3,015 research outputs found

    Rapidly inducible, genetically targeted inactivation of neural and synaptic activity in vivo

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    Inducible and reversible perturbation of the activity of selected neurons in vivo is critical to understanding the dynamics of brain circuits. Several genetically encoded systems for rapid inducible neuronal silencing have been developed in the past few years offering an arsenal of tools for in vivo experiments. Some systems are based on ion-channels or pumps, others on G protein coupled receptors, and yet others on modified presynaptic proteins. Inducers range from light to small molecules to peptides. This diversity results in differences in the various parameters that may determine the applicability of each tool to a particular biological question. Although further development would be beneficial, the current silencing tool kit already provides the ability to make specific perturbations of circuit function in behaving animals

    Prerequisites for setting up management system in municipal retail trade

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    The relevance of the problem is determined by the number of complex problems that exist in present Samara municipal retail trade system, which is manifested in the lack of regulation, a glut of sales area, poorly developed infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to form a quantitative base for determining the municipal needs in the floor space. Leading method to study this problem is the method of empirical observations and mathematical modeling. The study results: the article contains the analysis of sales area availability on the example in the urban district and presents a quantitative method to determine predictive values for retail trade turnover. Practical significance: the paper is aimed to develop managerial decisions in the sphere of municipal trade regulation. © 2016 Suraeva et al

    Human ribosomal protein S13 regulates expression of its own gene at the splicing step by a feedback mechanism

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    The expression of ribosomal protein (rp) genes is regulated at multiple levels. In yeast, two genes are autoregulated by feedback effects of the protein on pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we have investigated whether similar mechanisms occur in eukaryotes with more complicated and highly regulated splicing patterns. Comparisons of the sequences of ribosomal protein S13 gene (RPS13) among mammals and birds revealed that intron 1 is more conserved than the other introns. Transfection of HEK 293 cells with a minigene-expressing ribosomal protein S13 showed that the presence of intron 1 reduced expression by a factor of four. Ribosomal protein S13 was found to inhibit excision of intron 1 from rpS13 pre-mRNA fragment in vitro. This protein was shown to be able to specifically bind the fragment and to confer protection against ribonuclease cleavage at sequences near the 5′ and 3′ splice sites. The results suggest that overproduction of rpS13 in mammalian cells interferes with splicing of its own pre-mRNA by a feedback mechanism

    Translation arrest of potato virus X RNA in Krebs-2 cell-free system: RNase H cleavage promoted by complementary oligodeoxynucleotides

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    AbstractTranslation arrest of genomic potato virus X (PVX) RNA promoted by complementary oligodeoxynucleotides in Krebs-2 cell-free system is described. 14–15 mer oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to the 5′-proximal cistron of PVX RNA were shown to induce specific truncation of the major non-structural polypeptide coded by PVX RNA. Evidence is presented that effective translational arrest of PVX RNA in the presence of complementary oligonucleotides restults from the site-specific cleavage of RNA by endogenous RNase H intrinsic to the Krebs-2 extract. No similar translational arrest was found in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell-free system

    Organizational model of the congress and exhibition cluster in the field of business travel

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the growth of the international trade in the intensity of business travel services, including in the field of the congress and exhibition business, which necessitates the formation of the effective management model of business travel services at the destination level. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the formation algorithm of the cluster development strategy of tourism and the development of organizational functioning models of the congress and exhibition cluster in the destination. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the method of modeling, which allowed considering the practice of clusters functioning as a sequence of stages of its formation and development, taking into account the resource potential of destinations. Results: the article presents a stepwise algorithm for creating the congress and exhibition cluster in the destination and proves the fundamental organizational model for its functioning in the business tourism market; isolates and systematized criteria and indicators for assessing the contribution of participants of the tourism cluster in the destination development. The contents of this article may be useful for researchers, interested in the use of the cluster approach in the services sector, as well as to regional authorities, responsible for the development of tourism. © 2016 Karpova et al


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    University museums are a group of educational museums of various specializations that are created to support the educational process, serve as a scientific research base for the academic teaching staff and students, and contribute to the knowledge development, transfer, and popularization. The foundation of the scientific and educational tourism cluster on the basis of the two world oldest mining museums and universities will make it possible to create a modern multifunctional structure with a high degree of interdisciplinarity. New forms of cluster interaction will include elements of various industries and fields of knowledge and guarantee not only economic benefits, but also fulfil an important role in the social relations development. The present stage of cluster development is focused on the creation of multifunctional structures characterized by the high interdisciplinary specialization. Special attention should be paid to a combination of the above-listed spheres, for example, the creation of a scientific and educational tourism cluster based on university museums

    The SBP2 protein central to selenoprotein synthesis contacts the human ribosome at expansion segment 7L of the 28S rRNA.

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    SBP2 is a pivotal protein component in selenoprotein synthesis. It binds the SECIS stem-loop in the 3' UTR of selenoprotein mRNA and interacts with both the specialized translation elongation factor and the ribosome at the 60S subunit. In this work, our goal was to identify the binding partners of SBP2 on the ribosome. Cross-linking experiments with bifunctional reagents demonstrated that the SBP2-binding site on the human ribosome is mainly formed by the 28S rRNA. Direct hydroxyl radical probing of the entire 28S rRNA revealed that SBP2 bound to 80S ribosomes or 60S subunits protects helix ES7L-E in expansion segment 7 of the 28S rRNA. Diepoxybutane cross-linking confirmed the interaction of SBP2 with helix ES7L-E. Additionally, binding of SBP2 to the ribosome led to increased reactivity toward chemical probes of a few bases in ES7L-E and in the universally conserved helix H89, indicative of conformational changes in the 28S rRNA in response to SBP2 binding. This study revealed for the first time that SBP2 makes direct contacts with a discrete region of the human 28S rRNA