65 research outputs found

    Phenomenological Constraints on Axion Models of Dynamical Dark Matter

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    In two recent papers (arXiv:1106.4546, arXiv:1107.0721), we introduced "dynamical dark matter" (DDM), a new framework for dark-matter physics in which the requirement of stability is replaced by a delicate balancing between lifetimes and cosmological abundances across a vast ensemble of individual dark-matter components whose collective behavior transcends that normally associated with traditional dark-matter candidates. We also presented an explicit model involving axions in large extra spacetime dimensions, and demonstrated that this model has all of the features necessary to constitute a viable realization of the general DDM framework. In this paper, we complete our study by performing a general analysis of all phenomenological constraints which are relevant to this bulk-axion DDM model. Although the analysis in this paper is primarily aimed at our specific DDM model, many of our findings have important implications for bulk axion theories in general. Our analysis can also serve as a prototype for phenomenological studies of theories in which there exist large numbers of interacting and decaying particles.Comment: 48 pages, LaTeX, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Cosmological Constraints on Neutrino Injection

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    We derive general constraints on the relic abundances of a long-lived particle which mainly decays into a neutrino (and something else) at cosmological time scales. Such an exotic particle may show up in various particle-physics models based on physics beyond the standard model. The constraints are obtained from big-bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background and diffuse neutrino and photon fluxes, depending on the lifetime and the electromagnetic and hadronic branching ratios.Comment: 33 pages, 23 figure

    The COMPTEL instrumental line background

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    The instrumental line background of the Compton telescope COMPTEL onboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory is due to the activation and/or decay of many isotopes. The major components of this background can be attributed to eight individual isotopes, namely 2D, 22Na, 24Na, 28Al, 40K, 52Mn, 57Ni, and 208Tl. The identification of instrumental lines with specific isotopes is based on the line energies as well as on the variation of the event rate with time, cosmic-ray intensity, and deposited radiation dose during passages through the South-Atlantic Anomaly. The characteristic variation of the event rate due to a specific isotope depends on its life-time, orbital parameters such as the altitude of the satellite above Earth, and the solar cycle. A detailed understanding of the background contributions from instrumental lines is crucial at MeV energies for measuring the cosmic diffuse gamma-ray background and for observing gamma-ray line emission in the interstellar medium or from supernovae and their remnants. Procedures to determine the event rate from each background isotope are described, and their average activity in spacecraft materials over the first seven years of the mission is estimated.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 22 pages, 21 figure

    Compton Heating of the Intergalactic Medium by the Hard X-ray Background

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    High-resolution hydrodynamics simulations of the Ly-alpha forest in cold dark matter dominated cosmologies appear to predict line widths that are substantially narrower than those observed. Here we point out that Compton heating of the intergalactic gas by the hard X-ray background (XRB), an effect neglected in all previous investigations, may help to resolve this discrepancy. The rate of gain in thermal energy by Compton scattering will dominate over the energy input from hydrogen photoionization if the XRB energy density is 0.2x/ times higher than the energy density of the UV background at a given epoch, where x is the hydrogen neutral fraction in units of 1e-6 and is the mean X-ray photon energy in units of m_ec^2. The numerical integration of the time-dependent rate equations shows that the intergalactic medium approaches a temperature of about 1.5e4 K at z>3 in popular models for the redshift evolution of the extragalactic background radiation. The importance of Compton heating can be tested experimentally by measuring the Ly-alpha line-width distribution as a function of redshift, thus the Lyman-alpha forest may provide a useful probe of the evolution of the XRB at high redshifts.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 2 figures, final version to be published in the Ap

    The Contribution of Blazars to the Extragalactic Diffuse Gamma-ray Background and Their Future Spatial Resolution

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    We examine the constraints on the luminosity-dependent density evolution model for the evolution of blazars given the observed spectrum of the diffuse gamma-ray background (DGRB), blazar source-count distribution, and the blazar spectral energy distribution sequence model, which relates the observed the blazar spectrum to its luminosity. We show that the DGRB observed by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) aboard the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope can be produced entirely by gamma-ray emission from blazars and nonblazar active galactic nuclei, and that our blazar evolution model is consistent with and constrained by the spectrum of the DGRB and flux source-count distribution function of blazars observed by Fermi-LAT. Our results are consistent with previous work that used EGRET spectral data to forecast the Fermi-LAT DGRB. The model includes only three free parameters, and forecasts that >~ 95% of the flux from blazars will be resolved into point sources by Fermi-LAT with 5 years of observation, with a corresponding reduction of the flux in the DGRB by a factor of ~2 to 3 (95% confidence level), which has implications for the Fermi-LAT's sensitivity to dark matter annihilation photons.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; v3: minor changes, matches version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    MeV sterile neutrinos in low reheating temperature cosmological scenarios

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    It is commonly assumed that the cosmological and astrophysical bounds on the mixings of sterile with active neutrinos are much more stringent than those obtained from laboratory measurements. We point out that in scenarios with a very low reheating temperature T_RH << 100 MeV at the end of (the last episode of) inflation or entropy creation, the abundance of sterile neutrinos becomes largely suppressed with respect to that obtained within the standard framework. Thus, in this case cosmological bounds become much less stringent than usually assumed, allowing sterile neutrinos to be ``visible'' in future experiments. Here, we concentrate on massive (mostly sterile) neutrinos heavier than 1 MeV.Comment: 14 pp, 7 fig

    MeV measurements of gamma-ray bursts by CGRO-COMPTEL

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    Since the launch of the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory in April 1991, the imaging COMPTEL telescope has accumulated positions and 0.75–30 MeV spectra of more than thirty gamma-ray bursts within its ∼π sr field of view. In an ongoing collaboration with BACODINE/GCN, COMPTEL positions are relayed to a global network of multiwavelength observers in near real time (∼10 minutes). Here we summarize the MeV properties, and present spatial, spectral, and temporal data for the latest of these events, GRB 970807. In concurrence with earlier SMM and current BATSE, OSSE, and EGRET measurements, COMPTEL data add to the accumulating evidence that GRB spectra do seem to have a characteristic shape: a peak (inE2F(E) ) around several hundred keV; and a power law above (spectral index 1.5–3.5) extending beyond the COMPTEL energy range

    The Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background from Supernovae

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    The Cosmic Gamma-ray Background (CGB) in the MeV region is believed to be due to photons from radioactivity produced in SNe throughout the history of galaxies in the universe. In particular, gamma-ray line emission from the decay chain 56Ni-> 56Co->56Fe provides the dominant photon source. Although iron synthesis occurs in all types of SNe, the contribution to the CGB is dominated by SNIa events due to their higher photon escape probabilities. Estimates of the star formation history in the universe suggest a rapid increase by a factor \~ 10 from the present to a redshift z_p ~ 1.5, beyond which it either remains constant or decreases slowly. We integrate the observed star formation history to determine the CGB from the corresponding SN rate history. In addition to gamma-rays from short-lived radioactivity in SNIa and SNII/Ibc we also calculate the minor contributions from long-lived radioactivities (26Al, 44Ti, 60Co, and electron-positron pair annihilation). Although progenitor evolution for SNIa is not yet fully understood, various arguments suggest delays of order 1-2 Gy between star formation and the production of SNIa's. The effect of this delay on the CGB is discussed. We emphasize the value of gamma-ray observations of the CGB in the MeV range as an independent tool for studies of the cosmic star formation history. If the delay between star formation and SNIa activity exceeds 1 Gy substantially, and/or the peak of the cosmic star formation rate occurs at a redshift much larger than unity, the gamma-ray production of SNIa would be insufficient to explain the observed CGB. Alternatively, the cosmic star formation rate would have to be higher (by a factor 2-3) than commonly assumed, which is in accord with several upward revisions reported in the recent literature.Comment: Minor changes, 26 pages, 9 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Cosmological Constraints on Theories with Large Extra Dimensions

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    In theories with large extra dimensions, constraints from cosmology lead to non-trivial lower bounds on the fundamental scale M_F, corresponding to upper bounds on the radii of the compact extra dimensions. These constraints are especially relevant to the case of two extra dimensions, since only if M_F is 10 TeV or less do deviations from the standard gravitational force law become evident at distances accessible to planned sub-mm gravity experiments. By examining the graviton decay contribution to the cosmic diffuse gamma radiation, we derive, for the case of two extra dimensions, a conservative bound M_F > 110 TeV, corresponding to r_2 < 5.1 times 10^-5 mm, well beyond the reach of these experiments. We also consider the constraint coming from graviton overclosure of the universe and derive an independent bound M_F > 6.5 h^(-1/2) TeV, or r_2 < .015 h mm.Comment: 10 pages, references adde

    Cosmic constraints rule out s-wave annihilation of light dark matter

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    Light dark matter annihilating into electron-positron pairs emits a significant amount of internal bremsstrahlung that may contribute to the cosmic gamma-ray background. The amount of emitted gamma-rays depends on the dark matter clumping factor. Recent calculations indicate that this value should be of order 106−10710^6-10^7. That allows us to calculate the expected gamma-ray background contribution from dark matter annihilation. We find that the light dark matter model can be ruled out if a constant thermally-averaged cross section is assumed (s-wave annihilation). For more massive dark matter candidates like neutralinos, however, cosmic constraints are weaker.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted at PR
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