16 research outputs found

    The principle of situated practice in literacy learning: students’ perspectives

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    O artigo resulta de uma investigação realizada no âmbito de uma iniciativa governamental destinada a melhorar os níveis de literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental em Portugal. A investigadora estudou as representações dos alunos sobre essa experiência por meio da realização de entrevistas em grupo. Este artigo analisa os dados referentes às representações dos alunos sobre uma das dimensões pedagógicas centrais da aprendizagem da literacia, nomeadamente a constituída pela prática situada. A análise qualitativa revela representações muito positivas sobre a prática que situou a aprendizagem, tendo os alunos expressado opiniões e sentimentos extremamente favoráveis sobre a prática de aprendizagem de literacia que experimentaram. A análise dos dados desvelou ainda que o contexto que situou a aprendizagem foi ativo, lúdico, colaborativo e mediado pelas TIC. Esses resultados fundamentam, do ponto de vista único dos próprios aprendentes, uma redefinição do entendimento atual do princípio da prática situada da literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, no sentido do reconhecimento da centralidade da ludicidade nessa aprendizagem.This article derives from research developed in the context of the implementation of a governmental initiative aimed to enhance literacy learning in primary education in Portugal. The researcher studied students’ representations about their learning experience through group interviews. This article focuses on data concerning students’ representations about one of the central pedagogical dimensions of literacy learning, namely situated practice. Qualitative analysis revealed students’ very positive representations about the practice which situated their learning, as they expressed extremely favourable opinions and feelings. Data analysis further unveiled that the context of learning was active, playful, collaborative, and mediated by ICT. Such results provide foundations for a theoretical redefinition of current conceptions of situated practice by evidencing the centrality of playfulness as learning practice in the education of the first grades of primary education. This is an original contribution made from the perspectives of learners themselves(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Narrative elaboration: Test of a new procedure for interviewing children.

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    Au croisement des pratiques et des représentations : regards sur le crédit dans la France du XIXe siècle | Appel à contributions

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    Au croisement des pratiques et des représentations : regards sur le crédit dans la France du XIXe siècle Journée d'étude organisée par Paris 1 (ISOR/ Centre de recherches en histoire du XIXe siècle) Mercredi 14 novembre 2012, salle 1 / Centre Panthéon L'histoire du crédit au XIXe siècle a longtemps été limitée à une approche purement économique et institutionnelle, celle du récit d'une modernisation, de la création et du fonctionnement des établissements de crédit. Mais cette histoire ne peut..

    Expert Testimony in Child Sexual Abuse Litigation

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    I. Introduction II. Admissibility of Expert Testimony ... A. General Rule of Admissibility ... B. Permissible Bases for Expert Testimony ... C. Qualifications of Expert Witnesses ... D. Form of Expert Testimony ... E. The Ultimate Issue Rule III. Expert Testimony Based on Novel Scientific Principles ... A. Why Special Admissibility Rules for Novel Scientific Evidence? ... B. Objecting to Novel Scientific Evidence ... C. The Frye Test ... D. Relevance Analysis IV. Categories of Expert Testimony on Child Sexual Abuse … A. Medical Evidence of Child Sexual Abuse ...1. Clinical and Scientific Information ... a. The Medical History ... b. The Physical Examination ... 2. Admissibility of Expert Medical Testimony Regarding Sexual Abuse ... B. Behavioral Science Testimony Describing Behaviors Commonly Observed in Sexually Abused Children ... 1. Clinical and Scientific Information ... 2. Expert Testimony on Behaviors Commonly Observed in Sexually Abused Children ... a. Logical Relevance of Expert Testimony on Behaviors Commonly Observed in Sexually Abused Children ... b. Case Law Regarding Expert Testimony on Behaviors Commonly Observed in Sexually Abused Children ... c. Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome ... d. Conclusion ... C. Behavioral Science Testimony on Whether a Child Was Sexually Abused ... 1. Clinical and Scientific Information ... 2. Admissibility of Expert Testimony on Whether Sexual Abuse Occurred ... a. Validation of Child Sexual Abuse in New York ... b. Case Law Regarding Expert Testimony on Whether Abuse Occurred ... c. Expert Testimony on Whether a Child Was Sexually Abused Should be Admissible in Appropriate Cases ... D. Behavioral Science Testimony to Rehabilitate a Child\u27s Credibility Following Impeachment in Which the Defendant Asserts that Behaviors Such as Recantation and Delay in Reporting Are Inconsistent with Allegations of Sexual Abuse ... 1. Clinical and Scientific Information ... 2. Expert Testimony to Rehabilitate Credibility ... E. Behavioral Science Testimony to Rehabilitate a Child\u27s Credibility Following Impeachment in Which the Defendant Argues that Developmental Differences between Adults and Children Render Children Less Credible Witnesses than Adults ... 1. Clinical and Scientific Information ... a. Memory ... b. Inconsistency ... c. Suggestibility ... d. Differentiating Fact from Fantasy ... e. Understanding Time ... 2. Behavioral Science Testimony Regarding Developmental Differences between Children and Adults ... F. Behavioral Science Testimony That a Particular Child, or Sexually Abused Children as a Class, Generally Tell the Truth about Sexual Abuse ... 1. Clinical and Scientific Information Regarding Credibility ... a. Subjective Truthfulness ... b. Perceived Accuracy ... c. Do Experts Possess Specialized Knowledge about Children\u27s Credibility That Could Assist Fact Finders?... 2. Judicial Response to Expert Testimony on Credibility ... 3. A Limited Role for Expert Testimony on Credibility? ... G. Expert Testimony Identifying the Perpetrator ... H. Behavioral Science Testimony Describing the Profile of Persons Who Abuse Children ...1. Clinical and Scientific Information ... a. Defining and Describing Paraphilia ... b. Etiological Theories of Paraphilia ... c. Psychological Evaluation of Sexual Offenders ... d. Treatment ... 2. Behavioral Science Testimony Regarding Offender Characteristics or Profiles ... a. Physical Abuse Cases ... b. Sexual Abuse Cases ... I. A New Concept: Court Appointed Experts on Child Development V. Conclusio