91 research outputs found


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    This study describes the exemplary teacher who is very influential on the learning process of students of SDN 4 Pulau Rimau in Pulau Rimau sub-district, Banyuasin Regency, in: (1) exemplary teachers, (2) understanding of teachers (3) understanding of exemplary teachers and, (4) types kind of exemplary teacher. This study used a qualitative approach with the type of case study at Rimau SDN 4 school. The research subjects were the Principal, Teachers, Education Personnel, and parents of students (school committees). The technique of collecting data uses observation and interview techniques, then the principal is oriented to supportive behavior, teacher behavior that has willingness, sincerity / sincerity, and seriousness in carrying out the task because the teacher is a figure who is cared for and imitated, disciplined education personnel, all of that make students at SDN 4 Rimau Island follow the example


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    Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimanakah persepsi wisatawan terhadap mitos objek wisata sumber air panas Sepan Apoi?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui persepsi wisatawan terhadap mitos objek wisata sumber air panas Sepan Apoi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan alasan bahwa sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah orang, ruang, dan waktu yang nantinya akan didokumentasikan dan ditranskripkan dalam bentuk teks, serta penyebaran angket dalam teknik pengumpulan data untuk mengetahui persepsi wisatawan terhadap mitos objek wisatasumber air panas Sepan Apoi kecamatan Marikit Kabupaten Katingan. Teknik analisis kuantitatif digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk menganalisis data berupa angka-angka yang diperoleh dari jawaban angket yang disebarkan. Persepsi wisatawan terhadap mitos yang ada pada sumber air panas Sepan Apoi adalah 22,5% wisatawan menjawab sangat setuju, 71,5% menjawab setuju, 5% menjawab ragu-ragu, 0,8 menjawab tidak setuju, 0,2% menjawab sangat tidak setuju. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa adanya mitos yang ada dan melekat pada objek wisata air panas ini menjadi alasan wisatawan berkunjung. Mitos ini merupakan salahsatu latar belakang berkunjungnya para wisatawan baik dari dalam maupun luar desa Batu Panahan


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    As indicated by some researcher, cognitive conflicts arise from a collaborative learning when students ask their friends  to redesign (co-construct) knowledge. Conceptually, cognitive changes that occured in a process of conflict or cooperation is a mistake. This argument claimed  that a productive cognitive conflict occurs under a co-operative context, and not individual way. On the other hand, cognitive conflict rarely occurs in a collaborative or developing consensus process, but it occurs at a personal conflict (interpersonal) process. This study examines the implementation of cognitive conflict strategies in the learning of mathematics through individual and group learning in junior high school students. Through the design of Pre and Post Test Control Group Design, the result obtained that the quality of critical thinking skills, either through cooperative and individual learning were in the medium category. While improving students' ability to think creatively through learning cognitive conflict, either cooperatively or individually were in the low category. The test results showed that despite the increase in the ability to think in both groups are on the same level, there was a statistically significant difference. This also applied in the ability to think creatively, even if both were at low levels, but statistically it showed significant difference. The cognitive conflict  approach through cooperative setting is recommended for use by teachers in teaching mathematics in schools. Beberapa peneliti menemukan indikasi bahwa konflik kognitif dalam pembelajaran muncul dari proses kolaboratif ketika siswa mengajak satu sama lain untuk mengkontsruksi bersama (co-construct) pengetahuan tersebut. Secara konseptual temuan itu  merupakan sebuah kekeliruan. Klaim argumentasi ini adalah konflik kognitif yang produktif terjadi dalam konteks kooperatif, dan tidak secara individual. Dilain pihak konflik kognitif jarang terjadi dari proses kolaboratif dan proses penyusunan konsensus, tetapi justru pada saat konflik secara pribadi (interpersonal). Studi  ini mengkaji implementasi strategi konflik kognitif dalam pembelajaran matematika melalui belajar berkelompok dan individual dengan subjek yang diteliti adalah siswa SMP. Melalui desain Pre and Post Test Control Group Design diperoleh hasil bahwa kualitas peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kritis baik yang belajar melalui kooperatif maupun individual berada dalam kategori sedang. Sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kreatif siswa melalui pembelajaran konflik kognitif baik secara kooperatif maupun secara individual berada pada kategori rendah. Dari pengujian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa walaupun peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kedua kelompok berada pada level yang sama, tetapi secara statistic berbeda secara berarti. Begitu juga untuk peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kreatif, walaupun keduanya berada pada tingkatan rendah, tetapi secara statistic meunjukkan perbedaan yang berarti


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    The development and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education can make reforms for a better education system. Current conditions at SDN 7 Rimau Island, Pulau Rimau sub-district, Banyuasin District, teachers face several difficulties in applying (ICT) in the teaching and learning process in schools, due to the absence of infrastructure such as computer laboratories, and mastery of ICT from teachers. Implementation of ICT guidance, training for teachers at SDN 7 Pulau Rimau in Pulau Rimau sub-district by providing knowledge and use of ICT in the learning process. The methods used are: lectures, discussions, and training. The application that is taught is flash, e-learning, management system learning is only an introduction and deeper in Microsoft Word. After attending this training, the teacher has the knowledge and understanding of the diversity of ICT applications. In addition, great motivation arises from the teacher to be able to control and optimize the use of ICT for teaching and learning in the classroom


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: After the closure of mental health hospital in the western world, the mental health service users are now involved in the wider society interactions. However, another problem arises as the consequences of the closure, which is how to integrate the service users in the social lives without experiencing hindrances in those processes. Therefore, mental health services in the western world are now shifting the focus to overcome the barriers by promoting social inclusion. However, it appears that deinstitutionalisation in mental health would not become the main issues in the foreseeable future for Indonesian mental health environment. Therefore, social inclusion is not the main issues in mental health circumstances in the country, yet, the community integration, as it happens in western world, also remains the main issues in recent days. Method: This paper provides a review of the emerging social inclusion literature as part of the recovery process which gradually implemented in the Indonesian mental health context. Result: Research findings are highlight the understanding of the cultural background of the society to whom such concept will be implemented, discuss the social inclusion and exclusion, in the context of European and Islamic culture as a religion that is embraced by the majority of the people in the country. then the implication of social inclusion promotions in practical ways. Discussion: Social inclusion is also able to be implemented with the local consideration. The three places which are Mosque, Family, neighbour, are the reasonable area where people with mental health will experience the appropriate access and support. Key words: Social Inclusion, Mental Health, Promotio

    Penerapan Model Guided Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Mahasiswa

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    This action research is based on the implementation Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) in the 2013 curriculum (K13) for education in Indonesia. Beside that the minimum completeness criteria, for space analytic geometry in Suryakancana University, has not been achieved yet. The aim of this study was to improve the mathematical conceptual understanding of students who were taking lectures on space analytic geometry. The sample consisted of two classes with many students of 19 and 22 respectively. This classroom action research was completed in two cycles. In the second cycle, the class absorption of each class was 78.95% and 77.27%. Thus it can be concluded that the implementation of the GDL model can improve the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts, especially in the analytic geometry of space subject, and in general students provide a positive response to learning with the GDL model

    Dasar Dasar Desain Interior Pelayanan Umum I

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    Elemen Pembentuk Ruang adalah struktur wadah ruang kegiatan diidentifikasikan sebagai lantai, dinding, dan langit-langit/Plafond yang menjadi satu kesatuan struktur dalam sehari-hari

    Dasar Dasar Desain Interior Pelayanan Umum III

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    Menurut Suptandar (1982 57) Sirkulasi merupakan ruang gerak atau jalur yang diatur untuk menghubungkan, membimbing dan melintasi bagian-bagian tertentu didalam bangunan atau ruangan untuk kelancaran aktivitas. Lebar dan tinggi dari suatu ruang sirkulasi harus sebanding dengan macam dan jumlah lalulintas yang terjadi..Jalan yang sempit dan tertutup bisa merangsang gerak, jalan yang lebar tidak hanya untuk menampung lebih banyak lalu lintas. Tetapi untuk menciptakan tempat-tempat perhentian, untuk beristirahat atau menikmati pemandangan. Jalan dapat diperbesar dengan meleburkannya dengan ruang-ruang yang ditembusnya. Di dalam sebuah ruang yang luas, sebuah jalan dapat berbentuk bebas, tanpa bentuk atau batasan, dan ditentukan oleh aktivitas di dalam ruangnya (Ching, 1991 : 286-287

    Matematika Dasar 1

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