1,219 research outputs found

    Innovation networks in China, Japan, and Korea : evidence from Japanese patent data

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    The growing importance of innovation in economic growth has encouraged the development of innovation capabilities in East Asia, within which China, Japan, and Korea are most important in terms of technological capabilities. Using Japanese patent data, we examine how knowledge networks have developed among these countries. We find that Japan's technological specialization saw little change, but those of Korea and China changed rapidly since 1970s. By the year 2009, technology specialization has become similar across three countries in the sense that the common field of prominent technology is "electronic circuits and communication technologies". Patent citations suggest that technology flows were largest in the electronic technology, pointing to the deepening of innovation networks in these countries.East Asia, China, South Korea, Japan, Technological innovations, Industrial technology, Patents, Technology transfer, Electronics, Telecommunication, Innovation network, Patent statistics

    The 3-D image recognition based on fuzzy neural network technology

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    Three dimensional stereoscopic image recognition system based on fuzzy-neural network technology was developed. The system consists of three parts; preprocessing part, feature extraction part, and matching part. Two CCD color camera image are fed to the preprocessing part, where several operations including RGB-HSV transformation are done. A multi-layer perception is used for the line detection in the feature extraction part. Then fuzzy matching technique is introduced in the matching part. The system is realized on SUN spark station and special image input hardware system. An experimental result on bottle images is also presented

    Innovation networks in China, Japan, and Korea : further evidence from U.S. patent data

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    The growing importance of innovation in economic growth has encouraged the development of innovation capabilities in East Asia, within which China, Japan, and Korea are most important in terms of technological capabilities. Using U.S. patent data, we examine how knowledge networks have developed among these countries. We find that Japan\u27s technological specialization saw gradual changes, but those of Korea and China changed rapidly since 1970s. By the year 2009, technology specialization has become similar across three countries in the sense that the common fields of prominent technology are electronics and semiconductors. Patent citations suggest that technology flows were largest in the electronics technology, pointing to the deepening of innovation networks in these countries. Together with our prior work, the Japanese and U.S. data produce similar conclusions about innovation networks

    Shape-driven segmentation of the arterial wall in intravascular ultrasound images

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    Segmentation of arterial wall boundaries from intravascular images is an important problem for many applications in the study of plaque characteristics, mechanical properties of the arterial wall, its 3D reconstruction, and its measurements such as lumen size, lumen radius, and wall radius. We present a shape-driven approach to segmentation of the arterial wall from intravascular ultrasound images in the rectangular domain. In a properly built shape space using training data, we constrain the lumen and media-adventitia contours to a smooth, closed geometry, which increases the segmentation quality without any tradeoff with a regularizer term. In addition to a shape prior, we utilize an intensity prior through a non-parametric probability density based image energy, with global image measurements rather than pointwise measurements used in previous methods. Furthermore, a detection step is included to address the challenges introduced to the segmentation process by side branches and calcifications. All these features greatly enhance our segmentation method. The tests of our algorithm on a large dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    A Heuristic Method of Logical Topology Reconfiguration in IP/WDM Optical Networks

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    Innovation networks in China, Japan, and Korea : evidence from Japanese patent data

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    The growing importance of innovation in economic growth has encouraged the development of innovation capabilities in East Asia, within which China, Japan, and Korea are most important in terms of technological capabilities. Using Japanese patent data, we examine how knowledge networks have developed among these countries. We find that Japan\u27s technological specialization saw little change, but those of Korea and China changed rapidly since 1970s. By the year 2009, technology specialization has become similar across three countries in the sense that the common field of prominent technology is "electronic circuits and communication technologies". Patent citations suggest that technology flows were largest in the electronic technology, pointing to the deepening of innovation networks in these countries

    Spontaneous Diaphragm Buckling Control Process on Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Microsensors for High Sensitivity

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    AbstractA new fabrication process has been proposed for high sensitivity piezoelectric ultrasonic microsensors based on spontaneous diaphragm buckling. The buckling deflection and direction of the diaphragms strongly affect the sensitivity of the sensors; upward-deflected diaphragms cause higher sensitivity. The sensor has a tensile piezoelectric layer and a compressive thermally oxidized silicon layer in the diaphragm and the buckling behavior is determined by the combination of the stresses. The fabrication process of the piezoelectric layer has been optimized for yield of spontaneously upward buckling and height of the buckling deflection. Totally the diaphragms over 90% of fabricated 196 ones buckle spontaneously upward with deflection over 5 sensors on them higher sensitivity by 6.7 times on average than that on flat ones

    High-resolution 3D imaging method using chirped optical frequency combs based on convolution analysis of the spectral interference fringe

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    We applied an imaging optical system and convolution analysis to a one-shot 3D imaging method with a chirped optical frequency comb to greatly improve the transverse spatial resolution and depth accuracy. We obtained the high contrast spectral interference of a diffusive surface using the designed lens system and developed a simple and robust analysis technique using convolution of an obtained the interference fringe. The developed method was demonstrated to realize submicron-level uncertainty for the depth measurement. When applied to the surface structure of a coin, it demonstrated a transverse spatial resolution of 8.98 lp/mm and depth resolution of 0.35 ”m


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    Japanese immigration to Brazil gave rise to a variety of Japanese language distinct from that spoken in the Japanese archipelago. One of the characteristics of the speech of the Japanese immigrants and their descendants in the Federal District is the presence of the aspect morphemes –yor and –tor, which are seen in verb constructions such as mi-yor-u, mi-tor-u ‘look-asp.npsd’. The presence of these morphemes in the Japanese language spoken in Brazil is confirmed by preliminary surveys of what is called, in this research, the Brazilian Variety of the Japanese Language (BVJL), such as Takano (2013) and Ferreira (2009). The present paper has as its aim the description of the use and distribution of these aspect morphemes in BVJL. The source of the analysis was collected through the solicitation to collaborators for comment on the video “Pear Stories”. 34 Japanese Brazilians, made up of immigrants, children and grandchildren of immigrants residing in the Federal District, took part in this research. The occurrences of the -yor morpheme gave verbs a progressive aspect reading, whereas the -tor morpheme oscillated between a progressive and a resultative reading according to the transitivity of the verb to which it’s affixed, with exceptions in a few verbs.A imigração japonesa no Brasil deu origem a uma variedade da lĂ­ngua japonesa distinta daquela falada no arquipĂ©lago japonĂȘs. Uma das caracterĂ­sticas do falar dos imigrantes japoneses e seus descendentes residentes no Distrito Federal Ă© a presença dos morfemas aspectuais –yor e –tor que sĂŁo vistas em construçÔes verbais como mi-yor-u, mi-tor-u ‘ver-asp-npsd’. A presença destes morfemas na lĂ­ngua japonesa falada no Brasil Ă© confirmada em levantamentos preliminares do que Ă© denominado, nesta pesquisa, de Variedade Brasileira da LĂ­ngua Japonesa (VBLJ) como os de Takano (2013) e de Ferreira (2009). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o uso e a distribuição destes morfemas aspectuais na VBLJ. A fonte da anĂĄlise foi coletada solicitando aos colaboradores a narrativa do vĂ­deo Pear Stories. Participaram desta pesquisa, 34 nipo-brasileiros compostos por imigrantes, filhos e netos de imigrantes japoneses residentes no Distrito Federal. As ocorrĂȘncias do morfema –yor deram aos verbos uma leitura aspectual progressiva, enquanto o morfema –tor oscilou entre leitura progressiva e resultativa de acordo com a transitividade do verbo ao qual se afixa com exceçÔes em alguns verbos
