148 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategy of the Company Vimpex Lighting, s.r.o.

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vypracování návrhu marketingové strategie pro společnost Vimpex Lighting, s.r.o. Analytická část práce se opírá o teoretické poznatky a obsahuje rozbor stávající marketingové strategie společnosti. Na základě této analýzy je následně vypracován soubor doporučení, která podniku umožní dosáhnout lepší pozice na trhu a zvýšení celkové efektivity hospodaření.Subject of the master’s thesis is creating a concept of marketing strategy for the company Vimpex Lighting, s.r.o. Analytical part of the work is based on theoretical background and contains an analysis of contemporary marketing strategy of the company. Following suggestions and recommendations reflect the results of the analysis and will help the company to reach a better position on the market and increase companies’ efectivity.

    An Estimation of the Economic Performance of the Firm Using Time Series

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza vybraných ekonomických ukazatelů společnosti VIMPEX s.r.o. pomocí statistických metod. Úvodní část práce se zabývá teoretickými poznatky, pomocí nichž dochází k zobrazení současné finanční situace podniku. Závěrečná část práce podává informaci o vyhodnocení statistického rozboru dat a návrhu opatření, která povedou ke zvýšení efektivity podniku.Subject of the bachelor’s thesis is an analysis of the selected economic indicators of Vimpex, s.r.o. using statistical methods. The preamble deals with the theoretical background. Thereafter it comes to the picturing of the firm’s current financial situation. Final part of the work shows the results and interpretations of the statistical analysis and gives solutions, which will lead to increase the firm’s efectivity.

    The study of the effect of burning process on the properties of lime

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    Na ústavu technologie stavebních hmot a dílců při VUT FAST v Brně byl zahájen výzkum zabývající se studiem vlivu vápence na průběh dekarbonatace. Tato práce je úvodní studií do této problematiky. Zaměřuje na popis geneze a diageneze vápenců, jejich krystalografii, texturu a požadavky pro výpal. Dále popisuje těžbu a úpravu vápenců před výpalem. U samotného výpalu se zaměřuje na jeho mechanismus a používané pecní systémy. V experimentální části se zabývá analýzou vzorků vápenců z různých světových nalezišť z hlediska jejich petrografie, geologického původu, chemického složení, obsahu nerozpustných zbytků, hustoty a porozity a analýzou vzniklých vápen vypálených při teplotě 900 °C z hlediska hustoty, obsahu CO2 a velikosti krystalů.At the institute of technology of building materials and components at the fakulty of civil engineering in Brno was initiated research deal with study of the effect of limestone on the progress of decarbonization. This work is an introductory study into this problems. It focuses on describing the genesis and diagenesis of limestones, their crystallography, texture and requirements for burning. Further describes the extraction and treatment of limestones before burning. In very burning is focused on its mechanism and the used furnace systems. In the experimental part is focused on the analysis of samples of limestones of various world sites in terms of petrology, geological origin, chemical composition, the content of insoluble residues, density and porosity, and analysis of formed limes, burned at 900 °C in terms of density, CO2 content and crystal size.

    Preparation of high performance sulphate binder by nonpressure method

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    Ústav technologie stavebních hmot a dílců při VUT FAST v Brně se již několik let zabývá výzkumem beztlakové výroby vysokohodnotných síranových pojiv a zároveň též vývojem dehydratačního zařízení. Tato práce navazuje na tento výzkum a jejím cílem je příprava alfa hemihydrátu síranu vápenatého metodou dehydratace v různých roztocích chloridových solí o stejné molální koncentraci v inovovaném dehydratačním zařízení a sledování vlivu dehydratačních roztoků na bázi KCl, NaCl a CaCl2 na vlastnosti vyrobené sádry.Institut of Technology building materials and components in FAST VUT Brno is for several years engageding by research of unpressurized production of high sulphate binders and also by developing a dehydrating apparatus. This work follows on this research. The main aim of this work is to prepare the alpha calcium sulfate hemihydrate by method of dehydration in the various solutions the chloride salts of the same molal concentration in an innovative dehydration apparatus. Another aim is monitoring the influence dehydrating solutions on the basis of KCl, NaCl and CaCl2 on the properities of made gypsum.

    Lieutenant Colonel of General Staff of Czechoslovak Army František Hrubiš (1897-1967)

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    This work deals with the personality of František Hrubiš (1897-1967), his whole life and setting it in the context of the time. It focuses mainly on his military career and his contribution to many important moments in our history, such as participation in the Czechoslovak legions, later career in the Czechoslovak army during the First Republic, World War II, post-war life and his participation in the trial with Rudolf Slánský. To complete the overall picture of personality, this work deals with a brief history of the family and the environment in which he grew up. The work is based on the testimony of the witness, data found in the documentation of the Military Historical Institute in Prague, documentation from the Archive of the Security Forces and collections of documents of a personal nature stored in the National Archives of Prague, as well as personal family photographs and correspondence. The conclusion is a summary of the information and findings obtained, not only from the documents, but also from the testimony of František Hrubiš's daughter, Jarmila Filipová. Key Words František Hrubiš, Czechoslovak Legion, First World War, Berezovka, Czechoslovak Army, Second World War, Buchenwald, Slánský trial, Francis Edwin KearyTato práce se zabývá osobností Františka Hrubiše (1897-1967), celým jeho životem a zasazením do kontextu doby. Zaměřuje se převážně na jeho vojenskou kariéru a jeho podíl na mnoha důležitých momentech naší historie, jakými jsou účast v československých legiích, pozdější kariéra v československé armádě za první republiky, události druhé světové války, život po válce a jeho účast v procesu s Rudolfem Slánským. K dokreslení celkového obrazu osobnosti se práce zabývá stručnou historií rodiny a prostředím, ve kterém vyrůstal. Práce vychází z výpovědi pamětníka, údajů nalezených v dokumentaci Vojenského historického ústavu Praha, dokumentace z Archivu bezpečnostních složek a sbírek písemností osobní povahy uložených v Národním archivu Praha, jakožto i z osobních rodinných fotografií a korespondencí. Závěr představuje shrnutí získaných informací a poznatků, nejen z daných dokumentů, ale také z výpovědi dcery Františka Hrubiše, Jarmily Filipové. Klíčová slova František Hrubiš, československé legie, první světová válka, Berezovka, československá armáda, druhá světová válka, Buchenwald, proces se Slánským, Francis Edwin KearyKatedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Distinct seasonal dynamics of responses to elevated CO2 in two understorey grass species differing in shade-tolerance

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    Understorey plant communities are crucial to maintain species diversity and ecosystem processes including nutrient cycling and regeneration of overstorey trees. Most studies exploring effects of elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) in forests have, however, been done on overstorey trees, while understorey communities received only limited attention. The hypothesis that understorey grass species differ in shade-tolerance and development dynamics, and temporally exploit different niches under elevated [CO2], was tested during the fourth year of [CO2] treatment. We assumed stimulated carbon gain by elevated [CO2] even at low light conditions in strongly shade-tolerant Luzula sylvatica, while its stimulation under elevated [CO2] in less shade-tolerant Calamagrostis arundinacea was expected only in early spring when the tree canopy is not fully developed. We found evidence supporting this hypothesis. While elevated [CO2] stimulated photosynthesis in L. sylvatica mainly in the peak of the growing season (by 55%-57% in July and August), even at low light intensities (50 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)), stimulatory effect of [CO2] in C. arundinacea was found mainly under high light intensities (200 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) at the beginning of the growing season (increase by 171% in May) and gradually declined during the season. Elevated [CO2] also substantially stimulated leaf mass area and root-to-shoot ratio in L. sylvatica, while only insignificant increases were observed in C. arundinacea. Our physiological and morphological analyses indicate that understorey species, differing in shade-tolerance, under elevated [CO2] exploit distinct niches in light environment given by the dynamics of the tree canopy

    Correction of PRI for carotenoid pigment pools improves photosynthesis estimation across different irradiance and temperature conditions

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    We studied the influence of changing carotenoid pigments on the sensitivity of the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) to photosynthesis dynamics. The goal of the measurements was to examine how the introduction of ΔPRI into the working dataset can improve the estimation of photosynthesis. Spectral and photosynthetic characteristics of European beech and Norway spruce saplings were periodically measured in growth chambers with an adjustable irradiance and temperature. Patterns of environmental changes inside the growth chambers were created by periodic changes in irradiance and temperature. Four general irradiance periods lasting 10-12 days each were established. Introduced irradiance regimes varied in the sum of daily irradiance and amplitude of irradiance changes. Temperature was changed with more complex patterns to induce changes in xanthophyll cycle pigments at various time scales within these regimes. Our measurements confirmed the PRI linkage to photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE). However, the strength of this connection was found to be dependent on changing pigment concentrations, specifically on the change in the ratio of chlorophylls to carotenoids. Furthermore, a negative interference in photosynthesis estimation from PRI was recorded if the temperature was lowered overnight to 12 °C. The differential PRI (ΔPRI), calculated as the simple difference between the PRI value measured during the daytime period and in early morning (PRI0), revealed a decreased effect from pigments and cold temperature on LUE estimation. The regression analysis among all measured data identified an increased association between PRI and LUE following the introduction of ΔPRI from R2 = 0.26 to 0.69 in beech and from R2 = 0.61 to 0.77 in spruce data. The analyses showed that both leaf carotenoid concentrations and the conversion state of xanthophyll cycle pigments played a significant role in determining PRI and PRI0 values and that the accurate assessment of these pigments in PRI across multiple levels of stress from irradiance and temperature might improve estimations of LUE through ΔPRI. In our data, ΔPRI appeared to be a good measure of photosynthesis, the dynamics of which differed between beech and spruce saplings upon switching temperatures