17 research outputs found

    Stirring the motivational soup: Within-person latent profiles of motivation in exercise

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    Background: The purpose of the present study was to use a person-oriented analytical approach to identify latent motivational profiles, based on the different behavioural regulations for exercise, and to examine differences in satisfaction of basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy and relatedness) and exercise behaviour across these motivational profiles. Methods: Two samples, consisting of 1084 and 511 adults respectively, completed exercise-related measures of behavioural regulation and psychological need satisfaction as well as exercise behaviour. Latent profile analyses were used to identify motivational profiles. Results: Six profiles, representing different combinations of regulations for exercise, were found to best represent data in both samples. Some profiles were found in both samples (e.g., low motivation profile, self-determined motivation profile and self-determined with high introjected regulation profile), whereas others were unique to each sample. In line with the Self-Determination Theory, individuals belonging to more self-determined profiles demonstrated higher scores on need satisfaction. Conclusions: The results support the notions of motivation being a multidimensional construct and that people have different, sometimes competing, reasons for engaging in exercise. The benefits of using person-oriented analyses to examine within-person interactions of motivation and different regulations are discussed. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Mechanisms in Self-Determined Exercise Motivation. A PhD Thesis Summary.

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    Regular physical activity and exercise bring about recognized health benefits and most Western countries have developed health recommendations, targeted information and programs to promote these behaviors. In spite of this, a large amount of the Western populations do not reach recommended levels of physical activity and exercise [1]. Because people in general are most likely aware of these benefits, one way to understand the modest uptake would be to study motivational aspects of these behaviors. This short communication paper is a summary of a PhD thesis entitled: “You don’t have to love it - Exploring the mechanisms of exercise motivation using self-determination theory in a digital context

    You don’t have to love it - Exploring the mechanisms of exercise motivation using self-determination theory in a digital context

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    Most Western countries have developed guidelines and programs to inform and promote regular physical activity and exercise behaviours in order to gain desired health benefits for the population. Unfortunately, health statistics show that many people do not reach these recommended activity levels. Research has also demonstrated that approximately half of those who actually try fail to maintain regular exercise habits. Theoretical understanding of the mechanisms of motivation is of great importance for how to enhance the knowledge of how interventions promoting sustainable exercise motivation and behaviour can be designed. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the motivational processes behind physical activity and exercise behaviours, with the self-determination theory as a guiding framework. Previous research and practice have generated ample knowledge of what works in exercise and physical activity promotion on a general level, but less is known about why it works, that is, the underlying mechanisms. Because interventions operate through mediating processes, the study of indirect effects and motivational mechanisms may forward mean level research and has the potential to provide knowledge of how observed intervention effects could be interpreted and understood. A key finding of this thesis was that analyses of Study I and IV showed patterns of need satisfaction, motivational regulations, and exercise differing across age and gender, indicating that motivational mechanisms could vary (qualitatively) in different subgroups. These findings support the idea that a generic method will not be successful in all situations and for all participants (i.e., one size does not fit all). Based on the results of Study II and IV, a second key finding is that the mediating mechanisms of the process model can be manipulated in an intervention by, for example, creating need-supportive environments facilitating internalization and subsequent exercise behaviour. In line with previous research, both Study I and II demonstrated identified regulation as playing a prominent role in the motivational processes, supporting the significance of internalizing the values behind a certain behaviour for the regulation of potentially challenging activities such as exercise. This is also why you don’t have to love it as long as it suits your life routines and feels valuable to you. A third key finding is related to the findings of Study III, which provide preliminary support for the notions behind “motivational soup” by showing motivational profiles based on person-centred analyses. Finally, in Study IV, amotivation was involved in significant main (time) effects and also played an unexpected role in the motivational processes of younger adults

    EXPLORING MOTIVATIONAL MECHANISMS IN EXERCISE BEHAVIOUR : Applying Self-determination theory in a person-centred approach

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    Involvement in physical activity (PA) and exercise behaviour is multifaceted and depends on bidirectional correlations between multiple factors; one avenue to increase the understanding of sustainable exercise behaviours would be to employ a motivational perspective. In this thesis, this was done by placing the primary focus on Self-determination theory (SDT) as a person-centred approach to study the motivational mechanisms believed to impact exercise behaviour based on the SDT process model. Study 1, conducted in a cross-sectional design, included 1,091 members of a web-based exercise service. Based on sophisticated mediation analysis, the results support the hypothesized associations between latent constructs and exercise behaviour in the related steps of the SDT process model. Moreover, moderating effects were discovered, demonstrating that these associations could differ in different subgroups based on gender and age. The results of Study 1 thereby represent a first indication that exercise intervention design might benefit from slightly different approaches when addressing different demographical groups like gender and age. Study 2 was conducted in a two-wave RCT design to test an SDT-informed intervention on 64 voluntary participants. Components of Motivational interviewing (MI), the Relapse prevention model (RPM) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) were used as practical application guidelines to deliver the intervention content. Results showed intervention effects on exercise level, exercise intensity and motivation quality as well as mediating effects of the RAI (Relative Autonomy Index; an index of the degree of self-determination), and identified regulation in relation to exercise behaviour. The experimental group also demonstrated significantly lower levels of extrinsic motivation than the control group post-intervention. Besides strong support for applying the basic tenets of SDT in the exercise domain, there are some main findings in this thesis. First of all, self-determined motivation was found to act as a mediating variable in the relationship between psychological need satisfaction and exercise, and these patterns of indirect effects differed across age and gender. This indicates that mechanisms in the SDT process model could vary (qualitatively) depending on subgroup, which carries potential implications for practice. Second, the results of Study 2 also provide evidence that the mediating mechanisms of the process model could be manipulated in an intervention, e.g. by creating need-supportive environments facilitating internalization and subsequent exercise behaviour. Furthermore, both studies demonstrated that identified regulation plays a prominent role in the motivational processes, supporting the significance of promoting internalization in activities like exercise. Finally, this thesis represents prospective value for the utility of employing a polytheoretical approach in exercise intervention design, more specifically regarding the prosperous outlooks in combining SDT with other theories and methods.Motion och fysisk aktivitet är multifacetterade beteenden som påverkas av komplexa samband mellan en mängd olika faktorer och ett sätt öka förståelsen för mekanismerna bakom hållbara motionsbeteenden är att studera motivationsrelaterade förhållanden och förutsättningar. Denna licentiatavhandling har därför en personcentrerad ansats som baseras på en deskriptiv processmodell som ingår i Självbestämmandeteorin (Self-determination theory; SDT). I Studie 1 genomfördes en tvärsnittsstudie på 1091 medlemmar i en web-baserad motionstjänst och avancerade medieringsanalyser genererade stöd för de hypotetiska relationerna mellan latenta variabler och motionsbeteende i processmodellen. Analyserna visade även modereringseffekter genom att dessa relationer skilde sig åt mellan grupper baserade på kön och ålder. Resultaten representerar därmed en första indikation på att utformandet av motionsinterventioner eventuellt kan gynnas av att anpassas till olika demografiska grupper, t ex baserat på kön och ålder. I Studie 2 genomfördes en intervention på 64 frivilliga deltagare i form av en RCT-design med två mätpunkter. Det SDT-baserade innehållet i interventionen förmedlades med hjälp av praktiska riktlinjer från metoderna Motiverande samtal (MI), Återfallsprevention (RPM) och Kognitiv beteendeterapi (CBT). Resultaten visade interventionseffekter på motionsbeteenden (mängd och intensitet), samt medieringseffekter av RAI (Relative Autonomy Index; ett index på graden av självbestämmande) och identifierad reglering i relation till motionsbeteende. Experimentgruppen uppvisade även lägre nivåer av yttre motivation än kontrollgruppen efter interventionen. Båda studierna är därmed i linje med det växande empiriska stödet för applicering av SDT inom motionsområdet och bidrar på flera sätt till kunskapsutvecklingen om motivationsrelaterade mekanismer. Det främsta bidraget är att självbestämmande motivation visade sig fungera som en medierande variabel i relationen mellan tillfredsställelse av psykologiska basbehov och motionsbeteende och att dessa latenta effekter skilde sig åt utifrån deltagarnas kön och ålder. Detta pekar på att mekanismerna i processmodellen kan variera i olika grupper, vilket skulle kunna påverka eventuella praktiska implikationer för framtida interventionsdesign. Vidare indikerar resultaten i Studie 2 att medieringsmekanismerna i processmodellen är möjliga att manipulera i en intervention, exempelvis genom att skapa stödjande miljöer som främjar internalisering och därigenom efterföljande motionsbeteenden. Båda studierna visar även att identifierad reglering har en viktig funktion i motivationsprocessen, vilket understryker betydelsen av att främja internalisering i aktiviteter som motion. Slutligen finns det argument för värdet av att anta en poly-teoretisk ansats i skapandet av motionsinterventioner, framförallt genom att kombinera SDT med andra teorier och metoder

    EXPLORING MOTIVATIONAL MECHANISMS IN EXERCISE BEHAVIOUR : Applying Self-determination theory in a person-centred approach

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    Involvement in physical activity (PA) and exercise behaviour is multifaceted and depends on bidirectional correlations between multiple factors; one avenue to increase the understanding of sustainable exercise behaviours would be to employ a motivational perspective. In this thesis, this was done by placing the primary focus on Self-determination theory (SDT) as a person-centred approach to study the motivational mechanisms believed to impact exercise behaviour based on the SDT process model. Study 1, conducted in a cross-sectional design, included 1,091 members of a web-based exercise service. Based on sophisticated mediation analysis, the results support the hypothesized associations between latent constructs and exercise behaviour in the related steps of the SDT process model. Moreover, moderating effects were discovered, demonstrating that these associations could differ in different subgroups based on gender and age. The results of Study 1 thereby represent a first indication that exercise intervention design might benefit from slightly different approaches when addressing different demographical groups like gender and age. Study 2 was conducted in a two-wave RCT design to test an SDT-informed intervention on 64 voluntary participants. Components of Motivational interviewing (MI), the Relapse prevention model (RPM) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) were used as practical application guidelines to deliver the intervention content. Results showed intervention effects on exercise level, exercise intensity and motivation quality as well as mediating effects of the RAI (Relative Autonomy Index; an index of the degree of self-determination), and identified regulation in relation to exercise behaviour. The experimental group also demonstrated significantly lower levels of extrinsic motivation than the control group post-intervention. Besides strong support for applying the basic tenets of SDT in the exercise domain, there are some main findings in this thesis. First of all, self-determined motivation was found to act as a mediating variable in the relationship between psychological need satisfaction and exercise, and these patterns of indirect effects differed across age and gender. This indicates that mechanisms in the SDT process model could vary (qualitatively) depending on subgroup, which carries potential implications for practice. Second, the results of Study 2 also provide evidence that the mediating mechanisms of the process model could be manipulated in an intervention, e.g. by creating need-supportive environments facilitating internalization and subsequent exercise behaviour. Furthermore, both studies demonstrated that identified regulation plays a prominent role in the motivational processes, supporting the significance of promoting internalization in activities like exercise. Finally, this thesis represents prospective value for the utility of employing a polytheoretical approach in exercise intervention design, more specifically regarding the prosperous outlooks in combining SDT with other theories and methods.Motion och fysisk aktivitet är multifacetterade beteenden som påverkas av komplexa samband mellan en mängd olika faktorer och ett sätt öka förståelsen för mekanismerna bakom hållbara motionsbeteenden är att studera motivationsrelaterade förhållanden och förutsättningar. Denna licentiatavhandling har därför en personcentrerad ansats som baseras på en deskriptiv processmodell som ingår i Självbestämmandeteorin (Self-determination theory; SDT). I Studie 1 genomfördes en tvärsnittsstudie på 1091 medlemmar i en web-baserad motionstjänst och avancerade medieringsanalyser genererade stöd för de hypotetiska relationerna mellan latenta variabler och motionsbeteende i processmodellen. Analyserna visade även modereringseffekter genom att dessa relationer skilde sig åt mellan grupper baserade på kön och ålder. Resultaten representerar därmed en första indikation på att utformandet av motionsinterventioner eventuellt kan gynnas av att anpassas till olika demografiska grupper, t ex baserat på kön och ålder. I Studie 2 genomfördes en intervention på 64 frivilliga deltagare i form av en RCT-design med två mätpunkter. Det SDT-baserade innehållet i interventionen förmedlades med hjälp av praktiska riktlinjer från metoderna Motiverande samtal (MI), Återfallsprevention (RPM) och Kognitiv beteendeterapi (CBT). Resultaten visade interventionseffekter på motionsbeteenden (mängd och intensitet), samt medieringseffekter av RAI (Relative Autonomy Index; ett index på graden av självbestämmande) och identifierad reglering i relation till motionsbeteende. Experimentgruppen uppvisade även lägre nivåer av yttre motivation än kontrollgruppen efter interventionen. Båda studierna är därmed i linje med det växande empiriska stödet för applicering av SDT inom motionsområdet och bidrar på flera sätt till kunskapsutvecklingen om motivationsrelaterade mekanismer. Det främsta bidraget är att självbestämmande motivation visade sig fungera som en medierande variabel i relationen mellan tillfredsställelse av psykologiska basbehov och motionsbeteende och att dessa latenta effekter skilde sig åt utifrån deltagarnas kön och ålder. Detta pekar på att mekanismerna i processmodellen kan variera i olika grupper, vilket skulle kunna påverka eventuella praktiska implikationer för framtida interventionsdesign. Vidare indikerar resultaten i Studie 2 att medieringsmekanismerna i processmodellen är möjliga att manipulera i en intervention, exempelvis genom att skapa stödjande miljöer som främjar internalisering och därigenom efterföljande motionsbeteenden. Båda studierna visar även att identifierad reglering har en viktig funktion i motivationsprocessen, vilket understryker betydelsen av att främja internalisering i aktiviteter som motion. Slutligen finns det argument för värdet av att anta en poly-teoretisk ansats i skapandet av motionsinterventioner, framförallt genom att kombinera SDT med andra teorier och metoder

    Short report: moderations in exercise motivation – gender and age moderates the relations of motivation quality and exercise behavior

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    Aims Self-determined motivation has been found to be an important predictor of exercise behavior. Findings on gender and age differences are however mixed and previous research has called for studies to examine gender and age as potential moderating factors as they might influence how motivation quality affects exercise behavior. Methods Embedded in a controlled trial of a digital intervention aiming to promote exercise motivation, this study examined specific (longitudinal) pathways related to motivation quality, psychological need satisfaction and exercise behavior within the self-determination theory (SDT) process model in a sample of 318 adult employees. The participants completed web-based versions of Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, Behavioural Regulations in Exercise Questionnaire-2, and Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire three times during a six weeks period. Results Moderation analyses revealed significant gender and age differences in the associations of motivation quality, basic psychological needs and exercise behavior over time. Several paths in the SDT-process model, linking psychological needs and motivation quality to exercise behavior, were moderated by gender and age. The stipulated mechanisms between exercise, motivation and psychological need satisfaction in the SDT-process model revealed to be stronger for women than for men, and stronger for older adults than for younger and middle-aged adults. The effect of amotivation on exercise was also significantly moderated by age in the full sample, by positively predicting light exercise for younger adults. Conclusions Future recommendations are related to the examination of potential differences in opportunities of autonomy support in the social context based on factors such as gender and age, and also to further examine these factors as potential moderators instead of statistically controlling them as default

    Need satisfaction, motivational regulations and exercise : moderation and mediation effects

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    Background: Based on the Self-determination theory process model, this study aimed to explore relationships between the latent constructs of psychological need satisfaction, autonomous motivation and exercise behaviour; the mediational role of autonomous motivation in the association of psychological need satisfaction with exercise behaviour; as well as gender and age differences in the aforementioned associations. Methods: Adult active members of an Internet-based exercise program (n = 1,091) between 18 and 78 years of age completed a test battery on motivational aspects based on Self-determination theory. The Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2 were used to measure need satisfaction and type of motivation and the Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire to measure self-reported exercise. Results: Need satisfaction predicted autonomous motivation, which in turn predicted exercise, especially for women. Autonomous motivation was found to mediate the association between need satisfaction and exercise. Age and gender moderated several of the paths in the model linking need satisfaction with motivation and exercise. Conclusions: The results demonstrated gender and age differences in the proposed sequential mechanisms between autonomous motivation and exercise in the process model. This study thus highlights a potential value in considering moderating factors and the need to further examine the underlying mechanisms between needs, autonomous motivation, and exercise behaviour. This research has been financially supported by the Centre for Person-Centred Care at Gothenburg University; Halmstad University; Health Technology Centre Halland; Tappa Service AB and the European Regional Development Fund.</p