head teachers. An expert purposive sampling technique was used to select participants. Data from pupils was collected using a focus group discussion guide (sign language used as a mode of communication) while data from head teachers and teachers were collected with aid of face-to-face interview guides. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically and results were presented descriptively. The study revealed that the use of sign language as a mode of communication significantly impaired the exchange of knowledge and skills at the classroom level. It was also found, that pupils with HI faced many challenges such as; a negative attitude towards their academic work, poor pre-academic readiness skills, insufficient resources, clouded school curriculum, inappropriate instructional methodologies and assesmmnet approaches that had affected their academic performance. It was further evident, that teachers were ill-prepared in sign language as a language of instruction to positively impact on academic and social life with HI pupils in schools. Although schools were seen to be making efforts to address the observed challenges, pupils with HI, continued to academically perform lowly. The study recommends, upgrading teachers’ competence in sign language, and providing an enriched learning environment, instructional resources as vehicles for improving academic success among pupils with HI in the study schools.  Article visualizations
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