449 research outputs found

    Single Stranded DNA Translocation Through A Nanopore: A Master Equation Approach

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    We study voltage driven translocation of a single stranded (ss) DNA through a membrane channel. Our model, based on a master equation (ME) approach, investigates the probability density function (pdf) of the translocation times, and shows that it can be either double or mono-peaked, depending on the system parameters. We show that the most probable translocation time is proportional to the polymer length, and inversely proportional to the first or second power of the voltage, depending on the initial conditions. The model recovers experimental observations on hetro-polymers when using their properties inside the pore, such as stiffness and polymer-pore interaction.Comment: 7 pages submitted to PR

    Translocation of a Single Stranded DNA Through a Conformationally Changing Nanopore

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    We investigate the translocation of a single stranded DNA through a pore which fluctuates between two conformations, using coupled master equations. The probability density function of the first passage times (FPT) of the translocation process is calculated, displaying a triple, double or mono peaked behavior, depending on the interconversion rates between the conformations, the applied electric field, and the initial conditions. The cumulative probability function of the FPT, in a field-free environment, is shown to have two regimes, characterized by fast and slow timescales. An analytical expression for the mean first passage time of the translocation process is derived, and provides, in addition to the interconversion rates, an extensive characterization of the translocation process. Relationships to experimental observations are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Biophys. J., in pres

    Molecular-scale structural and functional characterization of sparsely tethered bilayer lipid membranes

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    Surface-tethered biomimetic bilayer membranes (tethered bilayer lipid membranes (tBLMs)) were formed on gold surfaces from phospholipids and a synthetic 1-thiahexa(ethylene oxide) lipid, WC14. They were characterized using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, neutron reflection (NR), and Fourier-transform infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (FT-IRRAS) to obtain functional and structural information. The authors found that electrically insulating membranes (conductance and capacitance as low as 1 microS cm(-2) and 0.6 microF cm(-2), respectively) with high surface coverage (>95% completion of the outer leaflet) can be formed from a range of lipids in a simple two-step process that consists of the formation of a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) and bilayer completion by "rapid solvent exchange." NR provided a molecularly resolved characterization of the interface architecture and, in particular, the constitution of the space between the tBLM and the solid support. In tBLMs based on SAMs of pure WC14, the hexa(ethylene oxide) tether region had low hydration even though FT-IRRAS showed that this region is structurally disordered. However, on mixed SAMs made from the coadsorption of WC14 with a short-chain "backfiller," beta-mercaptoethanol, the submembrane spaces between the tBLM and the substrates contained up to 60% exchangeable solvent by volume, as judged from NR and contrast variation of the solvent. Complete and stable "sparsely tethered" BLMs (stBLMs) can be readily prepared from SAMs chemisorbed from solutions with low WC14 proportions. Phospholipids with unsaturated or saturated, straight or branched chains all formed qualitatively similar stBLMs.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation CBET-0555201 and 0457148. One of the authors M.L. and the AND/R instrument were supported by the National Institutes of Health under Grant No. 1 R01 RR14812 and by the Regents of the University of California

    Fast DNA translocation through a solid-state nanopore

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    We report translocation experiments on double-strand DNA through a silicon oxide nanopore. Samples containing DNA fragments with seven different lengths between 2000 to 96000 basepairs have been electrophoretically driven through a 10 nm pore. We find a power-law scaling of the translocation time versus length, with an exponent of 1.26 ±\pm 0.07. This behavior is qualitatively different from the linear behavior observed in similar experiments performed with protein pores. We address the observed nonlinear scaling in a theoretical model that describes experiments where hydrodynamic drag on the section of the polymer outside the pore is the dominant force counteracting the driving. We show that this is the case in our experiments and derive a power-law scaling with an exponent of 1.18, in excellent agreement with our data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to PR

    The effects of diffusion on an exonuclease/nanopore-based DNA sequencing engine

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    Over 15 years ago, the ability to electrically detect and characterize individual polynucleotides as they are driven through a single protein ion channel was suggested as a potential method for rapidly sequencing DNA, base-by-base, in a ticker tape-like fashion. More recently, a variation of this method was proposed in which a nanopore would instead detect single nucleotides cleaved sequentially by an exonuclease enzyme in close proximity to one pore entrance. We analyze the exonuclease/nanopore-based DNA sequencing engine using analytical theory and computer simulations that describe nucleotide transport. The available data and analytical results suggest that the proposed method will be limited to reading bases, imposed, in part, by the short lifetime each nucleotide spends in the vicinity of the detection element within the pore and the ability to accurately discriminate between the four mononucleotides

    Dragging a polymer chain into a nanotube and subsequent release

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    We present a scaling theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for a flexible polymer chain slowly dragged by one end into a nanotube. We also describe the situation when the completely confined chain is released and gradually leaves the tube. MC simulations were performed for a self-avoiding lattice model with a biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method. The nanotube is a long channel opened at one end and its diameter DD is much smaller than the size of the polymer coil in solution. We analyze the following characteristics as functions of the chain end position xx inside the tube: the free energy of confinement, the average end-to-end distance, the average number of imprisoned monomers, and the average stretching of the confined part of the chain for various values of DD and for the number of monomers in the chain, NN. We show that when the chain end is dragged by a certain critical distance xx^* into the tube, the polymer undergoes a first-order phase transition whereby the remaining free tail is abruptly sucked into the tube. This is accompanied by jumps in the average size, the number of imprisoned segments, and in the average stretching parameter. The critical distance scales as xND11/νx^*\sim ND^{1-1/\nu}. The transition takes place when approximately 3/4 of the chain units are dragged into the tube. The theory presented is based on constructing the Landau free energy as a function of an order parameter that provides a complete description of equilibrium and metastable states. We argue that if the trapped chain is released with all monomers allowed to fluctuate, the reverse process in which the chain leaves the confinement occurs smoothly without any jumps. Finally, we apply the theory to estimate the lifetime of confined DNA in metastable states in nanotubes.Comment: 13pages, 14figure

    Duration learning for analysis of nanopore ionic current blockades

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ionic current blockade signal processing, for use in nanopore detection, offers a promising new way to analyze single molecule properties, with potential implications for DNA sequencing. The alpha-Hemolysin transmembrane channel interacts with a translocating molecule in a nontrivial way, frequently evidenced by a complex ionic flow blockade pattern. Typically, recorded current blockade signals have several levels of blockade, with various durations, all obeying a fixed statistical profile for a given molecule. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based duration learning experiments on artificial two-level Gaussian blockade signals helped us to identify proper modeling framework. We then apply our framework to the real multi-level DNA hairpin blockade signal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The identified upper level blockade state is observed with durations that are geometrically distributed (consistent with an a physical decay process for remaining in any given state). We show that mixture of convolution chains of geometrically distributed states is better for presenting multimodal long-tailed duration phenomena. Based on learned HMM profiles we are able to classify 9 base-pair DNA hairpins with accuracy up to 99.5% on signals from same-day experiments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have demonstrated several implementations for <it>de novo </it>estimation of duration distribution probability density function with HMM framework and applied our model topology to the real data. The proposed design could be handy in molecular analysis based on nanopore current blockade signal.</p

    Utilizing the information content in two-state trajectories

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    The signal from many single molecule experiments monitoring molecular processes, such as enzyme turnover via fluorescence and opening and closing of ion channel via the flux of ions, consists of a time series of stochastic on and off (or open and closed) periods, termed a two-state trajectory. This signal reflects the dynamics in the underlying multi-substate on-off kinetic scheme (KS) of the process. The determination of the underlying KS is difficult and sometimes even impossible due to the loss of information in the mapping of the mutli dimensional KS onto two dimensions. Here we introduce a new procedure that efficiently and optimally relates the signal to all equivalent underlying KSs. This procedure partitions the space of KSs into canonical (unique) forms that can handle any KS, and obtains the topology and other details of the canonical form from the data without the need for fitting. Also established are relationships between the data and the topology of the canonical form to the on-off connectivity of a KS. The suggested canonical forms constitute a powerful tool in discriminating between KSs. Based on our approach, the upper bound on the information content in two state trajectories is determined.Comment: The file contains: main text (+4 figures), supporting information (+9 figures), poster (1 page