14 research outputs found

    The EU-project ERAPharm - Incentives for the further development of guidance documents? (4 pages)

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    -: Triggered by the detection of a large variety of pharmaceuticals in surface waters, soils and groundwaters across the world (e.g. Halling- Sørensen et al. 1998, Daughton & Ternes 1999, Jones et al. 2001, Heberer 2002) and the widespread occurrence of endocrine active compounds and related effects in the environment (e.g. Purdom et al. 1994, Tyler et al. 1998, Vethaak et al. 2002), pharmaceuticals in the environment have become an issue for both the scientific and the public community. During the last few years, our understanding of the fate and effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment has progressed significantly. However, there are still a number of uncertainties concerning the effects of pharmaceuticals on the environment and the assessment of potential exposure (e.g. Hanisch et al. 2004, Salomon 2005). These uncertainties will be addressed by the EU-project ‘Environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals' (ERAPharm). This project, a specific targeted research project, is carried out within the priority ‘Global change and ecosystems' of the 6th framework programme of the European Union. ERAPharm has started on 1st October 2004; the project duration is three year

    Arsen in Fließgewässern: Bericht: Auswirkung von Arsenbelastungen auf den ökologischen Zustand/Potential und Abgleich der Ergebnisse mit derzeitigen Umweltqualitätsnormen

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    Der Bericht informiert über den Versuch, Umweltziele für Arsen über den ökologischen Zustand nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie zu definieren. Die Artengemeinschaft reagiert auf erhöhte Arsenbelastungen mit nachweisbaren Veränderungen. Doch bilden die gültigen biologischen Verfahren die Belastung nicht adäquat ab. Umso wichtiger sind belastbare Umweltqualitätsnormen für die Ableitung realistischer Umweltziele. Für die Wasserphase wird eine Jahresdurchschnittskonzentration von 1,3 µg/l als plausibel eingeschätzt. Der ökologische Zustand kann dann „maximal mäßig“ sein. Diese wissenschaftliche Grundlagenarbeit unterstützt die Ableitung weniger strenger Umweltziele im Altbergbau

    Proposal for a Monitoring Concept for Veterinary Medicinal Products with PBT Properties, Using Parasiticides as a Case Study

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    The aim of this work is to prepare a proposal for the post-authorization monitoring (PAM) of veterinary medicinal products (VMP), in particular parasiticides. Such a monitoring might especially be useful for parasiticides identified as Persistence Bioaccumulation Toxicity (PBT) substances, i.e., chemicals that are toxic (T), persist in the environment (P) and bioaccumulate (B) in food chains and, thus, pose a hazard to ecosystems. Based on a literature search, issues to be considered when performing such a PAM are discussed (e.g., residue analysis, compartments to be included, selection of organisms and the duration of monitoring studies). The outcome of this discussion is that—and despite that there are huge challenges in detail (e.g., in terms of analytical chemistry or taxonomy)—the technical performance of such a PAM is not the main problem, since most of the chemical and biological methods to be used are well-known (partly even standardized) or could be adapted. However, it is very difficult to define in detail where and when a monitoring should be performed. The main problem is to link exposure to effects of a certain parasiticide in a way that any impact can directly be related to the use of this parasiticide. Therefore, a “Targeted Environmental Monitoring” (TEM) is proposed, which is essentially a combination between a field study and a PAM

    MOESM1 of Microplastics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment: sources (with a specific focus on personal care products), fate and effects

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Overview of ranges and mean or median values (underlined) of concentrations of microplastics (or, where specified, small plastic particles) in the marine environment based on Hidalgo-Ruz et al. [11] and selected recent publication. Table S2. Overview of ranges and mean or median values (underlined) of concentrations of microplastics (or, where specified, small plastic particles) in the freshwater environment. Table S3. Overview of effect concentrations derived in ecotoxicity tests with aquatic organisms exposed to microplastics

    Arsen in Fließgewässern: Bericht: Auswirkung von Arsenbelastungen auf den ökologischen Zustand/Potential und Abgleich der Ergebnisse mit derzeitigen Umweltqualitätsnormen

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    Der Bericht informiert über den Versuch, Umweltziele für Arsen über den ökologischen Zustand nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie zu definieren. Die Artengemeinschaft reagiert auf erhöhte Arsenbelastungen mit nachweisbaren Veränderungen. Doch bilden die gültigen biologischen Verfahren die Belastung nicht adäquat ab. Umso wichtiger sind belastbare Umweltqualitätsnormen für die Ableitung realistischer Umweltziele. Für die Wasserphase wird eine Jahresdurchschnittskonzentration von 1,3 µg/l als plausibel eingeschätzt. Der ökologische Zustand kann dann „maximal mäßig“ sein. Diese wissenschaftliche Grundlagenarbeit unterstützt die Ableitung weniger strenger Umweltziele im Altbergbau

    The oxidized state of the nanocomposite Carbo-Iron® causes no adverse effects on growth, survival and differential gene expression in zebrafish

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    For degradation of halogenated chemicals in groundwater Carbo-Iron®, a composite of activated carbon and nano-sized Fe0, was developed (Mackenzie et al., 2012). Potential effects of this nanocomposite on fish were assessed. Beyond the contaminated zone Fe0 can be expected to have oxidized and Carbo-Iron was used in its oxidized form in ecotoxicological tests.Potential effects of Carbo Iron in zebrafish (. Danio rerio) were investigated using a 48. h embryo toxicity test under static conditions, a 96. h acute test with adult fish under semi-static conditions and a 34 d fish early life stage test (FELST) in a flow-through system. Particle diameters in test suspensions were determined via dynamic light scattering (DLS) and ranged from 266 to 497. nm. Particle concentrations were measured weekly in samples from the FELST using a method based on the count rate in DLS. Additionally, uptake of particles into test organisms was investigated using microscopic methods. Furthermore, effects of Carbo-Iron on gene expression were investigated by microarray analysis in zebrafish embryos.In all tests performed, no significant lethal effects were observed. Furthermore, Carbo-Iron had no significant influence on weight and length of fish as determined in the FELST. In the embryo test and the early life stage test, growth of fungi on the chorion was observed at Carbo-Iron concentrations between 6.3 and 25. mg/L. Fungal growth did not affect survival, hatching success and growth. In the embryo test, no passage of Carbo-Iron particles into the perivitelline space or the embryo was observed. In juvenile and adult fish, Carbo-Iron was detected in the gut at the end of exposure. In juvenile fish exposed to Carbo-Iron for 29 d and subsequently kept for 5. d in control water, Carbo-Iron was no longer detectable in the gut. Global gene expression in zebrafish embryos was not significantly influenced by Carbo-Iron

    Oxidized carbo-iron causes reduced reproduction and lower tolerance of juveniles in the amphipod Hyalella azteca

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    For in situ remediation of groundwater contaminated by halogenated hydrocarbons Carbo-Iron®, a composite of microscale activated carbon and nano Fe0, was developed. Against the background of intended release of Carbo-Iron into the environment in concentrations in the g/L-range, potential ecotoxicological consequences were evaluated in the present study. The nano Fei0 in Carbo-Iron acts as reducing agent and is oxidized in aqueous systems by chlorinated solvents, groundwater constituents (e.g. dissolved oxygen) and anaerobic corrosion. As Carbo-Iron is generally oxidized rapidly after application into the environment, the oxidized state is environmentally most relevant, and Carbo-Iron was used in its oxidized form in the ecotoxicological tests. The amphipod Hyalella azteca was selected as a surrogate test species for functionally important groundwater crustaceans. Effects of Carbo-Iron on H. azteca were determined in a 10-d acute test, a 7-d feeding activity test and a 42-d chronic test. Additionally, a 56-d life cycle test was performed with a modified design to further evaluate effects of Carbo-Iron on adult H. azteca and their offspring. The size of Carbo-Iron particles in stock and test suspensions was determined via dynamic light scattering. Potential uptake of particles into test organisms was investigated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. At the termination of the feeding and acute toxicity test (i.e. after 7 and 10 d of exposure, respectively), Carbo-Iron had a significant effect on the weight, length and feeding rate of H. azteca at the highest test concentration of 100 mg/L. While an uptake of Carbo-Iron into the gut was observed, no passage into the surrounding tissue was detected. In both chronic tests, the number of offspring was the most sensitive endpoint and significant effects were recorded at concentrations ≥50 mg/L (42-d experiment) and ≥12.5 mg/L (56-d experiment). Parental exposure to oxidized Carbo-Iron significantly exacerbated the acute effects of the nanocomposite on the subsequent generation of H. azteca by a factor >10. The present study indicates risks for groundwater species at concentrations in the mg/L range. Carbo-Iron may exceed these effect concentrations in treated aquifers, but the presence of the pollutant has most likely impaired the quality of this habitat already. The benefit of remediation has to be regarded against the risk of ecological consequences with special consideration of the observed increasing sensitivity of juvenile H. azteca

    Comparison of the environmental properties of parasiticides and harmonisation of the basis for environmental assessment at the EU level

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    Parasiticides are veterinary pharmaceuticals very frequently used in pasture animals. Particularly substances of the classes of avermectins and milbemycins are very common. These substances are highly toxic to non-target organisms, often stable in the environment (persistent) and may potentially accumulative in organisms. The present project contributes to filling environmental data gaps for avermectins and milbemycins. In addition, risk management strategies for parasiticides used in pasture animals were evaluated with regard to their efficacy and practicability reducing the risk to dung or soil organisms