569 research outputs found

    Los liheci chinos e indoeuropeos : un anålisis comparativo de chino, inglés y ruso

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    Tesis inĂ©dita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de FilologĂ­a, leĂ­da el 13-07-2021The present paper titled “Liheci in Chinese and Indo-European languages: a comparative analysis of Chinese, English and Russian” investigates the category of liheci in the Chinese language and compares it with similar categories in the two named Indo-European languages. Liheci are semantically indivisible combinations of a verb and a noun with a joint verbal meaning and are a highly disputed phenomenon in Chinese which is often confused with simple verbs or presented as one of their subtypes. In Western literature, as well as in Chinese works for learners of Chinese as a foreign or second language, liheci are often not presented. They are normally not introduced in text books forforeign students published in China as well as in Russia and most Western countries. They are almost never discussed in Russian-language research papers as well as on the Russian-speaking Internet. Although there are more resources and research papers written in English, they are still relatively few and they also vary in terminology. They are rarely taught and explained to Chinese L2 learners and, although various research papers dedicated to them can be found in Chinese linguistcs, there is still no consensus about many key points, such as if they are words or word combinations, a separate part of speech or a type of verb, what are the bases for their definition and limitation, and many others...La presente investigaciĂłn titulada “Los liheci chinos e indoeuropeos: un anĂĄlisis comparativo de chino, inglĂ©s y ruso” estudia la categorĂ­a de liheci en la lengua china moderna y las estructuras parecidas a ella en los idiomas indoeuropeos mencionados. Los liheci son unas construcciones disilĂĄbicas usadas en el chino moderno, que estĂĄn compuestas por dos elementos (uno que funciona como un verbo y otro que funciona como un sustantivo) y presentan un significado conjunto como si fueran una sola palabra; pero pueden aparecer separados en algunas oraciones funcionando como dos elementos morfolĂłgicos diferentes, conservando, al mismo tiempo, su integridad semĂĄntica. Estas estructuras son bastante numerosas en el chino moderno, pero tanto en la literatura occidental, como en la literatura china para extranjeros, los liheci se encuentran en un segundo plano o directamente se omiten. No se tratan en los libros para estudiantes extranjeros publicados tanto en China, como en Rusia y en paĂ­ses europeos. Casi no se habla de liheci en los artĂ­culos de investigaciĂłn en lengua rusa ni en las pĂĄginas de Internet en ruso. Los recursos y los artĂ­culos de investigaciĂłn en inglĂ©s sobre este tema son mĂĄs numerosos, pero todavĂ­a muy escasos, y ademĂĄs varĂ­an en terminologĂ­a. Los autores chinos han estado investigando los liheci durante mucho tiempo, pero, por obvias razones de idioma, no todas sus investigaciones estĂĄn al alcance de los lectores occidentales e incluso en sus materiales esa categorĂ­a se convierte a menudo en un objeto de disputa...Fac. de FilologĂ­aTRUEunpu

    Õpetaja professionaalne agentsus digitaalse tehnoloogia integreerimisel Ă”petamisse Eesti ja LĂ€ti koolides

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö “Õpetaja professionaalne agentsus digitaalse tehnoloogia integreerimisel Ă”petamisse Eesti ja LĂ€ti koolides” eesmĂ€rgiks on uurida, kuidas Ă”petaja professionaalne agentsus on vĂ€ljendatud viisides, millega Ă”petajad tegutsevad erinevates personaalsetes, situatiivsetes ja kontekstuaalsetes tegurites, mis on seotud digitaaltehnoloogia integreerimisega Ă”ppetöösse nii LĂ€ti kui ka Eesti koolides. Minu doktoritöö aktuaalsus on ĂŒhest kĂŒljest seotud asjaoluga, et Euroopa Ă”petajad on ĂŒldiselt vabad otsustamaks kasutatavate Ă”petamisviiside ĂŒle, kuid teisest kĂŒljest mainivad Ă”petajad jĂ€rjest piiravamaid töö hindamisvahendeid, vĂ€liseid hindamissĂŒsteeme, aruandereegleid ning Ă”ppekavade nĂ”udeid. Taoliste pingete uurimine nĂ€itab, kuidas Ă”petaja professionaalne agentsus ilmneb konkreetsetes kontekstides erinevate personaalsete, situatiivsete, sotsiaalsete ja kontekstuaalsete mĂ”jude taustal. Oma doktoritöös soovin selle asemel, et lĂ€heneda Ă”petaja agentsusele “muutuste poolt” vs “muutuste vastu” vaadete kaudu, mĂ”ista Ă”petajate reageeringuid hariduslikele muudatustele oluliselt laiema spektri kaudu. Selle doktoritöö empiirilised materjalid hĂ”lmavad andmeid 26 semistruktureeritud intervjuust erinevate aineĂ”petajatega Eestis ja LĂ€tis, tunnivaatlusi ja uurimust Ă”petajate infootsingulisest kĂ€itumisest veebis. Oma doktoritöö tulemusena pakun vĂ€lja uue tĂŒpoloogia, mis koosneb viiest erinevast Ă”petaja agentsuse vĂ€ljendusviisist: entusiastlik omastamine, pragmaatiline sulandamine, reserveeritud tasakaalustamine, piiratud kohanemine ja skeptiline ritualism. Doktoritöös nĂ€itan, et Ă”petajate seisukohad ja valikud IKT integreerimisel Ă”ppetöösse on seotud vĂ€ga keeruka vĂ”rgustikuga mĂ”jutustest, millest olulisematena tuleb rĂ”hutada enesetĂ”hususe tajumist, tugevat ainevaldkonnaga seotud identiteeti ning vajadust vastata Ă”petajate tööle esitatud kvaliteedinĂ”uetele. Variatiivsused Ă”petaja agentsuse vĂ€ljendusviisides paljastavad raskesti mĂ€rgatavaid konflikte ja ebakĂ”lasid erinevate ning sageli tehnoloogiaga mitte seotud vÀÀrtuste, survete ja nĂ”udmiste vahel, mille keskel pĂŒĂŒavad Ă”petajad leida tasakaalu oma professionaalsete rollide ja vastutuste tĂ€itmiseks. Minu doktoritöö nĂ€itab, et leidub Ă”petajaid, kelle jaoks IKT kasutuselevĂ”tt on avanud uusi vĂ”imalusi eksperimenteerimiseks, mĂ€ngimiseks ja uute Ă”petamismeetodite katsetamiseks. Samas osutus teiste Ă”petajate jaoks IKT kasutamine vahendiks vĂ€lise heakskiidu saavutamisel ning kaasaegse ja “moodsa” Ă”petaja kuvandi loomisel ning hoidmisel. Paljude valimisse kuulunud Ă”petajate jaoks on IKT kasutus koolides tekitanud olukordi, kus neil on tulnud muuta oma seniseid praktikaid ning teha valikuid selle kohta, kuidas IKT-d Ă”petamisse sobitada. Tuginedes oma doktoritöö jĂ€reldustele, rĂ”hutan, et vaid siis, kui mĂ”istame Ă”petajate olulist rolli IKT strateegia vahendajana ja pöörame tĂ€helepanu kontekstidele, kus Ă”petajad sĂ€testatud pĂ”himĂ”tteid tĂ”lgendavad ning ellu viivad, on vĂ”imalik aru saada, miks tehnoloogia integreerimine koolides toimub just nii, nagu see toimub. Õpetajate praktikaid mĂ”jutavate erinevate tegurite vastastikmĂ”ju komplekssuse ja mitmetahulise olemuse mĂ”istmine vĂ”ib viia tulemuslikuma dialoogini poliitikakujundajate ning Ă”petajate kogukonna vahel ning sedakaudu lĂ€bimĂ”eldumate arengustrateegiateni.The aim of the doctoral study “Teacher professional agency in relation to digital technology integration in teaching in Estonian and Latvian schools” is to explore how teacher professional agency is manifested in the ways teachers navigate within the different personal, situational and contextual factors related to digital technology integration in teaching in Latvian and Estonian schools. The topicality of this dissertation lies in the fact that digital technology is widely perceived as an integral part of every subject area. Additionally, teachers in Europe generally are granted autonomy in deciding on their instructional approaches, although they report being increasingly exposed to tightening performativity measures, which include the use of ICT, external evaluation systems, accountability rules and curriculum requirements. Explorations of such tensions reveals how teacher professional agency emerges in relation to ICT use within particular contexts shaped by various personal, situational, social and contextual influences. This doctoral study avoids the often-applied “pro-change versus con-change” conceptualization of teacher agency, instead showing the broadness of the spectrum of teachers’ responses to educational change. The empirical basis of this study consists of data from 26 semi-structured interviews with different subject teachers in Estonia and Latvia, class observations, and a study of teacher online search behaviour. As a result of this doctoral study, a new typology of teacher agency manifestations is proposed, distinguishing between enthusiastic appropriation, pragmatic assimilation, reserved balance, hampered accommodation and sceptical ritualism. This PhD study demonstrates that out of the complex network of influences, teacher stances and choices of ICT integration in teaching are most strongly related to self-efficacy beliefs, strong subject-related identity and the need to establish teacher accountability policies. Variations in teacher agency manifestations reveal the underlying conflicts and inconsistencies between the different and often non-technological values, pressures and demands which teachers try to balance in order to fulfil their professional roles and responsibilities. This doctoral study indicates that for some teachers the arrival of ICT opened new avenues for experimenting, playing and trying out new teaching methods, while for others the use of ICT turned out to be a means of receiving external approval and creating and sustaining the image of being a “modern” teacher. For many teachers in the sample, the presence of ICT in schools created situations where teachers had to re-consider their existing practices and make choices regarding how ICT could be made to fit in. Speaking of the implications of this study, it should be emphasised that only through acknowledging the important role of teachers as mediators of ICT policy implementation and paying close attention to the contexts in which teachers “read” and enact policy messages is it possible to understand why technology integration in schools happens in the ways it does. Understanding the complexity and multifaceted nature of the interplay of various factors shaping teachers’ practices might lead to better policies and improved dialogue between policy makers and teachers


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    Drawing on the social domain theory of Derek Layder, this qualitative meta-study study aims to propose a novel typology of school teacher professional agency in relation to the process of information and communication technology (ICT) integration in teaching in Latvian and Estonian schools. The typology is built by understanding teachers’ choices and practices of technology use as both resourced and constrained by various personal, situational, social and contextual factors. The findings are based on semi-structured interviews with Latvian (N=16) and Estonian (N=10) teachers, class observations, and a study on teachers’ information search performance online. Five distinct types of teacher agency manifestation are identified and discussed on three dimensions: pedagogic use of ICT, mediation of students’ uses of ICT, and teachers’ learning about ICT. Implications for in-service teacher training are discussed

    Productization of a Potential New Service of Culinary Tours : Case Company: Holiday Club Saimaa

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    The research was conducted for a case company Holiday Club Saimaa. The purpose of the study was to analyse the market for a potential new service of culinary tours in Holiday Club Saimaa and productize this service for the company. The preliminary information for the research was gathered from resources such as scientific literature, the Internet resources, and also from a Bachelor's thesis by Anatoly Lvov. Moreover, the data were collected via personal interviewing of potential customers: an executive director of the culinary school Ragout (Moscow), a CEO of Ilya Lazerson's culinary studio (Saint Petersburg), and a leading specialist in budgeting strategy department of the Central Office of LUKOIL (Moscow). In the study the following concepts were used: business-to-business marketing, market segmentation and marketing mix 7Ps. Based on the research results, the plan on how a service should be productized was created


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    Authors propose a new process-event approach for quantitative estimation of operational risk in a bank and calculation the amount of economic capital in dynamics. The proposed approach, according to the Basel II Capital Accord, belongs to the category of “advanced methods”. Operational risk is not financial risk and appeared in unfavorable events mainly. A number of business processes are performed in banking activity. Every business process contains a set of routines (operations), which can be interrupted by operational risk events with certain losses. The main idea of the approach is to describe processes as chains of casual events instead of a traditional graphic description as diagrams. Authors introduce new concepts: an elementary process event, a chain of process events, a time diagram of enterprise’s event flow, and build logical and probabilistic risk models. Methods and formulas for calculation the current and integrated operational risk in dynamics, the amount of economic capital, upper and lower limits of reservation, are given. The value of integrated operational risk can be used as a rating of the current reliability of the bank. The paper outlines the advantages and disadvantages of proposed process-event approach. Research results can be implemented as analytical tool in risk management technology, “process mining” technology and in bank intelligent management systems.


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    The article contains a theoretical study and description of general algorithm for predicting a stock market fiasco caused by non-financial and other factors. Market fiasco is considered as non-periodical, sudden and random event which can arise due to the many latent reasons. Methods of technical and fundamental analysis are useless to solve this problem, therefore, the use of systems analysis methods is proposed. The author’s idea is the numerical calculation of search queries entropy as a part of global information space. Decrease in the Renyi’s entropy, associated with rapid grow search queries, containing key terms from the subject area, indicates the possible stock market fiasco in the near future. This article presents an algorithm for the dynamic calculation of Renyi’s entropy, allowing predict rare events which are not reflected in statistical data (or frequency of their realizations is too small). The method and algorithm can be realized in trade information systems and decision-making systems in economic sphere.


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    In this paper we research the application of logical and probabilistic method to manage risk in socio-economic systems. Logical and probabilistic method is widely used for estimation of reliability and safety in structural complex technical systems. Authors have applied this method to estimate and analyze risk in some practical applications in economics and business. Based on risk scenario as tree of events, logics and probabilistic functions, this approach provides exact quantitative estimation of risk, risk analysis and decision-making procedures. Some promising results were obtained in banking industry and security portfolio management but application of the method has some features
