137 research outputs found

    The Influence of Natural Monopolies on Cultural Democracy in the Performing Arts in Estonia

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    The core question of this article is to what extent has the state set securing cultural democracy (vs. the democratisation of culture as defined by François Matarasso and Charles Landry1[1]) in the performing arts in Estonia as its policy goal. In Estonia, the theatre field is dominated by natural monopolies. These are companies that receive most of the financial subsidies in a respective field, making it economically non-viable for any other company to duplicate these resources. In Estonia, there are eight state-owned theatres (called G8-theatres) that collect, on average, 60% or more of the state subsidies for theatres, the state-subsidized theatre visits and the total income from ticket sales. As stated in the Competition Act of Estonia, company or companies that earn more than 40% of the turnover of the whole market are considered natural monopolies. Therefore, the G8-theatres are natural monopolies. The question whether the Estonian state has done enough to compensate non-governmental theatres (called NonGov theatres) for the aggregation of resources to natural monopolies is one of the main focuses of this article. Here, two strategies are analysed: the activity of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the state's attempt to invest in building an alternative infrastructure for NonGov theatres.   [1]          François Matarasso and Charles Landry, Balancing act : twenty-one strategic dilemmas in cultural policy, Cultural Policies Research and Development Unit, Policy Note No. 4, Council of Europe Publishing, Belgium 1999, p 13–14

    How to Explain Popular to a Dead Hare

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    In this article the popular is defined with the tools of field theory by Pierre Bourdieu, that is as production with high degree of outer-field economic capital (measured with the number of visits per production). It is also claimed that on some conditions these productions do not lower the degree of autonomy of the field since theatre manages to convert the economic capital to symbolic capital (nominations for annual awards give evidence of the latter). Such a production is called the Full Game. Based on the comparable data of new productions made in Estonia from 2010 to 2015 (1199 in total) the article will introduce a possible methodology of how to calculate the popular in theatre that considers both the number of visits per production in a year and the use of seating capacity. Following that methodology, there were only sixty-one produc­tions during the chosen period that could be titled popular in a sense that they have a very high degree of outer-field success (these productions are visited 2,4 times more often than the average number of visits per production in one calendar year and have the attendance rate of 95% and higher). Taking into account also the inner-field specific consecration (whether they have been nominated for annual theatre awards), only twenty-three popular productions – among them just one comedy, one musical and one operetta – remain in the list of what I have called the Full Game. That is two per cent of all the new productions of the respective time period.The list of Full Games suggests that the specific theatre, where the production is per­formed plays a significant role for a production to become popular. Only four theatres have had more than one Full Game in 2010–15 in Estonia and two of them – Theatre NO99 and Tallinn City Theatre – are used as case studies to find possible strategies of being popular without loosing specific consecration

    Rakvere Theatre in search of Full Games from 1985 to 2009

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    Iga teater peab oma kunstilisi otsuseid tehes arvestama ühelt poolt publiku maitse-eelistustega ning teisalt riigi ootustega. Esimesest annab aimu külastusstatistika, teist väljendavad seadusandlus, rahastamissüsteem, kultuuriministeeriumi arengukavad jmt dokumendid. Prantsuse sotsioloog Pierre Bourdieu räägib kultuuritootmisväljadest, kus tegutsevad agendid, näiteks teatrid, võitlevad pidevalt samal väljal tegutsevate konkurentide tunnustuse eest, püüdes samal ajal ka väljavälist tuntust. Tunnustus tagab teatritele renomee, tuntus majandusliku kasu. Kultuuritootmisväljade eripäraks on Bourdieu’ järgi see, et sageli toob majanduslik edu kaasa renomee vähenemise. Seetõttu peavad teatrid iga uuslavastuse puhul endalt küsima: kui suures ulatuses on võimalik kasvatada tuntust ja seeläbi paratamatult kaotada tunnustust. Lavastused, mis suudavad samaaegselt saavutada nii tunnustuse kui tuntuse, on seega „täismängud”. Kuna Eesti teatripoliitika peamiseks teatrite toimimise mõõdupuuks on publikuarv, peavad kõik teatrid pidevalt püüdlema täismängude poole. Rakvere Teatris on aastatel 1985–2009 esietendunud 201 uuslavastust, millest täismängu kriteeriumitele vastavad viis lavastust: „Koduvõõrad” (1987), „Jumalaga, Vargamäe” (1991), „Shakespeare'i kogutud teosed“ (1996), „Pipi Pikksukk” (1998) ja „Täismäng” (2003). Seega on teater jõudnud täismänguni keskmiselt iga 40. lavastusega ehk täismängud moodustavad lavastuste koguarvust 2,5%. Täismängude puhul on sarnane, et neist lavastustest kirjutatakse keskmisest enam, kuid kriitika on pigem poleemiline, nentides, et mõningased vajakajäämised kunstilises plaanis korvab lavastuse sündmuslikkus. Eriti repertuaariteatritele, mille hallata on suured teatrimajad ning kelle riiklik toetus sõltub vähemalt kaudselt publikuarvust, on täismängud püsimajäämiseks vajalikud.In making their artistic choices, theatres always have to take into account both the tastes of the audiences and the stateˈs expectation. Former is evident through the statistics of attendances, the latter through legislation and subsidy system. French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has introduced the notion of the Fields of Cultural Production, where the agents, such as theatres, always fight for both the acclaim of other agents on that field and the outer-field success. Acclaim gives a theatre its reputation, success its economic profit. Bourdieu claims that on the Fields of Cultural Production the economic profit often influences the reputation in a negative way. Therefore with each new production theatres have to ask themselves: how much economic profit can they earn without loosing too much of their reputation. Productions that at the same time get the reputation and economic profit are then Full Games. Since in Estonia culture policy, the main indicator of theatresˈ efficiency is the number of spectators, all the theatres have to strive for Full Games. In Rakvere Theatre there have been 201 new productions between 1985 to 2009, of which only five correspond to the criteria of the Full Game. So the theatre has reached its goal, the Full Game with every 40th production and the Full Games make only 2,5% of all productions. All the Full Games are reviewed more than in average but the reception is always polemic, stating that although there were some questionable artistic choices made for these productions, the former is overshadowed by the eventness of these productions. For repertory theatres that have big venues to administrate and are indirectly subsidized by their number of spectators, the Full Games are crucial for surviving

    طريقة والإجراءة الترجمة في الرواية "الكرنك" لنجيب محفوظ ترجمة سعيد سوسانتو بناءً على نظرية بيتر نيومارك

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    مستخلص البحث يواجه تطوير ترجمة الأعمال الأدبية العربية في إندونيسيا أيضًا العديد من التحديات. أحد التحديات الرئيسية هو صعوبة ترجمة الفروق الثقافية وثراء الأمة في الأعمال الأدبية العربية. إن اختيار طرق وإجراءات الترجمة يؤثر بشكل كبير على نتائج الترجمة لأن هذا يعد أحد معايير تقييم الترجمات. ووفقا لنيومارك، تستخدم أساليب الترجمة على النص ككل، في حين تستخدم إجراءات الترجمة على وحدات لغوية أصغر، وهي الجمل والجمل والعبارات والكلمات. يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل طرق وإجراءات الترجمة المستخدمة في ترجمة رواية مقهى الكرنك لنجيب محفوظ عند بيتر نيومارك. هذا النوع من البحث هو نهج نوعي مع تقنيات التحليل الوصفي. مصدر البيانات الأساسي المستخدم هو رواية الكرنك لنجيب محفوظ والبيانات الثانوية هي الكتب والمجلات ذات الصلة بموضوع البحث. إن تقنية جمع البيانات في هذا البحث هي تقنية الدراسة المكتبية. نتائج هذا البحث هي أنه تم تحديد ستة طرق وإجراءات لترجمة بيتر نيومارك. تشمل هذه الأساليب طريقة الترجمة كلمة بكلمة، وطريقة الترجمة الحرفية، وطريقة الترجمة الأمينة، وطريقة الترجمة الحرة، وطريقة الترجمة الاصطلاحية، وطريقة الترجمة التواصلية بإجمالي 87 بيانات. ثم تكونت إجراءات الترجمة التي تم تحديدها من الترجمة، والتجنس، والمساواة الثقافية، والتحييد (معادلة الوظيفة)، والحرفية، والتبديل بمجموع 19 بيانات. لذا فإن ما يستخدم في ترجمة رواية الكرنك هو أسلوب الترجمة الحرة وإجراءات ترجمة النقل والتجنيس. ABSTRACT The development of translation of Arabic literary works in Indonesia also experiences several challenges. One of the main challenges is the difficulty in translating the cultural nuances and richness of the nation in Arabic literary works. The choice of methods and procedures for translation significantly influences the translation results because this is one of the criteria for evaluating translations. According to Newmark, translation methods are used on a text as a whole, while translation procedures are used on smaller linguistic units, namely sentences, clauses, phrases and words. This research aims to analyze the translation methods and procedures used in translating the novel Karnak Café by Najib Mahfuz according to Peter Newmark. The type of research is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. The primary data source used is the novel Karnak by Najib Mahfudz and the secondary data are books and journals related to the research topic. The data collection technique in this research is a library study technique. The results of this research are that six methods and procedures for Peter Newmark's translation were found. These methods include the word for word translation method, literal translation method, faithful translation method, free translation method, idiomatic translation method, and communicative translation method with a total of 68 data. Then the translation procedures identified consisted of translation, naturalization, cultural equalization, neutralization (function equalization), literalization, transposition with a total of 19 data. So what is dominantly used to translate the Karnak novel is the free translation method and the transference with naturalization translation procedures. ABSTRAK Perkembangan penerjemahan karya sastra Arab di Indonesia juga mengalami beberapa tantangan. Salah satu tantangan utama adalah kesulitan dalam menerjemahkan nuansa budaya dan kekayaan bangsa yang ada dalam karya sastra Arab. Pemilihan metode dan prosedur untuk menerjemahan, secara signifikan mempengaruhi hasil terjemahan karena hal tersebut merupakan salah satu kriteria untuk mengevaluasi terjemahan. Menurut Newmark, metode penerjemahan digunakan pada suatu teks secara keseluruhan, sedangkan prosedur penerjemahan digunakan pada satuan kebahasaan yang lebih kecil, yaitu kalimat, klausa, frasa dan kata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metode dan prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan novel Karnak Café karya Najib Mahfuz menurut Peter Newmark. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Sumber data primer yang digunakan berupa novel Karnak karya Najib Mahfudz dan data sekundernya adalah buku dan jurnak yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat enam metode dan prosedur penerjemahan Peter Newmark yang teridentifikasi. Metode tersebut meliputi metode terjemah kata demi kata, metode terjemahan harfiah, metode terjemahan setia, metode penerjemahan bebas, metode penerjemahan idiomatik, dan metode penerjemahan komunikatif dengan total 68 data. Kemudian prosedur penerjemahan yang teridentifikasi terdiri dari transfarensi, naturalisasi, penyeteraan budaya, netralisasi (penyetaraan fungsi), literal, transposisi dengan total 19 data. Sehingga yang dominan digunakan untuk menerjemahkan novel Karnak adalah metode penerjemahan bebas dan prosedur penerjemahan transfarensi serta naturalisasi

    Elastic moduli of sea ice and lake ice calculated from in-situ and laboratory experiments

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    The effective elastic modulus of ice is an important physical parameter for the calculation of ice stresses in different situations when ice deformations are small. In the present paper the review of methods used for the calculation of the elastic modulus of ice is performed, new tests for the calculation of the elastic modulus are described, and their results are discussed. Field experiments with floating vibrating ice beams with fixed ends were performed in March and November 2019 on sea ice of the Van Mijen Fjord and fresh-water ice of a lake near Longyearbyen. Laboratory experiments with vibrating cantilever beams were performed in the cold laboratory of UNIS in November 2019. The results are compared with the values of the effective elastic modulus obtained in quasi-static tests with floating cantilever beams, and with in-situ dynamic tests where the effective elastic modulus was measured by the speed of sound waves

    Influence of vibrations on indentation and compression strength of sea ice

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    Indentation and compression strengths of floating sea ice subjected to vibrations is discussed. The experiments were performed on the land fast ice of the Van-Mijen Fjord in March of 2018 and 2019. The ice thickness was around 70 cm, and the ice salinity was 4-5 ppt. Vibrations were introduced in the ice by the vibration plate with weight of 400 kg before the tests during 10-15 min. The vibration plate was standing and vibrating on the ice surface. The spectrum of vibrations was recorded with accelerometers. Analysis of thin sections of ice was performed on the place of the field works. Indentation tests were performed with the original hydraulic rig on natural ice and ice subjected to the action of vibrating plate. It was discovered that stroke rates tests were higher in the tests performed on the ice subjected to vibrations. Uniaxial compression tests were also performed on ice cores taken from the natural ice and from the ice subjected to the vibrations. Uniaxial compression strength of ice cores taken from the ice subjected to vibrations was higher than in the tests with natural ice