31 research outputs found

    Applications of resonant waveguide gratings

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    Skaalautuvat ja jaettavat tiedostojärjestelmät Google Cloud Platform:ssa

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tarkastella erilaisia jaettavia levyjärjestelmiä, saada nämä tarkastelussa olevat levyjärjestelmät toimimaan Google Cloud Platform -alustalla sekä vertailla niiden suorituskykyä. Pääasiallisena tarkastelun kohteena oli levyjärjestelmien käyttöönotto. Levyjärjestelmien suorituskyvyn testaaminen sekä levyjärjestelmiin liittyvä teoriapuoli pidettiin suhteellisen kevyenä. Vertailtavat levyjärjestelmät olivat Ceph, GlusterFS ja NFS, joita ajettiin Google Cloud Platformissa virtuaalipalvelimilla. Ceph ja GlusterFS julkaistiin Kubernetes-klusteriin ja NFS yksittäiselle palvelimelle. Luodut levyjärjestelmät liitettiin ulkoiseen, GKE:n hallinnoimaan Kubernetes-klusteriin ja levyjärjestelmien suorituskykyä vertailtiin Linux:n ‘dd’ -komennolla. Opinnäytetyössä tarkastellut levyjärjestelmät saatiin otettua onnistuneesti käyttöön ja niille suoritettiin yksinkertaiset kirjoitusnopeustestit. Testien perusteella GlusterFS ja Ceph toimivat skaalautuvissa järjestelmissä NFS:ää paremmin, joskin näiden järjestelmien käyttöönotto ja hallinta oli huomattavasti NFS:ää monimutkaisempaa

    Kysynnän ennustaminen laajoille tuotevalikoimille

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    Siirretty Doriast

    High-Q guided-mode resonance of a crossed grating with near-flat dispersion

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    Guided-mode resonances in diffraction gratings are manifested as peaks (dips) in reflection (transmission) spectra. Smaller resonance line widths (higher Q-factors) ensure stronger light-matter interactions and are beneficial for field-dependent physical processes. However, strong angular and spectral dispersion are inherent to such high-Q resonances. We demonstrate that a class of high-Q resonant modes (Q-factor >1000) exhibiting extraordinarily weak dispersion can be excited in crossed gratings simultaneously with the modes with well-known nearly linear dispersion. Furthermore, we show that the polarization of the incoming light can be adjusted to engineer the dispersion of these modes, and strong to near-flat dispersion or vice-versa can be achieved by switching between two mutually orthogonal linear polarization states. We introduce a semi-analytical model to explain the underlying physics behind these observations and perform full-wave numerical simulations and experiments to support our theoretical conjecture. The results presented here will benefit all applications that rely on resonances in free-space-coupled geometries

    Thermal Control of Plasmonic Surface Lattice Resonances

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    Plasmonic metasurfaces exhibiting collective responses known as surface lattice resonances (SLRs) show potential for realizing tunable and flat photonic components for wavelength-selective processes, including lasing and optical nonlinearities. However, post-fabrication tuning of SLRs remains challenging, limiting the applicability of SLR-based components. Here, we demonstrate how the properties of high quality factor SLRs are easily modified by breaking the symmetry of the nanoparticle surroundings. We break the symmetry by changing the refractive index of the overlying immersion oil simply by controlling the ambient temperature of the device. We show that already modest temperature changes of 10{\deg}C can increase the quality factor of the investigated SLR from 400 to 750. Our results demonstrate accurate and reversible modification of the properties of the SLRs, paving the way towards tunable SLR-based photonic devices. On a more general level, our results demonstrate how symmetry breaking of the surrounding dielectric environment can be utilized for efficient and potentially ultrafast modification of the SLR properties

    Interactive effects of aging and aerobic capacity on energy metabolism-related metabolites of serum, skeletal muscle, and white adipose tissue

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    Aerobic capacity is a strong predictor of longevity. With aging, aerobic capacity decreases concomitantly with changes in whole body metabolism leading to increased disease risk. To address the role of aerobic capacity, aging, and their interaction on metabolism, we utilized rat models selectively bred for low and high intrinsic aerobic capacity (LCRs/HCRs) and compared the metabolomics of serum, muscle, and white adipose tissue (WAT) at two time points: Young rats were sacrificed at 9 months of age, and old rats were sacrificed at 21 months of age. Targeted and semi-quantitative metabolomics analysis was performed on the ultra-pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) platform. The effects of aerobic capacity, aging, and their interaction were studied via regression analysis. Our results showed that high aerobic capacity is associated with an accumulation of isovalerylcarnitine in muscle and serum at rest, which is likely due to more efficient leucine catabolism in muscle. With aging, several amino acids were downregulated in muscle, indicating more efficient amino acid metabolism, whereas in WAT less efficient amino acid metabolism and decreased mitochondrial beta-oxidation were observed. Our results further revealed that high aerobic capacity and aging interactively affect lipid metabolism in muscle and WAT, possibly combating unfavorable aging-related changes in whole body metabolism. Our results highlight the significant role of WAT metabolism for healthy aging.Peer reviewe

    Observation of enhanced epsilon-near-zero effects in resonant stratified media

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    Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials have gained recent interest due to their exotic optical properties, but their potential is limited by intrinsic material losses. Enhanced epsilon-near-zero (eENZ) materials are periodically stratified media consisting of alternating ENZ and dielectric layers. In this study, we demonstrate the fabrication and optical characterization of 15-layer ENZ-dielectric thin film stack, wherein indium tin oxide functions as the ENZ material and titanium dioxide as the dielectric. We experimentally show the enhanced optical transmission of the structure over a bare ENZ film with similar thickness. Further, we display the giant polarization dependent optical response of the material, which is characterized by the narrowing from 56° to 14° in half-width at half-maximum of the transmission cone. These properties are physically attributed to guided-waves, Fabry-Pérot resonances, and Ferrell-Berreman plasmons within the film stack. The experimental realization of our material paves the way for devices utilizing eENZ-materials, such as coherence switchable lasers and light sources with directional emission.Peer reviewe

    Threatened habitat types in Finland 2018: the Baltic Sea. Red List of habitats. Part 2: Descriptions of habitat types

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    This report is a partial translation of the final report in Finnish on threatened habitat types (Threatened habitat types in Finland 2018, Part II: Descriptions of habitat types, The Finnish Environment 5/2018) that presents a total of 420 habitat types. This report includes all the evaluated habitat types of the Baltic Sea, as well as six new marine habitat types, which were described but not yet evaluated (NE). Also included are habitat types regarded as of least concern (LC) and those with deficient data (DD). For each habitat type a description, distribution map, photo, and the reasoning behind the assessment result are presented. The descriptions of the habitat types include their characteristics, geographical variation, connectivity to other habitat types, occurrence in Finland, reasons for being threatened and future threats, trend in the state of the habitat type, correspondence of the habitats type with habitat types covered by statutory protection, and whether the habitat type is one for which Finland has an international responsibility. Part I of the final report (in Finnish Suomen luontotyyppien uhanalaisuus 2018, SY 5/2018 and in English Threatened Habitat Types in Finland 2018, FE 2/2019) presents the assessment method for threatened habitat types, results and reasoning of the assessment, and proposals for measures prepared by the experts groups. In the whole country 186 habitats types were assessed as threatened (48% of the number of habitats types). The share of threatened habitat types is much larger in southern Finland (59%) than in northern Finland (32%). The assessment was conducted by broadly-based expert groups in 2016–2018. This was the second assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland. This assessment was conducted using the international IUCN Red List of Ecosystems method. Because of the new assessment method, the results of the first and second assessment of threatened habitat types are not directly comparable with each other. The conclusion that can be made, however, is that the decline and degradation of habitats has not diminished

    Rivitalokortteli Lohjan maalaiskuntaan

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    Radio Megan Kiekkoradion formaatin kehittäminen

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    Jääkiekon SM-liigajoukkue Kärppien otteluita seuraava Kiekkoradio on erittäin suosittua sisältöä oululaiselle paikallisradiokanava Radio Megalle. Kauden 2010-2011 aikana toimin ohjelman studioisäntänä ja havaitsin sen formaatin olevan pahasti puutteellinen. Se, etteivät kaikki ohjelman tekijät olleet jatkuvasti tekemisiensä tasalla, johti kömpelön ja amatöörimäisen kuuloisiin jaksoihin, josta kärsivät myös kuulijat. Opinnäytetyönäni päätin yrittää luoda ohjelmalle uuden, selkeämmän formaatin. Opinnäytetyöni on tehty yhteistyössä Radio Megan ja sitä hallinnoivan Cityradiot-kanavaketjun kanssa. Tavoitteena oli kehittää Kiekkoradion kaudella 2010–2011 käytössä ollutta formaattia niin, että saatu lopputuote olisi parempi niin ohjelman kuulijoiden kuin tekijöidenkin kannalta. Toisin sanoen pyrin siis ottamaantyössäni huomioon ohjelmaa kohtaan esitetyt toiveet unohtamatta kuitenkaan sitä, minkälaiseen sisällöntuotantoon on käytännössä mahdollisuuksia. Pääasiallisena tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin Kiekkoradion kuulijoille suunnattua internetkyselyä, minkä lisäksi haastattelin Radio Megan toimituspäällikköä ja muita toimittajia sekä perehdyin alan kirjallisuuteen. Luomani internetkysely keräsi paljon vastauksia ja antoi selkeää vihjettä siitä, mitä kuulijat Kiekkoradiolta halusivat: valmentajien ja pelaajien esiin nostaminen, paikallisten jääkiekkoaiheisten uutisten toimittaminen ja ottelutapahtuman tunnelmien välittäminen olivat kaikkein toivotuinta sisältöä. Samaan aikaan Radio Megan resurssit ohjelman tekemiseen eivät olleet muuttumassa suuntaan taikka toiseen. Kerättyjen tietojen pohjalta loin lopuksi formaatin, joka vastaa mielestäni optimaalisesti kaikkien osapuolten tarpeisiin. Radio Mega oli tuotokseeni tyytyväinen, mutta se, päätyykö formaatti lopulta radioaalloille, on vielä epävarmaa