19 research outputs found


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    Sebuah survey yang dilakukan oleh UNICEF 4000 remaja terkait covid-19 menunjukkan masih ada remaja (25%) yang tidak tahu sama sekali tentang Covid-19 dan yang tahu gejala penyakit ini, namun belum tahu cara pencegahan. Hal ini terjadi  karena informasi yang kurang di dapatkan oleh  remaja,  dan sebagian besar masih belum melakukan physical distancing. Covid-19 merupakan pandemi yang telah mengakibatkan tingginya angka mortalitas di berbagai belahan dunia. Pengetahuan mengenai pandemi Covid-19 yang baik dan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat sebagai upaya mencegah penularan Covid-19 penting untuk diterapkan. Gerakan 5M dan meningkatkan imunitas menggunakan bahan alami salah satu upaya pencegahan Covid-19. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran remaja tentang gerakan 5M dan peningkatan imunitas menggunakan bahan alami. Program ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Maret 2020 dalam bentuk penyuluhan kesehatan kepada remaja melalui online dengan jumlah peserta 54 orang dan aktif mengajukan pertanyaan pada sesi diskusi. Team yang melakukan pengabdian mengharapkan peran serta remaja dalam penerapan gerakan 5M dan penggunaan bahan alami untuk peningkatan imunitas sebagai upaya pencegahan Covid-19. Kata kunci: covid-19, imunitas, bahan alami ABSTRACT A survey conducted by UNICEF 4000 teenagers related to covid-19 showed that there are still teenagers (25%) who do not know anything about Covid-19 and who know the symptoms of this disease, but do not know how to prevent it. This happens because of the lack of information received by teenagers, and most of them still have not done physical distancing. Covid-19 is a pandemic that has resulted in high mortality rates in various parts of the world. Good knowledge about the Covid-19 pandemic and clean and healthy living behavior as an effort to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 is important. The 5M movement and increasing immunity using natural ingredients is one of the efforts to prevent Covid-19. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge and awareness of teenagers about the 5M movement and increase immunity using natural ingredients. This program was carried out on March 17, 2020 in the form of health counseling to teenagers via online with 54 participants by asking questions in the discussion session. The team of lecturers who do the service expects the participation of youth in the implementation of the 5M movement and the use of natural ingredients to increase immunity as an effort to prevent Covid-19. Keywords: covid-19, immunity, natural ingredient

    The Relationship Between The Role of Husband's Accompaniment To The Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Children Aged 6-23 Months

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    Slow growth and death experienced by infants are caused by breastfeeding problems. Exclusive breastfeeding is an important factor in preventing infectious diseases, malnutrition, and infant mortality. Breast milk is a liquid that is removed directly from the mother's breast for the baby. Breast milk contains the nutrients and fluids that babies need in their first 6 months. The husband plays a role in the success of exclusive breastfeeding, namely as a breastfeeding father. The role of the husband in the process of exclusive breastfeeding makes it easy for the mother because the husband can create peace and comfort when the mother breastfeeds her baby. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the role of the husband's assistance and the success of exclusive breastfeeding in children aged 6-23 months at the Sriamur Health Center in 2023. The research method used is analytic observational with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study were fathers who had children aged 6-23 months at the Sriamur Health Center. This research has gone through an ethical review process. A sampling of this study used an accidental sampling technique with a total sample of 191 respondents. The data analysis used is SPSS with the Chi-Square test. The results of this study found that 131 respondents (68.58%) gave exclusive breastfeeding and received a positive husband's mentoring role. Conclusion: The results of the statistical test showed a p-value = 0.001 0.05, which means there is a relationship between the husband's accompanying role on the success of exclusive breastfeeding


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    Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia, sudah dimulai sejak 13 Januari 2021. Namun harus diakui bahwa masih banyak pro-kontra / perbedaan persepsi di masyarakat. Terlebih lagi banyak yang meragukan tentang Vaksinasi COVID-19 ini. Oleh karena itu, sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap program Pemerintah dalam upaya Vaksinasi COVID-19, dapat secara langsung memberikan penyuluhan mengenai Vaksinasi COVID-19. Meningkatkan pengetahuan masyrakat tentang manfaat vaksinasi dapat mempengaruhi perilaku untuk dapat menerima vaksinasi COVID 19. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Vaksinasi Covid 19. Program ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 April 2021 dalam bentuk sosialisasi melalui penyuluhan langsung ke masyarakat dengan memperhatikan protokal kesehatan. Tim dosen yang melakukan pengabdian mengharapkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menerima vaksinasi sebagai peningkatan imunitas terhadap Covid-19. Kata kunci: Covid-19, vaksinasi, imunitas, adaptasi baru, sosialisasi ABSTRACT The implementation of The COVID 19 Vaccination in Indonesia, has started since January, 13, 2021. However it must be admitted that there are stull many pros and cons / differences in perception in the community. Moreover, many doubt about this COVID-19 vaccination. Therefore, as a form of support for the Government’s program in the COVID 19 vaccination effort, we can directly provide counseling regarding COVID-19 vaccination. Increasing public knowledge about the benefit of vaccination can affect behavior to be able to receive COVID 19 vaccination. The purpose ofg this community service activity is to increase public knowledge about COVID 19 vaccination. This program was carried out on April 24, 2021 in the form of socialization through direct counseling to the community by paying attention to the health protocol. The team of lecturers who do the service expect public awareness to receive vaccination as an increase in immunity against COVID 19. Keywords: Covid 19, vaccination, immunity, new adaptation, socializatio

    Neurogenesis and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in herbal therapy

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    Neurogenesis is the process of formation of new neurons from precursor cells that involves a series includes the proliferation, migration, differentiation, maturation and synapse formation. During the formation, some neurons will undergo a process of programmed cell death or apoptosis; it is related to the trophic factor / neurotrophin molecules of the substance that is to sustain life as BDNF cells found in the nervous system among other areas in the hippocampus. Problem neurogenesis is expected to reach 17% of the entire population, basic pathology due to reduced synapse, neurotransmitters and neuronal networks. Provision of adequate stimuli can trigger neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity in the nervous system. WHO estimates that 80% of the world population use herbal medicine for the treatment of major health considering safe and without side effects. Already many herb plants are currently used as a treatment for nerve. In a review of this article we try to give an overview illustration of our understanding of neurogenesis and BDNF with various problems related to the prospect of therapy for both of them, through the treatment of phytochemicals as an alternative treatment that is safe and effective, using several types of herbs below levels / doses used, how to work, and the methods used


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    Pos pelayanan terpadu (Posyandu) merupakan wadah titik temu antara pelayanan professional dari petugas kesehatan dan peran serta masyarakat dalam menanggulangi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, terutama dalam upaya penurunan angka kematian bayi dan angka kelahiran. Pandemik covid-19 menyebabkan masyarakat takut akan memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan di posyandu khusunya ibu yang mempunaya anak balita enggan membawa bayinya dimasa era new norma dan adaptasi, sehingga perlunya dilakukan edukasi ke masyarakat tentang pemnfaatan pelayanan kesehatan di masa new normal ini dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan sesuai ketetapan pemerintah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan meningkatakan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan di posyandu pada masa new normal  dan masa adaptasi. Program ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28-19 Juli 2020 dalam bentuk penyuluhan kesehatan kepada kader kesehatan dan masyarakat dengan jumlah peserta 61 orang dengan mengajukan pertanyaan pada sesi diskusi. Tim dosen yang melakukan pengabdian mengharapkan partisipasi kader untuk pendampingan kepada masyarakat khusunya ibu yang mempunyai anak balita agar mau datang ke posyandu dalam peningkatan kesehatan ibu dan anak. Kata kunci: Covid-19, Eduksasi, Kesehatan masyarakat, New normal, Posyandu ABSTRACT Integrated service posts (Posyandu) are a meeting point for professional services from health workers and community participation in overcoming public health problems, especially in efforts to reduce infant mortality and birth rates. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the public to be afraid to take advantage of health services at posyandu, especially mothers who have children under five are reluctant to bring their babies in the era of new norms and adaptations, so it is necessary to educate the public about the use of health services in this new normal period by paying attention to health protocols according to the provisions government. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase public knowledge and awareness about the use of health services at posyandu during the new normal and adaptation periods. This program was carried out on 28-19 July 2020 in the form of health education to health and community cadres with a total of 61 participants by asking questions in discussion sessions. The team of lecturers who do the service hopes for the participation of cadres to provide assistance to the community, especially mothers with toddlers to come to the posyandu in improving the health of mothers and children. Keywords: Covid-19, Education, Public health, New normal, Posyand


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    Abstrak Latar belakang: Kandidiasis vulvovaginalis adalah infeksi mukosa pada vagina maupun vulva yang disebabkan oleh jamur Candida. Infeksi terjadi secara akut, subakut, dan kronis, baik endogen maupun eksogen yang menimbulkan keluhan pada vagina. Umumnya infeksi pertama di vagina disebut vulvitis. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan kebersihan vulva dengan kejadian kandidiasis vulvovaginalis pada usia subur di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai Juli 2018 di Unit Infeksi Menular Seksual Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Populasinya adalah sejumlah orang yang datang ke Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Sampel adalah sebanyak 33 orang, metode pengambilan sampel adalah secara accidental sampling kemudian data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan pemeriksaan laboratorium. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi-Square.  Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebersihan vulva tidak baik (75,8%) dan berpengaruh positif terhadap kandidiasis vulvovaginalis di Puskesmas Cipayung (87,9%). Hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai p = 0,036 (p<0,05), atau ada hubungan kebersihan vulva dengan kejadian kandidiasis vulvovaginalis pada wanita usia subur di Puskesmas Cipayung. Kesimpulan: Kebersihan vulva ada hubungannya dengan kejadian kandidiasis vulvovaginalis di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya kebersihan vagina pada wanita usia subur yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kejadian kandidiasis.   Kata kunci: Kebersihan vulva, kandidiasis vulvovaginalis, wanita usia subur, puskesmas cipayung   Abstract Background: Vulvovaginalis candidiasis is infection in the mucosal of vagina or vulva caused by Candida fungus. Infection can occur acutely, subacute, and chronic, both endogenously and exogenously which often cause symptoms in the vagina. Generally, first infection in the vagina called vulvitis. Objective: This study aims to determine the association of the vulva higiene with vulvovaginal candidiasis on fertile age in Cipayung sub-district Public Health Center (PHC). Method: The study used cross sectional design approach. The study was conducted from February to July 2018 in sexually transmitted infection unit. Total sample was 33 patients at Cipayung sub-district PHC. The sampling method is purposive sampling and data were collected by questionnaire and laboratory results. Statistical analysis used is Chi-Square. Results: The results showed that the vulva hygiene was poor (75.8%) and there was positive association with vulvovaginal candidiasis in Cipayung PHC (87.9%). The result of statistical tests obtained p-value = 0.036 (p <0.05), or there is a relationship of vulva hygiene with vulvovaginal candidiasis in women of childbearing age at Cipayung PHC. Conclusion: There is a relationship between vulva hygiene and vulvovaginal candidiasis at Cipayung sub-district PHC due to lack of vaginal hygiene on woman of childbearing age, which increased the incidence of candidiasis. Keywords: Vulva hygiene, vulvovaginal candidiasis, woman age reproductive, public health center cipayun

    The Effect of Storyline Therapy on The Development Language in 3 Years Age Children

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    Delays or disorders in children's speech and language in Indonesia are increasingly common, parents must be aware of their child's speech development, remembering that if these delays are not treated early, they will result in intelligence and behavioral disorders. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of storytelling therapy on language development in 3-year-old children at Posyandu Arumsari III Puskesmas Mranggen I. This type of research is a quantitative, quasi-experimental design type One Group Pretest Posttest design. The population of this study was all children under 3 years old at the Posyandu Arumsari III, Desa Kembangarum, Puskesmas Manggen 1, Kabupaten Demak, with a total of 26 children. The sample is determined by Federer's formula of 18 respondents. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis using Wilcoxon. Language development in children 3 years before storytelling therapy had an average of 29.2, with a median 29, after storytelling therapy had an average of 30.67, median 31. There was an effect of storytelling therapy on language development in children aged 3 years, obtained Pvalue 0.002 0.05. There is an effect of storytelling therapy on language development in children aged 3 years. The results of this study are expected that mothers can do storytelling therapy at least 3 times a week to stimulate children's language development

    Beta Amyloid Peptide Role in Animal Modeling Trial of Alzheimer's Disease

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    The Objective of this paper is to investigate the profile changes of Amyloid Beta (A?) levels in the blood serum using AmyloidASerum (SAA)Mouse ELISA Kit and histopathological image of hippocampal tissue in mice injected with amyloid beta-protein (A?) fragment 1-42.Wistar rats were randomly selected and were divided into two cages. First Cage contained three mice which were injected A?1-42 peptide in the intracerebroventricullar (ICV) area with each dose of 0.


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    Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is the second normal of vaginal mucosal infection after bacterial that influencing right around 70%-75% of women once in a lifetime. Azoles antibiotics are used in treatment for VVC but limited because cause drug resistance in patients. Therefore, today need for new antifungal agents for Candida albicans infection that safe and without side effect. This article reviews Indonesian medicinal plants related to the antifungal activity and mechanisms of action against C. albicans. The searches for this review were conducted via the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, online Science Direct, Science and Technology Index. The document relevant analyzed and included in the study. Almost 34 medicinal plants used for anti-Candida in Indonesia were reported. About 5.88% and 94.12% of Indonesian medicinal plants were significant and weak as an anti-Candida activity, respectively. The plants with the greatest anti-Candida activity were Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Syzygium aromaticum. The anti-Candida action involved disruption of hyphae production, membrane permeabilization, cell wall, biofilm formation, envelope, and filament formation. These results contribute to the drug discovering of the anti-Candida from Indonesian medicinal plants

    Analysis Concentration of Toxoplasma gondii on Anti-Toxoplasma IgG-IgM Antibody Levels, and the Outcomes of Pregnancy in Mice Balb/c

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    Introduction: Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan para-site that can infect any warm blood vertebrae, and if first trimester pregnant woman infected, it may cause abortion. The objective is to prove the effect of the Toxoplasma gondii concentration in anti-toxoplasma IgG-IgM antibody levels, and the outcomes of Balb/c mice pregnancies. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in Balb/c mice with inclusion criteria, and was con-ditioned pregnant. The pathogen strains of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite in-jected intraperitoneally. The blood samples were taken serially to be tested for anti-toxoplasma IgG-IgM antibody levels. After the mice were injected with tachyzoite, they are assessed every day to observe their body weight, vaginal bleeding, and labor. Anti-toxoplasma IgG-IgM antibody levels examined us-ing qualitative mouse IgG-IgM antibody ELISA KIT. Results: Anti-toxoplasma IgM antibody levels increased significantly after 24 hours of injection tachy-zoites in all dose groups, and remained high through day 21. Anti-toxoplasma antibody IgG levels increased significantly after 72 hours post injection and remained elevated until day 21. The incidence of abortion is 100% in mice which injected tachyzoite levels 1 × 103 and 1 × 104, and the incidence of abor-tion approximately 2 - 4 days post injection. 100% of mice that were injected with tachyzoites 1 × 101 and 1 × 102 have labor at term. Physical anomaly was found in baby mice from mice that were injected with tachyzoite 1 × 102. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between the concentrations of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite with anti-toxoplasma IgG-IgM antibody levels