226 research outputs found

    Limit laws for distorted return time processes for infinite measure preserving transformations

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    We consider conservative ergodic measure preserving transformations on infinite measure spaces and investigate the asymptotic behaviour of distorted return time processes with respect to sets satisfying a type of Darling-Kac condition. We identify two critical cases for which we prove uniform distribution laws. For this we introduce the notion of uniformly returning sets and discuss some of their properties.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    The interval ordering problem

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    For a given set of intervals on the real line, we consider the problem of ordering the intervals with the goal of minimizing an objective function that depends on the exposed interval pieces (that is, the pieces that are not covered by earlier intervals in the ordering). This problem is motivated by an application in molecular biology that concerns the determination of the structure of the backbone of a protein. We present polynomial-time algorithms for several natural special cases of the problem that cover the situation where the interval boundaries are agreeably ordered and the situation where the interval set is laminar. Also the bottleneck variant of the problem is shown to be solvable in polynomial time. Finally we prove that the general problem is NP-hard, and that the existence of a constant-factor-approximation algorithm is unlikely

    Operator renewal theory and mixing rates for dynamical systems with infinite measure

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    We develop a theory of operator renewal sequences in the context of infinite ergodic theory. For large classes of dynamical systems preserving an infinite measure, we determine the asymptotic behaviour of iterates LnL^n of the transfer operator. This was previously an intractable problem. Examples of systems covered by our results include (i) parabolic rational maps of the complex plane and (ii) (not necessarily Markovian) nonuniformly expanding interval maps with indifferent fixed points. In addition, we give a particularly simple proof of pointwise dual ergodicity (asymptotic behaviour of ∑j=1nLj\sum_{j=1}^nL^j) for the class of systems under consideration. In certain situations, including Pomeau-Manneville intermittency maps, we obtain higher order expansions for LnL^n and rates of mixing. Also, we obtain error estimates in the associated Dynkin-Lamperti arcsine laws.Comment: Preprint, August 2010. Revised August 2011. After publication, a minor error was pointed out by Kautzsch et al, arXiv:1404.5857. The updated version includes minor corrections in Sections 10 and 11, and corresponding modifications of certain statements in Section 1. All main results are unaffected. In particular, Sections 2-9 are unchanged from the published versio

    A new proof of the Vorono\"i summation formula

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    We present a short alternative proof of the Vorono\"i summation formula which plays an important role in Dirichlet's divisor problem and has recently found an application in physics as a trace formula for a Schr\"odinger operator on a non-compact quantum graph \mathfrak{G} [S. Egger n\'e Endres and F. Steiner, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 185202 (44pp)]. As a byproduct we give a new proof of a non-trivial identity for a particular Lambert series which involves the divisor function d(n) and is identical with the trace of the Euclidean wave group of the Laplacian on the infinite graph \mathfrak{G}.Comment: Enlarged version of the published article J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 225302 (11pp

    Distribution of Eigenvalues for the Modular Group

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    The two-point correlation function of energy levels for free motion on the modular domain, both with periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions, are explicitly computed using a generalization of the Hardy-Littlewood method. It is shown that ion the limit of small separations they show an uncorrelated behaviour and agree with the Poisson distribution but they have prominent number-theoretical oscillations at larger scale. The results agree well with numerical simulations.Comment: 72 pages, Latex, the fiogures mentioned in the text are not vital, but can be obtained upon request from the first Autho

    Axiomatic relation between thermodynamic and information-theoretic entropies

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    Thermodynamic entropy, as defined by Clausius, characterizes macroscopic observations of a system based on phenomenological quantities such as temperature and heat. In contrast, information-theoretic entropy, introduced by Shannon, is a measure of uncertainty. In this Letter, we connect these two notions of entropy, using an axiomatic framework for thermodynamics [Lieb, Yngvason, Proc. Roy. Soc.(2013)]. In particular, we obtain a direct relation between the Clausius entropy and the Shannon entropy, or its generalisation to quantum systems, the von Neumann entropy. More generally, we find that entropy measures relevant in non-equilibrium thermodynamics correspond to entropies used in one-shot information theory

    Speckle-free laser imaging

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    Many imaging applications require increasingly bright illumination sources, motivating the replacement of conventional thermal light sources with light emitting diodes (LEDs), superluminescent diodes (SLDs) and lasers. Despite their brightness, lasers and SLDs are poorly suited for full-field imaging applications because their high spatial coherence leads to coherent artifacts known as speckle that corrupt image formation. We recently demonstrated that random lasers can be engineered to provide low spatial coherence. Here, we exploit the low spatial coherence of specifically-designed random lasers to perform speckle-free full-field imaging in the setting of significant optical scattering. We quantitatively demonstrate that images generated with random laser illumination exhibit higher resolution than images generated with spatially coherent illumination. By providing intense laser illumination without the drawback of coherent artifacts, random lasers are well suited for a host of full-field imaging applications from full-field microscopy to digital light projector systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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