629 research outputs found

    Considering the Importance of User Profiles in Interface Design

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    User profile is a popular term widely employed during product design processes by industrial companies. Such a profile is normally intended to represent real users of a product. The ultimate purpose of a user profile is actually to help designers to recognize or learn about the real user by presenting them with a description of a real user’s attributes, for instance; the user’s gender, age, educational level, attitude, technical needs and skill level. The aim of this chapter is to provide information on the current knowledge and research about user profile issues, as well as to emphasize the importance of considering these issues in interface design. In this chapter, we mainly focus on how users’ difference in expertise affects their performance or activity in various interaction contexts. Considering the complex interaction situations in practice, novice and expert users’ interactions with medical user interfaces of different technical complexity will be analyzed as examples: one focuses on novice and expert users’ difference when interacting with simple medical interfaces, and the other focuses on differences when interacting with complex medical interfaces. Four issues will be analyzed and discussed: (1) how novice and expert users differ in terms of performance during the interaction; (2) how novice and expert users differ in the perspective of cognitive mental models during the interaction; (3) how novice and expert users should be defined in practice; and (4) what are the main differences between novice and expert users’ implications for interface design. Besides describing the effect of users’ expertise difference during the interface design process, we will also pinpoint some potential problems for the research on interface design, as well as some future challenges that academic researchers and industrial engineers should face in practice

    Appropriation of an Activity-based Flexible Office in daily work

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    In recent years, there has been growing interest in collaborative consumption of office environments and thereby implementation of Activity-based Flexible Offices (A-FOs). Relocating to an A-FO introduces a desk-sharing policy as well as a multitude of new workspaces with different speech policies into the employee’s work context. This paper describes how employees appropriate desk-sharing and speech policies in an A-FO. The data were collected over a period of 6 months in a case organization by means of 18 shadowing sessions. The different ways in which employees appropriated the A-FO solution were (i) adopting, experimenting with, or rejecting the desk-sharing policy, and (ii) modes of interaction arising from spatial configuration and redefining speech policies. The discussion outlines the reasons behind appropriation or nonappropriation of the desk-sharing and emergent speech policies. The insights from this study provide support for organizations considering A-FOs to develop strategies for facilitating individuals’ work in these settings

    Beyond wood and timber : the values of multiple-use forestry in risk society

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    MĂ„ngbruk utgör en viktig del i den nationella och smĂ„lĂ€ndska skogsstrategin frĂ„n 2018. I policydokumenten stĂ„r att lĂ€sa hur skogen bĂ€r pĂ„ en mĂ„ngfald av vĂ€rden som har förmĂ„ga att bidra till ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt, biologisk mĂ„ngfald, sysselsĂ€ttning, landsbygdsutveckling och allmĂ€nnytta. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka vilka vĂ€rden som mĂ„ngbrukare tillskriver mĂ„ngbruk och hur deras förestĂ€llningar kan förstĂ„s i relation till den nationella och smĂ„lĂ€ndska skogsstrategin frĂ„n 2018. Empirin frĂ„n intervjuerna analyseras i relation till teorin om risksamhĂ€llet, varpĂ„ identitet, ontologisk trygghet och handlingsutrymme anvĂ€nds som analytiska begrepp. Fem empiriska teman utkristalliserades dĂ€r denna studie visar hur mĂ„ngbruk kan beskrivas som; i) ett sĂ€tt att leva ii) en form av riskhantering iii) samhĂ€llsnytta iv) en motkulturell protest och kritik mot specialisering och v) ett entreprenörskap. I anknytning till dessa fem teman diskuteras hur mĂ„ngbruk framstĂ€lls i den nationella och regionala skogsstatrategin. Denna studie visar att strategierna frĂ€mst framhĂ€ver mĂ„ngbrukets förmĂ„ga att generera sociala vĂ€rden medan mĂ„ngbrukarna sjĂ€lva betonar vikten av att bruka skogsfastigheten pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som frĂ€mjar helheten och en mĂ„ngfald av vĂ€rden. Studien visar ocksĂ„ att mĂ„ngbruket har god förmĂ„ga att bidra med landsbygdsutveckling i samband med dess förmĂ„ga att generera arbetstillfĂ€llen pĂ„ glesbygden. Avslutningsvis förs en diskussion som rör mĂ„ngbrukets ökade exponering i media och hur en vidare definition av mĂ„ngbruk skulle kunna generera och leverera fler samhĂ€llsvĂ€rden utöver de som nĂ€mns i skogsstrategierna.Multiple-use forestry constitutes an important part of the national and regional forest policies from 2018. The policy documents state how the forest features a variety of values that have the ability to contribute to economic growth, biodiversity, employment, rural development and various forms of benefits for the public. The purpose of this study is to examine, through interviews, the ascribed values of multiple-use forestry based on the forest practitioners’ own perspectives and to discuss them in relation to how multiple-use forestry is portrayed in the forest policies. The empirical data from the interviews are analyzed in relation to the theory of the risk society, and the analytical concepts of identity, ontological security and discretionary power. Five empirical themes emerge from the study where multiple-use forestry is emphasized as being valuable in terms of contributing to peoples’ lifestyle and risk management. Furthermore, multiple-forestry can be seen as a form of counterculture against specialization but as well as a form entrepreneurship that aims to contribute with broader social benefits for the common good. In connection to these five themes, it is then analyzed how multiple-use forestry is depicted in forest policy. In the forest policy multiple forestry is generally depicted as valuable for social values whereas forest practitioners’ generally emphasize the wholeness of managing a forest farm which could generate far more values. This study also suggests that multiple-forestry can be crucial to rural development since it has a good ability to generate employment in rural areas. Finally, there is a discussion concerning multiple-use forestry’s increased media exposure, and how a wider definition of multiple-use forestry could generate additional values to those mentioned in the forest policies

    Parkbryggan : a design of a park in Southern UllerÄker

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    Uppsala Àr en stad som vÀxer och förtÀtas i snabb takt. Den höga exploateringen ger en ökad procent hÄrdgjord yta och fÀrre grönomrÄden. Detta leder till en större andel dagvatten som mÄste omhÀndertagas, dÄ den naturliga infiltrationen minskar. En god tillgÄng av natur och rekreation Àr viktigt för mÀnniskors vÀlbefinnande. NÀr andelen grönomrÄden minskar stÀlls det högre krav pÄ de som ÄterstÄr, för att uppfylla bÄde sociala, ekologiska och estetiska vÀrden. I detta arbete har ett gestaltningsförslag tagits fram av ett parkstrÄk i södra UllerÄker; ett planerat omrÄde i Uppsala med hög exploateringsgrad. Fokus i gestaltningen har varit att skapa ett parkstrÄk med en integrerad dagvattenhantering som samtidigt innehÄller ytor för vistelse och fungerar som en spridningsvÀg för hotade arter i omrÄdet. Den största utmaningen i gestaltningsarbetet har varit att rymma dessa funktioner pÄ en begrÀnsad yta. Arbetet Àr framtaget med trivalent design som hjÀlpmedel, dÀr en balans mellan sociala, ekologiska och estetiska vÀrden som utgÄngspunkt. Genom en tolkning av trivalent design formulerades frÄgor som anvÀnts under hela arbetet för att sÀkerstÀlla att alla tre vÀrden Äterfinns i gestaltningen. Gestaltningsförslagets utformning bygger pÄ ett koncept som bestÄr av tre delar; stark identitet, grön lÀnk och möten. DÀr stark identitet syftar till att skapa ett sammanhÀngande strÄk med en tydlig orienterbarhet, uppnÄs detta genom att lÄta Cinnoberbaggens röda fÀrg Äterkomma pÄ möbler och utrustning lÀngs hela strÄket. ParkstrÄket ska Àven fungera som en grön lÀnk mellan naturomrÄdena i öster och vÀster. Genom att bevara och plantera ny vegetation knutet till hotade arter i omrÄdet möjliggörs en spridningsvÀg. Möten stÄr för mötet mellan natur och stad dÀr parkstrÄket ska fungera som en brygga mellan dem. Det syftar Àven till att frÀmja möten mellan mÀnniskor genom att möjliggöra för spontan vistelse och aktivitet.Uppsala is a city that rapidly grows and densifies. The high exploitation results in a decreased percentage of green areas that can infiltrate water. This leads to a larger amount of stormwater to manage. A good access to nature and recreation is important for people's wellbeing. When the green spaces decreases, it require higher demands on those who remain to fulfill both; social, ecological and aesthetic values. This master thesis is presenting a design proposal of a park in southern UllerÄker; an area in Uppsala planned to be densified. The focus of the design has been to create a park with integrated stormwater management, that contains areas for social activity and that serves as an ecological pathway for endangered species in the local area. The biggest challenge in the design has been to merge these aspects together in to a limited area. Trivalent design was used as a tool to develop this master thesis, where a balance between social, ecological and aesthetic values is important. Through an interpretation of trivalent design, questions were formulated to ensure that all three values can be found in the design. The design of the proposal is based on a concept consisting three parts; strong identity, green link and meeting points. Where strong identity aims to create a coherent path with clear orientation. This is achieved by letting furniture and equipment have a red color, inspired by the Cinnoberbagge, an endangered beetle which can be found in the UllerÄkers area. The park will also serve as an ecological corridor between the green areas in east and west. This is accomplished by preserving and planting new vegetation linked to threatened species in the area. Meeting points represent the meeting between nature and the city where the park will function as a bridge between them. It also aims to encourage spontaneous social activity between people

    Mobbning : ur Ärskurs nio elevers och lÀrarstudenters perspektiv

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    The purpose of our essay was to illustrate how pupils in a medium-sized Swedish town in the 9th grade apprehend and explain bullying. We wanted to compare the pupils' opinions with student teachers' in college. Our questions were: How do the participants in the study define bullying? What are the characteristics of the bully and the victim of the bullying? Where, when and how does the bullying take place? What is the reason for the bullying? Are there any gender-related aspects of bullying? What is the participants? view of the teachers? role? Are there any differences between the pupils' and the teacher students' opinions about bullying, and in that case; what are the differences? We used a qualitative method by interviewing groups of pupils and teacher students. Our survey showed that the pupils' and the teacher students' opinions about bullying were similar in most cases. Bullying is when a pupil is exposed to negative actions several times. The participants thought that the bully generally can be anyone, but the bullies were often described as insecure persons. Most of the participants thought that the victim of the bullying can be anyone. The victims were often described as shy persons with low self-confidence

    How does the design affect the use of the housing estate? : a study of four housing estates in newly built areas

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    Syftet med den hĂ€r kandidatuppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka om, och i sĂ„ fall hur, ge-staltningen av en bostadsgĂ„rd pĂ„verkar gĂ„rdens anvĂ€ndning. Uppsatsen utgĂ„r sĂ„ledes frĂ„n följande frĂ„gestĂ€llning: PĂ„verkar gestaltningen av en bostadsgĂ„rd anvĂ€ndningen av gĂ„rden, och vilka faktorer i utformningen Ă€r det i sĂ„ fall som har betydelse? Studien appliceras pĂ„ fyra bostadsgĂ„rdar i nyanlagda omrĂ„den i centrala Uppsala. En inventering genomfördes för att fĂ„ en uppfattning av gĂ„r-darnas utformning. Med det som grund gjordes en SWOT-analys som en summe-ring av gĂ„rdens eventuella styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot. En enkĂ€tundersökning och samtal med de boende genomfördes, vilket gav en upp-fattning om de boendes anvĂ€ndning av gĂ„rden. Slutligen utfördes samtal med de gestaltande landskapsarkitekterna för att fĂ„ deras syn pĂ„ gestaltningsprocessen och den fĂ€rdiga gĂ„rden. VĂ„rt resultat visar att sju faktorer tycks pĂ„verka anvĂ€nd-ningen av gĂ„rdarna. Dessa Ă€r vegetationen, avskildheten, de sociala ytorna, bal-kongen, ljudnivĂ„n, lekplatsen och sollĂ€get. Resultatet tyder dock pĂ„ att gestaltningen av bostadsgĂ„rdar i nyanlagda omrĂ„den prĂ€glas av mĂ„nga begrĂ€ns-ningar, och dĂ„ framförallt att de byggs pĂ„ bjĂ€lklag. Det rĂ„der svĂ„ra förhĂ„llanden, med grunt jorddjup, vilket begrĂ€nsar möjligheten att fĂ„ upp stora vegetationsvo-lymer. SĂ„ Ă€ven om gestaltningen pĂ„verkar anvĂ€ndningen, begrĂ€nsas gestaltningen pĂ„tagligt av de rĂ„dande förhĂ„llandena, vilket i sin tur pĂ„verkar anvĂ€ndbarheten. I uppsatsens diskussionsavsnitt behandlas brukarnas preferenser och argument rörande gĂ„rdarnas olika delar.The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to investigate whether, and in that case, how the design affects the use of the housing estate. In order to specify the purpose this question at issue was used: Does the design of the housing estate affect the use, and in that case, what factors in the design affect the use? We started our project by choosing four housing estates which were as different from each other as possible. An inventory was made of each housing estate to get an idea of the design. By using the inventory we were able to make a SWOT analysis of the housing estates and look at potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A web survey was carried out followed by conversations with the resi-dents to get an idea of how they use their housing estate. Finally, we had conver-sations with the creative landscape architects to hear their point of views. The results show that seven factors in the design seem to affect the use of the housing estates. These are vegetation, privacy, social areas, balcony, noise, playground and sunny areas. However, the results indicate that the design of housing estates in the newly constructed areas are characterized by many restrictions, especially the fact that they are built on beam joists. Shallow soil means poor vegetation conditions. Thus, although the design markedly affects the use, it gets limited by the prevailing conditions, which in turn affects the use of the housing estate. The residents’ preferences and arguments relating to the different parts of the housing estates are processed in the discussion

    Ekonomiska och miljömÀssiga konsekvenser, möjligheter och förutsÀttningar vid virkestransport pÄ vÀgar med bÀrighetsklass 4 jÀmfört med bÀrighetsklass 1

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    För drygt 700 Är sedan pÄbörjades arbetet med virkestransporter i Sverige, dÄ för att försörja gruvor och stÄlindustrier. Sedan dess och förmodligen en lÄng tid framÄt kommer virkestransporter att utgöra en vital del av samhÀllsstrukturen i Sverige. De dÄtida transporterna skedde fram till mitten av 1900-talet i princip endast pÄ rinnande vatten, sÄ kallad flottning. Men lastbilarna och tÄgen utvecklades snabbt och tog marknadsandelar av flottningen i högt tempo. Att vi nu enbart transporterar rundvirket till industrierna med lastbilar innebÀr inte att de, eller vÀgnÀtet, Àr fÀrdigutvecklade. Senast 2018 började man upplÄta delar av det svenska vÀgnÀtet för större timmerbilar med en totalvikt pÄ 74 ton jÀmfört med tidigare begrÀnsning pÄ 64 ton. I denna studie har skillnaderna i lönsamhet och miljöpÄverkan jÀmförts mellan BK4-ekipage (lastbil tyngre Àn 64 ton) kör med full vikt eller med en bruttovikt om 64 ton. Detta genom att studera insamlad statistik frÄn det transportledande företaget Westan. Datainformationen Àr frÄn Är 2022 och innehÄller bland annat dieselförbrukning, lastvikt och körstrÀcka. Utöver databearbetningen genomfördes en studie av befintlig litteratur som behandlar Àmnet och intervjuer med Äkare som kör för Westan. UtifrÄn datan kan det inte statistiskt bevisas att en BK4-bil som har mer Àn 50 procent körningar pÄ BK4-vÀg Àr mer brÀnsleeffektivt Àn om samma bil har fÀrre Àn 50 procent BK4-körningar. Det förekommer Àven ett stort antal variabler och felkÀllor som pÄverkar resultaten, exempel pÄ dessa Àr förarens yrkesskicklighet, geografins topografi och skillnader i lastbilarnas utförande.In the 14th Century the first timber transportation took place in Sweden in order to provide for mines and the steel industry. Since then and probably a long time in the future timber transportation will continue to be a vital part of the whole Swedish society. The first method of transport was floating in the rivers and in other watercourses. Floating was mainly used until the mid-20th century when trains and trucks started to develop at a rapid pace. Today, trucks are mainly used in timber transport from the forest to the industries. They have not been perfected. In 2018 a process of allowing heavier trucks (74 tons compared to 64 tons) on selected parts of the Swedish road network. In this study the difference in profitability and environmental impact between a heavy truck with full load or a heavy truck driving with 64 tones has been investigated. The data was collected by Westan, a transport leading company. The data is from the year 2022 and contains among other things fuel consumption, load weight and mileage. Besides from data processing a study of existing literature about the subject was carried out and interviews with truck owners whom have a contract with Westan. Based on the data material it could not be statistically proven that a BK4 carriage is more fuel efficient than a BK1 carriage. There are also a great number of variables and error sources that effects the results. Example on these are the drivers professional skill, the topography in the geography and difference in the design of the trucks

    Maahanmuuttajien koulutus- ja työllistymispolut Ruotsissa : Kolmen toimenpiteen kartoitus

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    Maahanmuuttajien koulutus- ja työllistymispolut Ruotsissa – raportti kĂ€sittelee kolmea toimenpidettĂ€, joilla on pyritty parantamaan maahanmuuttajille tarjottavia koulutus- ja työllistymispalveluita. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin osana Maahanmuuttajien koulutus- ja työllistymispolut (MAKO) -hanketta ja se julkaistaan erillisenĂ€ osaraporttina. TĂ€ssĂ€ esiteltĂ€viĂ€ esimerkkejĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn myös itse hankkeen loppuraportin osana. Ruotsista kerĂ€tyn aineiston rooli hankkeessa oli tuottaa aineistoa tutkimuskysymyksiin, jotka kĂ€sittelivĂ€t 1. koulutus- ja työllistymispolkujen pullonkauloja; 2. eri toimijoiden vĂ€lisen yhteistyön jĂ€rjestĂ€mistĂ€, 3. kotoutumiskoulutuksen ja muiden työhallinnon palveluiden yhteensovittamista, sekĂ€ 4. palvelupolkujen kehittĂ€mis- ja systematisointitarpeita. KĂ€siteltĂ€viĂ€ ohjelmia ovat Etableringsprogrammet, joka raportissa on kÀÀnnetty termillĂ€ asettautumisohjelma, SnabbspĂ„r eli pikareitti sekĂ€ vireillĂ€ oleva uudistus Etableringsjobb, jossa valtio tukisi suoraan henkilölle maksettavalla palkkatuella nĂ€iden työllistĂ€mistĂ€. ToimenpiteissĂ€ yhteistyössĂ€ toimivat esimerkiksi Ruotsin työvoimapalvelut, sosiaaliturvalaitos, kunnat, työmarkkinaosapuolet ja työnantajat. Toimenpiteet ovat olleet osin onnistuneita, mutta kehitettĂ€vÀÀ on löydetty edelleen esimerkiksi tiedonkulun vahvistamisen ja kielikoulutuksen jĂ€rjestĂ€misen kysymyksissĂ€

    Pathways for Low-Carbon Transition of the Steel Industry-A Swedish Case Study

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    The concept of techno-economic pathways is used to investigate the potential implementation of CO(2)abatement measures over time towards zero-emission steelmaking in Sweden. The following mitigation measures are investigated and combined in three pathways: top gas recycling blast furnace (TGRBF); carbon capture and storage (CCS); substitution of pulverized coal injection (PCI) with biomass; hydrogen direct reduction of iron ore (H-DR); and electric arc furnace (EAF), where fossil fuels are replaced with biomass. The results show that CCS in combination with biomass substitution in the blast furnace and a replacement primary steel production plant with EAF with biomass (Pathway 1) yield CO(2)emission reductions of 83% in 2045 compared to CO(2)emissions with current steel process configurations. Electrification of the primary steel production in terms of H-DR/EAF process (Pathway 2), could result in almost fossil-free steel production, and Sweden could achieve a 10% reduction in total CO(2)emissions. Finally, (Pathway 3) we show that increased production of hot briquetted iron pellets (HBI), could lead to decarbonization of the steel industry outside Sweden, assuming that the exported HBI will be converted via EAF and the receiving country has a decarbonized power sector
