239 research outputs found

    Purely radiative perfect fluids

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    We study `purely radiative' (div E = div H = 0) and geodesic perfect fluids with non-constant pressure and show that the Bianchi class A perfect fluids can be uniquely characterized --modulo the class of purely electric and (pseudo-)spherically symmetric universes-- as those models for which the magnetic and electric part of the Weyl tensor and the shear are simultaneously diagonalizable. For the case of constant pressure the same conclusion holds provided one also assumes that the fluid is irrotational.Comment: 12 pages, minor grammatical change

    Intravenous Semelil (ANGIPARS�) as a novel therapy for pressure ulcers: A randomized clinical trial

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    The prevalence of pressure ulcers of the foot is a major health care problem in frail elderly patients. A pressure sore dramatically increases the cost of medical and nursing care, and effective treatment has always been an essential nursing concern. Management options for pressure ulcers include local wound care; surgical repair and, more recently, topical application of growth factors. The main goal of this study was to examine the effects of intravenous treatment of Semelil (ANGIPARS�), a new herbal extract in patients with severe, noninfected pressure ulcers of the foot. As a randomized clinical trial, 18 patients with pressure ulcers were recruited from Vali-e-Asr hospital, Medical Sciences/University of Tehran, Iran. Nine patients received intravenous Semelil (ANGIPARS�) besides to conventional therapy and nine received only conventional treatment. At the baseline, the treatment and control groups did not differ across demographic variables, clinical characteristics, and functional measures. The mean surface areas of the ulcers were reduced 43.2 ± 57.4 cm2 (80.3) and 2.8± 6.2 cm2 (6.3) in the treatment and control groups, respectively (p=0.000). The average reduction in pressure ulcer area at four weeks was statistically and clinically greater in the treatment group than in the control group So, intravenous Semelil (ANGIPARS�) can be recommended as an effective treatment for patients with severe pressure ulcers

    Topical application of Semelil (ANGIPARS�) in treatment of pressure ulcers: A randomized clinical trial

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    Pressure ulcers are one of the major health care problems and results in a substantial amount of burden for both patients and health services. The aim of this study was to appraise effectiveness of topical Semelil (ANGIPARS�), a naive herbal extract, in pressure ulcers As a randomized controlled clinical trial, 18 patients with pressure ulcers were recruited from Vali-e-Asr hospital, Medical Sciences/ University of Tehran, Iran. Nine patients received topical Semelil (ANGIPARS�) during hospitalization and nine other patients received conventional treatment. Baseline characteristics of the topical and control groups did not differ across demographic, clinical and functional measures. The mean surface areas of the ulcers were reduced 48.2 ± 85.3 cm2 (78.3) and 2.8± 6.2 cm2 (6.3) in the treatment and control groups, respectively (p=0.000). From the results of this study it may be concluded that the use of topical Semelil (ANGIPARS�) with conventional treatment is more effective than those of only conventional treatment for patients with pressure ulcers

    The application of electromagnetic measurements for the assessment of skin passed steel samples

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    This paper begins by exploring the relationship between magnetic properties such as coercive field, RMS Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN), initial and differential permeability and percentage elongation of skin passed samples for three different steels; interstitial free, micro alloyed and dual phase. A closed magnetic loop system is used to measure the fundamental magnetisation properties and a system based on an impedance analyser and a cylindrical coil is used to determine low field differential permeability. The results show that coercive field increases consistently with increasing percentage elongation for all three steels, as increasing material hardness causes an increase in magnetic hardness and a corresponding increase in coercive field. This effect levels off at higher values as dislocation density saturates. As would be expected, the inverse trend is observed for differential permeability. Similar results are also reported for MBN and initial and low field differential permeability measurements for the interstitial free and dual phase steel, but the behaviour for the micro alloyed samples appears to be more complex. Finally, the paper considers the response of two on-line measurement systems that exploit these magnetic relations. The first system applies pulse excitation and measures the resulting remnant magnetisation and the second analyses the harmonic response from AC excitation. Both systems can detect microstructural changes associated with varying magnetic properties during strip production

    Unusual complications after occupational exposure to giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum): A case report

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    Exposure to giant hogweed brings about the risk of serious skin damage, usually in the form of phytophotodermatitis. Initially, skin changes are signaled by a burning sensation, followed by a vesiculobullous rash and long-term hyperpigmentation. Usually, skin disorders improve after the application of topical and oral corticosteroids. In extremely rare instances, full skin thickness burns or epidermal necrosis occur. The study presents a case of occupational exposure to hogweed, which resulted in extensive skin lesions leading to the disablement of a 27-year-old man. The principles of procedure to be followed when contact with giant hogweed is an occupational hazard are also outlined

    Customized clinical practice guidelines for management of adult cataract in Iran

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    Purpose: To customize clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for cataract management in the Iranian population. Methods: First, four CPGs (American Academy of Ophthalmology 2006 and 2011, Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2010, and Canadian Ophthalmological Society 2008) were selected from a number of available CPGs in the literature for cataract management. All recommendations of these guidelines, together with their references, were studied. Each recommendation was summarized in 4 tables. The first table showed the recommendation itself in clinical question components format along with its level of evidence. The second table contained structured abstracts of supporting articles related to the clinical question with their levels of evidence. The third table included the customized recommendation of the internal group respecting its clinical advantage, cost, and complications. In the fourth table, the internal group their recommendations from 1 to 9 based on the customizing capability of the recommendation (applicability, acceptability, external validity). Finally, customized recommendations were sent one month prior to a consensus session to faculty members of all universities across the country asking for their comments on recommendations. Results: The agreed recommendations were accepted as conclusive while those with no agreement were discussed at the consensus session. Finally, all customized recommendations were codified as 80 recommendations along with their sources and levels of evidence for the Iranian population. Conclusion: Customization of CPGs for management of adult cataract for the Iranian population seems to be useful for standardization of referral, diagnosis and treatment of patients. © 2015 Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

    Air quality and urban sustainable development: the application of machine learning tools

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    [EN] Air quality has an efect on a population¿s quality of life. As a dimension of sustainable urban development, governments have been concerned about this indicator. This is refected in the references consulted that have demonstrated progress in forecasting pollution events to issue early warnings using conventional tools which, as a result of the new era of big data, are becoming obsolete. There are a limited number of studies with applications of machine learning tools to characterize and forecast behavior of the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainable development as they pertain to air quality. This article presents an analysis of studies that developed machine learning models to forecast sustainable development and air quality. Additionally, this paper sets out to present research that studied the relationship between air quality and urban sustainable development to identify the reliability and possible applications in diferent urban contexts of these machine learning tools. To that end, a systematic review was carried out, revealing that machine learning tools have been primarily used for clustering and classifying variables and indicators according to the problem analyzed, while tools such as artifcial neural networks and support vector machines are the most widely used to predict diferent types of events. The nonlinear nature and synergy of the dimensions of sustainable development are of great interest for the application of machine learning tools.Molina-Gómez, NI.; Díaz-Arévalo, JL.; López Jiménez, PA. (2021). Air quality and urban sustainable development: the application of machine learning tools. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 18(4):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-020-02896-6S118184Al-Dabbous A, Kumar P, Khan A (2017) Prediction of airborne nanoparticles at roadside location using a feed–forward artificial neural network. Atmos Pollut Res 8:446–454. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2016.11.004Antanasijević D, Pocajt V, Povrenović D, Ristić M, Perić-Grujić A (2013) PM10 emission forecasting using artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm input variable optimization. Sci Total Environ 443:511–519. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.110Brink H, Richards JW, Fetherolf M (2016) Real-world machine learning. Richards JW, Fetherolf M (eds) Manning Publications Co. Berkeley, CA. https://www.manning.com/books/real-world-machine-learning. Accessed 26 Apr 2020Cervone G, Franzese P, Ezber Y, Boybeyi Z (2008) Risk assessment of atmospheric emissions using machine learning. 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    Tamoxifen Is Effective in the Treatment of Leishmania amazonensis Infections in Mice

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    Leishmaniasis is an antropozoonotic disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. In humans, signs of disease vary from skin and mucosal ulcers to enlargement of internal organs such as the liver and spleen. The unicellular parasite Leishmania amazonensis is able to infect humans and cause localized or diffuse skin lesions. The treatment for this disease is difficult, as it requires prolonged and painful applications of toxic drugs that are poorly tolerated. Therefore, a key area in leishmaniasis research is the study of new therapeutic schemes and less toxic drugs. The present report is based on the investigation of tamoxifen's activity (a compound that has been in clinical use since the 1970s for the treatment of breast cancer) in the treatment of mice experimentally infected with L. amazonensis. We observed that infected mice treated with 20 mg/kg/day of tamoxifen for 15 days showed a significant clinical and parasitological response, with reduction in the size of lesions and ulcers and decreased numbers of parasites. These promising results pave the way for further testing of this drug as a new alternative in the chemotherapy of leishmaniasis