80 research outputs found


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    Objective of research. As deer are kept year-round on pasture (in summer in tundra in the northern coast of the Russian arctic; in winter – in forest-tundra and northern taiga), biogeocenosis and natural focality of most parasitic and infectious diseases were formed over the years. That should be considered when developing methods for combating them, and to determine the optimal timing of mass treatment and prevention measures.Materials and methods. The question naturally arises, which living and nonliving components ensure pathogen survivability, contribute to the emergence and spread of infectious and invasive diseases. Each disease is characterized by specific factors requiring careful examination and generalization based on the study of clinical records and epizootic diseases in reindeer of the European North of Russia.Results and discussion. Dominant diseases of reindeer in the European region ofNorthern Russia, requiring greater attention of veterinary experts and against which it is necessary to conduct a regular complex of veterinary, prevention and treatment measures are: anthrax, edemagenosis, cephenomiosis, necrobacillosis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, rabies, leptospirosis, number of helminthoses (strongylatosis, monieziasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, etc.). This is a brucellosis-free region, and for many tens years no outbreaks of FMD were reported.  The vast majority of the tundra is located in the permafrost zone; the area is dotted with numerous canals, lakes, rivers, streams, marshes, between which in summer on shallow layered soil, grow bushes of willow, dwarf birch, berries, grass and lichen, the main food of deer. The fauna of the tundra is rich and diverse. Here live wolves, foxes, bears, rodents (lemmings, mice), rabbits, birds (geese, ducks, partridges, gulls) and other animals. In summer, "clouds" of midges (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, flies) are flying in the air. In the region, there are still places virtually untouched by man.  However, in recent years, intensive industrial development of the region began to carry out exploration and extraction of oil, gas and other minerals. Oil and gas pipelines, roads, power lines are built which certainly cannot affect negatively the extremely vulnerable nature of the North. For example, reindeer moss trampled or torn down by moving offroaders can be restored only after 7-10 years. Summer season in the North is a very short period, there are usually few warm and sunny days. These negative factors lead to reduced pastures and do not contribute to the growth of the deer population, their health status and fatness.Цель исследования. Поскольку олени содержатся на круглогодовом выпасе (летом в тундре прибрежных районов Северных морей, зимой в лесотундре и северо-таёжной зоне), существует сложившийся годами биогеоценоз и природная очаговость большинства паразитарных и инфекционных заболеваний, что необходимо учитывать при разработке методов борьбы с ними, и определить оптимальные сроки проведения массовых лечебно-профилактических мероприятий. Материалы и методы. Естественно возникает вопрос, какие живые и неживые компоненты природы обеспечивают сохранность возбудителя болезни, способствуют возникновению и распространению инфекционных и инвазионных заболеваний. Для каждой болезни факторы индивидуальны, требуют внимательного изучения и обобщения на основе изучения истории болезней и эпизоотий в оленеводстве Европейского Севера России, что и представлено в настоящей работе. Результаты и обсуждение. Доминирующими болезнями оленей в регионе Европейского Севера России, требующими повышенного внимания ветеринарных специалистов и против которых необходимо регулярно проводить комплекс ветеринарно-профилактических и лечебных мероприятий являются: сибирская язва, эдемагеноз, цефеномиоз, некробактериоз, эхинококкоз, цистицеркоз, бешенство и дикование, лептоспироз, ряд гельминтозов (стронгилятозы, мониезиоз, эхинококкоз, цистицеркоз и др.). Регион благополучен по бруцеллёзу и уже десятки лет не отмечалось вспышек ящура.  Подавляющая часть тундры находится в зоне вечной мерзлоты; местность испещрена многочисленными протоками, озёрами, реками, ручьями, болотами, между которыми, на оттаивающем в летний период неглубоком слое почвы, растут кустарники ивняка, карликовых берёз, ягодника, трава и ягель, основной корм оленей. Животный мир тундры богат и разнообразен. Здесь уживаются волки, песцы, медведи, многочисленные грызуны (лемминги, мыши), зайцы, птицы (гуси, утки, куропатки, чайки) и пр. живность. В летний период в воздухе летает буквально «тучами» гнус (комары, мошки, слепни, мухи). В регионе имеются ещё места, практически, не тронутые человеком, однако, в последние годы началось интенсивное промышленное освоение края в целях поиска и добычи нефти, газа, других полезных ископаемых.  Прокладываются и строятся нефте- и газопроводы, дороги, ЛЭП и пр., что, безусловно не может не отразиться негативно на чрезвычайно ранимой природе Севера. Например, вытоптанный или порушенный при движении вездеходов ягель может восстановиться лишь через 7-10 лет. Летний период на Севере кратковременный и, как правило, с малым числом тёплых, солнечных дней. Все эти негативные факторы ведут к сокращению площадей пастбищ и не способствуют росту поголовья оленей, состоянию их здоровья и упитанности


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    The safety of railway operation is associated with the stress state in rails, depending on the applied load (both vertical and lateral load) and on changes in the rail profile associated with wear.The objective of this work is to obtain and describe the dependence of the edge stresses in a rail as a function of wear magnitude. The obtained dependence is used to determine the maximum stresses. The technique consists in constructing a spline approximation of a worn rail profile. The proposed approach allows simulating real rail wear (vertical and lateral wearing). The work has applied in MathCAD environment a practical algorithm for calculating the influence of the degree of rail wear on the increase in the maximum bending stresses and on decrease in permissible loads.A technique has been developed for simulating the profile and calculating the normal contour stresses during rail bending, considering the wear magnitude. It is applied to the movement of a rail wheelset along the rail track in a straight section of the track. The technique also allows considering horizontal lateral force from the wheel flange during movement of various types of rolling stock in curved track sections. Calculations have been carried out and a nonlinear dependence of the growth of maximum compressive and tensile normal stresses on the degree of wear has been obtained. Three characteristic ranges have been identified and recommendations have been given for reducing the destructive load with regard to rail wear.Безопасность эксплуатации железнодорожных путей связана с напряжённым состоянием в рельсах, зависящим от  прикладываемой нагрузки (вертикальной и боковой) и изменений профиля, связанных с износом.Целью настоящей работы является получение зависимости кромочных напряжений в рельсе как функции от величины износа. Полученная зависимость используется для определения максимальных напряжений. Методика заключается в построении сплайн-аппроксимации профиля изношенного рельса. Предложенный подход позволяет моделировать реальный износ рельса (вертикальный и боковой).В работе применён практический алгоритм расчёта в среде MathCAD влияния степени износа рельса на увеличение максимальных напряжений изгиба и снижение допускаемых нагрузок.Разработана методика моделирования профиля ирасчёта контурных нормальных напряжений при изгибе рельса с учётом степени износа. Рассматривается движение колёсной пары в рельсовой колее на прямом участке пути. В то же время методика допускает также учёт горизонтального бокового усилия от гребня колеса при движении различных видов подвижного состава в кривых участках пути.Проведены расчёты и получена нелинейная зависимость роста максимальных сжимающих и растягивающих  нормальных напряжений от степени износа. Выделены три характерных диапазона и даны рекомендации по снижению разрушающей нагрузки с учётом износа рельса

    Thinking Outside a Less Intact Box: Thalamic Dopamine D2 Receptor Densities Are Negatively Related to Psychometric Creativity in Healthy Individuals

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    Several lines of evidence support that dopaminergic neurotransmission plays a role in creative thought and behavior. Here, we investigated the relationship between creative ability and dopamine D2 receptor expression in healthy individuals, with a focus on regions where aberrations in dopaminergic function have previously been associated with psychotic symptoms and a genetic liability to schizophrenia. Scores on divergent thinking tests (Inventiveness battery, Berliner Intelligenz Struktur Test) were correlated with regional D2 receptor densities, as measured by Positron Emission Tomography, and the radioligands [11C]raclopride and [11C]FLB 457. The results show a negative correlation between divergent thinking scores and D2 density in the thalamus, also when controlling for age and general cognitive ability. Hence, the results demonstrate that the D2 receptor system, and specifically thalamic function, is important for creative performance, and may be one crucial link between creativity and psychopathology. We suggest that decreased D2 receptor densities in the thalamus lower thalamic gating thresholds, thus increasing thalamocortical information flow. In healthy individuals, who do not suffer from the detrimental effects of psychiatric disease, this may increase performance on divergent thinking tests. In combination with the cognitive functions of higher order cortical networks, this could constitute a basis for the generative and selective processes that underlie real life creativity

    Roadmap on organic inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices

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    Metal halide perovskites are the first solution processed semiconductors that can compete in their functionality with conventional semiconductors, such as silicon. Over the past several years, perovskite semiconductors have reported breakthroughs in various optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells, photodetectors, light emitting and memory devices, and so on. Until now, perovskite semiconductors face challenges regarding their stability, reproducibility, and toxicity. In this Roadmap, we combine the expertise of chemistry, physics, and device engineering from leading experts in the perovskite research community to focus on the fundamental material properties, the fabrication methods, characterization and photophysical properties, perovskite devices, and current challenges in this field. We develop a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art and offer readers an informed perspective of where this field is heading and what challenges we have to overcome to get to successful commercializatio

    A computer-assisted thin-section study of Lake Baikal sediments: a tool for understanding sedimentary processes and deciphering their climatic signal

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    A freeze-drying technique for cutting thin-sections of soft sediments without disturbance is used to study several Lake Baikal sedimentary microstructures. Image analysis methodology is applied to selected thin-sections. This new technique provides quantification of the size, shape, orientation and packing of the objects forming the sedimentary structures. Sedimentary processes. which were previously poorly documented, have been identified, and others are better understood. Spheroidal lens-like pure aggregates of the diatom genus Synedra are found in hemipelagic sediments, providing a new insight into their traditional paleoecological interpretation. They are possibly related to a transportation mechanism from the littoral zone or to lacustrine snow. Laminae of Aulacoseira have also been recorded. Evidence of rapid sedimentation suggests they are due to massive algal blooms. The depositional mechanism that was suggested by other studies for explaining the laminations at the Buguldeika uplift is confirmed: the hemipelagic sedimentation is interrupted by terrigenous pulses due to discharge events. The sedimentation rate appears to be increasing during these pulses. Preliminary results from the Academician Ridge show stronger microbioturbation during cold periods. This observation strengthens the hypothesis of intense water circulation during colder times. Thin-section image analysis provides crucial information for deciphering lacustrine records and their regional and palaeoclimatic significance


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    Objective of research. As deer are kept year-round on pasture (in summer in tundra in the northern coast of the Russian arctic; in winter – in forest-tundra and northern taiga), biogeocenosis and natural focality of most parasitic and infectious diseases were formed over the years. That should be considered when developing methods for combating them, and to determine the optimal timing of mass treatment and prevention measures.Materials and methods. The question naturally arises, which living and nonliving components ensure pathogen survivability, contribute to the emergence and spread of infectious and invasive diseases. Each disease is characterized by specific factors requiring careful examination and generalization based on the study of clinical records and epizootic diseases in reindeer of the European North of Russia.Results and discussion. Dominant diseases of reindeer in the European region ofNorthern Russia, requiring greater attention of veterinary experts and against which it is necessary to conduct a regular complex of veterinary, prevention and treatment measures are: anthrax, edemagenosis, cephenomiosis, necrobacillosis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, rabies, leptospirosis, number of helminthoses (strongylatosis, monieziasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, etc.). This is a brucellosis-free region, and for many tens years no outbreaks of FMD were reported.  The vast majority of the tundra is located in the permafrost zone; the area is dotted with numerous canals, lakes, rivers, streams, marshes, between which in summer on shallow layered soil, grow bushes of willow, dwarf birch, berries, grass and lichen, the main food of deer. The fauna of the tundra is rich and diverse. Here live wolves, foxes, bears, rodents (lemmings, mice), rabbits, birds (geese, ducks, partridges, gulls) and other animals. In summer, "clouds" of midges (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, flies) are flying in the air. In the region, there are still places virtually untouched by man.  However, in recent years, intensive industrial development of the region began to carry out exploration and extraction of oil, gas and other minerals. Oil and gas pipelines, roads, power lines are built which certainly cannot affect negatively the extremely vulnerable nature of the North. For example, reindeer moss trampled or torn down by moving offroaders can be restored only after 7-10 years. Summer season in the North is a very short period, there are usually few warm and sunny days. These negative factors lead to reduced pastures and do not contribute to the growth of the deer population, their health status and fatness

    External controls on modern clastic turbidite systems : three case studies

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    Three case studies are used to exemplify the wide variety of controlling factors that combine to influence the development of modern turbidite systems, and how these vary with location and time. For example, Cascadia Basin in the Pacific Ocean off western North America, which is underlain by the Cascadia Subduction Zone, exhibits the dominant tectonic control of earthquake triggering for turbidity currents, the increased sediment-supply effects of the Mt. Mazama catastrophic volcanic eruption in 7626 yr B.P., the glacial climatic and sea-level lowstand control on rapid turbidite-system growth rates, and the recent anthropogenic control that reduces sediment supply rates. Lake Baikal in Russia shows how the rift-basin tectonic setting controls the number and type of sediment input points, the amount of sediment supply, and the consequent types of turbidite systems developed along different margins of the Baikal basin. Pleistocene glacial climatic changes, without changes in lake base level, causes increased sediment input and the rapid growth rate of Baikal turbidite systems that is three to five times greater than that during the Holocene interglacial climate. The Ebro turbidite systems in the northwest Mediterranean Sea exhibit control of system types by the Messinian salinity-crisis lowstand, of channel locations by oceanographic current patterns, and of sediment-supply increase by glacial climatic changes as well as recent decrease by anthropogenic changes.Both active-margin and passive-margin settings have some common controls such as climatic and sea-level changes, and develop similar types of turbidite systems such as base-of-slope aprons, submarine fans, and deep-sea or axial channels. Each margin also has specific local controlling factors, for example the volcanic events in Cascadia Basin, glacial climatic without erosional base-level control in Lake Baikal, and the Messinian extreme lowstand in the Mediterranean Sea. Comparison of modern turbidite systems points out new insights on external controls such as importance of: (1) earthquakes for triggering turbidity currents on active tectonic margins, (2) equal or greater Pleistocene climatic control compared to lowered base level for sediment supply, (3) direct glacial sediment input that results in doubled proximal channel size, (4) greatly reduced deposition rates in drained compared to ponded turbidite basins, (5) importance of ocean currents on location of turbidite systems and channel development, and (6) anthropogenic effects from river damming during the last century that sometimes reduces present sediment supply to turbidite systems by orders of magnitude