25 research outputs found

    Feminism and Intra-Gender Relations in Africa: A Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

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    Feminism is the principle that stipulates that women be given political, economic and social rights equal to those of men. It is also the movement that seeks to raise vibrant women who will be culturally influential and politically powerful. Therefore, it seeks to demand for representation and recognition of women and to wage war against sexual discrimination in the labour force, in education and all works of life. This paper aims to assess the ideology of feminism and feminist criticism, with the view to affirm its success in Africa over the years while focusing on intra-gender relations among women as reflected in Gynotexts (literary texts written by women). It is discovered that the relationship between female characters in gynotexts if left as it is does not promote the feminist ideology but is inimical to it. This is because the lack of healthy sisterhood, though not inherent, but is constituting a distraction to the actualization of the goals of the feminist movement in Africa

    Evaluating Model Fit of Measurement Models in Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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    Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) are often used in psychological research when developing measurement models for psychological constructs. Evaluating CFA model fit can be quite challenging, as tests for exact model fit may focus on negligible deviances, while fit indices cannot be interpreted absolutely without specifying thresholds or cutoffs. In this study, we review how model fit in CFA is evaluated in psychological research using fit indices and compare the reported values with established cutoff rules. For this, we collected data on all CFA models in Psychological Assessment from the years 2015 to 2020 (Formula presented.). In addition, we reevaluate model fit with newly developed methods that derive fit index cutoffs that are tailored to the respective measurement model and the data characteristics at hand. The results of our review indicate that the model fit in many studies has to be seen critically, especially with regard to the usually imposed independent clusters constraints. In addition, many studies do not fully report all results that are necessary to re-evaluate model fit. We discuss these findings against new developments in model fit evaluation and methods for specification search

    Abstracts of the 33rd International Austrian Winter Symposium : Zell am See, Austria. 24-27 January 2018.

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    For the Female Intercessor’s Sake? Protection vs Protectionism in Roman and Austrian Civil Law

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    Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Konstruktion von Schutznormen in der römischen Antike und im aktuellen österreichischen Recht. Bezug genommen wird dabei auf die jeweiligen (proklamierten) Interzedent:innenschutzsysteme – das römisch-rechtliche Senatus Consultum Velleianum, dessen Vorgänge-Edikte und klassische Interpretation einerseits, die §§ 98 EheG, 41 EPG, 25a-d KSchG und die OGH-Judikatur zur Sittenwidrigkeit von Angehörigenbürgschaften andererseits. Ferner werden drei Kriterien zur Verortung von Schutznormen im Spannungsverhältnis von „protection“ und „protectionism“ vorgeschlagen – juristische Begründung, Normzweck und Betroffenen-Perspektive – sowie zur Kategorisierung der erörterten Schutzmechanismen eingesetzt.This article elaborates on the construction of protective rules in different periods of time, drawing upon provisions aimed at protecting intercessors. On the one hand, the ancient Roman Senatus Consultum Velleianum, its predecessors and its interpretation in the case law of classical jurists are addressed. On the other hand, the pertinent provisions of Austrian civil law [§§ 98 EheG, 41 EPG, 25a-d KSchG] and the OGH case law that draws upon § 879 (1) ABGB are being analysed. This paper, furthermore, puts forward three criteria for distinguishing between (adequate) “protection” and (discriminatory) “protectionism”– those being jurists’ reasoning, the purpose of the rule in question and the perspective(s) of the persons concerned – and shows how they may be fruitfully applied with regard to the above-mentioned provisions

    Evaluating Model Fit of Measurement Models in Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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