114 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penurunan perekonomian akibat pandemi covid 19 terjadi hampir di seluruh wilayah di dunia. Memasuki 2023 pasca pandemi covid 19, pemulihan ekonomi menjadi fokus utama, penguatan UMKM dengan pemberian bantuan modal usaha melalui zakat produktif dapat menjadi salah satu jawaban untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dalam Hukum Positif Indonesia tentang pengelolaan zakat diatur oleh Undang-undang Nomor 23 tahun 2011 Tentang pengelolaan zakat. Pada Peraturan Menteri Agama Nomor 52 Tahun 2014 diatur lebih lanjut mengenai pendayagunaan zakat untuk usaha produktif. Yayasan Baitu Mal (YBM) BRILiaN Regional Office (RO) Padang melaksanakan pendistribusian dana zakat melalui sektor ekonomi secara produktif dalam Mustahik Income Generating Program (MIGP). Oleh karena itu penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian ini dengan rumusan masalah (1)Bagaimana pelaksanaan zakat produktif dalam program MIGP YBM BRILiaN RO Padang, (2)Bagaimana pertanggungjawaban dana zakat produktif yang diterima mustahiq dalam program MIGP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Program MIGP sebagai salah satu program pendayagunaan zakat produktif berupa pemberian stimulus modal usaha dan pendampingan usaha selama satu tahun. Program MIGP sendiri terbagi dalam tiga basis program yaitu pemberian bantuan usaha secara personal (Gerobak BRILIiaN), berbasis kelompok (Comunity Base) dan berbasis kawasan (Social Enterprise Base). Melakukan studi kelayakan, verifikasi kemustahikan, pendampingan, pelatihan, dan pengawasan dari YBM BRILiaN menjadi bagian pertanggungjawaban agar dana zakat produktif benar-benar meningkatkan produktifitas. Penerima manfaat memiliki tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan usaha secara sungguh-sungguh, mengikuti rangkaian pendampingan, pelatihan, dan evaluasi, serta membuat laporan keuangan dan kemajuan usaha secara berkala. Dan hal ini membawa dampak yang baik dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan sosial pelaku usaha sebagai penerima manfaat. Mewujudkan perbaikan ekonomi dan pemberdayaan bagi pelaku usaha yang awalnya tergolong mustahiq menjadi mampu sebagai muzakki. Kata Kunci: Zakat Produktif, Pendayagunaan, Kesejahteraan Sosia

    SNP-based quantitative deconvolution of biological mixtures: application to the detection of cows with subclinical mastitis by whole-genome sequencing of tank milk.

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    peer reviewedBiological products of importance in food (e.g., milk) and medical (e.g., donor blood-derived products) sciences often correspond to mixtures of samples contributed by multiple individuals. Identifying which individuals contributed to the mixture and in what proportions may be of interest in several circumstances. We herein present a method that allows to do this by shallow whole-genome sequencing of the DNA in mixed samples from hundreds of donors. We show the efficacy of the approach for the detection of cows with subclinical mastitis by analysis of farms' tank mixtures containing milk from as many as 500 cows


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of online learning on blood circulation using a problem based learning model at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Batu City. The type of research used is a case study (explorative descriptive). The time of the study began in August 2021. The place of research was carried out at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Batu City. The research procedure includes: preparation and coordination with partner schools as research locations. Coordination with schools and subject teachers involved in research activities to get an agreement, including: 1) the class used for research; 2) model teachers who develop tools and strategies in research activities starting from Plan, Do, and See; 3) the material or topic being taught; and 4) observer who is in charge of observing research activities during open class. The method of collecting research data is by looking at the implementation of the research and discussing the findings in the study. Descriptive data analysis technique. The results showed that, the use of problem based learning models online or online in terms of the implementation of the plan, open class, and see went smoothly, there was an increase in student participation from open class I to open class II. Model teachers use various innovations in learning, including: breakout room google meet, heartbeat media, linoid, quiziz, and problem based learning models

    The RasGAP-associated endoribonuclease G3BP assembles stress granules

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    Stress granules (SGs) are formed in the cytoplasm in response to various toxic agents, and are believed to play a critical role in the regulation of mRNA metabolism during stress. In SGs, mRNAs are stored in an abortive translation initiation complex that can be routed to either translation initiation or degradation. Here, we show that G3BP, a phosphorylation-dependent endoribonuclease that interacts with RasGAP, is recruited to SGs in cells exposed to arsenite. G3BP may thus determine the fate of mRNAs during cellular stress. Remarkably, SG assembly can be either dominantly induced by G3BP overexpression, or on the contrary, inhibited by expressing a central domain of G3BP. This region binds RasGAP and contains serine 149, whose dephosphorylation is induced by arsenite treatment. Critically, a phosphomimetic mutant (S149E) fails to oligomerize and to assemble SGs, whereas a nonphosphorylatable G3BP mutant (S149A) does both. These results suggest that G3BP is an effector of SG assembly, and that Ras signaling contributes to this process by regulating G3BP dephosphorylation

    Benchmarking phasing software with a whole-genome sequenced cattle pedigree.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Accurate haplotype reconstruction is required in many applications in quantitative and population genomics. Different phasing methods are available but their accuracy must be evaluated for samples with different properties (population structure, marker density, etc.). We herein took advantage of whole-genome sequence data available for a Holstein cattle pedigree containing 264 individuals, including 98 trios, to evaluate several population-based phasing methods. This data represents a typical example of a livestock population, with low effective population size, high levels of relatedness and long-range linkage disequilibrium. RESULTS: After stringent filtering of our sequence data, we evaluated several population-based phasing programs including one or more versions of AlphaPhase, ShapeIT, Beagle, Eagle and FImpute. To that end we used 98 individuals having both parents sequenced for validation. Their haplotypes reconstructed based on Mendelian segregation rules were considered the gold standard to assess the performance of population-based methods in two scenarios. In the first one, only these 98 individuals were phased, while in the second one, all the 264 sequenced individuals were phased simultaneously, ignoring the pedigree relationships. We assessed phasing accuracy based on switch error counts (SEC) and rates (SER), lengths of correctly phased haplotypes and the probability that there is no phasing error between a pair of SNPs as a function of their distance. For most evaluated metrics or scenarios, the best software was either ShapeIT4.1 or Beagle5.2, both methods resulting in particularly high phasing accuracies. For instance, ShapeIT4.1 achieved a median SEC of 50 per individual and a mean haplotype block length of 24.1 Mb (scenario 2). These statistics are remarkable since the methods were evaluated with a map of 8,400,000 SNPs, and this corresponds to only one switch error every 40,000 phased informative markers. When more relatives were included in the data (scenario 2), FImpute3.0 reconstructed extremely long segments without errors. CONCLUSIONS: We report extremely high phasing accuracies in a typical livestock sample. ShapeIT4.1 and Beagle5.2 proved to be the most accurate, particularly for phasing long segments and in the first scenario. Nevertheless, most tools achieved high accuracy at short distances and would be suitable for applications requiring only local haplotypes

    The virulome of Streptomyces scabiei in response to cello- oligosaccharide elicitors

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    The development of spots or lesions symptomatic of common scab on root and tuber crops is caused by few pathogenic Streptomyces with Streptomyces scabiei 87–22 as the model species. Thaxtomin phytotoxins are the primary virulence determinants, mainly acting by impairing cellulose synthesis, and their production in S. scabiei is in turn boosted by cello-oligosaccharides released from host plants. In this work we aimed to determine which molecules and which biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) of the specialized metabolism of S. scabiei 87–22 show a production and/or a transcriptional response to cello-oligosaccharides. Comparative metabolomic analyses revealed that molecules of the virulome of S. scabiei induced by cellobiose and cellotriose include (i) thaxtomin and concanamycin phytotoxins, (ii) desferrioxamines, scabichelin and turgichelin siderophores in order to acquire iron essential for housekeeping functions, (iii) ectoine for protection against osmotic shock once inside the host, and (iv) bottromycin and concanamycin antimicrobials possibly to prevent other microorganisms from colonizing the same niche. Importantly, both cello-oligosaccharides reduced the production of the spore germination inhibitors germicidins thereby giving the ‘green light’ to escape dormancy and trigger the onset of the pathogenic lifestyle. For most metabolites - either with induced or reduced production - cellotriose was revealed to be a slightly stronger elicitor compared to cellobiose, supporting an earlier hypothesis which suggested the trisaccharide was the real trigger for virulence released from the plant cell wall through the action of thaxtomins. Interestingly, except for thaxtomins, none of these BGCs’ expression seems to be under direct control of the cellulose utilization repressor CebR suggesting the existence of a yet unknown mechanism for switching on the virulome. Finally, a transcriptomic analysis revealed nine additional cryptic BGCs that have their expression awakened by cello-oligosaccharides, suggesting that other and yet to be discovered metabolites could be part of the virulome of S. scabiei
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