55 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of the experiment in the development of self- management skills among college students. The development of self-management skills in this case is seen to be the factor of the improvement of the readiness for professional flexibility among college students. The moderation technique was suggested as the condition of the effective development of self-management. This technique hasn’t become popular in the process of education in secondary technical schools yet. However, the moderation methods contain potential capacity which promotes the development of student’s individuality. It can be proved by the results introduced in this article.The article presents the results of the experiment in the development of self- management skills among college students. The development of self-management skills in this case is seen to be the factor of the improvement of the readiness for professional flexibility among college students. The moderation technique was suggested as the condition of the effective development of self-management. This technique hasn’t become popular in the process of education in secondary technical schools yet. However, the moderation methods contain potential capacity which promotes the development of student’s individuality. It can be proved by the results introduced in this article


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    The article suggests and theoretically reasons the set of models of readiness formation for the professional mobility through personal experience among college students. This set is the cooperation of competence, process and structural-functional models.The article suggests and theoretically reasons the set of models of readiness formation for the professional mobility through personal experience among college students. This set is the cooperation of competence, process and structural-functional models

    Possibilities of Developing of Metallurgical Data Dumps

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    Data about the technological production characteristics are sent to the archive, where they will be stored for many years. However, the stored data contains many undisclosed links between technological factors and technical and economic production indicators. The article presents a hypothesis about the possibility of processing data generated during production processes of industrial enterprises by analogy developing mining and physical dumps. The article provides an example of studying the sufficiency of the volume of a data metallurgical dump for constructing mathematical models using the experimental planning method. Samples from real production data dumps can compensate for the difficulties of implementing a modern active experiment in training future specialists in secondary vocational and higher education institutions. It is established that the data accumulated over the year in the production archive contain the necessary combinations of realizations of random variables for the two-factor model. The interval method of varying the levels of variables enables to construct an experimental matrix for a three-factor model as well. Keywords: data dump, production data, metallurgical data, data analysis in metallurgy, matrix, mathematical planning, production management, model, model parameters identification, interval method

    Interactional experience with the employer during a selection of educational content in a single-industry town

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    Training of personnel for industrial enterprises of a single-industry town is an opportunity for the stable development of the local labor market. As a rule, single-industry towns of our country are mechanical engineering or coal-metallurgical towns. Nizhny Tagil is no exception. On its territory there are metallurgical, mining and machine-building enterprises. Colleges and universities that train specialists for town-forming enterprises can be a driver for the stable functioning of a single-town economy. For this, it is necessary to adapt the content of educational programs to the actual needs of employers. The article describes a number of problems that representatives of educational institutions had to solve in the process of interaction with an employer to update the content of education. Such problems were: difficulties in visiting enterprises, in particular, defense (machine-building) ones, ambiguity in the interpretation of the concept of 'competence' by teachers and employers, the difficulty of dividing workers by education levels on the part of employers. A simplified version of the employer survey form is proposed. It allows to determine the priority areas in the training of personnel for the industry. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Possibilities of an artificial neural network use to control oxygen consumption in a converter shop

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    Converter steelmaking process uses high-performance processing plants and a high level of process automation. Complex multi-stage processes typically use many factors that have effect both on individual stages of the processes and on how a combination of the processes runs as a whole. This makes it necessary to select and/or develop control methods for the converter process having no full current data on process parameters and effects of random disturbances. Use of artificial neural networks is the most effective method available now for analyzing and predicting parameters of different processes (including converter process). This article deals with an algorithm for oxygen measurement based on chemical analysis of steel and process history through some period, using an artificial neural network and machine learning. Initial data were reviewed using correlation and regression analysis, the artificial neural network architecture chosen is reasoned as the most appropriate for the objective on hand and the results are analyzed. The element measurement accuracy achieved is satisfactory, which makes the resulting artificial neural network usable in an automation system for testing purposes. Network performance can be improved with the help of experts in the subject area, whose expertise can be used to correct the model. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Mori Arimasa’s Concept of <i>Experience</i>

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    The article introduces and reconstructs the main ideas of the book Experience and Thought by Mori Arimasa. Released in the form of journal publications in 1970–1972, it has never been translated into European languages. The Japanese philosopher who spent a large part of his life in France undertakes a comparative analysis of the socio-cultural and linguistic foundations of the experience of the Japanese and Europeans. The article examines the main aspects of Mori’s concept of experience: understanding experience as a reality and as a subject, separation of two forms of experience — universal and personal, the relationship between experience and language and between experience and thought, the theory of binary connections and second person world, designed to identify and explain the underlying prerequisites that determine the specific character of the experience of the Japanese. The author of the article shows that Mori confirms his own thesis that the primary experience of a person is conditioned by original cultural deep predisposition and linguistic affiliation. Notwithstanding his life abroad and passion for Western philosophy, Mori thinks in about the same way as his fellow philosophers who lived in Japan, sharing their empiricism, understanding the subject as a relatum, perceiving an individual subjective experience as a segment of the universal experience, interpreting a subject as a sum total of relations. In conclusion, Mori’s ideas are assessed in terms of ethno-epistemological approaches. Undoubtedly, Mori’s analysis of the experience provides arguments for epistemological pluralism. It allows us to talk about the variability of the perception of reality in different cultural and historical contexts and about the possibility of different ways and perspectives of its comprehension, the spatial and temporal dynamics of epistemological terminology, despite the apparent commonality. Mori Arimasa taking experience as the starting point and the main task of his analysis, by his own example, demonstrated the importance of the empirical form of acquiring knowledge for Japanese epistemic culture, along with its inherent specificity of understanding experience. His linguistic studies of the structures of the native language resulted in the creation of a memorable image of the second person world and outlined the field of joint collective experience without a clearly expressed single autonomous subject of cognitive activity. Mori demonstrated an approach to cognition, in which the knower feels oneself a part of the cognized reality, and is not alienated from it, as a result the cognition turns into self-cognition of reality


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    Цель. Статья посвящена актуальной в условиях информатизации общества проблеме подготовки профессионально мобильных специалистов в области ИТ. Авторы ставят целью определить сущностные характеристики профессиональной мобильности специалиста на основе анализа особенностей развития сферы ИТ.Метод проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют теоретический анализ и обобщение нормативных документов и научной литературы, в которых указываются основные направления развития информационных технологий, требования к специалистам в области ИТ и рассмотрены вопросы подготовки профессионально мобильных специалистов.Результаты. Результаты работы заключаются в том, что авторы выделяют особенности современного этапа развития отрасли ИТ, основные характеристики требований к специалисту в области ИТ, содержание понятия «профессиональная мобильность», на основании которых выводят сущность профессиональной мобильности специалиста в области ИТ.Область применения результатов. Полученные результаты могут быть применены педагогами профессионального образования для выделения компонентов профессиональной мобильности специалистов в области ИТ и выбора условий их формирования при подготовке востребованных, современных специалистов.Purpose. The article is devoted to a problem of professionally mobile IT-specialists training, urgent in the conditions of society informatization. Authors set as the purpose to define intrinsic characteristics of expert professional mobility on the basis of the features development analysis in IT-sphere.Methodology. The research basis is formed by the theoretical analysis and synthesis of normative documents and scientific literature in which the main directions of information technologies development are specified, requirements to experts in the field of IT and questions of professionally mobile experts training are considered.Results. The results of the work are that authors mark out present stage development features of IT-branch, the main requirements characteristics to the IT-specialist, content of the concept «professional mobility» on the basis of which outputs essence of IT-specialist professional mobility.Practical implications. The results can be applied by professional education teachers for IT-specialist professional mobility components allocation and the conditions choice of their formation when training demanded, modern specialists

    Decoding variant for dilatometric measurements of metal samples heating and cooling

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    Dilatometric measurements in the form of sample sizes registration with temperature changes are widely used in the practice of physical materials science. In recent decades, the hardware component of these measurements has substantially changed with a practically unchanged version of their use as applied to the characteristics of various phase transformations. The basic point, in this case, is the identification of the critical points temperature for the 'start/finish' transformations based on the analysis of dilatograms deviations from a tangents carried out in the temperature intervals near the break observed on the obtained experimental curves. However, in most cases, this information has a framework character due to the presence of deficiencies in the critical points temperatures determining. In some cases, to compensate for these shortcomings, results of the changes analysis in the first derivative of dilatometric curves are additionally used. A series of works carried out by the authors is studying the features at changing the temperature coefficient of linear expansion true values. An algorithm for obtaining this spectrum is prescribed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    SSR-based evaluation of genetic diversity in populations of Agriophyllum squarrosum L. and Agriophyllum minus Fisch. & Mey. collected in South-East Kazakhstan

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    The development of informative polymorphic DNA markers for poorly studied genera is an important step in population analyses of living organisms, including those that play very important ecological roles in harsh environments, such as desert and semi-desert area. Examples of those poorly studied desert species are Agriophyllum squarrosum L. and Agriophyllum minus Fisch. &amp; Mey. However, a recent RNA-sequencing project in A. squarrosum has proposed a large set of hypothetical SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. In this work, 11 novel polymorphic SSRs were found due to the screening of 24 randomly selected SSRs for three populations of A. squarrosum and one population of A. minus. The analysis of 11 SSRs revealed 16 polymorphic loci in two Agriophyllum species, 8 polymorphic loci within three populations of A. squarrosum, and 6 polymorphic loci in the population of A. minus. Statistical analyses showed high interspecific, but relatively low intraspecific genetic diversity. The phylogenetic clusterization and population structure analysis have demonstrated a clear segregation of A. minus from A. squarrosum, as well as the separation of population 1 from populations 2 and 3 of A. squarrosum. Thus, we identified the set of novel and informative SSR markers suitable for the study of genetic diversity in Agriophyllum