11 research outputs found

    El perfil sociodemográfico inductivo del suicida en México de 1990 a 2011

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    Resumen: El suicidio ha prevalecido a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el perfil sociodemográfico inductivo del suicida en México, a través del análisis de los suicidios registrados en el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), correspondiente al periodo de 1990 a 2011. El perfil obtenido fue el siguiente: los suicidas en México son del género masculino (83.12%), de 20-24 años (16.85%), solteros (42.48%), con una escolaridad de nivel primaria (23.11%), con una situación laboral de trabajo (64.17%), el suicidio lo llevan a cabo en su hogar (68.2%), y utilizan como medio mayormente el ahorcamiento, seguido de la sofocación o el estrangulamiento (75.08%). Las características sociodemográficas obtenidas del perfil, revelan factores criminógenos y de riesgo que intervienen en la población de México para cometer suicidio, permitiendo instrumentar medidas de prevención. Abstract: Suicide is an antisocial behavior that has prevailed throughout the history of mankind. The objective of this research was to determine the sociodemographic inductive profile of the suicide in Mexico, by analizing of the suicides registered in the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) for the period 1990-2011. The profile obtained was: Suicides in Mexico are in great part male subjects (83.12%), aged 20-24 years (16.85%), singles (42.48%), schooling primary level (23.11%), being the a negative situation at work the main reason of suicide (64.17%), the suicide is carried at home (68.2%), and the most used method was hanging, strangulation or suffocation (75.08%). The sociodemographic characteristics of the profile obtained reveal the factors that contribute to this antisocial behavior and the factors risk involved in Mexico’s population to commit suicide, allowing implement preventive measures

    Women in the area of health and science on the border of Mexico between Tamaulipas and Texas

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    Background: The border region between Mexico and Texas configures the space of binational, industrial, commercial and mercantile development, with great business openness on both sides of the border, where the cultural environment is marked by the altered way in which people develop on the border, where the man mostly exercises professional profiles related in the manufacturing maquiladoras area, industrial park, etc. while women are configured as professionals mostly in the area of health services, education and others, but within this space women make their way to science within the development of scientific research, without being identified for the sake of the border, which are usually culturally not associated with the imaginary of the border. Knowing the incursion into this geographical region on both sides of the border, can strengthen and promote the development of women in science and scientific developments, but on addressing the gender gaps in this sector that can also be addressed binationally. Case presentation: One of the main reasons why we want to participate, is due to the need to expose the professional practice of women in the area of health who live in the region of the border border formed between Reynosa, Tamaulipas and the Texas Valley towards Science. With the aim of transmitting the way in which the female gender stands out in the areas of scientific research within the national system of researchers and the gaps of opportunity for early training towards science in the border of Tamaulipas. We consider important the dissemination of information within the event, given that the research and development tasks in science in the border area is developed by women breaking professional stereotypes, but also promoting the path to training in science in early training. Conclusions: Women currently form part of 30% of the total number of researchers in the world, Mexico the participation of women in science is 37%, in the national system of researchers in Mexico there are 33, 166 women in the various areas of knowledge, distinguishes the percentage of women in activities dedicated to health in (medicine) , public health, ext.) In the mexican Republic and even more in the border territoriality in Tamaulipas, it will allow to know and distinguish the gender gaps for the strengthening of the border entity

    Redes de tráfico ilegal de vida silvestre en el noreste mexicano, un análisis desde la criminología verde

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    Este estudio analiza las redes de tráfico ilegal de seis especímenes de vida silvestre en el noreste de México en tres grupos de actores sociales: grupos criminales, servidores públicos y personas civiles. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas del 2019 a 2021 a los compradores de especímenes de fauna para identificar a los miembros de cada red. La información fue procesada con el programa Gephi (v. 0.9.2) para analizar las métricas de cada red. Los resultados muestran que son redes ilegales de segundo nivel, por lo que dependen del capital social, humano y económico de otras redes de tráfico ilegal de drogas, personas y armas de fuego y se encuentran interrelacionadas con ellas. El tráfico ilegal de vida silvestre es un fenómeno multifactorial con daños ambientales, económicas y sociales, por lo que el estudio de las redes que lo promueven puede orientar las actuaciones institucionales para su regulación y prevención debido a la información que proporcionan a nivel micro y macro

    Victimhood y Deshumanización

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    In the present time of global coexistence, the market has taken advantage of this situation. The market has entered into new processes of social organisation. It not only continues to follow the traditional view of trade, but has also entered into processes of intimacy and defence in the face of global violence. One example is the victims of violence, in order to defend themselves or prevent an attack. Faced with the growth and insecurity of violence. In some cities, a high percentage of the population has begun to use modern media as technologies of salvation. Information technologies have also served to save people or groups in vulnerability, as demonstrated in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Where civil society has managed to intelligently protect itself from people or groups of people who seek to attack citizens.  By recognising themselves as victims of a state with weaknesses to prevent and attack violence. With authorities weak in dispensing justice and law enforcement officers lax enough to learn the real criminals. Some of the inhabitants of this city have been socially integrated to start looking for creative ways to help and defend people in a state of vulnerability to an attack (murder, assault, crossfire or extortion). Victimhood is an application that can be used by mobile phone to prevent or defend oneself from possible attacks or to report crimes, violence or abuse of authority.En este momento de convivencias globales, el mercado se ha aprovechado de tal situación. El mercado ha entrado en nuevos procesos de organización social. No sólo sigue en la visión tradicional del comercio, sino que ha entrado a procesos de la intimidad y la defensa a la violencia mundial. Un ejemplo son las víctimas de la violencia, para defenderse o prevenir un atentado. Ante el crecimiento e inseguridad de la violencia. En algunas ciudades, un alto porcentaje de la población, ha empezado a utilizar los medios de la modernidad, como tecnologías de salvación. Las tecnologías de la información han servido también para salvar a personas o grupos en vulnerabilidad, prueba de ello, es en Reynosa Tamaulipas, México. Donde la sociedad civil, se las ingenió para protegerse inteligentemente de las personas o grupos de personas que buscan agredir a la ciudadanía.  Al reconocerse como víctimas de un estado con debilidades para prevenir y atacar a la violencia. Con autoridades con debilidades para impartir justicia y unos agentes del orden público bastante laxos para aprender a los reales delincuentes. Se han integrado socialmente, algunos de los habitantes de esta ciudad para iniciar la búsqueda de formas creativas, para la ayuda y defensa de personas en estado de vulnerabilidad a un atentado (asesinato, asalto, fuego cruzado o extorsión). Encontrando al Victimhood, como una aplicación que se utiliza por medio del celular para prevenir o defenderse de posibles ataques o para denunciar delitos, acciones de violencia o abuso de autoridad

    Standardization of a Technique For Obtaining DNA From Footprints

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    Currently our country has high numbers of missing persons, Tamaulipas being one of the states with the highest rate of disappearances. The identification of people has become more important thanks to the development of molecular techniques. However, the limitations are very high, because it is necessary to compare the genetic pattern of the disappeared with the parents. Therefore, the objective of this research is to standardize a genomic DNA extraction technique from contact surfaces for its subsequent implementation in the identification of disappeared, allowing the comparison of the genetic pattern with the disappeared itself. For this, genomic DNA extraction was carried out using the Phenol-Chloroform technique from fingerprint samples on a slide. The analysis was performed in duplicate on 5 fingerprint donors at various times; 24 hours, 7 days, 15 days, 30 days and the quality and concentration of DNA was obtained by means of a Nanodrop spectrophotometer. An increase in DNA concentration was shown during the exposure time but a decrease in quality without presenting statistically significant differences (p\u3e 0.05). These results may be because with the passing of days and exposure to the environment it interferes with the quality of DNA due to the presence of nucleases

    Detection of malathion in dipterous larvae of forensic importance in northeast Mexico.

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    Acute pesticide poisoning is a global public health problem. In developing countries pesticides cause up to one million cases of poisoning and up to 20,000 deaths annually. In Mexico, it has been reported that due to intoxications by xenobiotics, among them pesticides, 1,400 people die annually. In the present work a method was optimized to detect and quantify malathion in third instar fly larvae (Diptera) that hatched in pork meat, Sus scrofa domesticus, treated with the lethal dose in humans of malathion (60 g/60 kg). A biomass of 1.5 g which was added 1.2 mL of phase, stirred by space 5 min and centrifuged for 10 min at 10.000 rpm. The supernatant was analyzed by HPLC, using a methanol-water phase (70/30). The retention time of malathion was 4.1 min. The detection limit was calculated at 0.301 ppm. The technique and procedure used will serve as an indirect tool to identify the presence of the toxin in a relatively simple way in court case

    La victima, el victimario y la justicia restaurativa

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    Nel 2008, il Messico ha promulgato una riforma costituzionale relativa ad un nuovo paradigma di giustizia riparativa mirato a salvaguardare la dignità delle vittime e all’introduzione di nuove norme, come pace e perdono. Le pratiche di giustizia riparativa dovranno permettere alle vittime, al criminale ed ai membri della comunità di: 1) partecipare nel riparare il danno causato dal reato; 2) considerare la vittima come un componente a parte intera della comunità; 3) promuovere la riconciliazione e la reintegrazione del delinquente nella comunità. Le basi teoriche dei programmi di giustizia riparativa risiedono negli approcci criminologici e vittimologici, i quali esplorano nuove aree di studio con riferimento a questi attori sociali coinvolti nel conflitto ed incoraggiano la conduzione di ricerche per giungere ad una vera giustizia riparativa. In tal senso, la ricerca criminologica e vittimologica ha il dovere di sviluppare metodi, modelli e strumenti da utilizzare nelle pratiche di giustizia riparativa al fine di permettere alle vittime ed ai cittadini di ricoprire un ruolo sempre più importante nel sistema di giustizia. En 2008, le Mexique a adopté une réforme constitutionnelle qui a créé un nouveau paradigme de justice réparatrice dans le but de protéger la dignité de la victime et d’introduire des normes légales et sociales innovantes (par exemple, paix et pardon). Les pratiques restauratrices permettront à la victime, au criminel et aux membres impliqués de la communauté de : 1) participer pour essayer de réparer le dommage causé par le crime ; 2) considérer la victime comme un membre à part entière de la communauté ; 3) promouvoir la réconciliation et la réintégration du criminel dans la communauté. Les pratiques restauratrices s’appuient sur les théories criminologiques et victimologiques auxquelles elles ouvrent de nouveaux domaines en termes d’études des acteurs sociaux impliqués dans le conflit criminel. En ce sens, la recherche criminologique et victimologique a le devoir de développer des méthodes, des modèles et des instruments qui peuvent être appliqués aux pratiques restauratrices dans le but de permettre aux victimes et aux citoyens de jouer un rôle majeur au sein de la justice. In 2008, Mexico adopted a constitutional reform that creates a new paradigm of restorative justice aimed to preserve the dignity of the victims and introduce innovative legal and social norms in law enforcement, such as peace and forgiveness. The restorative process will enable the victim, the offender and affected members of the community to: 1) participate in remedying the damage arising from the crime, 2) consider the victim as a member of the community, 3) promote reconciliation and reintegration of offender into the community. Restorative programs have been integrated into criminological and victimological thinking, providing new areas of study of these social actors involved in the criminal conflict, encouraging research to achieve true restorative justice. In this sense, criminological and victimological research have the duty to develop methods, models and tools that can be applied successfully to restorative justice programs in order to enable victims and citizens to play a greater role in the justice process

    La victima, el victimario y la justicia restaurativa / La victime, le criminel et la justice réparatrice / The victim, the offender and the restorative justice

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    Nel 2008, il Messico ha promulgato una riforma costituzionale relativa ad un nuovo paradigma di giustizia riparativa mirato a salvaguardare la dignità delle vittime e all’introduzione di nuove norme, come pace e perdono.Le pratiche di giustizia riparativa dovranno permettere alle vittime, al criminale ed ai membri della comunità di: 1) partecipare nel riparare il danno causato dal reato; 2) considerare la vittima come un componente a parte intera della comunità; 3) promuovere la riconciliazione e la reintegrazione del delinquente nella comunità.Le basi teoriche dei programmi di giustizia riparativa risiedono negli approcci criminologici e vittimologici, i quali esplorano nuove aree di studio con riferimento a questi attori sociali coinvolti nel conflitto ed incoraggiano la conduzione di ricerche per giungere ad una vera giustizia riparativa. In tal senso, la ricerca criminologica e vittimologica ha il dovere di sviluppare metodi, modelli e strumenti da utilizzare nelle pratiche di giustizia riparativa al fine di permettere alle vittime ed ai cittadini di ricoprire un ruolo sempre più importante nel sistema di giustizia.En 2008, le Mexique a adopté une réforme constitutionnelle qui a créé un nouveau paradigme de justice réparatrice dans le but de protéger la dignité de la victime et d’introduire des normes légales et sociales innovantes (par exemple, paix et pardon).Les pratiques restauratrices permettront à la victime, au criminel et aux membres impliqués de la communauté de : 1) participer pour essayer de réparer le dommage causé par le crime ; 2) considérer la victime comme un membre à part entière de la communauté ; 3) promouvoir la réconciliation et la réintégration du criminel dans la communauté.Les pratiques restauratrices s’appuient sur les théories criminologiques et victimologiques auxquelles elles ouvrent de nouveaux domaines en termes d’études des acteurs sociaux impliqués dans le conflit criminel. En ce sens, la recherche criminologique et victimologique a le devoir de développer des méthodes, des modèles et des instruments qui peuvent être appliqués aux pratiques restauratrices dans le but de permettre aux victimes et aux citoyens de jouer un rôle majeur au sein de la justice. In 2008, Mexico adopted a constitutional reform that creates a new paradigm of restorative justice aimed to preserve the dignity of the victims and introduce innovative legal and social norms in law enforcement, such as peace and forgiveness. The restorative process will enable the victim, the offender and affected members of the community to: 1) participate in remedying the damage arising from the crime, 2) consider the victim as a member of the community, 3) promote reconciliation and reintegration of offender into the community. Restorative programs have been integrated into criminological and victimological thinking, providing new areas of study of these social actors involved in the criminal conflict, encouraging research to achieve true restorative justice. In this sense, criminological and victimological research have the duty to develop methods, models and tools that can be applied successfully to restorative justice programs in order to enable victims and citizens to play a greater role in the justice process

    Perfil sociodemográfico del suicida en México de 1990 a 2011

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    Il suicidio è una condotta antisociale che si è imposta fin dall’inizio della storia dell’umanità. L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è quello di individuare i profili socio-demografici dei suicidi in Messico. I dati relativi ai suicidi verificatisi in Messico dal 1990 al 2011 sono stati ottenuti dall’Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). Il profilo tracciato è il seguente: in Messico i suicidi vengono commessi da uomini (83,12%), aventi un’età compresa tra i 20 ed i 24 anni (16,85%), celibi (42,48%), con livello basso di scolarità (23,11%), occupati (64,17%). I suicidi si realizzano nella propria abitazione (68,2%) ed i metodi comunemente più utilizzati sono l’impiccagione, lo strangolamento ed il soffocamento (75,08%). Questo profilo socio-demografico consente di mettere in evidenza alcuni elementi che influenzano tale comportamento antisociale e alcuni fattori di rischio suicidario nell’ambito della popolazione messicana, fornendo la possibilità di attivare adeguate misure preventive. Le suicide est un comportement antisocial qui a marqué l’histoire de l’humanité. L’objectif général de cette recherche était de dresser le profil sociodémographique du suicide au Mexique. Les données des suicides au Mexique entre 1990 et 2011 ont été obtenues de l’Institut National de Statistique et Géographie (INEGI). Le profil obtenu était : les suicides sont commis par des hommes (83,12%), âgés de 20 à 24 ans (16,85%), célibataires (42,48%), ayant un niveau d’éducation primaire (23,11%), qui travaillent (64,17%). Les suicides ont lieu à la maison (68,2%) et les méthodes les plus couramment utilisées sont la pendaison, l’étranglement et l’étouffement (75,08%). Ce profil sociodémographique révèle des facteurs qui favorisent ce comportement antisocial et met en évidence certains facteurs de risque de commettre un suicide parmi la population mexicaine, permettant de prendre les mesures préventives appropriées. Suicide is an antisocial behaviour that has prevailed since the beginning of the history of mankind. The overall objective of this research was to determine the socio-demographic inductive profile of suicide in Mexico. The data on suicides in Mexico were obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in the period from 1990 to 2011. The profile obtained was: suicides committed in Mexico are by males (83.12%), aged between 20 and 24 years (16.85%), singles (42.48%), with primary education (23.11%), with a job (64.17%). Suicides take place at home (68.2%), and the most commonly used methods are hanging, strangulation, and suffocation (75.08%). This socio-demographic profile reveals some factors influencing this antisocial behaviour and some of Mexico’s population risk factors on committing suicide, allowing for the timely implementation of preventive measures