14 research outputs found


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    The policy of limiting social interaction (working from home) by the government since March 15, 2020, makes proper communication very important. Therefore, communication and involvement are important factors to improve employee relations and performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of communication and involvement on employee relations, the effect of communication and involvement on employee performance, the effect of employee relations on employee performance, and the effect of communication and involvement through employee relations on employee performance CV. Allsolutions, Surabaya. This study uses quantitative methods and the sample is 54 respondents. In collecting data, this study used a questionnaire, which was processed with IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The analysis technique used was path analysis. The results showed that Communication had a positive and significant effect on Employee Relations, Involvement had a positive, insignificant effect on Employee Relations, Communication and Involvement simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on employee relations, Communication and Involvement partially and simultaneously had a positive and insignificant effect on Employee performance, employee relations has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and communication and involvement partially or simultaneously through employee relations has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Employee relations has a significant influence to mediate the effect of Communication and Involvement on employee performance


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    This research aims to know the impact of price subsidy on change in output of product sector as well as the influence of the subsidy on the level of household income in Central Java. This research used input-output and SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) analysis. To analyze the impact of fertilizer price subsidy on the changes in output, this research used supply side aproach with matrix output inverse. While to know fertilizer price subsidy on household income, this research used SAM analysis analysis that stimulated the impact of fertilize price by income distribution patern analysis by using Matrix Decomposition Analysis. The research to referred SNSE Central Java 2004. The findings showed that fertilizer price subsidy in Central Java 2008 affected changes in output. The sector that showed highest changes was chemistry industrial and fertilizer sector (Rp 2.122.497 million), followed by mining sector ( Rp 1.274.906 million). Subsidy of fertilizer price in Central Java also affected the total increase in household income in Central Java (0,6435 percents). The household that showed income increases was simulation analysis was farmer entrepreneur household that showed income increase Rp 257.288,92 million or rise as high as 0,6024 percents. The second highest increase was urban affairs upper crust household with value of Rp 257.046,84 million


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    Minuman berenergi merupakan minuman ringan yang dapat meningkatkan energi, dan mengurangi kelelahan. Kebiasaan mengonsumsi minuman berenergi secara berlebihan dapat meningkatkan resiko kerusakan organ, terutama hepar. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji efek minuman berenergi dalam level dosis berbeda terhadap histopatologi hepar tikus wistar. Kandungan kafein, niasin, dan aspartam dalam minuman berenergi merupakan pemicu terjadinya kerusakan pada hepar. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 20 ekor tikus putih jantan dengan bobot ±200 gram, yang dibagi dalam 5 perlakuan dengan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas P0, P1, P2, P3 dan P4, yang secara berurutan adalah kontrol, tikus putih diberikan minuman berenergi 76 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari, 152 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari, 228 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari, dan 304 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari. Variabel penelitian yang diukur, meliputi bobot hepar, bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, konsumsi minum, hepatosomatik index (HI index), dan diameter hepatosit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman berenergi memberi efek nyata (P<0,05) terhadap diameter sel hepatosit, bobot badan, dan hepatosomatic indeks, namun tidak berbeda nyata terhadap bobot hepar, konsumsi pakan, dan konsumsi minum. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah, minuman berenergi dapat merusak histologi hepar tikus wistar. Histologi hepar tikus mulai mengalami kerusakan saat diberikan perlakuan minuman berenergi dengan dosis 76 mg/200 g BB/hari yang ditandai oleh adanya kongesti dan inklusi Mallory Body pada jaringan hepa

    Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa Melalui Pelatihan ESQ Guna Meningkatkan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Untag Surabaya

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    Symptoms of dishonesty among students and the community, which marked the modeled mass assignments and exams, plagiarism cases of scientific work at several universities, indiscipline in the lecture, and corruption increased. Indicator character of the nation, especially students who began to decline becomes an important issue to study, to overcome the problems of the characters needed models that synergize all intelligence training, not only intellectual but also emotional  and spiritual intelligence. The ESQ training models in an effort to build positive character of the student so that the student is not getting the moral decline. Through training, in the long run will result in increased student competence, as a potential future leader of the nation. Human Resources is able to compete, adapt, intelligent and moral, culture of corruption so lost. The population in this research is student of the faculty of economic in 2012 in Untag Surabaya.with the total number of 600 student.From the test result, analsysis of Smart PLS, random sampling method by software SmartPls 2.0,on 30 respondents,  the study states that the ESQ training is the right model to build student character FE UNTAG Surabaya force in 2012 and build the character of students is the right model for enhancing student competence UNTAG Surabaya. ESQ training but do not directly improve the competence of students, through build character first. Key words: ESQ training, build character, competenc


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    Dengan semakin populernya hasil kreasi seni Shibori di masyarakat membuat semakin banyak masyarakat yang ingin bisa membuat sendiri hasil karya tersebut. Beberapa hasil kreasi yang paling diminati adalah Arshi shibori, hajime shibori, kanako shibori, kumo shibori, miura shibori dan nui shibori yang menggunakan bahan kain sutra, rayon dan katun atau mori serta bahan pewarna sintetis, yaitu naptol, remasol dan indigasol. Shibori adalah berbagai metode menghias kain atau bahan tekstil yang dilakukan dengan cara mencelup kain yang sudah diikat, dijahit,atau dilipat sesuai pola tertentu. Seperti halnya kain batik, dalam proses pembuatan shibori, pada prinsipnya juga dibutuhkan bahan perintang untuk menahan warna agar tidak meresap kebagian kain yang tidak diinginkan. Selain belajar di sekolah, anak-anak panti asuhan juga perlu belajar ketrampilan.  Hal  ini  dibutuhkan  agar anak-anak panti asuhan Aisyyah  memiliki  kemampuan  lain  yang  bisa  .dimanfaatkan mereka untuk berwirausaha. Pclatihan Shibori diajukan sebagai program kcmitraan masyarakat. Dengan diadakan program kemitraan masyarakat ini. diharapkan mampu rneningkatkan kernampuan dan ketrampilan anak-anak panti asuhan Aisyiyah melalui pelatihan Shibori sehingga mereka memiliki bekal saat terjun di masyarakat, khususnya dalam berwirausaha.Kata kunci : Shibori, Berwirausaha, Panti Asuhan Aisyiya

    Covid-19, Competence and Resilience Fresh Graduate of college

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    Covid-19 is a pandemic that is uncertain when it will end. This study aims to determine the factors of resilience during the Covid-19/Coronavirus Pandemic. This study used a crosssectional design, with purposive snowball sampling. Primary data collection is carried out for one semester starting in August 2021. Respondents fill out a questionnaire about individual characteristics, competencies, Covid-19 experience, and resilience. Resilience was measured using the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and Competence was assessed using five indicators. Respondents who participated in this study were 49 fresh graduates. Regression analysis was carried out to determine the relationship between the variables of resilience, and competence during Covid-19. Competence, statistically positive and significant relationship with Resilience.Competence can explain greater variance in the Resilience of fresh graduate of collegeKey words : Resilience; Competence; Covid-1


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    To carry out the procedure for filling out loan and loan card installment slips on BUMDes, a system is needed that can help in the savings and loan flow in the form of installment flowchart, and for this procedure provides guidance in managing complete customer data in the form and slip. So that the administrator can find out whether a program is feasible or not feasible to run.Financial aspects are aspects that are used to assess the company's finances as a whole. This aspect is just as important as other aspects, there are even some entrepreneurs who consider this aspect to be the most important to be analyzed because from this aspect it is clearly illustrated the matters relating to company profits, so that it is one of the very important aspects to be examined for its feasibility. Banking is always connected financially, and here it is clear that the savings and loan program is always related to finance.With the flowchat, forms, and financial reporting, of course, it will make it easier to run this program. Forms above are very clear that customers who will pay in installments can directly fill out the forms provided and for reporting, namely for archives held by BUMDes or BUMDes management, so it can be directly used or run


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    One important factor in the life of the organization is leadership. Leadership is needed because of the existence of a specific human limitations and advantages. Effective leaders have a responsibility to always pay attention to the commitment of their subordinates because of the reality of organizational behavior at work can be measured by the level of commitment of employees. In applying the effective leadership style to be able to improve morale is high. This will have the effect positif once, either directly or indirectly to the effectiveness of the organization in achieving its goals.This study aims to: 1) determine the effect of transactional and transformational leadership simultaneously towards the commitment of employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya, 2) the effect of transactional and transformational leadership partially to the commitment of employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya, and 3) determine the dominant influence between transactional and transformational leadership variables towards the commitment of employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya.This study used quantitative approach by using multiple linear regression statistical analysis. Sample is taken as many as 42 employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya, with the result of the equation as follows: Y = 0.109 + 0,530X1 + 0,441X2 + eThe results of this study are: 1) The test results simultaneously variable transactional leadership (X1) and transformasional (X2) has a significant influence simultaneously towards the commitment of employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya proven true. It is evident that the value Fcount 23.876 &gt; Ftable at 3.2381 and significance 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Multiple determination coefficient (R2) of 0,550 or 55%. 2) partial test results that variable transactional leadership (X1) and transformational (X2) has significant influence partially to the commitment of employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya truth, because tcount X1 (3.389) &gt; ttable (2.0227) and tcount X2 (3.420) &gt; ttable (2.0227) and the significance of X1 (0,002), X2 (0.001)&lt;0,05 , 3) variable transformational leadership (X2) is a variable that has dominant influence on the commitment of employees of PT. Purnama Green Label Sejahtera Surabaya because it has a partial determination coefficient (r2) greater than transactional leadership, which amounted to 0.2304.key word : Transactional leadership, transformational, and commitment of employee


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    Competitive advantage is the development of the value created by a business is able to buyers or advantage over competitors gained by delivering greater customer value. Competitive advantages due to the choice of the strategy undertaken by an attempt to seize the market. Strategies to gain a competitive advantage is cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. There are several strategies to develop business coffee shop in order to gain a competitive advantage, namely by placing a banner, make a list of menus, providing free wifi facilities, Television, add equipment to drink coffee, add seating add to the table, providing storefront to put merchandise, repair buildings, painting again, keep records of business, process the coffee powder with roasted and milled coffee machine and raise capital in the form of merchandise. This strategy is done because coffee is a customer favorite drink regularly booked, the atmosphere of the coffee shop of choice, and customers come to the coffee shop to stay up to a few tens of minutes over coffee. The coffee shop is not just a cup of coffee, but a place to socialize. Through this strategy is expected to increase the number of customers, increased revenue and ultimately grow profits coffee shop smack Udin and Yuk Kastoyah. As a micro business owners, then they are free to choose the type of coffee used. To support the industry-coffee and help the economy in Indonesia.Keywords: Business development, competitive advantage, micro-enterprises

    Increasing Performance Through Motivation and Competence at 17 Agustus 1945 University, Surabaya

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    Student performance appraisal is an important part of the entire work process, serving as feedback about abilities, skills, attitudes and poten- tial that is useful for determining goals, paths, plans and career devel- opment later. This study aims to analyze the right model to improve performance. Data was collected through a survey using a question- naire instrument. distributed online, responded by 71 students of the faculty of economics and business,17 Agustus 1945 University, Surabaya. Data analysis using PLS. The results found, Motivation is the right model to improve performance. The relationship between latent variables, there seems to be no path from competency to performance. Competence influences motivation and Motivation influences per- formance. Implications of the results of this study, where the learning process is carried out online, motivation is a very important variable to spur student performance, lecturers are expected to continuously motivate students so that later student performance increases