25 research outputs found

    Some methodological aspects of documentation in new archaeological survey in at-Tafila District (Jordan) carried out by Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland)

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    Artykuł prezentuje wybrane aspekty metodologiczne nowego projektu archeologicznych badań powierzchniowych przeprowadzonych przez Uniwersytet Jagiellońskiski w Krakowie w regionie miasta At-Tafila (płd. Jordania). Nacisk położony jest głównie na metodykę prac prowadzonych w dwóch pierwszych sezonach badań. Przedstawiona jest również krótka historia projektu. Wymagający górski teren wybrany do badań oraz duża liczba odkrytych artefaktów wymaga odpowiedniego podejścia oraz właściwych metod dokumentacji i organizacji danych zebranych przy pomocy dostępnych urządzeń GPS i oprogramowania GIS.This paper presents some methodological aspects of a recent archaeological surface survey carried out by Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland) in the at-Tafila region of Jordan. It focuses mainly on methodological aspects of the survey and GIS technology in the first two seasons of the project along with a brief history of the research. The difficult mountain terrain and the large amount of artifacts discovered required appropriate methods of recording and gathering the data, using available GPS devices and GIS software

    Applications of 3D environment in the research on the prehistoric heritage of Jordan : examples form the Heritage–landscape–Community project

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    W artykule omówiono zastosowanie środowiska 3D w badaniach nad materialnym dziedzictwem prehistorycznym na przykładzie projektu Heritage-Landscape-Community (HLC). Przedstawia on przegląd kilku podejść do wykorzystania metod związanych ze środowiskiem 3D. Wspomniane podejścia podzielone są na trzy sekcje, z których każda opisuje przykłady: dokumentacji, analizy i rozpowszechniania. Od zbierania i pozyskiwania danych w 3D poprzez ich analizę w wirtualnej rzeczywistości po rozpowszechnianie w formie interaktywnej gry komputerowej. W artykule przytoczono przykłady, które mogą być użyteczne nie tylko w badaniach archeologicznych, ale także w innych dyscyplinach zajmujących się ogólnie rozumianym dziedzictwem materialnym. Zaprezentowany w tej pracy wgląd w metodologię ma na celu zbadanie możliwych sposobów zastosowania środowiska 3D, jednocześnie koncentrując się na wykorzystaniu darmowego oraz niskokosztowego oprogramowania.This paper discusses the application of 3D environment in research on prehistoric tangible heritage using the example of the Heritage–Landscape–Community (HLC) project. It provides an overview of several approaches to using 3D-related methods, divided into three sections: documentation, analysis, and dissemination. These range from collecting and acquiring data in 3D, through their analysis in virtual reality, to dissemination in the form of an interactive computer game. The article presents examples that can be useful not only in archaeological research but also in other disciplines dealing with material heritage in general. The methodology presented in this work aims to explore possible ways of using the 3D environment, while focusing on the use of free and low-cost software

    HLC Project 2018 : Jagiellonian University excavations in southern Jordan

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    A complex picture of the prehistory in southern Jordanian emerges from the excavations of the Jagiellonian University team, which carried out in 2018 its second season of excavation at the sites of Munqata’a and Faysaliyya, even as analyses of the previous season’s nds were underway. Human communities living here between the Neolithic and early Bronze Age practiced both sedentary and mobile lifestyles. The changing landscape around them, caused by natural erosion processes and periodical climate changes, is also factored into the interpretation of the explored relic

    HLC Project 2017 : Jagiellonian University excavations in southern Jordan

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    The HLC (Heritage-Landscape-Community) archaeological metaproject, carried out since 2016 by the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, targets the archaeological heritage of southern Jordan (Tafila region), focusing currently on remains of the Early Bronze Age and earlier cultures that were found in the region. The project has already identified and verified several previously undocumented or poorly documented sites. Its main objective is to establish chronological phasing of human activity in this microregion, particularly during the Early Bronze Age and to assess the scale and nature of human presence in that period. Two sites, Faysaliyya and Munqata’a, were excavated within the frame of the project. The article presents the preliminary results of this work. An important side issue is the protection of Jordanian heritage in the Tafila region through the identification of natural and human agents that may damage or destroy it.The HLC (Heritage-Landscape-Community) archaeological metaproject, carried out since 2016 by the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, targets the archaeological heritage of southern Jordan (Tafila region), focusing currently on remains of the Early Bronze Age and earlier cultures that were found in the region. The project has already identified and verified several previously undocumented or poorly documented sites. Its main objective is to establish chronological phasing of human activity in this microregion, particularly during the Early Bronze Age, and to assess the scale and nature of human presence in that period. Two sites, Faysaliyya and Munqata’a, were excavated within the frame of the project. The article presents the preliminary results of this work. An important side issue is the protection of Jordanian heritage in the Tafila region through the identification of natural and human agents that may damage or destroy it

    Tel Erani, Israel: Report of the 2018 Season and Its Background

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    En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser” en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica realizada en Tel Erani, Israel. Este sitio, excavado desde la década del ‘50 del siglo pasado, es clave para comprender las relaciones entre el sur de Palestina (Levante meridional) y Egipto durante la Edad del Bronce Antiguo IB (segunda mitad del IV° milenio a.C.), pues se ha hallado una presencia significativa de cultura material egipcia, incluyendo un tiesto con un serekh del rey Narmer, así como también cerámica de un estilo local característico, llamada Erani C, que ha podido ser identificada en el delta del Nilo (Tell el-Farkha) y en tumbas protodinásticas, como la denominada U-j de Abidos. Parte de estos hallazgos se relaciona con la presencia de por lo menos dos murallas superpuestas que posiblemente rodeaban la totalidad del tel, de aproximadamente 25 ha, por lo que se trataría de uno de los asentamientos fortificados más tempranos de Palestina. En la campaña del año 2018 se excavaron dos áreas: el Área D3, donde abunda el material egipcio junto con elementos locales, y el Área P-Q, correspondiente a una de las zonas donde se encuentran las fortificaciones. Los resultados de esta última campaña indican que estas murallas serían anteriores a la fase egipcia, es decir el Bronce Antiguo IB1, pero luego, durante el Bronce Antiguo IB2, las relaciones entre ambas regiones se habrían intensificado, con la posibilidad de que los egipcios hayan pasado a tener un rol más activo en Tel Erani.In July 2018, a team of researchers from the Institute of Ancient Near Eastern History “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser”, in the framework of the Project PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participated in the excavations at Tel Erani, Israel. Tel Erani, excavated since the 1950’s, is a key site to understand the relations between southern Palestine (Southern Levant) and Egypt during the Early Bronze IB (second half of the 4th millennium BC), since a significant presence of Egyptian findings has been found, including a sherd with a serekh of King Narmer. Furthermore, pottery of a characteristic local style, called Erani C has been found, identified also at the Nile Delta (Tell el-Farkha) and in proto-dynastic tombs, such as U-j in Abydos. Parts of these finds are related to at least two overlapping fortification walls that possibly surrounded the entire tel which occupied approximately 25 ha. This would be one of the earliest fortified settlements in southern Palestine. In the campaign of 2018, two areas were excavated: Area D3, where Egyptian material is abundant along with local elements, and Area P-Q, corresponding to one of the areas where the fortifications are located. The results of this last campaign indicate that these defensive walls would be prior to the Egyptian phase, i.e. during the Early Bronze IB1. During the late phase, Early Bronze IB2, the relations between both regions would have intensified, with the possibility that the Egyptians have played a more active role at Tel Erani

    A closer look at the scale of Lower Egyptian architekture from Tell el-Farkha

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    Remarks on mud brick architecture from the Predynastic Period in Ancient Egypt : methodology of documentation and an attempt of reconstruction

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    Niniejszy artykuł traktuje o problematyce dokumentacji i rekonstrukcji predynastycznej architektury z suszonej cegły mułowej na terenie Egiptu. Opisano w nim metody pozyskiwania danych oraz proces wykorzystania ich do celów rekonstrukcji dawnej zabudowy osadniczej. Zaprezentowano także proces powstawania oraz końcowe efekty trójwymiarowej rekonstrukcji opisywanej zabudowy opartej na tradycyjnej dokumentacji archeologicznej połączonej z danymi pozyskanymi za pomocą tachimetru. W artykule poświęcono również miejsce na refl eksję na temat suszonej cegły mułowej. Opisano współczesny proces produkcji tego materiału budowlanego, jego właściwości oraz sugestie na temat sposobu dokumentacji jego pradziejowych odpowiedników odkrywanych podczas archeologicznych badań wykopaliskowych.This paper examines methodological descriptions of obtaining and applying data to reconstruct mud-brick Pre- Dynastic architecture from Ancient Egypt. These methods include the creating a three dimensional virtual reconstruction based on traditional archaeological documentation and geodesic measurements. I also provide information about mud-bricks as a building component including the modern process of mud-brick production, its characteristics as a building material and suggestions for documentation methods of archaeological examples