318 research outputs found

    Cellular Automata and Powers of p/qp/q

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    We consider one-dimensional cellular automata Fp,qF_{p,q} which multiply numbers by p/qp/q in base pqpq for relatively prime integers pp and qq. By studying the structure of traces with respect to Fp,qF_{p,q} we show that for p≥2q−1p\geq 2q-1 (and then as a simple corollary for p>q>1p>q>1) there are arbitrarily small finite unions of intervals which contain the fractional parts of the sequence ξ(p/q)n\xi(p/q)^n, (n=0,1,2,…n=0,1,2,\dots) for some ξ>0\xi>0. To the other direction, by studying the measure theoretical properties of Fp,qF_{p,q}, we show that for p>q>1p>q>1 there are finite unions of intervals approximating the unit interval arbitrarily well which don't contain the fractional parts of the whole sequence ξ(p/q)n\xi(p/q)^n for any ξ>0\xi>0.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in RAIRO-IT

    Tiling Problems on Baumslag-Solitar groups

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    We exhibit a weakly aperiodic tile set for Baumslag-Solitar groups, and prove that the domino problem is undecidable on these groups. A consequence of our construction is the existence of an arecursive tile set on Baumslag-Solitar groups.Comment: In Proceedings MCU 2013, arXiv:1309.104

    Statistical Mechanics of Surjective Cellular Automata

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    Reversible cellular automata are seen as microscopic physical models, and their states of macroscopic equilibrium are described using invariant probability measures. We establish a connection between the invariance of Gibbs measures and the conservation of additive quantities in surjective cellular automata. Namely, we show that the simplex of shift-invariant Gibbs measures associated to a Hamiltonian is invariant under a surjective cellular automaton if and only if the cellular automaton conserves the Hamiltonian. A special case is the (well-known) invariance of the uniform Bernoulli measure under surjective cellular automata, which corresponds to the conservation of the trivial Hamiltonian. As an application, we obtain results indicating the lack of (non-trivial) Gibbs or Markov invariant measures for "sufficiently chaotic" cellular automata. We discuss the relevance of the randomization property of algebraic cellular automata to the problem of approach to macroscopic equilibrium, and pose several open questions. As an aside, a shift-invariant pre-image of a Gibbs measure under a pre-injective factor map between shifts of finite type turns out to be always a Gibbs measure. We provide a sufficient condition under which the image of a Gibbs measure under a pre-injective factor map is not a Gibbs measure. We point out a potential application of pre-injective factor maps as a tool in the study of phase transitions in statistical mechanical models.Comment: 50 pages, 7 figure

    Decidability and Periodicity of Low Complexity Tilings

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    International audienceIn this paper we study colorings (or tilings) of the two-dimensional grid Z 2. A coloring is said to be valid with respect to a set P of n × m rectangular patterns if all n × m sub-patterns of the coloring are in P. A coloring c is said to be of low complexity with respect to a rectangle if there exist m, n ∈ N and a set P of n × m rectangular patterns such that c is valid with respect to P and |P | ≤ nm. Open since it was stated in 1997, Nivat's conjecture states that such a coloring is necessarily periodic. If Nivat's conjecture is true, all valid colorings with respect to P such that |P | ≤ mn must be periodic. We prove that there exists at least one periodic coloring among the valid ones. We use this result to investigate the tiling problem, also known as the domino problem, which is well known to be undecidable in its full generality. However, we show that it is decidable in the low-complexity setting. Then, we use our result to show that Nivat's conjecture holds for uniformly recurrent configurations. These results also extend to other convex shapes in place of the rectangle. After that, we prove that the nm bound is multiplicatively optimal for the decidability of the domino problem, as for all ε > 0 it is undecidable to determine if there exists a valid coloring for a given m, n ∈ N and set of rectangular patterns P of size n×m such that |P | ≤ (1 + ε)nm. We prove a slightly better bound in the case where m = n, as well as constructing aperiodic SFTs of pretty low complexity. This paper is an extended version of a paper published in STACS 2020 (Kari and Moutot 2020)

    Pattern Generation by Cellular Automata (Invited Talk)

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    A one-dimensional cellular automaton is a discrete dynamical system where a sequence of symbols evolves synchronously according to a local update rule. We discuss simple update rules that make the automaton perform multiplications of numbers by a constant. If the constant and the number base are selected suitably the automaton becomes a universal pattern generator: all finite strings over its state alphabet appear from a finite seed. In particular we consider the automata that multiply by constants 3 and 3/2 in base 6. We discuss the connections of these automata to some difficult open questions in number theory, and we pose several further questions concerning pattern generation in cellular automata

    Decidability in Group Shifts and Group Cellular Automata

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    Many undecidable questions concerning cellular automata are known to be decidable when the cellular automaton has a suitable algebraic structure. Typical situations include linear cellular automata where the states come from a finite field or a finite commutative ring, and so-called additive cellular automata in the case the states come from a finite commutative group and the cellular automaton is a group homomorphism. In this paper we generalize the setup and consider so-called group cellular automata whose state set is any (possibly non-commutative) finite group and the cellular automaton is a group homomorphism. The configuration space may be any subshift that is a subgroup of the full shift and still many properties are decidable in any dimension of the cellular space. Decidable properties include injectivity, surjectivity, equicontinuity, sensitivity and nilpotency. Non-transitivity is semi-decidable. It also turns out that the the trace shift and the limit set can be effectively constructed, that injectivity always implies surjectivity, and that jointly periodic points are dense in the limit set. Our decidability proofs are based on developing algorithms to manipulate arbitrary group shifts, and viewing the set of space-time diagrams of group cellular automata as multidimensional group shifts

    Universal pattern generation by cellular automata

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    AbstractWe construct a reversible, one-dimensional cellular automaton that has the property that a finite initial configuration generates all finite patterns over its state alphabet. We also conjecture that a related cellular automaton satisfies the stronger property that every finite pattern gets generated in every position, so that the forward orbit of the finite initial configuration is dense

    Post-surjectivity and balancedness of cellular automata over groups

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    We discuss cellular automata over arbitrary finitely generated groups. We call a cellular automaton post-surjective if for any pair of asymptotic configurations, every pre-image of one is asymptotic to a pre-image of the other. The well known dual concept is pre-injectivity: a cellular automaton is pre-injective if distinct asymptotic configurations have distinct images. We prove that pre-injective, post-surjective cellular automata are reversible. Moreover, on sofic groups, post-surjectivity alone implies reversibility. We also prove that reversible cellular automata over arbitrary groups are balanced, that is, they preserve the uniform measure on the configuration space.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX "dmtcs-episciences" document class. Final version for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. Prepared according to the editor's request
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