144 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Sustainable development is a famous concept and strategy to balance the state between human anthropogenic activity and environmental conservation. It is conceptualized mainly, to address the challenge of ensuring continual human civilization under the limitedly available natural resources. There is no dispute to value ecosystem services to be included into the idea of sustainable development. However, since sustainable development is defined as it is affected by many vested interests, the precise ecosystem and environmental aspects that are regarded as critical for sustainable development are also under debate. Essentially, the emerging debates deal with criticism towards giving value on particular environmental properties and, deal with the judgement of whether they are considered as critical or less critical for the sustainability of particular developmental activities. Hence, this paper is aimed to provide ideas to bridge the presence polemics by presenting the two important ideas in combination, sustainable environment and socio ecological sustainability as a considerable ideas to achieve sustainable development. To have the research’s goal the criteria of millennium ecosystem assessment and the socio ecological indicator proposed are is scrutinized. Indeed, human activity is considered as sustainable if it is put in position with socio ecological indicators. In addition to this, extending human’s moral standing to the environment will be importantly underpin the achievement of sustainable environment and therefore, the sustainable development. Kata kunci : Sustainable environment, Sustainable developmen


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    This is the reseqrch about the diet of rice-field rats lived in unsynchronized planting system of paddy field, a condition when paddy field are heterogenous in term of stages. At that kind of field, carbohydrate supplies, in a.form of booting to harvesting of paddy are available at all the time. That condition gives benefit to the rats, since those stages supply the most preference diet and also supply a tot food that act as the main factor supporl its reproduction . The prefference of that best supporting- food for reproduction were proved by the presence of it and the prevalence of reproduction respectively. The results of thi,t research can be use as an ecological learning material for he who wants to study about eco-physiologt. This research was caruied out qt all stages of rice plant toward unsynchronized planting system of paddy field of Sukoharjo. Some systemalic steps of this research were catching the rat by using the linear trap batier system (LTBS)and by using the fumigation, delermine its reproductive state which was according to Allen (1920), identify the diet by ventriculus analysis and then give analyze to the data . Ventriculus analysis showed that rice-field rat prefers to consume the energt-rich food in a form of booting to harvesting paddy stages in every stage, of rice. That pattern offood consumption will trigger its reproduction respectively, thus, the reproduction occur continuously. At that case, carbohydrate can be guess as proximate and ultimate limiting factors that lead the reproduction to occur. That eco-physiologt phenomenon showed the effect of environment toward the physiologt and behavior of organism. That's the ecological material to learn. Key words: Rice-field rats, diet, unsynchronized planting system, ecological learning materia

    Factors affecting the adoption of sustainable upland agriculture at Lawu Mountain, Indonesia

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    Sustainability in upland agriculture has faced a great challenge since a balance must be sought between environmental protection and economic orientation. Towards sustainable upland agriculture, stakeholders must perform particular strategies that address the economic orientation of the agriculture without compromising the upland conservation efforts to maintain the critical ecological properties of the upland. At the study site, organic farming and some other forms of environmentally friendly agriculture has been promoted as strategies that are in line with the idea of sustainable upland agriculture. However, despite the promotion of these green strategies, the upland farmers at the study site are still suffered from adopting these sustainable agricultural practices. This case shows that the diffusion of sustainable upland agriculture has faced many obstacles. Yet, this research is aimed to observe factors behind the poor diffusion of sustainable upland agriculture. Framework for assessing linkage between capacity/incentive and natural resource degradation and the Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response Framework (DPSIR) were used in combination in this research. The capacity was translated into five types of livelihood asset i.e. social, human, financial, natural and physical capital. The incentive was translated into the governmental incentive and market signal. Both the capacity and incentive were proposed as predictors for the extent of adoption of sustainable upland agriculture. Stratified random sampling was the sampling technique used in this research. The data was collected by applying questionnaire upon 408 farmers. By using SPSS released 16.5, the obtained data was analyzed by the multiple-linear regression analyses. The obtained R square from the regression analysis is 0.649 with the F statistic less than 0.05. The regression model did a good job in explaining relationship between the proposed predictors and the independent variable. All predictors except the market signal are significantly associated with the dependent variable. According to the value of the beta standardized coefficient, the Incentive is the major predictor in affecting the diffusion and adoption of sustainable upland agriculture. Ensuring the profitability of performing sustainable upland agriculture by building good market channel, providing credit and, allocating subsidy for the organic input are considered as critical. Buildings strong human capital in agriculture by providing assistances, trainings and guidance are also become one of important actions to improve the upland farmers' confident to adopt sustainable upland agriculture

    Kerangka Konseptual (Conceptual Framework) Untuk Analisis Pertanian Upland Berkelanjutan

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    Pertanian berkelanjutan (sustainable agriculture) merupakan komitmen pemerintah Indonesia, menindak lanjuti konsensus Internasional tentang pembangunan berkelanjutan yang tertuang dalam Brundtland Report dan disepakati dalam Konsensus Rio. Pada ranah evaluasi strategi pencapaian pertanian berkelanjutan, sejumlah informasi berkaitan dengan potensi, kendala, penentu dan dampak merupakan informasi yang penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan pencapaiannya. Kerangka konseptual merupakanalat bantu yang baik untuk mengorganisasi informasi penting tersebut. Dalam manajemen lingkungan, sejumlah kerangka konseptual telah tersedia, namun demikian, karena permasalahan lingkungan adalah bersifat khas dan mungkin unik, konsepsi kerangka konseptual yang spesifik menjadi sangat penting. Makalah inimerekomendasikan kerangka konseptual spesifik untuk pertanian upland berkelanjutan berdasarkan review dan penelitian yang relevan

    Sustainable Environment For Sustainable Development

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    Sustainable development is a famous concept and strategy to balance the state between human anthropogenic activity and environmental conservation. It is conceptualized mainly, to address the challenge of ensuring continual human civilization under the limitedly available natural resources. There is no dispute to value ecosystem services to be included into the idea of sustainable development. However, since sustainable development is defined as it is affected by many vested interests, the precise ecosystem and environmental aspects that are regarded as critical for sustainable development are also under debate. Essentially, the emerging debates deal with criticism towards giving value on particular environmental properties and, deal with the judgement of whether they are considered as critical or less critical for the sustainability of particular developmental activities. Hence, this paper is aimed to provide ideas to bridge the presence polemics by presenting the two important ideas in combination, sustainable environment and socio ecological sustainability as a considerable ideas to achieve sustainable development. To have the research's goal the criteria of millennium ecosystem assessment and the socio ecological indicator proposed are is scrutinized. Indeed, human activity is considered as sustainable if it is put in position with socio ecological indicators. In addition to this, extending human's moral standing to the environment will be importantly underpin the achievement of sustainable environment and therefore, the sustainable development

    Ecological Learning Material: (the Diet of Rice-field Rats (Rattus Argentiventer Rob. & Kloss) Toward Unsynchronized Planting System of Paddy Field)

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    This is the research about the diet of rice-field rats lived in unsynchronized planting system of paddy field, a condition when paddy field are heterogen in term of stages. At that kind of field, carbohydrate supplies, in a form of bootig to harvesting of paddy are available at all the time. That condition gives benefit to the rats, since those stages supply the most preference diet and also supply a lot food that act as the main factor support its reproduction. The preference of the best supporting-food for reproduction were proved by the presence of it and prevalence of reproduction respectively. The result of this research can be use an ecological learning material for he who wants to study about eco-physiology. This research was carried out at all stages of rice plant toward unsynchronized planting system of paddy field of Sukoharjo. Some systematic steps of this research were catching the rat by using the linier trap barrier system (LTBS) and by using the fumigation, determine its reproductive state which was according to Allen (1920), identify the diet by ventriculus analysis and then give analyze to the data. Ventriculus analysis showed thet rice-field rat to consume the energy-rich food in a form of booting to harvesting paddy stages in every stage of rice. That pattern of food consumption will trigger its reproduction respectively, thus, the reproduction occur continuously. At that case, carbohydrate can be guess as proximate and ultimate limiting factors that lead the reproduction to occur. That eco-physiology phenomenon showed the effect of environment toward the physiology and behavior of organism. That the ecological material to learn. Key Words : Rice-field rats, diet, unsynchronized planting system, ecological learning materia

    Penguatan Modal Manusia dan Peningkatan Literasi Ekologi melalui Pedagogi Spesifik Materi:pengembangan Model dalam Pembelajaran Ekologi melalui Penelitian Ekofisiologi Tikus Sawah

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    Education for sustainable development emphasizes on the effectiveness of diffusion of environmentally friendly knowledge and skill to people to have positively environmental attitude in the human-environment interface. In scholarly activities, such transfer of knowledge and value involves particular strategy of transfer ensuring that the given knowledge has impacted on the affective and action. Indeed, theories in environmental psychology suggest that appropriate education changes people's environmental attitude and behavior. Theories, approaches, strategy and models of learning are available and can be scrutinized to provide the best way in teaching of ecology in particular concept. Here, the eco-physiological research towards rice-field rats is used as the learning material. Borg and Gall method of research and development can also be used guiding the methodological steps in this review

    Kerangka Konseptual (Conceptual Framework) Untuk Analisis Pertanian Upland Berkelanjutan

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    Pertanian berkelanjutan (sustainable agriculture) merupakan komitmen pemerintah Indonesia, menindak lanjuti konsensus Internasional tentang pembangunan berkelanjutan yang tertuang dalam Brundtland Report dan disepakati dalam Konsensus Rio. Pada ranah evaluasi strategi pencapaian pertanian berkelanjutan, sejumlah informasi berkaitan dengan potensi, kendala, penentu dan dampak merupakan informasi yang penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan pencapaiannya. Kerangka konseptual merupakanalat bantu yang baik untuk mengorganisasi informasi penting tersebut. Dalam manajemen lingkungan, sejumlah kerangka konseptual telah tersedia, namun demikian, karena permasalahan lingkungan adalah bersifat khas dan mungkin unik, konsepsi kerangka konseptual yang spesifik menjadi sangat penting. Makalah inimerekomendasikan kerangka konseptual spesifik untuk pertanian upland berkelanjutan berdasarkan review dan penelitian yang relevan


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    Cilacap Mangrove Forest is the largest mangrove ecosystem in java. Some diffirences in term of environmental condition are founded among that ecosystem as a result of sedimentation, deforestation, industrial activity and conservation. Those differences could lead the difference of associated gastropod community in term of their diversity. The aim of this research was to know the diversity pattern of mangrove gastropod community of Cilacap mangrove ecosystem Study site was divided into 5 station based on the dominant vegetatiotL mangrove consentation, the presence of polluting activity and acretion phenametu, Transects and plots were used to talcc the best representation of sampling by giving 5 transects and 5 altemating plat (size 4X4 m) for each transect in every station, Transects were pl,aced perpendicular to the riverlcoast line. Diversity indexcs were then calculated according to Shannon-Wiener formul.a The result showed tlwt the highest diversity was founded in the non-accretb station, follovyed by consematian station, accretic station, polluted statian and the least was Nypa-domiruted station, Soil ottdwater salinity, pollution, rnangrove snge and its species richness were the main environmental factor driving the absence or presence of the gastropod species, thus influenced the community diversity. Key words: Mangrove gastropott, iliversity poftern, Cilrcap mangrove ecosystem
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