570 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence ratio of outdoor advertisements on survey participants (consumers) who are living in Sivas city and to measure the effects on participants' purchasing behavior. The research also attempted to specify the different characteristics of outdoor advertisements in comparison to other advertising instruments. The other research aims are to designate the status of outdoor advertisements among the advertisement instruments which are thought to have an effect on the purchasing behavior of consumers and to determine the effects and dimensions of outdoor advertisements. A face-to-face interview survey is conducted on 400 person who live in Sivas city and who are selected with non-random sampling. Data were analyzed by using T-test, variant analysis and factor analysis. SPSS 15.0 for Windows was employed for the scale measurement. The result of the analysis shows that people generally have positive opinions about outdoor advertisements. They think that outdoor advertisements are more eye-catching and creative when compared to other advertisement types and their physical size lends them an effective visual impact. Respondents also stated that outdoor advertisements contribute to the cityscape in terms of variety and beauty, and they do not pollute the environment. However, awareness of outdoor advertisement amongst some people is relatively low. The results of the study indicate that outdoor advertisements which create different ideas, which are effective in informing and persuading people and which are sensitive to the environment can be viewed positively by consumers. In particular, amongst consumers with higher educational and income levels, outdoor advertisements are becoming striking and their visibility is increasing.outdoor advertisement, customer behavior, Turkey

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneurship Tendency and Usage of Social Media of University Students

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    Entrepreneurship tendencies of university students are nearly ubiquitous, while there has been little analysis of the effects of social media using on entrepreneurship tendencies in the literature. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between thehabit of social media usingand entrepreneurship tendencies of university students. The research problem involves two variables. The first one is social media which are an important determinant of social and business life. The second one is the tendency of candidates who wish to become entrepreneurs. The sample group consisted of students, who take lesson of entrepreneurship, from Mersin and Ahi Evran Universities and took place during the academic year of 2014-2015. The data was collected through an online questionnaire that is reformed by authors with reference to Chye-Koh (1996), Quan-Haase and Young (2010), as 60 items, and then 567 students take part in the sample with convenience sampling method. There are two suitable methods that could have been used for this research; the correlation and regression analyses. The data gathered has been analyzed using statistical packaged software and the results will be introduced with suggestions and comments. The validity and reliability of the data collection tool has been confirmed after analyzing the collected data with statistical methods (p<0,05 and p<0,01). The results are interpreted within the framework of the research problem. As a result of the conducted analysis, statistical significant relationships were found between the two variables (r:0,474; p<0,01). Finally, the regression analysis results are seen important for researchers, professionals, and those interested in these fields

    Opportunities of electrokinetics for the remediation of mining sites in Biga peninsula, Turkey

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    This study investigated the geological conditions of Biga Peninsula. There are metamorphic rocks, ophiolitic melange, plutonic rocks, subvolcanics, volcanic rocks and volcanoclastics along with marine and terrestrial sediments in the region. This variety of rocks and the associated minerals resulted in many interesting metallic ores and coal for commercial exploitation. The mining exploitations in Biga Peninsula (Turkey)pose an environmental risk due to the release of contaminants, metals and arsenic, to the soil and waterbodies. This study analyzed the potential release of As and metals (Al, Fe, Mn)from a sediment sampled in a mine pond. The extraction column tests proved that those contaminants can be dissolved from the sediment using deionized water as eluent. The electrokinetic treatment of the sediment was able to remove Al and Mn, but the removal of Fe and As was negligible. The fractionation of As and metals in the sediment confirmed that the electrokinetic treatment was able to mobilize the contaminants. Based on the results of this study, it has been hypothesized that the toxic elements could be removed by electrokinetics using facilitating agents, neutralizing the alkaline environment of the cathode and increasing the treatment time

    Yahya Efendi's Poetry Of Birgili's Testament (text-examnination-index)

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    Bu çalışmada Vasiyet-nâme-i Birgili diye bilinen eserin Yahya Efendi tarafından manzum hâle getirilen ve Millî Kütüphanede 06 Mil Yz A 8131 arşiv numarasıyla kayıtlı yazma nüshası incelenmiştir. Kapağında herhangi bir ad bulunmayan ancak 'KitÀb-ı Birgili Mehemmed Bin Pìr èAlì Der Naôm-ı YaóyÀ Efendi Raómetu'llÀhì TaèÀlÀ' şeklinde başlayan söz konusu eser transkripsiyon, inceleme ve indeks yönleriyle ele alınmıştır. Birgivî Mehmet Efendi ve vasiyet-nâme türü hakkında muhtasar bilgi verildikten sonra eserin bir dil yadigârı olarak güçlü ve zayıf yönleri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuna eklenen indekste, metnin söz varlığının ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Giriş'te belirttiğimiz pek çok sıkıntıya rağmen bu çalışmaya konu olan eser kıymetlidir. Eserin kıymeti, devrin özelliklerini göstermesi ve Osmanlı Türkçesinin bilinen gücünü orijinal kullanım örnekleriyle sergilemesindendir.In this study, the copy of writing which was known as 'Vasiyet-nâme-i Birgili' and converted to poetry by Yahya Efendi and recorded in National Library with the archive number 06 Mil Yz A 8131 is examined. The work mentioned which has no name on its cover but starts with a prefix like 'KitÀb-ı Birgili Mehemmed Bin Pìr èAlì Der Naôm-ı YaóyÀ Efendi Raómetu'llÀhì TeèÀlÀ' is approached by the means of transcription, index and examination. After a short summary about Birgili Mehmet Efendi and testament, the weak and strong aspects of work of study as a language heritage are determined. In the index added at the end of the work, it is aimed to present worth of language. Despite the limitation, which is mentioned at the begining of the study is worthy. The worth of the study is its reflecting the characteristics of its period and because of the known power of Ottoman Turkish Language which is shown with original usage characteristics

    Mükemmeliyetçiliği Şema Terapiyle Ele Almak: Bir Vaka Üzerinden Anlatım

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    Mükemmeliyetçilik, klinik anlamda kişinin işlevselliğinde önemli düzeyde sıkıntıya ve bozulmalara yol açan, aşırı yüksek standartlara sahip olma eğilimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada şikâyetlerinin odağı mükemmeliyetçilik olan ve özellikle iş ve çalışma alanlarında buna dair sıkıntı yaşayan bir vaka ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı şema terapi formülasyonu ve teknikleriyle mükemmeliyetçiliğin nasıl çalışılabileceğini örneklemektir. İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi Klinik Psikoloji Doktora Programı şema terapi süpervizyon dersi kapsamında danışanla haftada bir, 50 dakika olmak üzere toplamda 11 seans yapılmıştır. Değerlendirme evresinde, danışana Young Mod Ölçeği, Young Şema Ölçeği, Young Ebeveynlik Ölçeği, YoungRygh Kaçınma Ölçeği ve Young Telafi Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Kuramsal açıdan mükemmeliyetçiliğin mekanizmasında daha fazla rol aldığı belirtilen, başarısızlık, yetersiz özdenetim, yüksek standartlar, karamsarlık ve cezalandırıcılık şemaları, talepkâr ebeveyn, kopuk korungan ve kopuk kendini avutan şema modları ve uyumsuz başa çıkma biçimleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu şemalar, şema modları ve başa çıkma biçimlerinin zayıflatılması buna karşın sağlıklı yetişkin tarafın güçlendirilmesi, terapi hedefi olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu hedeflere ulaşabilmek için şema terapinin ilişkisel, yaşantısal ve bilişsel stratejileriyle müdahalelerde bulunulmuştur. Sonuç olarak, danışanın şikayetçi olduğu belirtilerdeki azalmalara ilişkin özbildirimleri değerlendirildiğinde mükemmeliyetçiliği köken odaklı şema terapiyle çalışmanın öngörülen değişim hedeflerine ulaşılmasını sağladığı tespit edilmiştir.Publisher's Versio

    Acute Thrombotic Occlusion of Right Coronary and Left Circumflex Coronary Arteries in a Patient with Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Successful Stent Implantation

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    Antiphospholipid syndrome is a rare disorder. Acute myocardial infarction is uncommon among these patients. Here we report a case of a 44-year-old man with antiphospholipid syndrome admitted for acute inferior myocardial infarction. Performed coronary angiography revealed that both the right coronary and the left circumflex coronary arteries were occluded by thrombi. We successfully performed primary angioplasty and stent implantation for both of the occluded coronary arteries. In the literature, this is the first case with antiphospholipid syndrome in which primary coronary angioplasty with stent implantation was successfully performed for two coronary arteries with acute thrombotic occlusion

    Circular economy: Challenges and opportunities in the construction sector of Kazakhstan

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    The circular economy in the construction sector in emerging economies is one of the most promising concepts that aims to keep the value of the construction materials and structures as long as possible. The construction industry is rapidly developing in Kazakhstan with a yearly increase in projects. This research paper investigates the construction sector in Kazakhstan in terms of the potential application of circular economy principles by local stakeholders—clients, contractors, designers, and manufacturers. As limited research has been conducted on the circularity within the construction environment, including construction parties, this paper aims to fill this research gap. It seeks to identify the construction trends and perform a barrier and opportunity analysis to develop circular economy principles in the construction sector. As a research method, PEST is used for the study of local construction trends. At the same time, stakeholders are interviewed using semi-structured surveys organized according to the ReSOLVE framework (regenerate, share, optimize, loop, virtualize, and exchange) to identify the barriers and opportunities for circular economy in the construction sector. As an outcome of this study, the most common barriers and opportunities were associated with the economic benefit factor, as this was the main motivation for the stakeholders to save construction materials for reuse or to refuse more eco-friendly technologies. Additionally, policy recommendations for companies involved in the construction ecosystem were provided according to the assessment of found barriers and opportunities in the context of the ReSOLVE framework. This analysis has shown that for most stakeholders of the Kazakhstani construction sector, virtualization is of the highest priority; therefore, opportunities for its development are recommended. Future research could focus on the development of economically feasible solutions for the circular economy in construction with the inclusion of virtualization technologies

    Plants used by honeybees as nectar and polen sources in Aydın, Karpuzlu-Çine district

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    This study was conducted to determine the honey plants which are used by honeybees for nectar and pollen sources in the flowering period (April-June) in Aydın, Karpuzlu-Çine district in 2003. In this research, 110 districts were investigated. 91 plant species belonging to 23 families were determined and they were evaluated according to their frequencies and general and special covering areas. These consist of 29 Fabaceae, 13 Asteraceae, 13 Labiateae, 7 species belonging to Brassicaceae family and other 29 species. Results showed that as wild plants spp., are more common than others in relation to their frequency. On the other hand , and are important honey plant species for honeybees with respect to general and special covering area in this region. While cotton ( ), corn ( ), peanut ( ) are industrial plant species, pear ( ), apple ( ) spp , peach ( ) are the main nectar and pollen sources for honey bees in this region.Aydın ili Çine-Karpuzlu yöresinde çiçeklenmenin yogun oldugu Nisan-Haziran aylarında yürütülen bu çalısma, bal arılarının ziyaret ederek nektar ve poleninden faydalanabilecegi bitkileri saptamak amacıyla 2003 yılında yapılmıstır. Toplam 110 ayrı alanda tarama yapılarak, 23 familyaya ait 91 bitki türü saptanmıstır. Bunlardan Fabaceae familyasına ait 29 tür, Asteraceae ve Labiatae familyalarına ait 13'er tür, Brassicaceae familyasına ait 7 tür olup, diger familyalara ait 29 bitki türü tespit edilmistir. Ayrıca bu türlerin rastlama sıklıgı, genel ve özel kaplama alanları belirlenmistir. Kendiliginden yetisen bitkiler, rastlama sıklıkları göz önüne alınarak sıralandıgında; ilk üç sırada; basta Aküçgül (Trifolium repens ) olmak üzere, hindiba türleri (Crepis spp.) ve Itır çiçegi (Geranium dissectum ) oldugu, diger türlerin bunları izledigi görülmüstür. Hayıt )ve lavanta (Lavandula stoechas ) bitkilerinin ise genel ve özel kaplama alanları önemli bulunmustur. Endüstri bitkileri ekim alanları bakımından, pamuk (Gossypium herbaceum ), mısır (Zea mays ) ve yer fıstıgı (Arachis hypogae ); meyve agaçları sayısı bakımından ise armut (Pyrus salicifolia ), elma (Malus spp ) ve seftali (Prunus persica ), ilk üç sırada yer almaktadır

    Design for Deconstruction and Disassembly: Barriers, Opportunities, and Practices in Developing Economies of Central Asia

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    Construction waste management is becoming an emerging issue in light of the massive increase in construction activities in the developing economies as part of their rapid economic growth. The gradual tightening of building regulations towards energy consumption creates the need to decrease the building materials and components during construction, and one of the proposed ways to achieve it is to reuse. The building components can be initially designed for disassembly (DfD) to improve and optimize the process, thus proposing significant benefits to the circular economy in all three sustainability pillars (economic, social, and environmental). Nevertheless, current practices in developing countries of Central Asia show that lifecycle analysis of buildings’ end-of-life influence is not a well-practiced activity. This paper investigates the barriers, opportunities, and current practices of deconstruction and disassembly in one of the fast-developing Central Asian countries based on the literature review and stakeholder opinions. Conducting relevant PESTEL analysis, this research also proposes practical strategies, methods, and recommendations for the construction industry to develop circular economy projects and improve disassembly and deconstruction analytics