181 research outputs found

    Integration Of Social Studies And/Or Science Within Your Literacy Workshop Model: A Professional Development Presentation

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    The research question examined for this capstone was “How does the integration of science and/or social studies standards with language arts standards impact the reading comprehension of upper elementary students? Topics explored in the literature review were different models of integration, such as CORI - Concept of Oriented Reading Instruction; Science IDEAs - In-Depth Expanded Application of Science; Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences; and project-based learning. Additional literature was examined on how background knowledge and vocabulary impact reading comprehension. A teacher professional development workshop was developed as the project to educate teachers about the benefits of integrated instruction. The workshop also included examination of reasons adults read and how teachers currently teach reading in the upper elementary classroom. Combined elements of the Science IDEAs and project-based integration models of teaching provided the structure to a redesigned upper elementary school day along with components in a lesson plan template. The second half of the teacher professional development workshop was a modeled integrated science and language arts lesson plan, where teachers became the students. Research on background knowledge and vocabulary were interspersed throughout the modeled lesson plan. The goal of this project was to persuade upper elementary teachers to use integrated curriculum of content and language arts standards as much as they can to increase opportunities for students to acquire new background knowledge and vocabulary knowledge which has demonstrated to have a positive impact on reading comprehension

    NIR spectroscopy as a PAT tool for solid dosage continuous manufacturing

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    Near infrared (NIR) spectrometers have long been the PAT tools of choice for pharmaceutical and industrial scientists seeking to gain both physical and chemical information from a sample. More recently, the development of fast and inexpensive miniature NIR instruments have made possible the real-time monitoring of individual unit operations within a process. For continuous manufacturing operations this means that, NIR-based multivariate models can be used as supervisory tools for closed loop control and eventually real-time release of the drug product. In this presentation we will discuss different case studies for which the implementation of NIR spectrometers of low wavelength ranges (950–1650 nm) aided in formulation, process trouble-shooting and ultimately, how these were used as PAT tools for the continuous manufacturing of tablets and orodispersible polymer films

    The Psychological Effects of Elective Abortion on Women: Implications for Nurses

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the links between abortion and subsequent mental health disorders, emotional health disorders, substance abuse disorders, and relational health problems, to create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the research findings, and to present the information to nursing students so as to prepare them for post-abortion patients they may encounter in the practice setting Methods: The long-term effects of elective abortion on women were investigated tlu·ough a comprehensive review of the relevant literature. A presentation for nursing students was prepared based on the information gathered Conclusion: There is some evidence suggesting that there is a higher incidence of various anxiety, mood, and substance abuse disorders, in addition to relational health problems, among women who have had an abortion. Because abortion is experienced by a large number of women in the United States, nurses need to be informed about the potential negative sequelae of abortion and the implications of these sequelae on nursing care. An optimal time to prepare nurses for the care of post-abortion patients is during their undergraduate nursing educatio

    AI City\u27s Solar Energy Collaborative Commerce and Sharing Economy

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    The advent of artificial intelligence has brought many changes in people\u27s lives, and because of the rise of artificial intelligence, the city has gradually become a smart city. Smart City, as defined in Wikipedia, is an urban area that uses different types of electronic data collection sensors to supply information which is used to manage assets and resources efficiently. It is evident that the city cannot function without water, electricity and air. Especially electricity, due to the development of technology and the internet, has been the most important origin of resource in the city. Under such resources, two important groups are generated: the sharing of people and the resources of electricity. People represents the grouping benefits, which made the sharing economy more rationalized and creative because of the internet platforms. As stated in Wikipedia, sharing is to fully utilize resources for more efficient use, so to raise up the overall efficiency of the resources. So as solar energy, a natural resource, has existed on the earth for a long time like the air. These will be the most important components in a smart city. However, with the current Internet technology platform, the artificial intelligence, AI, will be a tool under the system we are already familiar with. Artificial intelligence such as AI uses the knowledge that the machine obtains from the use of input data and information. It’s a way to let machine learn from the data first and then allows the machine to automatically calculate and judge the corresponding results. Such artificial intelligence is applied in the computing system of many industries, it reduces many possible errors, and relatively improves the efficiency of problem solving, and significantly increased the efficiency of obtaining new messages and information to users. Both supervised and unsupervised learning methods will be applied to the case study of this study. How to make the relationship between platform and consumer supervised, let AI artificial intelligence because supervised learning is only given some training samples of the machine, and inform the sample category, allowing AI judge automatically the conclusion of the samples, and accurately pass it to create information on the shared solar business platform. Consumer psychology is also the focus of this research. Investors’ transparency and simplicity in the application of goods, as well as the most important investment rewards and independency of consumers, will also be a discussion focus of this study. In this paper, the smart city of AI artificial intelligence allows the solar energy to create a business-style analysis of the economy, design, finds a platform model to establish Internet sharing, and achieve a large circulation and sharing of demanders and suppliers. This article uses the traditional field of goods, combined with the needs of multiple resources sharing and co-creation, combined to solve the existing information shortage and cross-domain strangeness. Utilizing the case study of solar energy company\u27s discussion method, the smart city solar energy will create a commercial business entity, so that people can participate and identify with such industry, and then find more business models to create and share, and the realization of smart cities as a sharing platform mechanism all people shall be involved

    Out-of-Field Teaching and Educational Equality

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    This report presents national data on the extent to which students in the nation’s public secondary schools are taught by teachers without basic qualifications in their assigned teaching fields. It seeks to address the question of whether inequalities exist in the distribution of adequately qualified teachers across and within different schools in the United States. The report is based on data from the 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey, a nationally representative survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics. The premise underlying this analysis is that adequately qualified staffing requires teachers at the secondary school level to hold, as a minimum prerequisite, at least a college minor in the fields they teach. Knowledge of subject matter does not, of course, guarantee qualified teachers, nor quality teaching. The premise is that basic subject knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for both

    Social media marketing: A bibliometric study in digital marketing literatures

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    After the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the global market, people around the world reduced their visits to physical stores, however opted to make purchases online instead. By providing a platform for their products to be heard during the crisis, the public was able to express their opinion through social media.The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of digital marketing and to examine the effects and factors that influence the use of social media (digital marketing), publication-related journals on online marketing on brands and consumers in the study of digital marketing.The study collected data using the Web of Science (WoS) SSCI database from January 2016 to June 2022 on the topic Digital Marketing , where 4,295 articles containing quantitative analysis of the relevant literature on Digital Marketing (DM) to find overall trends and predictions were adopted. Six different categories of DM articles were used to classify and investigate the different distribution states in order to find the relevant research developments and division states between 2016 and 2022. Research gaps and DMs are analyzed and synthesized, and a framework for future directions is proposed.This study presents the relevance of digital marketing journal capabilities to the advertising business, research trends and future information in organizing digital marketing (DM), marketing-related research and identifying the core of DM-related research, key aspects of measuring business performance. The proposed dimension of the Digital Marketing Capability Framework is to identify new research directions in the marketing and advertising chain. Systematic evaluation of the relevant literature is categorized at the company level. Key measures of the relevance of digital marketing capabilities to companies (B2C and B2B) and business performance are presented

    Analysis of strenght properties of steel rebar in various environments

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    Magistritöö Maaehituse Ă”ppekavalRaudbetooni kui komposiitmaterjali konstruktsioonide töövĂ”imet ja kasutusiga mĂ”jutavad otseselt betooni ja terassarruse kvaliteet ning koostöövĂ”ime. KĂ€esoleva magistritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli uurida terassarruse korrosiooni tekkimise teoreetilisi kĂ€sitlusi ja erinevates keskkondades tekkinud korrosiooniprotsesside reaalset mĂ”ju terassarruse pĂ”hilistele tugevusomadustele. Magistritöö raames valmistati kokku 180 katsekeha, mis paigutati neljaks kuuks erinevatesse keskkondadesse. Uurimise aluseks valiti kuus erinevat keskkonda: 1) kuiv ja köetud siseruum, kus korrosiooni tekkimise vĂ”imalused olid minimaalsed ning nende katsekehade tulemused vĂ”eti vĂ”rdluse aluseks teistele keskkondadele; 2) vĂ€liskeskkond; 3) agressiivne keskkond; 4) osaliselt happeline keskkond; 5) happeline keskkond; 6) leeliseline keskkond. PĂ€rast katsekehade keskkondadest eemaldamist viidi lĂ€bi tĂ”mbekatsed. LĂ€biviidud tĂ”mbeteimi tulemusena leiti terasarmatuurist katsekehade pĂ”hilised tugevusomadused nagu tĂ”mbetugevus, voolavuspiir ja katkevenivus. Katsetulemused nĂ€itasid, et vĂ”rdluse aluseks olnud esimese katseseeria tĂ”mbetugevuse ning katkevenivuse tulemused olid kĂ”ige paremad. Esimese katseseeria katsetulemuste pĂ”hjal saadi keskmiseks tĂ”mbetugevuseks 765,86 MPa. KĂ”ige kehvemad tulemused olid neljanda katseseeria katsekehadel, mille keskmiseks tĂ”mbetugevuseks saadi 741,03 MPa, mis on vĂ”rreldes esimese katseseeriaga 3,24 % madalam. Teostatud katsete tulemused nĂ€itasid, et korrosiooni mĂ”jul terase pĂ”hilised tugevusomadused halvenevad. Teostaud katsete tulemusi saab kasutada alusmaterjalina tulevaste uuringute vĂ”rdluseks ning uute katseliste uuringute lĂ€biviimiseks.The workability and service life of reinforced concrete as a composite material is directly influenced by the quality and workability of concrete and steel reinforcements. The aim of the master’s thesis at hand was to study the theoretical procedures of corrosion in steel reinforcements and the real influence of corrosive processes of different environments on the main strength properties of steel reinforcements. In the course of the study, 180 test pieces were made, which were placed in different environments for four months. Six different environments were chosen as the basis of the study: 1) a dry and heated indoor room where possibilities for corrosion were minimal. The results from these test pieces were taken as a base of comparison for other environments; 2) outdoor environment; 3) aggressive environment; 4) partially acidic environment; 5) acidic environment; 6) alkaline environment. After removing the test pieces from the environments, breaking tests were conducted. As a result of the conducted breaking tests, the main strength properties of the steel reinforcement test pieces, such as tensile strength, yield strength and extension at break were learnt. The test results showed that the first test series, which was the basis for comparison, had the best results for tensile strength and extension at break. The average tensile strength based on the test results of the first test series was 765,86 MPa. The fourth test series had the worst results – 741,03 MPa as the average tensile strength, which is, compared to the first test series, 3,24% lower. The test results showed that the main strength properties of steel deteriorate under the effects of corrosion. The results of the tests conducted can be used as base material for comparison for future studies and for conducting new test studies

    Perinatal COVID vaccination and breastfeeding during a pandemic : influences on decision making

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    "When the COVID-19 vaccine was first offered to pregnant individuals, little research was available on the effects of the vaccine on mom and baby (Sutton et. al, 2020; Fisher et. Al, 2021). Due to misinformation and other factors, low vaccine confidence (and vaccine hesitancy/skepticism) has been observed in Missouri and throughout the Midwest Ecological characteristics of a community, such as higher income and perceived community support, can have a significant impact on local breastfeeding practices. (Isherwood et. al, 2019). The purpose of this study was to examine how habitus influenced women’s health behavior regarding breastfeeding and COVID-19 vaccination. Habitus = The reflection of deeply ingrained habits, skills, and beliefs that shape an individual's perception of the world (Power, 1999)"--Background

    The effects of exercise and two pre-exercise fluid amounts on cognition

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    Exercise is associated with elevated mood states and arousal. Observational studies support the claim that exercise can help individuals think more “clearly’ with reports of improved mood and feelings of psychological well-being following exercise. However, laboratory studies have produced equivocal results. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of exercise intensity and two likely pre-exercise fluid amounts consumed by euhydrated athletes on cognitive performance. Fifteen college age students were randomly assigned to either a 150 ml or a 500 ml fluid condition on the first test day and received the other fluid condition on the second test day. Prior to exercise subjects completed baseline computerized cognitive tests then began a treadmill protocol of three 6 min stages at increasing intensity after which subjects completed cognitive tests. A second treadmill portion started at 7.5 mph for 2 min then speed was increased 0.5 mph every 30 s until voluntary exhaustion and final cognitive testing was completed. Our results demonstrate a facilitation of cognitive function in response to exercise with the exception of the match to sample cognitive test which showed lack of facilitation of cognition in the 500 ml condition at moderate exercise. Our research contributes to the growing field of exercise and its effects on cognition. Specifically working memory cognitive tests showed facilitation with exercise. These results may be applicable to a typical exercising population since our study included a common exercise mode (treadmill) at moderate and high intensities and likely fluid amounts
