1,908 research outputs found

    An Congestion Control Based Cluster Approach for Effective Communication in VANET

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    Clustering in VANET is major controlling method used to make VANET worldwide topology less dynamic. Many of the VANET clustering methods are derived from mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). In any case, VANET hubs are portrayed by their high versatility, and the presence of VANET hubs in the same geographic area does not imply that they show a similar portability designs. Along these lines, VANET grouping plans should contemplate over the level of the speed distinction among neighboring hubs to create moderately stable clustering structure. In this paper, we present another bunching system reasonable for the VANET condition on thruways with the point of upgrading the steadiness of the system topology. This method takes the speed distinction as a parameter to make moderately stable group structure. In this paper proposed to built up another multi-metric calculation for cluster head decisions. A reproduction was directed to assess our strategy and contrast it and the most usually utilized grouping strategies

    Automated object detection of mechanical fasteners using faster region based convolutional neural networks

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    Mechanical fasteners are widely used in manufacturing of hardware and mechanical components such as automobiles, turbine & power generation and industries. Object detection method play a vital role to make a smart system for the society. Internet of things (IoT) leads to automation based on sensors and actuators not enough to build the systems due to limitations of sensors. Computer vision is the one which makes IoT too much smarter using deep learning techniques. Object detection is used to detect, recognize and localize the object in an image or a real time video. In industry revolution, robot arm is used to fit the fasteners to the automobile components. This system will helps the robot to detect the object of fasteners such as screw and nails accordingly to fit to the vehicle moved in the assembly line. Faster R-CNN deep learning algorithm is used to train the custom dataset and object detection is used to detect the fasteners. Region based convolutional neural networks (Faster R-CNN) uses a region proposed network (RPN) network to train the model efficiently and also with the help of Region of Interest able to localize the screw and nails objects with a mean average precision of 0.72 percent leads to accuracy of 95 percent object detectio


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    Volume 2 Issue 1 (January 2014

    Existence of global and explosive mild solutions of fractional reaction-diffusion system of semilinear SPDEs with fractional noise

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence and finite-time blow-up for the solution of a reaction-diffusion system of semilinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) subjected to a two-dimensional fractional Brownian motion given by {du1(t,x)=[Δαu1(t,x)+γ1u1(t,x)+u21+β1(t,x)]dt+k11u1(t,x)dB1H(t)+k12u1(t,x)dB2H(t),du2(t,x)=[Δαu2(t,x)+γ2u2(t,x)+u11+β2(t,x)]dt+k21u2(t,x)dB1H(t)+k22u2(t,x)dB2H(t),\left\{\begin{aligned} du_{1}(t,x)&=\left[ \Delta_{\alpha}u_{1}(t,x)+\gamma_{1}u_{1}(t,x)+u^{1+\beta_{1}}_{2}(t,x) \right]dt +k_{11}u_{1}(t,x)dB^{H}_{1}(t)+k_{12}u_{1}(t,x)dB^{H}_{2}(t), \\ du_{2}(t,x)&=\left[ \Delta_{\alpha}u_{2}(t,x)+\gamma_{2}u_{2}(t,x)+u^{1+\beta_{2}}_{1}(t,x) \right]dt+k_{21}u_{2}(t,x)dB^{H}_{1}(t)+k_{22}u_{2}(t,x)dB^{H}_{2}(t), \\ \end{aligned}\right. for x∈Rd, t≥0x \in \mathbb{R}^{d},\ t \geq 0, along with ui(0,x)=fi(x),x∈Rd,\begin{array}{ll} u_{i}(0,x)=f_{i}(x), &x \in \mathbb{R}^{d}, \nonumber\\ \end{array} where Δα\Delta_{\alpha} is the fractional power −(−Δ)α2-(-\Delta)^{\frac{\alpha}{2}} of the Laplacian, 0<α≤20<\alpha \leq 2 and βi>0, γi>0\beta_{i}>0,\ \gamma_{i}>0 and kij≠0,i,j=1,2k_{ij}\neq 0, i,j=1,2 are constants. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence of a global weak solution. Under the assumption that β1≥β2>0\beta_{1}\geq \beta_{2}>0 with Hurst index 1/2≤H<1, 1/2 \leq H < 1, we obtain the blow-up times for an associated system of random partial differential equations in terms of an integral representation of exponential functions of Brownian motions. Moreover, we provide lower and upper bounds for the finite-time blow-up of the above system of SPDEs and obtain the lower and upper bounds for the probability of non-explosive solutions to our considered system


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    Objective: To prescreen the in vivo antimitotic and antiproliferative activity of the leaves of Vitis vinifera.L. Family Vitaceae using the model organism Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)Method: In the present study to investigate the effect of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of the   V. vinifera (Vitaceae), Common Grape Vine was selected for phytochemical and pharmacological screening of antimitotic and antiproliferative activity. Antimitotic activity was evaluated on actively dividing meristamatic cells of Allium cepa root tip and antiproliferative activity was determined by cell viability and DNA fragmentation assay using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a model organism.Result:  Preliminary phytochemical screening of ethanolic extract of V.vinifera leaves (EEVV) showed the presence of flavonoids, sterols, triterpenoids, saponins, tannins, xanthoprotein, reducing sugars, aromatic acids, phenolic compounds, volatileoil and absence of alkaloids, fixed oils. HPTLC analysis showed the presence of stilbene derivative resveratrol. Antimitoticactivity of EEVV using the Allium cepa root tip model showed good inhibition of dividing meristamatic cells. The percentage of mitotic index (4, 5, 6 mg/ml) of EEVV and control were found to be 29.43, 21.75, 13.96 and 66.48 respectively. The effect was comparable to that of the standard drug methotrexate 100ng/ml (11.69).The antiproliferative assay using the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) model also showed that the EEVV is a good inhibitor of yeast cell growth. The percentage of inhibition of cell viability by EEVV (4, 5, 6 mg/ml) is 48.02, 65.56, and 83.05 respectively which was comparable to that of the standard drug methotrexate 50 and 100ng/ml 48.96 and 81.92 respectively. This activity was found to be dose dependent and the IC50 was 4.54mg/ml. DNA fragmentation assay showed that the mode of action of extract is due to the DNA fragmentation.Conclusion: V. vinifera leaves have been used in medicine due to various biological activities and as a food. This study indicates that the EEVV possesses potential anti mitotic and anti proliferative activity. The presence of resveratrol and the attributed reported anti oxidant activity appears to contribute to the antimitotic and antiproliferative activity. Further investigation requires confirming this activity

    A study of trucut biopsies of hepatic lesions with special reference to immunohistochemistry and special stain

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most common malignancies that account to about half a million deaths yearly and is the third leading cause of death. 80% of these cases are seen in the Asian- Pacific region. Aims of the study were to study the role of immunohistochemistry in differentiating primary from metastatic neoplasms of liver and to evaluate the usefulness of reticulin in differentiating benign from malignant lesions of liver.Methods: 46 cases of hepatic neoplasms reported were taken. Immunohistochemistry was done using the markers Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP), Hep Par 1, Cytokeratin 7 and Cytokeratin 20. Reticulin stain was done in 10 difficult cases to differentiate neoplastic from non-neoplastic lesions of liver.Results: AFP was positive in 18 cases (84%), 20 cases were positive for Hep Par 1 (92%). Among the metastatic neoplasms, the most common expression was cytokeratin 7 positive/ cytokeratin 20 negative expressions which were observed in 54% of cases. Reticulin fibres in the benign processes revealed one-cell thick liver plates, whereas in dysplastic and carcinomatous deposits, they showed thickening of the hepatic cell plates which appeared as two or three cell-cell thick plates.Conclusions: Alpha Fetoprotein and Hep Par 1 are found to be useful in diagnosing hepatocellular carcinomas; and Hep Par 1 is more sensitive than Alpha Fetoprotein. Cytokeratins 7 and 20 were useful in assessing the primary tumour to some extent in case of metastatic carcinomatous deposits of liver. If adequate liver biopsy sample is received, an extended panel of markers can be used to find the site of primary with more accuracy. Reticulin stain can be used in cases where there is difficulty in differentiating neoplastic from non-neoplastic lesions of liver.

    Causal Connections Mining Within Security Event Logs

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    Performing both security vulnerability assessment and configuration processes are heavily reliant on expert knowledge. This requirement often results in many systems being left insecure due to a lack of analysis expertise and access to specialist resources. It has long been known that a system's event log provides historical information depicting potential security threats, as well as recording configuration activities. In this paper, a novel technique is developed that can process security event logs on a computer that has been assessed and configured by a security professional, and autonomously establish causality amongst event log entries to learn performed configuration tasks. This extracted knowledge can then be exploited by non-professionals to plan steps that can improve the security of a previously unseen system

    Combining ability analysis and gene action of grain quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using line × tester analysis

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    In rice, twelve lines were crossed with five testers in a line × tester mating design and the resultant 60 hybrids along with their parents were evaluated for their combining ability effects for 15 grain quality traits. The results revealed that the ratio of GCA: SCA variances computed for all the fifteen grain quality traits showed the predominance of non-additive gene action. Among the lines, ADT (R) 47 showed significant desirable gca effects at 1% probability level (p = 0.01) for 11 grain quality traits viz., hulling percentage, milling percentage, head rice recovery percentage, kernel breadth, kernel breadth after cooking, breadth wise expansion ratio, gelatinization temperature, amylose content, gel consistency, water uptake and volume expansion ratio. Among the testers, Pusa 1460 showed significant desirable gca effects at 1% probability level (p = 0.01) for 10 grain quality traits viz., kernel length, kernel breadth, kernel length/breadth ratio, kernel length after cooking, kernel breadth after cooking, linear elongation ratio, gelatinization temperature, amylose content, water uptake and volume expansion ratio and hence they were adjudged as the best combiners for the improvement of the respective traits. Among the hybrids, the hybrids CO 47/Imp., Samba Mahsuri, ADT (R) 47/IRBB 21 and ADT (R) 46/IRBB 21 were identified as best hybrids for exploitation of grain quality traits since they revealed significant sca effects at 1% probability level (p = 0.01) for eight, eight and five grain quality traits, respectively

    A Study on Inflammatory Profile in Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease especially AMI accounts for approximately 12 million deaths annually and is the commonest cause of death globally. This problem is assuming epidemic propositions in the developing countries. The Asian Indians whether living in their own countries or elsewhere have much higher incidence of CAD as compared to all ethnic groups. CAD among Indians has been found to be severe, diffuse and associated with serious complications with increasing mortality at younger age. AMI is one of the most common diagnoses in hospitalized patients in industrialized countries as well. In the US approximately 650,000 patients experience a new AMI and 450,000 experience recurrent AMI every year. The early [30-day] mortality rate is approximately equal to 30%, with more than half of these deaths occur before the individual reaches hospital and 1 in 25 patients who survives first hospitalization dies in the first year after AMI. Mortality is four fold in elderly patients [over age 75] when compare with younger age groups. That is the magnitude of the problem. The current knowledge of pathophysiology of AMI started with autopsy description by Dr. James Herrick from Chicago in 1912 who concluded that the AMI results from thrombotic occlusion of coronary artery and recovery depends on restoration of blood flow. In 1972 when coronary angiography was performed during AMI revealed that in 85-90% patients cause of AMI was indeed thrombotic occlusion of infarct related artery. AMI and STEMI occur when coronary blood flow decreases abruptly after a thrombotic occlusion of a coronary artery previously affected by atheroscelerosis. In most cases, AMI occurs when the atheroscelerotic plaque becomes disrupted [plaqgue rupture], exposing the contends to blood and conditions [local and systemic] favor thrombogenesis. AIM: 1. To analyze the levels of various Inflammatory markers including hs-CRP in Acute myocardial infarction. 2. To correlate the variations of these inflammatory markers with various ECG changes of Myocardial Infarction and controls. 3. To analyze the relationship between these markers and various cardiovascular risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study Design: A case control study conducted in Intensive Coronary Care Unit(ICCU) at Govt. Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai 600 010. Duration of Study: January 2008 – August 2008. Study Population: In our study a total of 100 patients were enrolled. Of which 50 patients presented with AMI and with acute changes in ECGs within 12 hrs of onset of chest pain were enrolled as cases. Patients were admitted to the intensive coronary care unit [ICCU] of Department of Cardiology Govt. Kilpauk medical college Chennai-10. The age ranges from 30 to 85 and study included both sexes. Inclusion Criteria: Cases: Patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with acute ECG changes within 12 hrs of the onset of chest pain Controls: 50 volunteers without any apparent cardiac ailment. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Intercurrent inflammatory or neoplastic conditions likely to present with acute phase response by clinical evaluation. 2. Surgery, trauma in the preceding six months. 3. Presence of connective tissue disorders like SLE, Rheumatoid arthritis and other collagen vascular diseases. 4. Inflammatory bowl disorders, pancreatitis. 5. Hepatic failure. 6. Renal failure. 7. Heart failure 8. Cerebrovascular Accident. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS: A total of 50 patients admitted in the ICCU within 12 hrs of onset of chest pain and with acute ECG changes were enrolled as cases. • A total of 50 volunteers with no cardiac abnormality were enrolled as controls. • Mean age of cases was 53.30 ± 12.21 years. • Mean age of controls was 48.7 ± 7 years. • Statistically significant difference was noticed among cases and controls with regard to age. P value 0.027. • Statistically significant difference was noticed among cases and controls with regard to sex. P value 0.000. • In our study male gender predominance is observed with regard to AMI. • Mean BMI of cases was 24.44 ± 4.49 kg/m². • Mean BMI of controls was 26.996 ± 4.46 kg/m². • Statistically significant difference was noticed among cases and controls with regard to BMI. P value 0.005. • Statistically significant difference was noticed among cases and controls with regard to BP. • Mean systolic BP for cases and controls were 135.76 ±28.31 and 124.4 ± 12.33. P value o.011. • Mean diastolic BP for cases and controls were 90.2 ± 16.84 and 82.72± 8.16. P value 0.006. • AMI had a significant correlation with high BP. • In Lipid profile TGI and HDL showed statistically significant difference. while Total Cholesterol and LDL did not show any significance. • P value for TGL was 0.000. • P value for HDL was 0.041. • Statistically significant difference was noticed among cases and controls with regard to risk factors smoking and alcohol. More occurrence of AMI among smokers and alcoholics in our study. • P value 0.004. • The risk factors DM and Hypertension did not show any statistical significance. • Among the inflammatory markers studied only hs-CRP vary with statistical significance. P value 0.000. • TC, ESR, FFA values did not show any statistical significance. • The inflammatory profile did not show any statistical significance with regard to risk factors smoking and alcohol. • Except ESR no other inflammatory markers did show any statistical significance with regard to risk factors DM and HT. • P value for ESR when studied with risk factor DM and HT was 0.014. • Among the Inflammatory profile markers studied on comparison with various ECG changes hs-CRP and ESR showed statistically significant variation while TC and FFA did not show any significance. P value for hs-CRP was 0.000. P value for ESR was 0.031. CONCLUSIONS: Our study clearly indicated that hs-CRP is elevated in most of the cases of AMI and supporting the view that inflammation in the coronary vessels plays a very important role in the pathogenesis of AMI and other cardiac events. But AMI is not an overt inflammatory disease but events leading to AMI are every much influenced by the inflammatory process especially the plaque rupture. The hs-CRP measured by high sensitive assay is capable of detecting the ongoing inflammation in the coronary arteries. By considering hs-CRP as a diagnostic and therapeutic marker, added with the clear understanding of vascular biology, atherosclerosis and inflammation, our diagnostic and therapeutic methods will move in to new level in the management of CAD and AMI. The knowledge that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease, offers new opportunities for the prevention and management of CAD and AMI. However further evaluation and studies are required to clarify the exact roles played by these various inflammatory markers in the disease causation, progression and the therapeutic interventions. Among the various inflammatory markers hs-CRP found to be highly significant and it can very well suggested to be a reliable diagnostic marker of inflammatory process in AMI, after excluding other condition which can produce elevation of hs-CRP.P
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