8 research outputs found

    ArcCRUST: Arctic Crustal Thickness From 3-D Gravity Inversion

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    The ArcCRUST model consists of crustal thickness and estimated crustal thinning factors grids for the High Arctic and Circum-Arctic regions (north of 67°N). This model is derived by using 3-D forward and inverse gravity modeling. Updated sedimentary thickness grid, an oceanic lithosphere age model together with inferred microcontinent rifting ages, variable crystalline crust and sediment densities, and dynamic topography models constrain this inversion. We use published high-quality 2-D seismic crustal-scale models to create a database of Depths to Seismic Moho (DSM) profiles. To check the quality of the ArcCRUST model, we have performed a statistical analysis of misfits between the ArcCRUST Moho depths and DSM values. Systematic analysis of the misfits within the Arctic sedimentary basins provides information about tectonic processes unaccounted by the assumed model of pure-shear lithospheric extension. In particular, our model implies a less dense and/or thin mantle lithosphere underneath microcontinents in the deep Arctic Ocean where the ArcCRUST depth to Moho values exceed the DSM. A systematically larger gravity-derived crustal thickness (~3 km) under the western and northern Greenland Sea points to a hotter upper mantle implied by the seismic tomography models in the North Atlantic.</p

    Morphology of seamounts at the Mendeleev Rise, Arctic Ocean

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    Geological and geophysical studies undertaken during the Russian Arktika-2012 Expedition of 2012 produced evidence of basement outcrops on the steep slopes of the Mendeleev Rise seamounts. Observations of the outcrops from research submarines showed that part of the steep slopes interpreted as basement outcrops based on seismic data were overlain by a light sediment cover. The actual areas of the basement outcrops are therefore much less than indicated by the seismic data alone. The outcrops found are of 5–10 to 100–200 m and are often stretched along some hypsometric level or arranged obliquely, crossing a slope at an angle to the horizon. The rocks are massive and layered, often strongly weathered, cavernous, with visible fissures and extended by dislocations

    Morphology of seamounts at the Mendeleev Rise, Arctic Ocean

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    Geological and geophysical studies undertaken during the Russian Arktika-2012 Expedition of 2012 produced evidence of basement outcrops on the steep slopes of the Mendeleev Rise seamounts. Observations of the outcrops from research submarines showed that part of the steep slopes interpreted as basement outcrops based on seismic data were overlain by a light sediment cover. The actual areas of the basement outcrops are therefore much less than indicated by the seismic data alone. The outcrops found are of 5–10 to 100–200 m and are often stretched along some hypsometric level or arranged obliquely, crossing a slope at an angle to the horizon. The rocks are massive and layered, often strongly weathered, cavernous, with visible fissures and extended by dislocations

    Crustal structure of the Mendeleev Rise and the Chukchi Plateau (Arctic Ocean) along the Russian wide-angle and multichannel seismic reflection experiment “Arctic-2012”

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    We present a seismic and density model for the crust and the uppermost mantle of the Arctic Ocean off-shore Chukotka down to a 40 km depth along a 740-km long latitudinal (at ca. 77°N) “Arctic-2012” wide-angle/MCS profile. Joint seismic and gravity modeling indicates significant differences in the crustal velocity and density structure of the northeastern Vilkitsky Trough, the Mendeleev Rise, the Chukchi Basin, and the Chukchi Plateau. The Vilkitsky Trough and the Chukchi Basin have a thin crust (23 km and 18 km, correspondingly), 6–8 km thick sedimentary cover, 3–6 km thick upper/middle crust (with the smallest thickness of 3–4 km beneath the Chukchi Basin), and 9–10 km thick lower crust. The uppermost mantle of the Chukchi Basin has a high density (3.27–3.31 g/cm3) and a low velocity (Vp ∼ 7.8 km/s), which we explain by 5–10% serpentinization of mantle peridotite at a 22–35 km depth as a result of crustal hyperextension and seawater penetration. The Chukchi Plateau and the Mendeleev Rise have a thick crust (28–29 km and 33–34 km, correspondingly), underlain by a normal mantle (Vp ∼ 8.0 km/s). The Chukchi Plateau has a 2‐4 km thick sedimentary cover, a thick (15–18 km) upper/middle crust with low-Vp, low-density lenses interpreted as magmatic intrusions, and a 9–12 km thick lower crust. The Mendeleev Rise has a 3–7 km thick sedimentary cover (most of which is formed by metasediments with a possible presence of volcanic rocks), a 7–8 km thick upper/middle crust, and a thick (20 km) lower crust which includes a 3–4 km thick high-velocity (Vp ∼ 7.3 km/s) underplated magmatic material. The high density anomaly (at depths >35 km) below the Mendeleev Rise is interpreted as an eclogitic body in the upper mantle lithosphere. Seismic Vp and Vp/Vs structure of the crust along the “Arctic-2012” profile indicates its continental nature: a 3–18 km thick upper/middle crustal layer with Vp ∼ 6.0–6.8 km/s and Vp/Vs ∼ 1.70–1.73 typical of felsic-intermediate continental upper crust is present along the entire profile. Strong variability of the crustal structure along the profile reflects its significant modification by metamorphism and magmatism, possibly related to the High-Arctic Large Igneous Province and localized lithosphere extension beneath the Chukchi Basin

    WITHDRAWN: Crustal structure and tectonic model of the Arctic region (TeMAr)

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