381 research outputs found

    Adoption of Biosecurity Measures by Layer Smallholders

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    It was indicated that layer smallholders awareness of biosecurity was low. This paper aimed todetermine the level of adoption within the South Sulawesi layer smallholders of a range of standardbiosecurity measures. Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) regency was chosen as a location of the research,because it was famous as a central of layer smallholders. Total sample was 60 respondents. The samplewas chosen through random sampling from two districts which were the most populous of layersmallholders, namely Baranti and Maritengae. Data were collected using structured questionnaires anddepth-interview. The data were tabulated and analysed using a simple method of scoring with regard totheir biosecurity status. The status of biosecurity was used to know the level of biosecurity adoption.Biosecurity status was obtained based on the adoption of biosecurity measures which consisted of 9stages: farm inputs, traffic onto farms, distance from sources of pathogens to shed, exposure of farm,biosecurity at farm boundary, biosecurity between farm boundary and shed, biosecurity at the shed door,traffic into the shed and susceptibility of the flock. Using adoption index, this research revealed thatbiosecurity adoption of layer smallholders in South Sulawesi was classified into a тАЬpartial adopterтАЭ

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Cemaran Mikroba dalam Air Minum Isi Ulang pada Depot Air Minum Kota Makassar

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    Background: Water is an essential substance for human life and other living things. Instant paced lifestyle and the needs of the ever increasing drinking water, causing drinking water refill a new and inexpensive alternative, but still have to qualify based PERMENKES 492 in 2010. The result of Makassar City Health Departemen only 60% drinking water depot eligible coliform bacteria. Research goals to analyze factors associated with microbial contamination in drinking water refill Makassar. Methods: This study is an observational study with cross sectional sample of 87 depots in Makassar. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables. Results: The result showed as much as 39.08% of raw water and 52.87% AMIU ineligible microbiological quality (coliform and E. coli), whereas observations indicate the condition of instruments and processing 3.45%, 68.87% employee hygiene, and depot sanitation 4.6% are not eligible. Conclusion: The test result showed an associations between the microbial contamination of raw water conditions, p=0.017 and employee hygiene, p=0.007. Keywords : drinking water refills, refill depots, microbial contaminatio

    Exploited seerfish fisheries of india during 1998-02

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    Seerfishes are esteemed table fishes. In India, they are considered as one of the high value resources due to their superior quality meat, high economic return and export market. Seerfish fishery is important to artisanal fishermen who use driftnet/gillner/hooks and line employing country crafts with or without out-board engines and medium size boats with inboard engines, in the coastal waters of 25- 60 m depth. They are the target species for to 16.9% during 1998-02 indicating attainment of optimum production. The annual production during 1998-02 varied from 42,578 t in 2001 to 54,871 t in 1998 with an average of 48,847t forming 1.9% of the marine fish landing of the country. The east coast which ranked first in seerfish production during 1950s and 1960s with around 60% contribution had progressively been reduced to 40% in 1990s and during 1998-02

    Present Status of Exploitation of Shrimp Resource along the East Coast of India with special reference to Kakinada Coast

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    Marine fish production in India increased steadily from a meagre 0.5 million t in 1950 to 2.69 million t in 1997. During 1990's the annual average marine fish production in India was 2.33 million t and out of this Andhra Pradesh contributed 145,848 which formed 6.27%. Andhra Pradesh ranked 6th next to Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Among the important fishery resources along the Andhra Pradesh coast, penaeid and non-penaeid shrimps constitute 9.2% and 2.7% in the total production. Among the nine coastal districts, East Godavari tops in marine fish production contributing 36.0%. Muthu et al., (1975) and Narasimham et al,(1979) have studied the trawl fishery of the Kakinada coast in detail. Rao (1975, 1979, 1980, 1985,1987, 1988 a,b,c, 1989, 1990,1993 and 1994) and Lalitha Devi (1986, 1987 and 1988) have studied the shrimp fishery in general and the biology and stock assessment of the component species of the shrimp resource in detail along the Kakinada coast. No report has been made on the recent developments on the shrimp fishery along the Kakinada coast and the present paper attempts to bring out the present status of the shrimp fishery resource along the East Coast in general and the Kakinada coast in particular

    Pembelajaran Pengelolaan Terumbu Karang di Sekitar Lokasi Pengeboran Minyak dan Gas Lapangan Tiaka, Tomori Sulawesi Tengah

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    Offshore oil drilling creates impacts to marine ecosystem, not only to the lives in the water column but also tobenthic organisms. Coral reefs is one indicator that is prone to physical and chemical impacts of oil drilling. AJoint Operating Body, Pertamina-Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi (JOB PTMS) has been operating since2005/2006 in the vicinity of Gusung Tiaka, Morowalu Utara, Central Sulawesi. JOB PTMS has a commitmentand responsibility to the sustainability coral reefs in the vicinity of drilling. Until recently, coral reefmanagement activities conducted were, coral reefs monitoring and restoring (using transplantation method) aswell as cleaning up from predator Acanthaster plancii. Coral reefs monitoring runs periodically in 2008-2014 in6 points of control. The coral reefs were in bad to good conditions, with mortality index 0.16-0.72 (scale 0-1).Coral reefs damaged was resulted from many factors namely, illegal fishing and predator Acanthaster planciiwith abundance of less than 30 individuals/hectare. Coral fish diversity index was 4,74-6.06. Coraltransplantation was moderate, not only the coral growth but also nekton (fish) recruitment with high number inthe vicinity of the transplantations. Coral reef management nearby drilling area has been running gradually, aswell as developing relevant programs with environment responsibility in the vicinity of Blok Tiaka, NorthMorowali

    Nutritional status and socioeconomic empowerment of fisherwomen in the coastal ecosystem of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India

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    This study was carried out in the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. From these states, 13 districts and 28 villages were selected. A total of 5,744 households were covered. Cereal consumption was highest in Andhra Pradesh followed by Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Pulse consumption was high in Kerala when compared to other states. The overall energy intake of the fisherwomen was 1,827 kcal/day; protein intake was 50.6 gm/day; carbohydrate intake was 343.5 gm/day; and fat intake was 27 gm/day. The mean intake of micronutrients was less than the recommended dietary allowance. The mean body mass index was 21.3. The nutritional status of the women was: 49% normal; 17% low normal; 10.5% mildly malnourished; 4% moderately malnourished; and 2.9% severely malnourished. About 11.5% of the fisherwomen were overweight and 4.6% were obese. A subsample of 915 women was clinically observed: 34.8% were diagnosed with angular stomatitis; 31 % with cheelosis; 42.8% with bleeding gums; and 44.2% with dry skin. Some 72% of the women were anemic. An assessment ofthe socioeconomic status indicated that very few households (15.4%) maintained livestock for income generation. About 60% of the fisherwomen carried out post-harvest activities to earn income. Food expenditure comprised 60.7% of the earned income contribvting to the major share of the spending. Debt servicing was a serious problem faced by 44.9% of the respondents who had procured loans mostly from non-institutional sources

    Assessment ranking for green pavement material elements

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    The development of green roadway in Malaysia is one of the contributions to accomplish Malaysia Go Green Campaign. Hence, sustainable materials are widely used in road construction recently because people are more aware about its implications towards environments. However, people keep trying to find the most suitable sustainable materials to be used in designing road pavement. Hence, a new method is introduced which assessment ranking for green pavement material element and research is developed by finding and adding more green material used in designing pavements in Malaysia. They are then been categorized and analysed in order to identify which will become the most preferred material. Development of questionnaire survey is one of the steps involved as well as analysis of factor and ranking method for all the green material elements used in roads. About 25 respondents including teams from Public Work Department (JKR) and consultant company are chosen to answer the questionnaire survey according to their specialisation in road construction area. The agreement level which is the output from survey will be transferred into Minitab Software and measured using factor analysis. The factor score which is product from factor loading and mean values being restructure and becomes the weightage factor. Thus, all the material elements are ranked based on their weighted factor value. From the analysis of questionnaire survey, alternative binder become the most preferable material to be used for green pavement for it has the largest weighted factor

    Role of women in Fisheries: An Overview

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    Women playa key role in the development of fisheries sector in addition to their role of sole household managers in most fisher families
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