26 research outputs found

    Motor activity patterns in acute schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders can be differentiated from bipolar mania and unipolar depression

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    Under embargo until: 02.10.2019The purpose of this study was to compare 24-h motor activity patterns between and within three groups of acutely admitted inpatients with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders (n = 28), bipolar mania (n = 18) and motor-retarded unipolar depression (n = 25) and one group of non-hospitalized healthy individuals (n = 28). Motor activity was measured by wrist actigraphy, and analytical approaches using linear and non-linear variability and irregularity measures were undertaken. In between-group comparisons, the schizophrenia group showed more irregular activity patterns than depression cases and healthy individuals. The schizophrenia and mania cases were clinically similar with respect to high prevalence of psychotic symptoms. Although they could not be separated by a formal statistical test, the schizophrenia cases showed more normal amplitudes in morning to evening mean activity and activity variability. Schizophrenia constituted an independent entity in terms of motor activation that could be distinguished from the other diagnostic groups of psychotic and non-psychotic affective disorders. Despite limitations such as small subgroups, short recordings and confounding effects of medication/hospitalization, these results suggest that detailed temporal analysis of motor activity patterns can identify similarities and differences between prevalent functional psychiatric disorders. For this purpose, irregularity measures seem particularly useful to characterize psychotic symptoms and should be explored in larger samples with longer-term recordings, while searching for underlying mechanisms of motor activity disturbances.acceptedVersio


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    Norsk sammendrag - Norsk tittel: Aktigrafi ved stemningslidelser Det er i dag ingen objektive mål på symptomene ved psykiske lidelser. I dette doktorgradsarbeidet er det vist at mennesker med ulike former for depresjoner og manier har bevegelsesmønstre som skiller seg fra hverandre. Akuttinnlagte pasienter med stemningslidelser (bipolar lidelse og depresjon) har gått med en bevegelsesmåler (aktigraf) i 24 timer under innleggelse ved avdeling Østmarka, St Olavs Hospital. Ved bruk av avanserte matematiske metoder ble mengde bevegelse, grad av variasjon og stabilitet av aktivitet beregnet. Ved alle depresjonstyper var det lav gjennomsnittsaktivitet og høy variasjon av aktivitet sammenlignet med hos friske personer. Det var også objektive forskjeller i aktivitetsmønstre mellom de pasientene med depresjon som etter legenes vurdering hadde langsomme kroppsbevegelser (såkalt psykomotorisk retardasjon) og deprimerte som var motorisk urolige. De deprimerte pasientene som var mer urolige, hadde et uorganisert bevegelsesmønster som lignet mønsteret for pasienter med mani. I en annen studie av pasienter som var i stabil fase av bipolar lidelse og som samtidig hadde søvnvansker, fant vi at de som ikke hadde stabil døgnrytme, var yngre, og en større andel hadde forsinket søvnfase og hyppige dag-til-dag-forandringer i stemningsleie. Det var også forskjeller i bevegelsesmønstrene mellom gruppene. Analyser av bevegelsesmønstre målt ved hjelp av instrumenter på størrelse med et armbåndsur, kan trolig utvikles til å skille undergrupper med stemningslidelser fra hverandre og få betydning for klassifisering og behandling av depresjoner og manier både ved tilbakevendende depresjoner og ved bipolar lidelse

    Do self‐ratings of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index reflect actigraphy recordings of sleep quality or variability? An exploratory study of bipolar disorders versus healthy controls

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    International audienceSleep disturbances are typical symptoms of acute episodes of bipolar disorder (BD) and differentiate euthymic BD cases from healthy controls (HC). Researchers often employ objective recordings to evaluate sleep patterns, such as actigraphy, whilst clinicians often use subjective ratings, such as the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). As evidence suggests the measures may disagree, we decided to compare subjective (PSQI) and objective (3 weeks of actigraphy) sleep profiles in BD cases and HC (n = 154). We examined whether a dimensional approach helps to illustrate different patterns of sleep disturbances and whether the concordance between subjective and objective recordings varies according to clinical status (BD versus HC). Principal component analysis (PCA) extracted two factors from the PSQI, and separate PCAs of actigraphy recordings extracted two factors for mean values of sleep parameters and one factor for intra-individual variability. Correlational and linear regression analyses of PCA-derived dimensions demonstrated that, in both BD and HC, a PSQI "Sleep duration-efficiency" factor was significantly correlated with an actigraphy "Sleep initiation-duration" factor. Furthermore, in BD cases only, the PSQI total score and a PSQI "Sleep Impairments" factor were each significantly correlated with an actigraphy "Sleep Variability" factor. Overall, we found that subjective experiences of sleep may be modulated by different components of objectively recorded sleep in BD compared with HC. Also, the use of PCA enabled us to consider the multi-dimensional nature of subjective sleep, whilst the inclusion of intra-individual sleep variability afforded a more subtle evaluation of objective sleep

    A pilot study to determine whether combinations of objectively measured activity parameters can be used to differentiate between mixed states, mania, and bipolar depression

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    Background: Until recently, actigraphy studies in bipolar disorders focused on sleep rather than daytime activity in mania or depression, and have failed to analyse mixed episodes separately. Furthermore, even those studies that assessed activity parameters reported only mean levels rather than complexity or predictability of activity. We identi‑ fied cases presenting in one of three acute phases of bipolar disorder and examined whether the application of nonlinear dynamic models to the description of objectively measured activity can be used to predict case classification. Methods: The sample comprised 34 adults who were hospitalized with an acute episode of mania (n = 16), bipolar depression (n = 12), or a mixed state (n = 6), who agreed to wear an actiwatch for a continuous period of 24 h. Mean level, variability, regularity, entropy, and predictability of activity were recorded for a defined 64-min active morning and active evening period. Discriminant function analysis was used to determine the combination of variables that best classified cases based on phase of illness. Results: The model identified two discriminant functions: the first was statistically significant and correlated with intra-individual fluctuation in activity and regularity of activity (sample entropy) in the active morning period; the second correlated with several measures of activity from the evening period (e.g. Fourier analysis, autocorrelation, sample entropy). A classification table generated from both functions correctly classified 79% of all cases based on phase of illness (χ 2 = 36.21; df 4; p = 0.001). However, 42% of bipolar depression cases were misclassified as being in manic phase. Conclusions: The findings should be treated with caution as this was a small-scale pilot study and we did not control for prescribed treatments, medication adherence, etc. However, the insights gained should encourage more wide‑ spread adoption of statistical approaches to the classification of cases alongside the application of more sophisticated modelling of activity patterns. The difficulty of accurately classifying cases of bipolar depression requires further research, as it is unclear whether the lower prediction rate reflects weaknesses in a model based only on actigraphy data, or if it reflects clinical reality i.e. the possibility that there may be more than one subtype of bipolar depression

    Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in euthymic bipolar disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background Patients with bipolar disorder experience sleep disturbance, even in euthymic phases. Changes in sleep pattern are frequent signs of a new episode of (hypo)mania or depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective treatment for primary insomnia, but there are no published results on the effects of CBT-I in patients with bipolar disorder. In this randomized controlled trial, we wish to compare CBT-I and treatment as usual with treatment as usual alone to determine its effect in improving quality of sleep, stabilizing minor mood variations and preventing new mood episodes in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder and comorbid insomnia. Methods Patients with euthymic bipolar I or II disorder and insomnia, as verified by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID-1) assessment, will be included. The patients enter a three-week run-in phase in which they complete a sleep diary and a mood diary, are monitored for seven consecutive days with an actigraph and on two of these nights with polysomnography in addition before randomization to an eight-week treatment trial. Treatment as usual consists of pharmacological and supportive psychosocial treatment. In this trial, CBT-I will consist of sleep restriction, psychoeducation about sleep, stabilization of the circadian rhythm, and challenging and correcting sleep state misperception, in three to eight sessions. Discussion This trial could document a new treatment for insomnia in bipolar disorder with possible effects on sleep and on stability of mood. In addition, more precise information can be obtained about the character of sleep disturbance in bipolar disorder

    Motor activity patterns in acute schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders can be differentiated from bipolar mania and unipolar depression

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    The purpose of this study was to compare 24-h motor activity patterns between and within three groups of acutely admitted inpatients with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders (n = 28), bipolar mania (n = 18) and motor-retarded unipolar depression (n = 25) and one group of non-hospitalized healthy individuals (n = 28). Motor activity was measured by wrist actigraphy, and analytical approaches using linear and non-linear variability and irregularity measures were undertaken. In between-group comparisons, the schizophrenia group showed more irregular activity patterns than depression cases and healthy individuals. The schizophrenia and mania cases were clinically similar with respect to high prevalence of psychotic symptoms. Although they could not be separated by a formal statistical test, the schizophrenia cases showed more normal amplitudes in morning to evening mean activity and activity variability. Schizophrenia constituted an independent entity in terms of motor activation that could be distinguished from the other diagnostic groups of psychotic and non-psychotic affective disorders. Despite limitations such as small subgroups, short recordings and confounding effects of medication/hospitalization, these results suggest that detailed temporal analysis of motor activity patterns can identify similarities and differences between prevalent functional psychiatric disorders. For this purpose, irregularity measures seem particularly useful to characterize psychotic symptoms and should be explored in larger samples with longer-term recordings, while searching for underlying mechanisms of motor activity disturbances

    Motor activity patterns in acute schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders can be differentiated from bipolar mania and unipolar depression

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    The purpose of this study was to compare 24-h motor activity patterns between and within three groups of acutely admitted inpatients with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders (n = 28), bipolar mania (n = 18) and motor-retarded unipolar depression (n = 25) and one group of non-hospitalized healthy individuals (n = 28). Motor activity was measured by wrist actigraphy, and analytical approaches using linear and non-linear variability and irregularity measures were undertaken. In between-group comparisons, the schizophrenia group showed more irregular activity patterns than depression cases and healthy individuals. The schizophrenia and mania cases were clinically similar with respect to high prevalence of psychotic symptoms. Although they could not be separated by a formal statistical test, the schizophrenia cases showed more normal amplitudes in morning to evening mean activity and activity variability. Schizophrenia constituted an independent entity in terms of motor activation that could be distinguished from the other diagnostic groups of psychotic and non-psychotic affective disorders. Despite limitations such as small subgroups, short recordings and confounding effects of medication/hospitalization, these results suggest that detailed temporal analysis of motor activity patterns can identify similarities and differences between prevalent functional psychiatric disorders. For this purpose, irregularity measures seem particularly useful to characterize psychotic symptoms and should be explored in larger samples with longer-term recordings, while searching for underlying mechanisms of motor activity disturbances

    Actigraphy as an objective intra-individual marker of activity patterns in acute-phase bipolar disorder: a case series

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    Abstract Background Actigraphy could be an objective alternative to clinical ratings of motor activity in bipolar disorder (BD), which is of importance now that increased activity and energy are added as cardinal symptoms of (hypo)mania in the DSM-5 and commonly used rating scales give inadequate information about motor symptoms. To date, most actigraphy studies have been conducted in groups and/or used mean activity levels as the variable of interest. The novelty of this case series is therefore to indicate the potential of actigraphy and non-parametric analysis as an objective and personalized marker of intra-individual activity patterns in different phases of BD. To our knowledge, this is the first case series that provides an objective assessment of non-linear dynamics in within-person activity patterns during acute BD episodes. Results We report on three cases of bipolar I disorder with 24-h actigraphy recordings undertaken during the first few days of two or more separate admissions for an acute illness episode, including admissions for individuals in different phases of BD, or with different levels of severity in the same phase of illness. For each recording, we calculated mean activity levels over 24 h, but especially focused on key measures of variability and complexity in activity. Intra-individual activity patterns were found to be different according to phase of illness, but showed consistency within the same phase. With increasing psychotic symptoms, there was evidence of a lower overall level and greater irregularity in activity. As such, sample entropy (a measure of irregularity) may have particular utility in characterizing mania and psychotic symptoms, while assessment of the distribution of rest versus activity over 24 h may distinguish between phases of BD within an individual. Conclusions This case series indicates that objective, intra-individual, real-time recordings of patterns of activity may have clinical impact as a valuable adjunct to clinical observation and symptom ratings. We suggest that actigraphy combined with detailed mathematical analysis provides a biological variable that could become an important tool for developing a personalized approach to diagnostics and treatment monitoring in BD

    Actigraphy as an objective intra‑individual marker of activity patterns in acute‑phase bipolar disorder: a case series

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    Background: Actigraphy could be an objective alternative to clinical ratings of motor activity in bipolar disorder (BD), which is of importance now that increased activity and energy are added as cardinal symptoms of (hypo)mania in the DSM-5 and commonly used rating scales give inadequate information about motor symptoms. To date, most actigraphy studies have been conducted in groups and/or used mean activity levels as the variable of interest. The novelty of this case series is therefore to indicate the potential of actigraphy and non-parametric analysis as an objective and personalized marker of intra-individual activity patterns in different phases of BD. To our knowledge, this is the first case series that provides an objective assessment of non-linear dynamics in within-person activity patterns during acute BD episodes. Results: We report on three cases of bipolar I disorder with 24-h actigraphy recordings undertaken during the first few days of two or more separate admissions for an acute illness episode, including admissions for individuals in different phases of BD, or with different levels of severity in the same phase of illness. For each recording, we calculated mean activity levels over 24 h, but especially focused on key measures of variability and complexity in activity. Intra-individual activity patterns were found to be different according to phase of illness, but showed consistency within the same phase. With increasing psychotic symptoms, there was evidence of a lower overall level and greater irregularity in activity. As such, sample entropy (a measure of irregularity) may have particular utility in characterizing mania and psychotic symptoms, while assessment of the distribution of rest versus activity over 24 h may distinguish between phases of BD within an individual. Conclusions: This case series indicates that objective, intra-individual, real-time recordings of patterns of activity may have clinical impact as a valuable adjunct to clinical observation and symptom ratings. We suggest that actigraphy combined with detailed mathematical analysis provides a biological variable that could become an important tool for developing a personalized approach to diagnostics and treatment monitoring in BD