145 research outputs found

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    Open Government Data : Open Data Pada Sektor Pendidikan Dalam Mendukung Kebijakan

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    Disruptive technology pushes digitization acceleratingly and impacts on education sector so that the learning process to be more effective and efficient. Many problems arise in the education sector that can be solved by the government’s policy based on data. The purpose of this research is to analyze the concept of open data that plays a role in the evidence-based decision-making process by utilizing e-government. The analysis uses the principle of Open Government where the government increases transparency, accountability, and participation through open data. This study shows data were collected through the literature review method and pays attention to the credibility of the data source. The results show open data development innovations in the public sector especially in the field of education: Dapodik, PD Dikti, and EMIS. Open Government Data was created to support appropriate policies, so it is very important to present open data that must be complete, valid, integrated, and transparent (relate to the quality of school or map of education quality by region).Kemajuan teknologi menciptakan digitalisasi di berbagai bidang yang kemudian mendorong konteks baru dalam model interaksi pendidikan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Berbagai macam permasalahan yang muncul di bidang pendidikan dapat diselesaikan dengan adanya dukungan pemerintah. Dukungan tersebut melalui kebijakan bantuan di bidang pendidikan yang diputuskan berbasis data. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis tentang konsep open data yang berperan pada proses pengambilan keputusan berbasis bukti dengan memanfaatkan e-government. Analisis tersebut menggunakan prinsip Open Government dimana pemerintah meningkatkan transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi melalui open data. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui metode literature review dan tetap memperhatikan kredibilitas sumber data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya inovasi pembangunan open data di bidang pendidikan: Dapodik, PD Dikti, dan EMIS. Open Government Data diciptakan untuk mendukung kebijakan agar tepat, maka sangat penting untuk menghadirkan open data yang lengkap, valid, terintegrasi, dan transparan (transparan mengacu kepada data kualitas sekolah atau peta kualitas pendidikan berdasarkan wilayah)

    Peran Desain Kebijakan: Digitalisasi Penyiaran Televisi di Indonesia

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    The research was conducted with the aim of describing the policy of digitizing television broadcasts after the enactment of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. The policy design tries to look at the design of the concept that was built and the practice to realize the broadcast digitization policy. The researcher uses an approach approach with the type of literature study research. Researchers conducted searches on various secondary data sources which were then processed to be described in the form of a literature study. The researcher conducted a data analysis based on the policy design theory by Birkland (2015) which discussed four elements of policy design, namely objectives, theories, instruments, and policy implementation processes. The results of the study indicate that the policy of digitizing television broadcasts should be stated holistically and its implementation involves the support of stakeholders. The policy design for television broadcast digitization has not yet been carried out with a comprehensive causal theory mapping so that the instruments and implementation processes are not yet ready to build the broadcast industry and the public to switch to digital television. To make this policy a success, this research can help the government to encourage digital technology for mapping important industrial strategies that are future-oriented and protect public needs, increase government incentive support, as well as inclusive involvement from institutions both central and local, as well as local non-government institutions in the transition process. Keywords: policy design, broadcast digitization, television. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran televisi setelah ditetapkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 Tentang Ciptakerja. Desain kebijakan mencoba untuk melihat perancangan konsep kebijakan yang dibangun serta praktik untuk mewujudkan tujuan kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi literatur. Peneliti melakukan penelusuran terhadap berbagai sumber data sekunder yang kemudian diolah untuk di deskripsikan kedalam bentuk studi literatur. Peneliti melakukan analisis data yang didasarkan pada teori desain kebijakan oleh Birkland (2015) yang difokuskan pada empat eleman desain kebijakan, yaitu tujuan, teori kausal, instrumen, dan proses implementasi kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran televisi seharusnya dirumuskan secara holistik dan implementasinya melibatkan dukungan dari para pemangku kepentingan. Desain kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran televisi belum diimbangi dengan pemetaan teori kausal yang komprehensif sehingga instrumen dan proses implementasi kebijakan belum sepenuhnya dipersiapkan untuk membangun industri penyiaran dan masyarakat untuk beralih ke televisi digital. Untuk mensukseskan peralihan teknologi digital diperlukan pemetaan strategi industri yang berorientasi masa depan dan melindungi kebutuhan publik, peningkatan dukungan insentif pemerintah, serta keterlibatan secara inklusif dari institusi pemerintah baik pusat dan daerah, serta institusi non-pemerintah daerah dalam proses transisi

    Corporate Governance in PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk

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    When mismanagement and misuse run rampant in giant corporations, as in the case ofEnron in 2001, good corporate governance becomes mandatory. From the perspective ofthe agency theory, the separation of capital owners and management must lead tostrictly applied good corporate governance. The purpose is to eliminate anydisadvantages to the corporation's objective, namely providing added values to allrelevant parties. The agency theory also covers two aspects: agency issues and agencycosts. The research uses the qualitative approach and data is gathered through extensiveinterview, secondary data, and bibliography study. Key persons among the sources areselected based on specific criteria. Data validity is obtained through the triangulationtechnique, and the samples used are PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk and subsidiaries. Theresults show that governance practices are unique in each corporation, in accordancewith their characteristics.Keywords: agency theory, agency problem, agency cost, corporate governance,expropriation of minority shareholder

    Infodemi Covid-19 dalam Perspektif Open Government: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur

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    Minimnya transparansi pada awal wabah Covid-19 menciptakan misinformasi di ruang publik. Terbentuk infodemi berupa kelimpahan informasi yang membuat masyarakat kesulitan menentukan sumber yang sahih. Penggunaan media sosial membentuk peran signifikan dalam mempengaruhi perilaku publik selama pandemi Covid-19. Pemerintah juga memberdayakan media sosial sebagai strategi komunikasi publik. Diperlukan informasi yang tepat untuk mengenali posisi media sosial pemerintah dalam infodemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh konteks menyeluruh dari perspektif open government yaitu transparansi, partisipasi, dan kolaborasi sehingga posisi media sosial pemerintah dan infodemi Covid-19 dapat diidentifikasi sehingga mendukung strategi pemanfaatan yang lebih optimal dalam penanganan pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan mengumpulkan berbagai praktik pemanfaatan media sosial pemerintah secara umum dan pada konteks Covid-19 di berbagai negara sebagai bahan kajian literatur. Hasil dari studi literatur memperlihatkan bahwa transparansi berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan media sosial pemerintah secara optimal, partisipasi memiliki relevansi dengan sentimen publik mengingat partisipasi memiliki kontribusi pada berkembangnya infodemi, sedangkan ruang lingkup kolaborasi adalah medium interaksi level akar rumput guna mendorong perubahanke arah yang lebih baik. Pemerintah direkomendasikan untuk menayangkan konten secara cepat dan tepat pada platform dengan keberterimaan tinggi, memanfaatkan artificial intelligence, memoderasi komentar buruk (toxic), serta mendorong partisipasi ke arah kolaborasi antara berbagai pihak

    Strategic Ambidexterity Learning of Innovation Activities: A Study of Indonesian Business Group Leader

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    Competitive advantage refers to the attributes an organization maintains to better perform in comparison to its competitors. According to the Resource Based View, human capital has become a source of competitive advantage. Literatures exploring how strategic leadership leads to ambidexterity practice is still very rare. Ambidexterity practices is about how organizations learn to conduct innovation activities in both exploitative and explorative manner. A prominent leader should have influence on innovation activities in their organization through the decisions they have made. This study analyzed how a corporation had implemented ambidexterity learning practices to create competitive advantage based on the leader’s cognitive map. A leader’s cognitive map is a mental construct that represents the way the leader thinks in order to deal with the prevailing environment. The dynamics of the cognitive leader is portrayed by conversing the entrepreneur’s cognitive map using the Normalized Unit Modeling by Elementary Relationship (NUMBER). This research was conducted with Lippo Karawaci (LPKR) serving as the object of study. LPKR’s success is without a doubt inseparable from the role of its leader. The results of this research show that learning process and ongoing participation based on culture to pursue competitive advantage in ambidexterity practices had occurred in LPKR. Furthermore, this study shows the importance of strategic orientation in ambidexterity learning process through proper management of the company’s resources. The identified strategic directions—human resource, technology, profitability, and entrepreneurship— may be considered as sources of competitive advantage. This research is of significant value as it presents how a big corporation, such as LPKR, constantly creates new opportunities through exploratory and exploitative innovations and learning process simultaneously thereby becoming an ambidextrous organization

    Analysis of Governance Complexity on Subsidized LPG in Indonesia: A Three-level Institutional Approach

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    Subsidized liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) policies aim to ensure the efficient and effective supply and distribution of LPG so that the benefits of subsidies are on target. However, there is a gap between planned policies and actual reality. However, in order to achieve better governance of subsidized LPG policies, the causes of inconsistencies must be analyzed by the government. In this paper, we analyze the governance of subsidized LPG policies based on an institutional theory approach using the three levels of analysis and outcomes framework to find out the causes of policy inconsistencies by exploring policy structures and subsidized LPG management. The author proposes that this framework should be integrated into the improvement of subsidized LPG management and strategies. Further research is needed to analyze the impact and consequences of LPG transformation policies to estimate the benefits and challenges of implementing policy reforms. Keywords: liquid petroleum gas, subsidy policy, governance, institutional analysi

    Comparison of the breeding performance of the barn owl Tyto alba javanica under chemical and bio-based rodenticide baiting in immature oil palms in Malaysia

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    The breeding performance of barn owl, Tyto alba javanica, in areas treated with rodenticides in immature oil palms in Malaysia was investigated. Four plots were established, each at least 100 ha in size and treated with warfarin, brodifacoum, a biorodenticide (Sarcocystis singaporensis) and a non-baited control plot. Three rat baiting campaigns, which coincided with the barn owl breeding season, were carried out in October 2008, February and March 2009, and in October 2009. The nest boxes were distributed at a mean density of one unit per 25 ± 3.83 ha. The clutch size, hatching and fledging rates of barn owls in each plot was monitored monthly from September 2008 to January 2010. There was no significant difference in mean clutch size for all four treatments. The lowest percentage of hatching success was recorded in the brodifacoum-treated plot in all three breeding seasons. Fledging success was highest in the control plot, followed by the S. singaporensis-, warfarin- and brodifacoum-treated plots. The mean clutch size and mean hatching success was not significantly correlated with mean rat damage (clutch size, r = 0.754, p > 0.05; mean hatching success, r = 0.832; p > 0.05). The mean fledging success was significantly correlated with mean rat damage (r = 0.969; p < 0.05). Brodifacoum achieved the lowest level of rat damage but not significantly lower than warfarin and S. singaporensis. This indicates that S. singaporensis is a better rodenticide than warfarin and brodifacoum in controlling rats and yet achieved the highest reproductive rates in the baited areas as reflected by the rate of fledging success

    Growth performance of nestling barn owls, Tyto Alba javanica in rat baiting area in Malaysia.

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    The growth of nestling barn owls, Tyto Alba javanica in immature oil palm in Malaysia was investigated under rat baiting with three different rodenticides. Four treatment plots were established with three plots baited each with warfarin, brodifacoum and a protozoan based biorodenticide, Sarcocystis singaporensis plus a fourth non-baited control plot. Three rat baiting campaign were carried out during the study, the first rat baiting campaign was conducted in October 2008, the second was in March 2009 (except for biorodenticide baiting was conducted a month earlier), and the last third baiting campaign in October 2009. The baiting campaigns coincided with the breeding season of barn owl. Nestlings body measurements namely: body mass, culmen length, tarsus length, wing length and tail length were taken after the third baiting campaign, from September 2009 to January 2010. Measurements were recorded every three days from hatching up until 49 days old, i.e., several days before fledging. Nestlings in control plot showed superior for all parameter taken compared to rodenticides treated plots. Body mass of nestlings in control plot were heavier by 8.17%, 13.04%, and 6.88% compared to warfarin, brodifacoum and biorodenticide treated plots respectively. The culmen and tarsus length of nestling barn owls reached the adult size during the growth period; while culmen length in control plot was longer by 3.07%, 5.28%, and 1.41% compared to warfarin, brodifacoum and biorodenticide treated plots respectively. The tarsus length of nestlings in control plot was also longer by 2.40%, 3.08% and 3.36% compared to warfarin, brodifacoum and biorodenticide treated plots respectively. In contrast with culmen and tarsus length, wing and tail length still grew until day 49 i.e., several days before fledging. The wing and tail length in control plot was shorter by 15.77% and 13.73% compared to adult size. Teratogenic sign was shown by one nestling in brodifacoum treated plot, where its primary feathers were malformed rendering it flightless besides tail length that were very short if compared to nestlings in control plot. Wing and tail length in brodifacoum treated plot was shorter by 15.26% and 18.24%, respectively compared to control plot

    Investigation of The Antioxidant Activity of Cinnamon Bark Extracted with Different Solvents

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of methanol, ethyl acetate, and hexane for the extraction of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmanni) (CB) on the contents of the total phenolic, total flavonoid and its 1,1,-diphonyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. CB samples were ground with grinder machine in one mm sieve and extracted with treatments to determine parameter measured. All CB samples were extracted using different treatments. Parameter measured were total phenolic, total flavonoid and DPPH. CB was ground and extracted by using three treatments, data collected was statistical analysis and followed with Duncant Test, The highest total phenolic content found when CB extracted with methanol with the value of 111.43 mg gallic acids equivalent (GAE)/g DW while the lowest amount detected in hexane with the amount of 57.23 mg GAE/g dry weight (DW). It was significantly different (P&lt;0.05) from those extracted with ethyl acetate and hexane. There was significant (P&lt;0.05) different for the content of flavonoid among all treatment groups. Methanol was the highest solvent and hexane was the lowest with the amount of 286.27 and 64.73 mg rutin equivalent (RE)/g DW respectively. There was significantly different (P&lt;0.05) for scavenging activity among all treatment. Using methanol in extracting CB showed the highest scavenging activity of 69.59 % among all other treatment groups. It could be concluded that Methanol was the best solution in extracting C