189 research outputs found

    Women and Citizenship Legislation in Lebanon

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    Lebanese women cannot confer their citizenship to their children incase they marry a non-Lebanese man, nor can the man become a naturalized citizen through his Lebanese spouse. The purpose of this study is to describe the reasons to the policy of dependent citizenship in the Lebanese case, as well as its objectives. Lebanese women’s dependent citizenship in conjunction with the 15 different confessional Personal Status Codes, create a female citizen who needs to depend on male relatives to access some rights, which becomes even more problematic if the husband is foreign. Children to non-Lebanese fathers have reduced access to schooling, work and healthcare

    A follow-up study of logopedic treatment for patients with exercise-induced vocal cord dysfunction

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    Abstract. Several treatment options are described for patients with vocal cord dysfunction. At Karolinska University hospital, these patients are offered treatment by speech and language pathologists. The current study describes traits and treatment effects for 148 people diagnosed with exercise-induced vocal cord dysfunction at Karolinska University hospital who received treatment by speech and language pathologists in 2005-2012. Data were collected from medical records and through a questionnaire that was sent to the 148 individuals. 52 individuals answered the questionnaire which gave a response rate of 35 %. 84,6 % felt helped by the treatment. 42 individuals still practiced athletics to the same extent, and had not received treatment by other professions. Of these 42, 81 % were described through medical records and 62 % through questionnaire responses, having milder symptoms and/or an ability to control symptoms. The results indicate that logopedic respiratory retraining therapy could be effective for these patients.Sammanfattning. Olika behandlingsalternativ finns beskrivna för patienter med vocal cord dysfunction. Vid Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset erbjuds denna patientgrupp logopedisk behandling. I föreliggande studie beskrivs bakgrund och behandlingseffekt för 148 personer som diagnostiserades med trÀningsinducerad vocal cord dysfunction vid Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset och sedan erhöll logopedbehandling under 2005-2012. Studien bygger pÄ journaluppgifter och en enkÀt som skickades till de 148 personerna. Svarsfrekvensen var 35 %, det vill sÀga 52 personer besvarade enkÀten. 84,6 % ansÄg sig hjÀlpta av behandlingen. 42 personer hade fortsatt fystrÀna i oförÀndrad utstrÀckning. Ingen av dessa hade behandlats av annan yrkeskategori Àn logoped. Av dem beskrevs 81 % enligt journalanteckningar, och 62 % enligt enkÀtsvar ha fÄtt minskade symptom och/eller en förmÄga att hantera eventuella kvarstÄende symptom. Resultaten indikerar att logopedisk behandling med andningstrÀning förefaller vara ett verksamt behandlingsalternativ för patientgruppen

    Predator faunas past and present: quantifying the influence of waterborne cues in divergent ecotypes of the isopod Asellus aquaticus

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    Waterborne chemical cues are an important source of information for many aquatic organisms, in particular when assessing the current risk of predation. The ability to use chemical cues to detect and respond to potential predators before an actual encounter can improve prey chances of survival. We investigated predator recognition and the impact of chemical cues on predator avoidance in the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus. This isopod has recently colonised a novel habitat and diverged into two distinct ecotypes, which encounter different predator communities. Using laboratory-based choice experiments, we have quantified behavioural responses to chemical cues from predators typical of the two predator communities (larval dragonflies in the ancestral habitat, perch in the newly colonised habitat) in wild-caught and lab-reared Asellus of the two ecotypes. Individuals with prior experience of predators showed strong predator avoidance to cues from both predator types. Both ecotypes showed similar antipredator responses, but sexes differed in terms of threat-sensitive responses with males avoiding areas containing predator cues to a larger extent than females. Overall, chemical cues from fish elicited stronger predator avoidance than cues from larval dragonflies. Our results indicate that in these isopods, prior exposure to predators is needed to develop antipredator behaviour based on waterborne cues. Furthermore, the results emphasise the need to analyse predator avoidance in relation to waterborne cues in a sex-specific context, because of potential differences between males and females in terms of vulnerability and life history strategies

    Faktorer som pÄverkar kornas liggbeteende

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    PĂ„ en mjölkgĂ„rd i Halland finns en grupp med 55 kor som inte vill lĂ€gga sig ned lika mycket i bĂ„sen som resterande djur i övriga stallar. Lantbrukaren har försökt att hitta orsakerna utan att lyckas. VĂ„rt syfte med studien Ă€r att hitta de orsaker som gör att korna inte vill lĂ€gga sig ned i liggbĂ„sen. Att ligga ned och vila Ă€r viktigt för kons vĂ€lmĂ„ende och stallet ska anpassas efter kons naturliga liggbeteende. Det behöver finnas ett mjukt och torrt underlag, samt att utrymmet framför bĂ„set bör vara tillrĂ€ckligt för att kon ska kunna resa sig pĂ„ ett naturligt sĂ€tt. Ett bra utformat liggbĂ„s ökar kons liggtid. En ko som kĂ€nner att hon ej kan lĂ€gga sig ned fĂ„r en ökad stressnivĂ„. Som i sin tur pĂ„verkar hennes vĂ€lmĂ„ende och hĂ€lsa. I en beteendestudie har vi jĂ€mfört beteendena mellan grupp 1 och 2 för att se om de skiljer sig Ă„t. Det gjordes totalt tre studier i vardera grupp och tvĂ„ studier dĂ€r avskiljarna frĂ„n EASYFIXÂź studerades. Varje observation varade i 15 minuter och totalt skedde 5 observationer per studie. Gruppen med 55 kor har vi valt att kalla grupp 1. Avskiljarna i denna avdelning Ă€r frĂ„n företagen Seem (45 liggbĂ„s) och EASYFIXÂź (10 liggbĂ„s). I ett intilliggande stall finns en grupp med 100 kor och 100 liggbĂ„s, varav 32 av dessa har observerats dĂ„ avskiljarna i liggbĂ„sen ocksĂ„ Ă€r frĂ„n Seem. Denna gruppen har vi valt att kalla grupp 2. Vi har Ă€ven jĂ€mfört avskiljarna i enbart grupp 1 för att se om beteendena bland djuren skiljer sig frĂ„n varandra beroende pĂ„ vilka liggbĂ„s de vĂ€ljer. Resultatet visade inga större skillnader i hur mĂ„nga som lĂ„g ned i bĂ„sen mellan grupp 1 och 2. Grupp 2 hade dock nĂ„got högre aktivitet i övriga beteendet jĂ€mfört med grupp 1. Resultatet i grupp 1 dĂ€r EASYFIXÂź- och Seem-avskiljarna jĂ€mfördes sĂ„gs större skillnader i liggbeteendet. Korna lĂ„g ned mer i liggbĂ„sen med EASYFIXÂź-avskiljare. Vi sĂ„g Ă€ven att fler djur lĂ„g ned och idisslade i liggbĂ„sen med EASYFIXÂź-avskiljare jĂ€mfört med liggbĂ„sen med Seem-avskiljare. Under beteendestudien uppkom hĂ€ndelser som pĂ„verkade studiens resultat. Detta har vi tagit hĂ€nsyn till vid sammanstĂ€llning av diagrammen. Med hĂ€nsyn till resultatet av studien Ă€r slutsatsen att korna i grupp 1 verkar trivas bĂ€ttre i liggbĂ„sen med EASYFIXÂź-avskiljare jĂ€mfört med Seem-avskiljarna. I jĂ€mförelsen mellan grupp 1 och 2 skiljer sig ej resultatet markant. DĂ€rför tror vi att anledningen till att resultatet ej skiljer sig markant i grupp 1 och 2 har att göra med att bĂ„da grupperna har liggbĂ„savskiljare frĂ„n Seem.On a dairy farm in Halland there is a group of 55 cows who do not want to lie down as much in the cubicles as the remaining animals in the other stables. The farmer has tried to find the cause without success. Our purpose with the study is to find the reasons that make the cows not want to lie down in the cubicles. Lying down and resting is important for the cow's well-being and the stable should be adapted to the cow's natural lying behavior. There needs to be a soft and dry surface, and the space in front of the cubicle should be sufficient for the cow to rise in a natural way. A well designed cubicle system increases the cow's lying time. A cow that feels that she can't lie down gets an increased level of stress. This in turn affects her well-being and health. In a behavioural study, we compared the behaviors between cows with different paritions. The group of 55 cows that presented problems to the farmer, we called group 1. The partitions in this part of the stable are from the companies Seem (45 cubicles) and EASYFIXÂź (10 cubicles). In an adjacent stable there is a group of 100 cows and 100 cubicles, of which 32 of these cubicles have partitions also from Seem. We called this group of cows, group 2. There were a total of three studies in each group and two studies in which the partitions from the EASYFIXÂź were studied. Each observation lasted 15 minutes and a total of 5 observations were made per study.We compared groups 1 and 2 and also compared the partitions within group 1 to see if the behaviour of the animals differs depending on which cubicles they choose. The results showed no major differences in the number of cow’s that is lying down in the booths between groups 1 and 2. However, group 2 had slightly higher activity in the other behaviors compared to group 1. The result in group 1 comparing the EASYFIXÂź and Seem partitions was seen with greater differences in the lying behaviour. The cows lay down more in the cubicles with EASYFIXÂź partitions. We also saw that more animals were laying down and ruminated in the cubicles with EASYFIXÂź partitions compared to the cubicles with Seem partitions. During the behavioural study, events arose that affected the results of the study. We have taken this into account when compiling the charts. Taking into account the results of the study, it is concluded that the cows in group 1 seem to thrive better in the cubicles with EASYFIXÂź partitions compared to the Seem partitions. In the comparison between groups 1 and 2, the result does not differ significantly. Therefore, we believe that the reason why the result does not differ significantly in groups 1 and 2 has to do with the fact that both groups have cubicle partitions from Seem

    Leikki opetuksessa alakoulun 3.-6. luokkien opettajien kokemana

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    TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa tutkittiin luokanopettajien kokemuksia leikin kĂ€ytöstĂ€ 3.–6. luokkien opetuksessa, sillĂ€ aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on tutkittu paljon leikin kĂ€yttöÀ varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa sekĂ€ alakoulun alimmilla luokilla (Lynch 2015; Nor Puteh & Ali 2013; Hyvönen 2011). Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksan luokanopettajaa, joista seitsemĂ€n oli naisopettajia ja yksi oli miesopettaja. AineistonkeruumenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin teemahaastattelua, jonka avulla pyrittiin saamaan syvĂ€llinen ymmĂ€rrys luokanopettajien kokemuksista. Haastatteluista selvisi, ettĂ€ luokanopettajat kĂ€yttivĂ€t leikkiĂ€ opetuksessaan eri tavoin, ja kĂ€ytön mÀÀrĂ€ vaihteli pĂ€ivittĂ€isestĂ€ muutamaan kertaan kuussa. Eniten luokanopettajat kĂ€yttivĂ€t leikkiĂ€ Ă€idinkielen ja kirjallisuuden, matematiikan sekĂ€ liikunnan opetuksessa. Äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetuksessa leikkiĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin eniten sanaluokkien opetuksessa. Matematiikassa leikkiĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin lukujonojen, kertotaulujen ja murtolukujen opettelussa. LisĂ€ksi liikuntatunneilla hyödynnettiin paljon erilaisia leikkejĂ€. Luokanopettajat kokivat leikin kĂ€ytön tuovan opetukseen erilaisia oppilaiden oppimiseen ja hyvinvointiin liittyviĂ€ etuja, kuten leikin varjolla oppimisen ja asioiden ymmĂ€rtĂ€misen helpommin sekĂ€ liikkeen lisÀÀntymisen. Leikin kĂ€ytöllĂ€ koettiin myös olevan erilaisia työrauhaan ja asenteisiin liittyviĂ€ haasteita. Leikin kĂ€yttöÀ rajoittavaksi tekijĂ€ksi koettiin pienet tilat. Luokanopettajat kokivat leikin soveltuvan hyvin oppimisprosessin eri vaiheisiin. LisĂ€ksi leikin kautta on mahdollista tuottaa oppilaille elĂ€myksiĂ€ ja motivoida heitĂ€. Leikin koettiin soveltuvan myös yhteistyötaitojen sekĂ€ tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittĂ€miseen ja ryhmĂ€hengen luomiseen. Opettajat kokivat heidĂ€n roolinsa vaihtelevan suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja arvioinnin osalta. PÀÀsÀÀntöisesti luokanopettajat suunnittelivat opetuksessa hyödynnettĂ€vĂ€t leikit itsenĂ€isesti, mutta ottivat kuitenkin vastaan muiden tuomia ideoita. Leikin toteutuksessa opettajan rooli vaihteli leikin luonteen mukaan. Opettaja oli vĂ€lillĂ€ mukana leikissĂ€, mutta toisinaan myös ohjaajana tai havainnoijana. Opettajien kĂ€ytĂ€nteet vaihtelivat myös arvioinnin suhteen. Tuloksista voidaan kokonaisuudessaan nĂ€hdĂ€, ettĂ€ leikin kĂ€ytöllĂ€ on paljon oppilaiden oppimiseen ja hyvinvointiin liittyviĂ€ etuja. LisĂ€ksi se on merkityksellistĂ€ oppilaiden kasvun ja kehityksen tukemisessa. Tuoreen tutkimustiedon avulla opettajan on mahdollista tuoda kasvatuksen ja opetuksen yhteyteen uusia, lapsia innostavia, sekĂ€ lasten kasvua ja kehitystĂ€ tukevia elementtejĂ€

    Getting into the Same Boat – Enabling the Realization of the Disabled Child’s Agency in Adult–Child Play Interaction

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    The purpose of this study was to find out how an adult can enable or hinder the realization of a disabled child’s agency in play interaction. We focused on the child’s play invitations, which were constructed as dispreferred by the adult. The data consisted of nine videotaped playing situations with five nurses and five disabled children in a children’s neurological ward. The microanalysis with interventionist applied conversation analysis focused on one playing situation between one nurse and one three-year-old boy with no spoken language. The nurse responded to the child’s play invitations constructed as dispreferred by her in three different ways. Two of them were about trying to control the situation, either through managing the child’s behaviour or by guiding the plot of the play. The third way of responding was negotiating through dialogical playing, which enabled the realization of the child’s agency. The findings can be utilized widely for developing child-centred practices.</p

    Strain response of thermal barrier coatings captured under extreme engine environments through synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    The mechanical behaviour of thermal barrier coatings in operation holds the key to under-standing durability of jet engine turbine blades. Here we report the results from experiments that monitor strains in the layers of a coating subjected to thermal gradients and mechanical loads representing extreme engine environments. Hollow cylindrical specimens, with electron beam physical vapour deposited coatings, were tested with internal cooling and external heating under various controlled conditions. High-energy synchrotron X-ray measurements captured the in situ strain response through the depth of each layer, revealing the link between these conditions and the evolution of local strains. Results of this study demonstrate that variations in these conditions create corresponding trends in depth-resolved strains with the largest effects displayed at or near the interface with the bond coat. With larger temperature drops across the coating, significant strain gradients are seen, which can contribute to failure modes occurring within the layer adjacent to the interface

    Toxicity and health effects of ultrafine particles: Towards an understanding of the relative impacts of different transport modes

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    Exposure to particulate matter (PM) has been associated with a wide range of adverse health effects, but it is still unclear how particles from various transport modes differ in terms of toxicity and associations with different human health outcomes. This literature review aims to summarize toxicological and epidemiological studies of the effect of ultrafine particles (UFPs), also called nanoparticles (NPs, <100 nm), from different transport modes with a focus on vehicle exhaust (particularly comparing diesel and biodiesel) and non-exhaust as well as particles from shipping (harbor), aviation (airport) and rail (mainly subway/underground). The review includes both particles collected in laboratory tests and the field (intense traffic environments or collected close to harbor, airport, and in subway). In addition, epidemiological studies on UFPs are reviewed with special attention to studies aimed at distinguishing the effects of different transport modes. Results from toxicological studies indicate that both fossil and biodiesel NPs show toxic effects. Several in vivo studies show that inhalation of NPs collected in traffic environments not only impacts the lung, but also triggers cardiovascular effects as well as negative impacts on the brain, although few studies compared NPs from different sources. Few studies were found on aviation (airport) NPs, but the available results suggest similar toxic effects as traffic-related particles. There is still little data related to the toxic effects linked to several sources (shipping, road and tire wear, subway NPs), but in vitro results highlighted the role of metals in the toxicity of subway and brake wear particles. Finally, the epidemiological studies emphasized the current limited knowledge of the health impacts of source-specific UFPs related to different transport modes. This review discusses the necessity of future research for a better understanding of the relative potencies of NPs from different transport modes and their use in health risk assessment.This research was supported by the European Commision's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme: nPETS (grant agreement No 954377, https://www.npets-project. eu/) aimed at studying the sub 100 nm particles emitted from transport.Peer reviewe

    Effects of 6 weeks of treatment with dapagliflozin, a sodium- glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor, on myocardial function and metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized, placebo-controlled, exploratory study

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    Aim: To explore the early effects of dapagliflozin on myocardial function and metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes without heart failure.Materials and methods: Patients with type 2 diabetes on metformin treatment were randomized to double-blind, 6-week placebo or dapagliflozin 10 mg daily treatment. Investigations included cardiac function and structure with myocardial resonance imaging; cardiac oxygen consumption, perfusion and efficiency with [11 C]-acetate positron emission tomography (PET); and cardiac and hepatic fatty acid uptake with [18 F]-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid PET, analysed by ANCOVA as least square means with 95% confidence intervals.Results: Evaluable patients (placebo: n = 24, dapagliflozin: n = 25; 53% males) had a mean age of 64.4 years, a body mass index of 30.2 kg/m2 and an HbA1c of 6.7%. Body weight and HbA1c were significantly decreased by dapagliflozin versus placebo. Dapagliflozin had no effect on myocardial efficiency, but external left ventricular (LV) work (-0.095 [-0.145, -0.043] J/g/min) and LV oxygen consumption were significantly reduced (-0.30 [-0.49, -0.12] J/g/min) by dapagliflozin, although the changes were not statistically significant versus changes in the placebo group. Change in left atrial maximal volume with dapagliflozin versus placebo was -3.19 (-6.32, -0.07) mL/m2 (p = .056). Peak global radial strain decreased with dapagliflozin versus placebo (-3.92% [-7.57%, -0.28%]; p = .035), while peak global longitudinal and circumferential strains were unchanged. Hepatic fatty acid uptake was increased by dapagliflozin versus placebo (0.024 [0.004, 0.044] Όmol/g/min; p = .018), while cardiac uptake was unchanged.Conclusions: This exploratory study indicates reduced heart work but limited effects on myocardial function, efficiency and cardiac fatty acid uptake, while hepatic fatty acid uptake increased, after 6 weeks of treatment with dapagliflozin.</p
