Mobbning : ur årskurs nio elevers och lärarstudenters perspektiv


The purpose of our essay was to illustrate how pupils in a medium-sized Swedish town in the 9th grade apprehend and explain bullying. We wanted to compare the pupils' opinions with student teachers' in college. Our questions were: How do the participants in the study define bullying? What are the characteristics of the bully and the victim of the bullying? Where, when and how does the bullying take place? What is the reason for the bullying? Are there any gender-related aspects of bullying? What is the participants? view of the teachers? role? Are there any differences between the pupils' and the teacher students' opinions about bullying, and in that case; what are the differences? We used a qualitative method by interviewing groups of pupils and teacher students. Our survey showed that the pupils' and the teacher students' opinions about bullying were similar in most cases. Bullying is when a pupil is exposed to negative actions several times. The participants thought that the bully generally can be anyone, but the bullies were often described as insecure persons. Most of the participants thought that the victim of the bullying can be anyone. The victims were often described as shy persons with low self-confidence

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