91 research outputs found

    Mercury pollution from the artisanal gold mining in the La Paz department, Bolivia

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    Pòster amb el resum gràfic de la tesi doctoral en curs, que forma part de l'exposició "Doctorat en Recursos Naturals i Medi Ambient de la UPC Manresa. 30 anys formant en recerca a la Catalunya Central 1992-2022".Research supported by the project AECID: A3/042750/11 and CCD 2019-B005, 2020-B006, 2021-G007 and 2022-B009.Postprint (published version

    Women in the area of health and science on the border of Mexico between Tamaulipas and Texas

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    Background: The border region between Mexico and Texas configures the space of binational, industrial, commercial and mercantile development, with great business openness on both sides of the border, where the cultural environment is marked by the altered way in which people develop on the border, where the man mostly exercises professional profiles related in the manufacturing maquiladoras area, industrial park, etc. while women are configured as professionals mostly in the area of health services, education and others, but within this space women make their way to science within the development of scientific research, without being identified for the sake of the border, which are usually culturally not associated with the imaginary of the border. Knowing the incursion into this geographical region on both sides of the border, can strengthen and promote the development of women in science and scientific developments, but on addressing the gender gaps in this sector that can also be addressed binationally. Case presentation: One of the main reasons why we want to participate, is due to the need to expose the professional practice of women in the area of health who live in the region of the border border formed between Reynosa, Tamaulipas and the Texas Valley towards Science. With the aim of transmitting the way in which the female gender stands out in the areas of scientific research within the national system of researchers and the gaps of opportunity for early training towards science in the border of Tamaulipas. We consider important the dissemination of information within the event, given that the research and development tasks in science in the border area is developed by women breaking professional stereotypes, but also promoting the path to training in science in early training. Conclusions: Women currently form part of 30% of the total number of researchers in the world, Mexico the participation of women in science is 37%, in the national system of researchers in Mexico there are 33, 166 women in the various areas of knowledge, distinguishes the percentage of women in activities dedicated to health in (medicine) , public health, ext.) In the mexican Republic and even more in the border territoriality in Tamaulipas, it will allow to know and distinguish the gender gaps for the strengthening of the border entity

    Environmental pollution produced by gold artisanal mining in the Mapiri river basin, Apolobamba, Bolivia

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    Mining activity is very important in Bolivia since colonial times. Today it has been reactivated, especially gold mining, due to rise in metal prices. Artisanal and small-scale mining activities are abundant in the protected area of Apolobamba, near the border with Peru. Here mercury is used to recovery gold by obtaining an Hg-Au amalgam. This manipulation with mercury causes an important environmental impact in the area. The present work is a preliminary study of the contamination of the Mapiri river basin in the Apolobamba area. In the head of this basin, located at more than 4000 m above sea level, gold is mined from hydrothermal gold deposits of Paleozoic age. We have sampled several mining sites from this area, in particular the ones known as Viscachani, Flor de Mayo and Chojlaya, located in the proximity of the head area of the Mapiri river basin. These mining sites were in activity during the present sampling campaign. Different metals were measured by means of XRF (Se, As, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg) in tailing samples from the different gold mining sites. In addition mercury concentrations were measured in water and in vegetation close to the processing areas by means of atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman effect (LUMEX RA-915 Equipment). Tailings are mainly constituted by quartz with minor contents of clay minerals and sulphides. The most abundant sulphides are galena and arsenopyrite. Chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite and sulphosalts also occur in minor amounts, as well as minor secondary minerals. Gold content, after recovery with mercury, is high, between 4.56 ppm and 10.35 ppm. The Hg content of the tailings ranges from 149 to 1027 ppm. Lixiviable mercury from these samples ranges between 30.10 and 859.94 ng l-1. Water released from the tailings contains between 0.1 and 5.7 ppb of Hg. Studied vegetation typical of the area has high Hg contents, between 162 and 219 ppm. In addition there is a high arsenic content in all the studied tailings, except in those from the Viscachani mining site, where concentrations of this element ranges from 456 ppm to 18540 ppm. The Pb content usually ranges from 337 to 939 ppm. The Chojlaya mining site tailing has exceptionally high values of heavy metals: Pb content is between 2.26 and 3.27 wt.%, Cd ranges from 160 to 228 ppm, Zn from 194 to 794 ppm, Cu from 847 to 1052 ppm and Se from 105 to 187 ppm. These contents also contribute to an environmental pollution. In conclusion the gold mining activities in the Mapiri river basin produce and intense environmental pollution, mainly related to mercury and arsenic contents in the proximity of these mining activities. After processing, tailings still contain important amounts of gold suggesting that the amalgamation method is not effective to gold recovering.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reforzamiento estructural con mallas ecológicas para muros de adobe en viviendas de San Pedro de Huacarpana, Chincha, Ica, 2022

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    Esta investigación analiza el reforzamiento estructural en muros de adobe haciendo uso de mallas ecológicas compuestas por caña carrizo chancada, y fijada al muro con clavos (alcayata) de 1 ½”. Se inicia la investigación identificando mediante inspección visual las causas por lo que las viviendas fallan y/o colapsan; proponiendo así un reforzamiento estructural a los muros de adobe con la finalidad aumentar la resistencia a la compresión diagonal y flexión. De la misma forma, que dicho reforzamiento sea de bajo costo y que los materiales sean de fácil acceso a los pobladores; esta investigación se hace por medio de la inspección visual, documentación escrita, gráfica y ensayos en laboratorio. Esta propuesta de reforzamiento estructural es muy beneficiosa para la población de San Pedro de Huacarpana, pues conlleva a mejorar la calidad de vida en cuanto a la seguridad de sus viviendas

    Análisis del discurso del ex ministro Carrillo: caso de femicidio de María Belén Bernal

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    El análisis crítico de los discursos del ex ministro Patricio Carrillo respecto al caso de estudio del femicidio de María Belén Bernal es fundamental ya que permite comprender los estereotipos de género, denunciar la violencia contra las mujeres y evaluar las leyes que sancionan dichas violencias. Estos análisis brindan visiones y reflexiones más profundas de las dinámicas sociales y políticas que rodean a los femicidios y feminicidios, para así continuar con la lucha por la erradicación de la violencia de género. Los discursos que se analizan desde el paradigma crítico donde la metodología utilizada es el análisis crítico del discurso con su precursor Van Dijk (1999). Esta metodología ayuda a comprender cómo una figura de poder, en este caso el ex ministro del Interior Patricio Carrillo, reproduce mensajes desde un determinado contexto social y político. Es por ello que el análisis crítico se establece en 3 entrevistas realizadas al ex ministro, y su enfoque es el cualitativo por las representaciones discursivas establecidas en el objeto de estudio. Al concluir este análisis, resulta evidente la falta de responsabilidad asumida por el Estado ecuatoriano en relación con el feminicidio de María Belén Bernal. Esto pone de manifiesto la necesidad de cuestionar las acciones y omisiones de las instituciones estatales, judiciales y policiales en la protección de las mujeres que son víctimas de violencia de género. Este caso de investigación, insta a reflexionar la importancia de replantar e implementar las políticas y medidas efectivas que aborden e integren en esta gran problemática social.The critical analysis of the political speeches of former minister Patricio Carrillo that focus on the case study of the femicide of María Belén Bernal is essential because it allows understanding and challenging gender stereotypes, denouncing political violence and evaluating laws based on situations of violence against women. These analyzes provide a deeper vision and reflection of the social and political dynamics that surround femicides and femicides, in order to continue the fight to eradicate violence against women. The discourses that are analyzed from the critical paradigm where the methodology used is critical discourse analysis with its precursor Van Dijk (1999). This methodology helps to understand how a figure of power, in this case the former Minister of the Interior Patricio Carrillo, reproduces messages from a certain social and political context. That is why the critical analysis is established in 3 interviews conducted with the former minister, and its approach is qualitative due to the discursive representations established in the object of study. At the conclusion of this analysis, the lack of responsibility assumed by the Ecuadorian State in relation to the feminicide of María Belén Bernal is evident. This highlights the need to question the actions and omissions of state, judicial and police institutions in the protection of women who are victims of gender violence. This research case urges us to reflect on the importance of replanting and implementing effective policies and measures that address and integrate this great social problem

    Conservación y Vulnerabilidad de un Ecosistema Desértico: Basada en la Planificación Ecológica del Paisaje, en San Felipe, B.C. México

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    Desert landscapes and ecosystems during urbanization processes are prone to be exploited because they are considered arid and unfruitful lands, resulting in their degradation. To analyze these problems and propose solutions, the principles of Landscape Ecology (LE) are used, which allow us to understand the territory from a geographical and holistic perspective. These principles allow the analysis of landscape and to determine its state of conservation and vulnerability, as well as preventing human settlements from being located in risk areas. The methodology is applied in San Felipe, Mexico, located in the Sonoran Desert. The biophysical environment was studied through Intrinsic Suitability Analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Obtaining as a result that the mountains are the most suitable areas for conservation and with the highest degree of vulnerability, because the most representative factors of the biophysical environment converge, and they are the most fragile areas due to their materials and the presence of geological faults. Determining that, the use of the LE as a basis for planning is recommended because it identifies, and analyzes the components and phenomena that cause interrelationships in the landscape.Los ecosistemas y paisajes desérticos durante los procesos de urbanización, son propicios a ser explotados por ser considerados tierras áridas e infructíferas, resultando en su degradación. Para analizar estos problemas y plantear soluciones se utilizan los principios de la Ecología de Paisaje (EP), que permiten entender al territorio desde una perspectiva geográfica e integral. Estos principios permiten analizar el paisaje y determinar su estado de conservación y vulnerabilidad, así como prevenir que los asentamientos humanos se emplacen en zonas de riesgo. La metodología se aplica en San Felipe, México, localizado en el desierto de Sonora. Se realizó el análisis de Idoneidad Intrínseca del medio biofísico a través de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Teniendo como resultado que las sierras son las zonas más aptas de conservación y con mayor grado de vulnerabilidad. Donde convergen los factores más representativos del medio biofísico y, son las zonas más frágiles por sus materiales y la presencia de fallas geológicas. Determinando que el uso de la EP como base de la planeación es recomendable, debido a que identifica y analiza los componentes y los fenómenos que causan las interrelaciones en el paisaje

    El derecho fundamental a un proyecto de vida digna en El Salvador

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    RESUMEN: El derecho fundamental a un proyecto de vida digna, es un tema cuya curiosidad esta puesta en una de las dimensiones del ser humano, una que es capaz de engendrar un conjunto de aptitudes, y que en su momento de acuerdo a un empuje social, podrá ser concebido como derecho en nuestra realidad social, por ahora en nuestro tiempo es concebido como una abstracción, a partir de elementos innatos de la persona humana aparejados a la responsabilidad que el Estado tiene para con sus ciudadanos, de derrumbarles obstáculos para que puedan alcanzar su mas alto grado del desarrollo de la personalidad, siguiendo parámetros de una vida decorosa, en la cual los principales factores para lograrlo es, la educación, un re pensamiento de los paradigmas culturales, que son un verdadero reto en nuestro medio para poder alcanzar la proyectividad, y con ello un modelo de vida más ordenado, que ya no dependa de la incertidumbre del azar, sino de nuestras decisiones que con responsabilidad tomamos a diario dentro de un conglomerado complejo y plural. ABSTRACT: The fundamental right to a decent life project is a topic whose curiosity is placed on one of the dimensions of the human being, one that is capable of generating a set of aptitudes, and that at the time, according to a social growing, for now in our time it is conceived as an abstraction, from innate elements of the human person coupled with the responsibility that the State has towards its citizens, to break down obstacles so that they can reach their highest degree of personality development, following parameters of a decent life, in which the main factors to achieve it are: education, a rethinking of cultural paradigms, which are a real challenge in our environment to be able to achieve projectivity, and with it to achieve a more organize life, that no longer depends on the uncertainty of chance, but on our decisions that we took with responsability daily and within a complex and plural conglomerat