32 research outputs found

    Penerapan Aplikasi Crm Untuk Career Centre Pada Perguruan Tinggi Ibi Darmajaya

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    IBI Darmajaya as colleges can also apply CRM to improve customer management at institutions like corporate training center. IBI Darmajaya training center providing information related to training, also play a role as ‘career centre' that bridges the corporate and college alumni. Alumni and partner companies or companies which alumnus absorb the labor force, either working together or not, is a customer that receiving IBI Darmajaya services about training and job information. Career centers currently provide training and job information on the alumni that still taking education or a student and only with companies that work together. This allows the service as well as the connection between alumni, companies and IBI Darmajaya less effective, because the information provided by the career center is not necessarily known to the alumniand even the partnerscompany. That requires a CRM application at the career center, so that IBI Darmajaya have yielded information communication media according to the needs of alumni and companies. Expected later this process can foster sustainable relationships between alumni and companies - companies with higher education


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    Penelitian ini menghasilkan E-CRM pada bagian pendaftaran mahasiswa baru di sebuah Perguruan Tinggi (studi kasus pada IBI Darmajaya) sebagai salah satu fasilitas yang memberikan pelayanan optimal kepada mahasiswa dalam pencarian rumah kost. Dalam proses pencarian rumah kost, mahasiswa menghadapi beberapa kendala antara lain minimnya informasi mengenai rumah kost, mulai dari harga, alamat, dan fasilitas yang diberikan. Pada umumnya informasi hanya sebatas alamat, sehingga informasi tidak akurat, untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah interface sebagai media pencarian rumah kost. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan berbasis Object Oriented Analisys and Design (OOAD), melalui empat tahapan yaitu : 1. Inception, 2. Elaboration, 3. Construction, 4. Transition sehingga  E-CRM  yang dibangun menyediakan informasi akurat mengenai rumah kost, peta lokasi dan jarak rumah kost dengan IBI Darmajaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini di implementasikan dalam bentuk aplikasi E-CRM  untuk mempermudah mahasiswa dalam melakukan pencarian rumah kost di Bandar Lampung. Sehingga, ini menunjukkan IBI Darmajaya sangat optimal dalam pelayanan tidak hanya dalam penerimaan mahasiswa baru tetapi juga menjalin hubungan yang lebih erat dengan mahasiswa IBI Darmajaya yang membutuhkan informasi rumah kost


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    Application information service based on customer relationship management is a research for make application models for information service for IBI Darmajaya students. Now IBI Darmajaya will realize of vision and mission, creativity in various shape, one of it can do with making one models of information service academy activity and non academic for students. The mature of plan very important with notice all part in IBI Darmajaya and students. Information service will increase the service and accommodation interest of IBI Darmajaya and can identification all aspect of information for students. And data for used is students part because related of academic activity and non academic of students, and then with System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method have 4 fundamental step, planning, analysis, and design with UML then bring out information based on Customer Retalationship Management (CRM) as very well.Keyword: Aplication, CRM, SDLC, UM

    Sistem Data Mining Untuk Mengetahui Tingkat Kecenderungan Memilih Menu Makanan Dengan Metode Association Rule Mining (Studi Kasus : Kedai Kemangi)

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    Data mining is a term that used to discover hidden knowledge in the database. Data mining is a semi-automatic process that uses statistical techniques, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to extract and identify potential useful information and knowledge that stored in large databases. One of methods in data mining is association rule method where this method will looking for a set of items that frequently occur together. This method is often analogous as shopping cart which can be known, what items are frequently purchased together and which items are not. The advantage of this method can be utilized to determine amount of inventory that must be provided in a business. In this paper will be made of a mining system that will show the trend of buyers in a restaurant so that decision-makers will be able to determine amount of groceries accordance with the business need to minimize losses

    The Design of Object-oriented Knowledge Management System for Teachers in Islamic Boarding School of Roudlatul Quran Metro City

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    Knowledge is contextual, relevant and actionableinformation. Knowledge is different from data andinformation, because it is inside a person s mind. To makeknowledge become intangible asset that can be managedand used by many people requires a knowledgemanagement.Islamic Boarding School of Roudlatul Quran Metro city isa educational foundation with resourceful teaching staffs,but they are not well-organized, so their teaching skill isconsidered static because they are not accustomed tohaving a share of teaching knowledge and materials withothers. With the implementation of knowledgemanagement, it is expected that the teachers teaching andsubject knowledge will become intangible assets that canused optimally.The development of Knowledge Management System(KMS) uses Knowledge Management Roadmap (KMR).Knowledge Management Roadmap helps the developmentof KMS development implementation, from makingBusiness-Driven knowledge, analysis and design, systemdevelopment and implementation. The systemdevelopment method done in the making of KMS usesObject Oriented System. The result of the research is aportal of web-based Knowledge Management System usedas media to document and share subject knowledgeextensively

    Perancangan Model Knowledge Management untuk Memonitoring Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang model knowledge management untuk memonitoring prestasi akademik pada pergurun tinggi mengambil studi kasus di IBI Darmajaya yang dapat digunakan oleh Biro administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (BAAK) untuk memonitoring prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Model ini digambarkan dengan pemodelan usecase mulai dari gambaran proses bisnis dan pengembangan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) mulai dari analisis, desain, dan implementasi sehingga model sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem. Hasil berupa informasi peningkatan dan penurunan prestasi akademik digunakan sebagai akomodasi kebutuhan data, informasi dan pengetahuan untuk melakukan peringatan dini, menentukan sanksi akademik, dan rekomendasi beasiswa. Sehingga Perguruan Tinggi memiliki sebuah model yang membantu mahasiswa lulus tepat waktu, dan memudahkan pihak pengelola beasiswa dalam pembuatan laporan ke pihak pemberi dana dan sampainya perkembangan prestasi akademik kepada orang tua mahasiswa


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    Abstrak : Tekologi informasi saat ini semakin berkembang dan menjadi kebutuhan, untuk itu penting adanya pelatihan pemanfaatan teknologi pada usia remaja seperti siswa -siswi SMA agar tidak salah pengunaan. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada siswa/siswi SMA IT An Qordhova tentang penggunaan teknologi informasi, internet sehat serta multimedia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa/i, sehingga kemampuan dan pengetahuan siswa tersebut meningkat. Menerapkan tiga tahapan kegiatan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, pelaporan. Persiapan dilakukan dengan melakukan survei pendahuluan untuk mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan sekolah dalam kegiatan pengajaran. Pelaksanaan pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah yaitu dengan teknik presentasi, dilanjutkan dengan praktik langsung, disertai dengan tanya jawab para peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMA IT An Qordhova yang dihadiri 17 siswa/i Pada tahap pelaporan dibuat setelah selesainya kegiatan pengabdian ini. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama 1 hari pada tanggal 22 November 2019 mulai pukul 08.00-16.00 WIB. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan, para siswa/i bertambah pengetahuannya tentang penggunaan teknologi informasi, internet sehat serta multimedia dibuktikan dengan hasil kuesioner yang telah didistribusikan kepada seluruh peserta pelatihan, dengan peningkatan softskill (Pengenalan TI dan Internet Sehat) sebesar 80% dan hardskill (Multimedia) sebesar 60%.Abstract: This training aims to provide knowledge to students of SMA IT An Qordhova about the use of information technology, a healthy internet, and multimedia to improve students' abilities so that their abilities and knowledge increase. Implementing three stages of activity, namely preparation, implementation, and reporting, is carried out by conducting a preliminary survey to find out what the school needs in teaching activities. The implementation of the training uses the lecture method, namely presentation techniques, followed by hands-on practice, accompanied by questions and answers from the training participants. This activity was carried out at SMA IT An Qordhova and was attended by 17 students. At the reporting stage, it is made after the completion of this service activity. This activity was carried out for 1 day on November 22, 2019 starting at 08.00 a.m. to 16.00 pm. Based on the results of the activities that have been carried out, the students have increased their knowledge about the use of information technology, healthy internet, and multimedia, as evidenced by the results of the questionnaires that have been distributed to all training participants, with an increase in soft skills (introduction to IT and healthy internet) of 80% and hard skills (multimedia) of 60%

    Penerapan QR-Code Untuk Presensi Mahasiswa Pada UIN Raden Intan Lampung Berbasis Android

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    QR-Code is a form of identity technology or 2-dimensional identifier that functions to store information in it. The use of QR-Codes tends to be widespread compared to barcode technology. One of the uses of qr-code is in the student attendance activity of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The use of QR-Code for the attendance of UIN Raden Intan Lampung students is due to the paper-based student attendance. The student attendance QR-Code is made with the aim of making it easier for lecturers or related parties to get student attendance data as a benchmark in providing quality scores or percentages of eligibility to take the exam. The student attendance system by applying the QR-Code is built using a system development model, namely a prototype model.  Keywords— QR-Code, Student’s Attendance, Android, QR-Code Attendanc

    E-Sistem Informasi Dan Seleksi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru (Studi Kasus :UT School Pada PT. UNITED

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    Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah interface berupa web yang membantu bagian penerimaan karyawan baru pada PT. UNITED TRACTORS. Sistem ini menjadi fasilitas bagi calon karyawan mengantikan sistem konvensional yang belum memiliki database, yang memungkinkan terjadinya redudansi data dan kecurangan pada proses penerimaan karyawan baru. Sistem ini meng-interintegrasikan data difasilitasi database seleksi dan test sehingga sistem ini bebas manipulasi dan kesalahan, serta mengantisipasi terjadinya redudansi data. Sistem penerimaan karyawan baru dibangun dengan metode waterfall yaitu pendekatan penyelesaian masalah dengan cara menganalisa kebutuhan, desain sistem, penulisan kode program, pengujian program,dan pemeliharaan program. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan  bahasa pemrograman Hypertext Prepocessor(PHP) dan  framework Codeigniterdengan menggunakan database MySQL.Dengan sistem informasi penerimaan karyawan baru berbasis web yang terintegrasi, permasalahan penerimaan karyawan dapat diselesaikan dengan efektif dan efisien. Informasi tentang persyaratan pendaftaran dan tes online terdapat pada web. Peserta dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online dengan cara mengisikan data diri dan juga kelengkapan berkas di upload secara online. Tes peserta juga di lakukan dengan komputerisasi secara online. Laporan pendaftaran peserta yang lulus maupun tidak lulus tes online diinformasikan kepada peserta melalui print out