43 research outputs found

    Benefit Assessment and Reimbursement of Digital Health Applications: Concepts for Setting Up a New System for Public Coverage

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    In Germany, some digital health applications (DiHA) became reimbursable through the statutory health insurance system with the adoption of the Digital Healthcare Act in 2019. Approaches and concepts for the German care context were developed in an iterative process, based on existing concepts from international experience. A DiHA categorization was developed that could be used as a basis to enable the creation of a reimbursed DiHA repository, and to derive evidence requirements for coverage and reimbursement for each DiHA. The results provide an overview of a possible classification of DiHA as well as approaches to assessment and evaluation. The structure of remuneration and pricing in connection with the formation of groups is demonstrated

    The international WAO/EAACI guideline for the management of hereditary angioedema—The 2021 revision and update

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare and disabling disease for which early diagnosis and effective therapy are critical. This revision and update of the global WAO/EAACI guideline on the diagnosis and management of HAE provides up-to-date guidance for the management of HAE. For this update and revision of the guideline, an international panel of experts reviewed the existing evidence, developed 28 recommendations, and established consensus by an online DELPHI process. The goal of these recommendations and guideline is to help physicians and their patients in making rational decisions in the management of HAE with deficient C1 inhibitor (type 1) and HAE with dysfunctional C1 inhibitor (type 2), by providing guidance on common and important clinical issues, such as: (1) How should HAE be diagnosed? (2) When should HAE patients receive prophylactic on top of on-demand treatment and what treatments should be used? (3) What are the goals of treatment? (4) Should HAE management be different for special HAE patient groups such as children or pregnant/breast-feeding women? and (5) How should HAE patients monitor their disease activity, impact, and control? It is also the intention of this guideline to help establish global standards for the management of HAE and to encourage and facilitate the use of recommended diagnostics and therapies for all patients

    The international WAO/EAACI guideline for the management of hereditary angioedema - The 2021 revision and update.

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    Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare and disabling disease for which early diagnosis and effective therapy are critical. This revision and update of the global WAO/EAACI guideline on the diagnosis and management of HAE provides up-to-date guidance for the management of HAE. For this update and revision of the guideline, an international panel of experts reviewed the existing evidence, developed 28 recommendations, and established consensus by an online DELPHI process. The goal of these recommendations and guideline is to help physicians and their patients in making rational decisions in the management of HAE with deficient C1-inhibitor (type 1) and HAE with dysfunctional C1-inhibitor (type 2), by providing guidance on common and important clinical issues, such as: 1) How should HAE be diagnosed? 2) When should HAE patients receive prophylactic on top of on-demand treatment and what treatments should be used? 3) What are the goals of treatment? 4) Should HAE management be different for special HAE patient groups such as children or pregnant/breast feeding women? 5) How should HAE patients monitor their disease activity, impact, and control? It is also the intention of this guideline to help establish global standards for the management of HAE and to encourage and facilitate the use of recommended diagnostics and therapies for all patients

    Data-Based Modelling of Ship Propulsion for A 2500 TEU Feeder Container Ship

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    A sea-going vessel will always face the risk of rough weather along with its voyages. The focus of this paper is on the creation of a data-based model to estimate the power increase or speed loss due to the influence of weather, by using resistance estimation theories and added resistance approximation methods along with additional assisting tools. Furthermore, a theoretical simulation is done in order to benchmark and correct the model setup. The analysis of simulation results shows that at the available data range, the model proves reasonably precise within its capabilities, for academic applications. The general behavior of the model complies with common ship theory, however, does not perfectly resemble the speed-power relation of the ship’s recorded data averages. The analysis suggests that the model is most compatible with the shipload draft of 9,0 to 9,5 meters and within the speed of 19 to 22 knots. The lack of data outside the typical operating range disables the ability to verify the model correspondingly. The theoretical simulation proves valuable in assessing ship data-based models

    Arbeitszufriedenheit und Burnout in der prÀklinischen Notfallversorgung

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    <jats:title>Zusammenfassung</jats:title><jats:sec> <jats:title>Hintergrund</jats:title> <jats:p>EinsĂ€tze unter unterschiedlichen und erschwerten Bedingungen können Burnout-Werte fĂŒr Mitarbeiter im Rettungsdienst erhöhen. Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz wird als Faktor gesehen, der im Zusammenhang mit erhöhten Burnout-Werten steht.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Ziel der Arbeit</jats:title> <jats:p>Ziele waren die Untersuchung der Arbeitszufriedenheit und des Burnout-Syndroms bei nichtĂ€rztlichen Mitarbeitern im Rettungsdienst sowie die Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen hohen Burnout-Werten und Faktoren der Zufriedenheit.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Material und Methoden</jats:title> <jats:p>Mittels eines Onlinefragebogens wurden Mitarbeiter zu Arbeitszufriedenheit und Aspekten, die das Erleben des Burnouts messen, befragt. Einer deskriptiven Auswertung folgte eine Zusammenhangsanalyse zwischen Arbeitszufriedenheit und einzelnen Burnout-Dimensionen (emotionale Erschöpfung [EE] und Depersonalisierung [DP]) mittels binĂ€rer logistischer Regressionen.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Ergebnisse</jats:title> <jats:p>In die Analyse wurden 1082 Fragebögen einbezogen. Die MajoritĂ€t der Studienteilnehmer war mĂ€nnlich, jĂŒnger als 40 Jahre und in Vollzeit tĂ€tig. In den Dimensionen EE und DP wiesen 26,2 % bzw. 40,0 % der Befragten hohe Burnout-Werte auf. Zwischen 17,7 % und 75,9 % der Befragten waren mit einzelnen Aspekten des Arbeitsplatzes unzufrieden (z. B. FlexibilitĂ€t des Dienstplans, Fortbildungsurlaub, Gehalt, beruflicher Status). Die Zufriedenheit mit dem beruflichen Status und der Berufswahl ist signifikant mit niedrigeren Burnout-Werten in den Dimensionen EE und DP assoziiert.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Diskussion</jats:title> <jats:p> Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Notwendigkeit einer Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen. Die negative Assoziation zwischen der Zufriedenheit mit dem beruflichen Status sowie der Berufswahl und Burnout-Werten sollte die Diskussion ĂŒber Strategien zur Anerkennung der Berufe aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht noch stĂ€rker anstoßen.</jats:p> </jats:sec&gt